Pojasnilo | 11. 6. 2024 |
ISSN | Revija | Založnik/Izdajatelj | Št. čl. v COBIB.SI (2014) | Odprti dostop |
1387-246X | ?De ?nieuwste tijd | Vereniging voor de Geschiedenis van de Twintigste Eeuw.; Stichting Nieuwste Tijd. | 0 | |
1135-4712 | 'Ilu | Servicio de Publicaciones, Universidad Complutense. | 0 | |
1698-1014 | 'Ilu (e-vir) | Universidad Complutense de Madrid. Instituto Universitario de Ciencias de las Religiones | 0 | |
1988-3269 | 'Ilu | Universidad Complutense, Servicio de Publicaciones | 0 | |
0220-5610 | [Cahiers victoriens & édouardiens] | Université Paul-Valéry, Centre d'études et de recherches Victoriennes et édouardiennes | 0 | |
0248-8191 | [Débat. Supplément] | Théâtre de Corbeil-Essonnes. | 0 | |
0761-3571 | [La Revue des lettres modernes. Gustave Flaubert] | Lettres modernes, | 0 | |
0153-0313 | [Lengas] | Centre d'études occitanes | 0 | |
0080-2549 | [Revue des études arméniennes] | Klincksieck; Association de la Revue des études arméniennes; Association de la Revue des études arméniennes | 0 | |
0982-0582 | [Rio de la Plata] | Centro de estudios de literaturas y civilizaciones del Rio de la Plata. | 0 | |
0760-9353 | [Studiolo] | Navarin; diff. Le Seuil | 0 | |
0182-5887 | [Verbum] | Université de Nancy II | 0 | |
0874-8438 | <The >bulletin of portuguese - japanese studies | Centro de História de Além-Mar | 0 | |
0148-2076 | 19th century music | University of California Press | 0 | ✔ |
1533-8606 | 19th-century music (e-vir) | University of California Press | 0 | ✔ |
0955-2359 | 20 century British history | Oxford University Press | 0 | |
1534-3219 | 21st century music | 21st-Century Music | 0 | |
1145-2153 | 48-14 | Musée d'Orsay (Paris) | 0 | |
1128-7209 | A.I.O.N. Annali dell'Istituto Universitario Orientale di Napoli. Dipartimento di studi del mondo classico e del Mediterraneo Antico. Sezione filologico-letteraria | Edizioni dell'Ateneo,; Istituti Editoriali e Poligrafici Internazionali | 0 | |
1724-6172 | A.I.O.N. Annali dell'Istituto Universitario Orientale di Napoli. Dipartimento di studi del mondo classico e del Mediterraneo Antico. Sezione filologico-letteraria | Istituti Editoriali e Poligrafici Internazionali | 0 | |
1824-6176 | AAA TAC, Acoustical arts and artifacts. Technology, aesthetics, communication | Accademia editoriale | 0 | |
1825-3873 | AAA TAC, Acoustical arts and artifacts. Technology, aesthetics, communication | Istituti Editoriali e Poligrafici Internazionali | 0 | |
0515-0612 | Aachener Kunstblätter | DuMont Schauberg | 0 | |
0261-6823 | AA files | Architectural Association. | 0 | |
0084-585X | Aarbøger for nordisk oldkyndighed og historie | Det Kongelige Nordiske Oldskriftselskab | 0 | |
0567-560X | Academia | Real Academia de Bellas Artes de San Fernando | 0 | |
0001-4273 | Academy of Management journal | Academy of Management. | 1 | ✔ |
0958-5206 | Accounting, business and financial history | Routledge | 0 | |
1466-4275 | Accounting, business and financial history (e-vir) | Chapman & Hall | 0 | |
2282-0035 | Acme (e-vir) | Università degli studi, Facoltà di lettere e filosofia | 0 | ✔ |
0001-494X | ACME | Università degli studi di Milano | 0 | ✔ |
1585-1923 | Across languages and cultures | Akadémiai Kiadó | 0 | ✔ |
1588-2519 | Across languages and cultures (e-vir) | Akadémiai Kiadó | 0 | ✔ |
1610-1928 | Acta acustica united with Acustica | S. Hirzel | 0 | |
1861-9959 | Acta acustica united with Acustica (e-vir) | Hirzel | 0 | |
Y504-7927 | Acta acustica united with Acustica | S. Hirzel | 0 | |
1874-6349 | Acta analytica (e-vir) | Springer | 0 | ✔ |
0044-5975 | Acta antiqua Academiae Scientiarum Hungaricae | Akadémiai Kiadó | 0 | ✔ |
1588-2543 | Acta antiqua Academiae Scientiarum Hungaricae | Akadémiai Kiadó | 0 | ✔ |
0065-1044 | Acta Baltico-Slavica | Zakład Narodowy im. Ossolińskich | 0 | ✔ |
2392-2389 | Acta Baltico-Slavica (e-vir) | Institute of Slavic Studies of the Polish Academy of Sciences | 0 | ✔ |
0065-1141 | Acta classica | Balkema | 0 | |
2227-538X | Acta classica (e-vir) | Classical Association of South Africa | 0 | |
0418-453X | Acta Classica Universitatis Scientiarum Debreceniensis | [Universitas] | 0 | |
0231-5955 | Acta comeniana | Academia | 0 | |
1588-2586 | Acta ethnographica Hungarica (e-vir) | Akadémiai Kiadó | 0 | ✔ |
1216-9803 | Acta Ethnographica Hungarica | Akadémiai Kiadó | 0 | ✔ |
0001-5830 | Acta historiae artium | Akadémiai Kiadó | 0 | ✔ |
1588-2608 | Acta historiae artium Academiae Scientiarum Hungaricae | Akadémiai Kiadó | 0 | ✔ |
1211-958X | Acta historiae rerum naturalium nec non technicarum. New Series | Národní technické muzeum | 0 | |
1406-2925 | Acta historica Tallinnensia | Tallinna Ülikool.; Eesti Teaduste Akadeemia; Ajaloo Instituut | 0 | |
1736-7476 | Acta historica Tallinnensia (e-vir) | Teaduste Akadeemia Kirjastus | 0 | |
0904-2067 | Acta hyperborea | Collegium hyperboreum. | 0 | |
1949-0763 | Acta linguistica hafniensia (e-vir) | Routledge, Taylor & Francis | 0 | ✔ |
0374-0463 | Acta Linguistica Hafniensia | Linguistic Circle of Copenhagen | 0 | ✔ |
1216-8076 | Acta linguistica Hungarica | Akadémiai Kiadó | 0 | |
1588-2624 | Acta linguistica Hungarica (e-vir) | Akadémiai Kiadó; [Kluwer Academic Publishers] | 0 | |
0716-0909 | Acta literaria | Departamento de Español, Universidad de Concepción | 0 | |
0717-6848 | Acta literaria (e-vir) | Departamento de Español, Universidad de Concepción | 0 | |
0001-6233 | Acta Mozartiana | Deutsche Mozart-Gesellschaft e.V. | 0 | |
0001-6241 | Acta musicologica | Société Internationale de Musicologie = Internationale Gesellschaft für Musikwissenschaft = International Musicological Society | 0 | |
2296-4339 | Acta musicologica (e-vir) | Breitkopf & Härtel | 0 | |
1211-4413 | Acta onomastica | Ústav pro jazyk český AV ČR | 0 | |
0567-7874 | Acta organologica | Merseburger. | 0 | |
0001-6438 | Acta Orientalia | Munksgaard | 0 | |
1588-2667 | Acta orientalia Academiae Scientiarum Hungaricae | Akadémiai Kiadó | 0 | ✔ |
0001-6446 | Acta Orientalia Academiae Scientiarum Hungaricae | Akadémiai Kiadó | 0 | ✔ |
1121-2179 | Acta philosophica | Armando Editore. | 0 | ✔ |
1825-6562 | Acta philosophica (e-vir) | Istituti editoriali e poligrafici internazionali | 0 | ✔ |
0355-1792 | Acta philosophica Fennica | Societas philosophica Fennica; North-Holland | 0 | ✔ |
0001-6829 | Acta Poloniae Historica | Zakład Narodowy im. Ossolińskich, Oddział w Warszawie | 0 | |
0001-690X | Acta psychiatrica Scandinavica | Munksgaard | 0 | ✔ |
1600-0447 | Acta psychiatrica Scandinavica (e-vir) | Munksgaard | 0 | ✔ |
0001-6918 | Acta psychologica | Nijhoff; North-Holland | 1 | ✔ |
1873-6297 | Acta psychologica | Elsevier Science | 0 | |
1104-3431 | Acta Sueco-Polonica | Uppsala Universitet.; Szkoła Wyższa Psychologii Społecznej (Warszawa).; Uniwersytet Humanistycznospołeczny Szkoła Wyższa Psychologii Społecznej (Warszawa). | 0 | |
1015-8758 | Acta theologica | Teologiese Fakulteit, Universiteit van die Oranje Vrystaat, Teologiese Fakulteit | 0 | ✔ |
2309-9089 | Acta theologica (e-vir) | Faculty of Theology, University of the Free State | 0 | ✔ |
0567-8269 | Acta Universitatis Carolinae | Univerzita Karlova | 0 | |
1213-4449 | Acta Universitatis Carolinae | Karolinum | 0 | |
2464-6830 | Acta Universitatis Carolinae. Philologica (e-vir) | Univerzita Karlova v Praze, Nakladatelství Karolinum | 0 | |
0567-8293 | Acta Universitatis Carolinae. Philosophica et historica | Karolinum; Karlova universita v Praze | 0 | |
2464-7055 | Acta Universitatis Carolinae. Philosophica et historica (e-vir) | Karolinum | 0 | |
2336-3231 | Acta Universitatis Carolinae. Studia territorialia (e-vir) | Univerzita Karlova v Praze, Fakulta sociálních věd, Institut mezinárodních studií | 0 | |
2392-1250 | Acta Universitatis Nicolai Copernici (e-vir) | Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Mikołaja Kopernika | 0 | |
0208-533X | Acta Universitatis Nicolai Copernici. Nauki Humanistyczno- Społeczne. Zabytkoznawstwo i Konserwatorstwo | Uniwersytet Mikołaja Kopernika | 0 | ✔ |
0860-0716 | Acta Universitatis Wratislaviensis | Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Wrocławskiego | 0 | |
1126-6244 | Adamantius | Pazzini editore; Morcelliana | 0 | |
1755-0637 | Adaptation | Oxford University Press | 0 | ✔ |
1755-0645 | Adaptation (e-vir) | Oxford University Press | 0 | ✔ |
1059-7123 | Adaptive behavior | MIT Press | 0 | ✔ |
1741-2633 | Adaptive behavior (e-vir) | MIT Press | 0 | ✔ |
0965-2140 | Addiction | Carfax | 0 | ✔ |
1360-0443 | Addiction (e-vir) | Carfax | 0 | ✔ |
1476-7392 | Addiction research & theory (e-vir) | Gordon and Breach | 0 | ✔ |
1606-6359 | Addiction research & theory | Harwood Academic Publishers; Informa Healthcare | 0 | ✔ |
0306-4603 | Addictive behaviors | Pergamon Press. | 0 | ✔ |
1873-6327 | Addictive Behaviors (e-vir) | Pergamon Press | 0 | ✔ |
1638-9867 | Aden | Groupe interdisciplinaire d'études nizaniennes | 0 | |
0001-8392 | Administrative science quarterly | Cornell University; Sage | 0 | ✔ |
1930-3815 | Administrative science quarterly (e-vir) | Cornell University, Graduate School of Business and Public Administration | 0 | ✔ |
0001-8449 | Adolescence | Libra Publishers | 0 | |
1722-3954 | Ad Parnassum | Ut Orpheus | 0 | |
0342-7633 | Adult education and development | Institut für Internationale Zusammenarbeit des Deutschen Volkshochschul-Verbandes | 0 | |
0741-7136 | Adult education quarterly | American Association for Adult and Continuing Education | 0 | ✔ |
1552-3047 | Adult education quarterly | American Association for Adult and Continuing Education | 0 | ✔ |
1045-1595 | Adult learning | American Association for Adult & Continuing Education | 0 | ✔ |
2162-4070 | Adult learning (e-vir) | American Association for Adult & Continuing Education | 0 | ✔ |
0065-2407 | Advances in child development and behavior | Academic Press | 0 | |
0065-2601 | Advances in experimental social psychology | Academic Press | 0 | |
1557-8410 | Advances in experimental social psychology (e-vir) | Academic Press | 0 | |
1382-4996 | Advances in health sciences education (e-vir) | Kluwer Online | 0 | ✔ |
1573-1677 | Advances in health sciences education (e-vir) | Kluwer | 0 | ✔ |
1441-7049 | Advances in speech language pathology | Singular Pub. Group | 0 | |
1742-9528 | Advances in speech-language pathology (e-vir) | Speech Pathology Association of Australia. | 0 | |
0001-9046 | Aegyptus | Vita e Pensiero | 0 | |
1827-7888 | Aegyptus | Vita e Pensiero | 0 | |
0237-7934 | Aetas | JATE | 0 | |
1587-1258 | Aetas (e-vir) | Aetas Egyesület | 0 | |
1786-9943 | Aetas (e-vir) | Aetas Egyesület :; Arcanum, | 0 | |
1430-1938 | Aethiopica | Harrassowitz | 0 | |
2194-4024 | Aethiopica (e-vir) | Hamburg Univ. Press | 0 | |
0001-9593 | Aevum | Vita e Pensiero | 0 | |
1827-787X | Aevum (e-vir) | Vita e Pensiero | 0 | |
1121-8932 | Aevum antiquum | Vita e pensiero | 0 | |
0250-4650 | Afer | AMECEA Pastoral Institute. | 0 | |
0886-1099 | Affilia | Feminist Press | 0 | ✔ |
1552-3020 | Affilia (e-vir) | Sage Publications | 0 | ✔ |
0001-9720 | Africa | International African Institute | 0 | ✔ |
1750-0184 | Africa (e-vir) | Cambridge University Press | 0 | ✔ |
1062-4783 | African American review | Dept. of English, Indiana State University | 0 | ✔ |
1945-6182 | African American review (e-vir) | Dept. of English, Indiana State University | 0 | ✔ |
1569-2094 | African and Asian studies | Brill | 0 | ✔ |
1569-2108 | African and Asian studies | Brill | 0 | ✔ |
0001-9933 | African arts | African Studies Center, University of California, Los Angeles | 0 | ✔ |
1937-2108 | African arts = (e-vir) | African Studies Center, University of California, Los Angeles | 0 | ✔ |
1013-171X | African Christian studies | Faculty of Theology of the Catholic Higher Institute of Eastern Africa.; C.H.I.E.A.; Catholic Higher Institute of Eastern Africa. | 0 | |
0145-2258 | African economic history | African Studies Center, Boston University, etc.] | 0 | |
2163-9108 | African economic history (e-vir) | African Studies Program, University of Wisconsin | 0 | |
0065-4019 | African music | African Music Society | 0 | |
0002-0206 | African studies review | African Studies Association | 0 | ✔ |
1555-2462 | African studies review (e-vir) | African Studies Center, Michigan State University | 0 | ✔ |
0856-0048 | Africa theological journal | All Africa Lutheran Churches Information and Coordination Centre. | 0 | |
0002-0427 | Afrika und Übersee | Universität Hamburg; Universität Hamburg; Joachim-Jungius-Gesellschaft der Wissenschaften | 0 | |
2749-0971 | Afrika und Übersee (e-vir) | Abteilung für Afrikanistik und Äthiopistik at Universität Hamburg | 0 | |
1723-0284 | Agalma | Meltemi; Mimesis | 0 | |
1469-1779 | Ageing & society (e-vir) | Cambridge University Press | 0 | ✔ |
0144-686X | Ageing and society | Cambridge University Press | 0 | ✔ |
0002-0796 | Agenda | Poets' and Painters' Press; Agenda and Editions Charitable Trust; Published by The Book Guild ... for Agenda and Editions Charitable Trust | 0 | |
1013-0950 | Agenda | University of Natal. | 0 | ✔ |
2158-978X | Agenda (e-vir) | Agenda Collective | 0 | ✔ |
1359-1789 | Aggression and violent behavior | Elsevier | 0 | ✔ |
1873-6335 | Aggression and Violent Behavior (e-vir) | Pergamon Press | 0 | |
0096-140X | Aggressive behavior | Wiley-Liss, Inc. | 0 | ✔ |
1098-2337 | Aggressive behavior (e-vir) | [A.R. Liss]; Wiley-Liss, Inc. | 0 | ✔ |
1744-4128 | Aging, neuropsychology and cognition (e-vir) | Swets & Zeitlinger Pub | 0 | ✔ |
1360-7863 | Aging & mental health | Carfax | 0 | ✔ |
1364-6915 | Aging & mental health (e-vir) | Carfax International Publishers | 0 | ✔ |
0211-6642 | Ágora | Universidad de Santiago de Compostela; Universidad de Santiago de Compostela | 0 | |
0874-5498 | Ágora | Departamento de Línguas e Culturas [da] Universidade de Aveiro | 0 | ✔ |
2183-4334 | Ágora (e-vir) | Departamento de Línguas e Culturas da Universidade de Aveiro | 0 | ✔ |
0002-1105 | Agrártörténeti szemle | Magyar Tudományos Akadémia.; Mezőgazdasági és Élelmezési Minisztérium Agrártörténeti Bizottsága. | 0 | |
1825-1277 | Agri centuriati | Istituti Editoriali e Poligrafici Internazionali | 0 | ✔ |
1724-904X | Agri Centuriati | Istituti editoriali e poligrafici internazionali | 0 | ✔ |
0002-1482 | Agricultural history | University of California Press | 0 | ✔ |
1533-8290 | Agricultural history (e-vir) | Agricultural History Society | 0 | ✔ |
0002-1490 | Agricultural history review | British Agricultural History Society. | 0 | ✔ |
0889-048X | Agriculture and human values | Humanities and Agriculture Program, Center for Applied Philosophy and Ethics in the Professions, University of Florida | 0 | ✔ |
1572-8366 | Agriculture and human values (e-vir) | Kluwer | 0 | ✔ |
0951-5666 | AI & society | Springer International | 0 | ✔ |
1435-5655 | AI & society (e-vir) | Springer | 0 | ✔ |
0954-0121 | AIDS care | Carfax Publishing Company | 0 | ✔ |
1360-0451 | AIDS care (e-vir) | Carfax International Publishers | 0 | ✔ |
0358-6197 | Aikuiskasvatus | Kansanvalistusseura | 0 | ✔ |
1461-0213 | AILA review | Association Internationale de Linguistique Appliquée; Free University Press; J. Benjamins | 0 | ✔ |
1570-5595 | AILA review | Benjamins | 0 | ✔ |
1243-969X | AILE. Acquisition et interaction en langue étrangère | Encrages (Saint-Denis, Seine-Saint-Denis) | 0 | |
1044-016X | Air power history | Air Force Historical Foundation | 0 | |
2992-9431 | Air power history (e-vir) | Air Force Historical Foundation | 0 | |
2228-3897 | Ajalooline Ajakiri (e-vir) | Tartu Ülikool.; Kleio, ajalookirjanduse sihtasutus. | 0 | |
1406-3859 | Ajalooline Ajakiri = | Ajalookirjanduse Sihtasutus Kleio | 0 | ✔ |
0355-1725 | Ajatus | Suomen filosofinen yhdistys | 0 | ✔ |
0021-969X | A journal of church and state | J. M. Dawson Studies in Church and State, Baylor University | 1 | ✔ |
1133-9837 | Alambique | Graó Educación | 0 | |
0002-4805 | Alberta journal of educational research | Faculty of Education, University of Alberta | 0 | |
0735-0414 | Alcohol and alcoholism | Pergamon | 0 | ✔ |
1464-3502 | Alcohol and alcoholism (e-vir) | Oxford University Press | 0 | ✔ |
1530-0277 | Alcoholism, clinical and experimental research (e-vir) | Lippincott Williams & Wilkins Inc. | 0 | ✔ |
0145-6008 | Alcoholism: clinical and experimental research | Williams & Wilkins | 0 | ✔ |
0904-1664 | Alef | Alef, | 0 | |
0002-5275 | Algemeen Nederlands tijdschrift voor wijsbegeerte | Van Gorcum | 0 | ✔ |
2352-1244 | Algemeen Nederlands tijdschrift voor wijsbegeerte (e-vir) | Amsterdam University Press | 0 | ✔ |
2498-4442 | Alkalmazott nyelvtudomány (e-vir) | Pannon Egy | 0 | |
1587-1061 | Alkalmazott nyelvtudomány / | MTA Nyelvtud. Bizott. Alk. Nyelvész. Munkabiz.,; Pannon Egyetem Alkalmazott Nyelvészeti Tanszék | 0 | |
1122-1887 | Allegoria per uno studio materialistico della letteratura | FAE Riviste | 0 | |
0340-7969 | Allgemeine Zeitschrift für Philosophie | Frommann-Holzboog | 0 | |
0950-3110 | Al-Masaq | Dept. of Modern Arabic Studies, University of Leeds | 0 | ✔ |
1473-348X | Al-Masaq (e-vir) | Carfax Pub. | 0 | ✔ |
0905-4545 | Almen semiotik | Aarhus Universitetsforlag, | 0 | |
0211-3589 | Al-Qantara | Instituto "Miguel Asín" | 0 | ✔ |
1988-2955 | Al-Qantara | [CSIC, Instituto Miguel Asín] | 0 | ✔ |
1286-4986 | ALSIC (e-vir) | [Laboratoire d'informatique de Besançon] | 0 | ✔ |
0569-1338 | Általános nyelvészeti tanulmányok | Akadémiai K. | 0 | |
1249-8947 | Alter | Alter; Alter; diff. J. Vrin | 0 | |
0774-4145 | Alternatives théâtrales | Alternatives théâtrales | 0 | |
1741-1629 | Alt-j (e-vir) | Routledge | 0 | |
0968-7769 | ALT-J | University of Wales Press | 0 | |
0232-8461 | Altorientalische Forschungen | Akad.-Verl. | 0 | ✔ |
2196-6761 | Altorientalische Forschungen (e-vir) | de Gruyter | 0 | |
0942-4555 | Alvíssmál | Verl. für. Wiss. und Bildung Aglaster | 0 | |
0002-6980 | Ambix | Taylor and Francis | 0 | ✔ |
1745-8234 | Ambix (e-vir) | Taylor and Francis] | 0 | ✔ |
0982-9237 | America | Centre de recherches interuniversitaire sur les champs culturels en Amérique latine (Paris) | 0 | |
0002-726X | American annals of the deaf | Executive Committee of the Convention of American Instructors of the Deaf | 0 | ✔ |
1543-0375 | American annals of the deaf (e-vir) | Executive Committee of the Convention of American Instructors of the Deaf | 0 | |
1073-9300 | American art | Oxford University Press; National Museum of American Art, Smithsonian Institution | 0 | ✔ |
1549-6503 | American art (e-vir) | Published by Oxford University Press in association with the National Museum of American Art, Smithsonian Institution | 0 | ✔ |
1051-3558 | American Catholic philosophical quarterly | Philosophy Documentation Center | 0 | ✔ |
2153-8441 | American Catholic philosophical quarterly (e-vir) | Philosophy Documentation Center | 0 | ✔ |
1061-0057 | American drama | American Drama Institute | 0 | |
1935-1011 | American educational research journal (e-vir) | American Educational Research Association | 0 | ✔ |
0002-8312 | American Educational Research Journal | American Educational Research Association | 0 | ✔ |
0362-8914 | American journal of ancient history | s.n. | 0 | |
0002-9114 | American journal of archaeology | Archaeological Institute of America | 0 | ✔ |
1939-828X | American journal of archaeology (e-vir) | Macmillan Co. | 0 | ✔ |
0091-0562 | American journal of community psychology | Plenum Press. | 0 | ✔ |
1573-2770 | American journal of community psychology (e-vir) | Kluwer | 0 | ✔ |
1097-9891 | American journal of drug and alcohol abuse (e-vir) | Taylor & Francis] | 0 | ✔ |
0195-6744 | American journal of education | University of Chicago Press. | 0 | ✔ |
1549-6511 | American journal of education (e-vir) | University of Chicago Press | 0 | ✔ |
1098-2140 | American journal of evaluation | Sage | 0 | ✔ |
1943-362X | American journal of mental retardation (e-vir) | American Association on Mental Retardation. | 0 | |
0002-9432 | American journal of orthopsychiatry | American Orthopsychiatric Association | 0 | ✔ |
1939-0025 | American journal of orthopsychiatry | American Orthopsychiatric Association; Educational Publishing Foundation of the American Psychological Association] | 0 | ✔ |
1094-6098 | American journal of pastoral counseling | Haworth Press, Inc. | 0 | |
0277-7126 | American journal of semiotics | Schenkman Pub. Co. | 0 | ✔ |
2153-2990 | American journal of semiotics | Philosophy Documenation Center | 0 | ✔ |
0895-8017 | American journal on mental retardation | American Association on Mental Retardation | 0 | |
0896-7148 | American literary history | Oxford University Press | 0 | ✔ |
1468-4365 | American literary history (e-vir) | Oxford University Press | 0 | ✔ |
1540-3084 | American literary realism | University of Illinois Press | 0 | |
1940-5103 | American literary realism (e-vir) | University of Illinois Press | 0 | ✔ |
0065-9142 | American literary scholarship (e-vir) | Duke University Press | 0 | ✔ |
1527-2125 | American literary scholarship | Duke University Press | 0 | ✔ |
0002-9831 | American literature | Duke University Press | 0 | ✔ |
1527-2117 | American literature (e-vir) | [Duke University Press] | 0 | ✔ |
0734-4392 | American music | University of Illinois Press | 0 | ✔ |
1945-2349 | American music (e-vir) | Sonneck Society and the University of Illinois Press | 0 | ✔ |
0003-0481 | American philosophical quarterly | Basil Blackwell | 0 | ✔ |
2152-1123 | American philosophical quarterly (e-vir) | Dept. of Philosophy, University of Pittsburgh | 0 | ✔ |
1935-990X | American psychologist | American Psychological Association | 0 | ✔ |
0003-0678 | American quarterly | University of Pennsylvania, etc. | 0 | ✔ |
1080-6490 | American quarterly (e-vir) | University of Minnesota Press for the Program in American Studies at the University of Minnesota | 0 | ✔ |
0003-1283 | American speech | Published by the University of Alabama Press for the American Dialect Society, etc. | 0 | ✔ |
1527-2133 | American speech (e-vir) | Duke University Press | 0 | ✔ |
0340-2827 | Amerikastudien | Fink | 0 | |
2625-2155 | Amerikastudien (e-vir) | 0 | ||
1697-7777 | A mínima | Espacio Publicaciones | 0 | |
0165-7305 | Amsterdamer Beiträge zur älteren Germanistik | Rodopi | 0 | ✔ |
1875-6719 | Amsterdamer Beiträge zur älteren Germanistik | Rodopi | 0 | ✔ |
0304-6257 | Amsterdamer Beiträge zur neueren Germanistik | Rodopi | 0 | |
0169-0221 | Amsterdamer Publikationen zur Sprache und Literatur | Rodopi | 0 | |
1385-2353 | Amsterdam studies in Jewish thought | Gieben ;; Kluwer Academic Publishers ;; Springer | 0 | |
1774-4296 | Anabases | Équipe de recherche sur la réception de l'Antiquité : sources, mémoire, enjeux (Toulouse) | 0 | |
2256-9421 | Anabases (e-vir) | Érasme | 0 | |
0570-0116 | Anadolu/Anatolia | Ankara Üniversitesi | 0 | |
1300-6355 | Anadolu arşivleri | Ankara Üniversitesi DTCF Eski Çaæg Dilleri ve Kültürleri Bölümü.; Dil Tarih ve Coægrafya Fakültesi Eski Çaæg Dilleri ve Kültürleri Bölümü. | 0 | |
0874-9671 | Anais de história de além mar | F.C.S.H. | 0 | ✔ |
2795-4455 | Anais de história de além mar (e-vir) | Centro de História de Além-Mar - Universidade Nova de Lisboa; Centro de História de Além-Mar - Universidade dos Açores | 0 | ✔ |
0392-2855 | Analecta Augustiniana | Institutum-Historicum Ord. S. Augustini. | 0 | |
0003-2468 | Analecta Bollandiana | Société des Bollandistes | 0 | |
0003-2476 | Analecta cisterciensia | Editiones Cistercienses | 0 | |
0066-1376 | Analecta Gregoriana | Università Gregoriana | 0 | |
0791-6167 | Analecta Hibernica | Stationery Office | 0 | |
1122-2336 | Analecta papyrologica | Università di Messina. Facoltà di lettere e filosofia. | 0 | |
0517-6735 | Analecta praemonstratensia | Commissio historica ordinis praemonstratensis. | 0 | |
0066-1392 | Analecta Romana Instituti Danici | Odense University Press | 0 | |
1223-9682 | Analele Brăilei | Editura Istros a Muzeului Brăilei "Carol I" | 0 | |
1221-9975 | Analele Bucovinei | Editura Academiei Române | 0 | |
1221-8448 | Analele ştiinţifice ale Universitæaţii "Al.I. Cuza" din Iaşi | Universitatea "Al.I. Cuza" din Iaşi. | 0 | |
1224-032X | Analele ştiinţifice de istorie "Codrul Cosminului" | Editura Universităţii "Ştefan cel Mare" | 0 | ✔ |
1841-8325 | Analele Universitæaţii din Craiova | Universitaria | 0 | |
1224-5712 | Analele Universităţii din Craiova | Universitaria | 0 | |
2734-7168 | Analele Universităţii din Craiova (e-vir) | Universitaria | 0 | |
1224-5704 | Analele Universitǎţii din Craiova | Universitaria | 0 | |
0569-9878 | Anales cervantinos | Instituto "Miguel de Cervantes"; Instituto de Filología (Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas); Centro de Estudios Cervantinos; Instituto de Lengua, Literatura y Antropología | 0 | ✔ |
1988-8325 | Anales cervantinos | Instituto de Lengua, Literatura y Antropología, CSIC | 0 | ✔ |
0212-6559 | Anales de historia contemporánea | Universidad de Murcia; Patronato Ángel García Rogel (Orihuela (Alicante)) | 0 | |
1989-5968 | Anales de historia contemporánea | Universidad de Murcia, Servicio de Publicaciones | 0 | |
0214-6452 | Anales de historia del arte | UCM, Servicio de Publicaciones | 0 | |
1886-7677 | Anales de historia del arte (e-vir) | Universidad Complutense de Madrid. Departamento de Historia del Arte I (Medieval); Universidad Complutense de Madrid. Departamento de Historia del Arte II (Moderno); Universidad Complutense de Madrid. Departamento de Historia del Arte III (Contemporáneo) | 0 | |
1988-2491 | Anales de historia del arte | Servicio de Publicaciones, Universidad Complutense | 0 | |
0008-7750 | Anales de la Cátedra Francisco Suárez | Universidad de Granada; Universidad de Granada | 0 | |
2530-3716 | Anales de la Cátedra Francisco Suárez (e-vir) | Universidad de Granada, Cátedra Suárez | 0 | |
0864-0491 | Anales del Caribe | Casa de las Américas.; Ministerio de Cultura.; Centro de estudios del Caribe. | 0 | |
0185-1276 | Anales del Instituto de Investigaciones Estéticas | UNAM. Instituto de Investigaciones Estéticas | 0 | |
1870-3062 | Anales del Instituto de Investigaciones Estéticas (e-vir) | UNAM, Instituto de Investigaciones Estéticas | 0 | |
0210-4547 | Anales de literatura hispanoamericana | Servicio de Publicaciones, Universidad Complutense. | 0 | |
1696-909X | Anales de literatura hispanoamericana (e-vir) | UCM. Facultad de Filología. Departamento de Filología Española IV.; Universidad Complutense de Madrid. Facultad de Filología. Departamento de Filología Española IV.; Universidad Complutense de Madrid. Departamento de Filología Española IV. | 0 | |
1988-2351 | Anales de literatura hispanoamericana | Servicio de Publicaciones, Universidad Complutense | 0 | |
0212-9728 | Anales de psicología | Secretariado de Publicaciones e Intercambio Científico, Universidad de Murcia. | 0 | ✔ |
1695-2294 | Anales de psicología | Servicio de Publicaciones de la Universidad de Murcia. | 0 | |
0870-3124 | Análise | GEC Publicações, | 0 | |
0870-8231 | Análise psicológica | Instituto Superior de Psicologia Aplicada | 0 | |
0326-1301 | Análisis filosófico | Sociedad Argentina de Análisis Filosófico | 0 | ✔ |
1851-9636 | Análisis filosófico (e-vir) | Sociedad Argentina de Análisis Filosófico | 0 | ✔ |
1330-0598 | Anali Zavoda za povijesne znanosti Hrvatske akademije znanosti i umjetnosti u Dubrovniku | Hrvatska akademija znanosti i umjetnosti u Zagrebu, Zavod za povijesne znanosti HAZU | 0 | ✔ |
1848-7815 | Anali Zavoda za povijesne znanosti Hrvatske akademije znanosti i umjetnosti u Dubrovniku (e-vir) | Hrvatska akademija znanosti i umjetnosti, Zavod za povijesne znanosti Hrvatske akademije znanosti i umjetnosti | 0 | ✔ |
Y500-3652 | Anali Zavoda za povijesne znanosti Hrvatske akademije znanosti i umjetnosti u Dubrovniku | Hrvatska akademija znanosti i umjetnosti u Zagrebu, Zavod za povijesne znanosti HAZU | 0 | |
0171-5860 | Analyse & Kritik | Westdeutscher Verlag | 0 | ✔ |
2365-9858 | Analyse & Kritik (e-vir) | 0 | ✔ | |
0295-3722 | Analyse musicale | Société française d'analyse musicale | 0 | |
0003-2638 | Analysis | Basil Blackwell | 0 | ✔ |
1467-8284 | Analysis (e-vir) | Blackwell Publishing Ltd | 0 | ✔ |
0066-1546 | Anatolian studies | British Institute at Ankara | 0 | ✔ |
2048-0849 | Anatolian studies (e-vir) | British Institute of Archaeology at Ankara | 0 | ✔ |
0066-1554 | Anatolica | Nederlands Instituut voor het Nabije Oosten | 0 | |
0929-077X | Ancient civilizations from Scythia to Siberia | Brill | 0 | ✔ |
1570-0577 | Ancient civilizations from Scythia to Siberia | Brill | 0 | ✔ |
1568-3540 | Ancient narrative | Barkhuis Publishing ; Groningen :; The University Library | 0 | |
1378-4641 | Ancient near eastern studies | Peeters | 0 | |
1783-1326 | Ancient near eastern studies (e-vir) | Peeters Publishers | 0 | |
0740-2007 | Ancient philosophy | Duquesne University.; Philosophy Documentation Center, | 0 | ✔ |
2154-4689 | Ancient philosophy (e-vir) | [Dept. of Philosophy, Duquesne University] | 0 | ✔ |
0066-1619 | Ancient society | Ancient society. Afdeling Oude geschiedenis. Katholieke Universiteit | 0 | |
1783-1334 | Ancient society (e-vir) | Peeters Publishers | 0 | |
1570-1921 | Ancient West & East | Brill | 0 | |
0212-159X | Andalucía islámica. Textos y estudios | Departamento de Historia del Islam de la Universidad de Granada.; Universidad de Granada. Departamento de Historia del Islam. | 0 | |
0773-5855 | Andere sinema | De Andere Film vzw. | 0 | |
0084-6465 | Anderseniana | Museum Odense.; H.C. Andersens Hus. | 0 | |
0258-3771 | Andvari | Menningarsjóður; Hið íslenska þjóðvinafélag | 0 | |
0969-725X | Angelaki | Routledge, Taylor & Francis Group | 0 | ✔ |
1469-2899 | Angelaki (e-vir) | Routledge | 0 | ✔ |
1123-5772 | Angelicum | Universitas a Sancto Thoma Aquinate | 0 | |
0903-1723 | ANGLES on the English speaking world | The English Department, Copenhagen University | 0 | |
0340-5222 | Anglia | Niemeyer | 0 | ✔ |
1865-8938 | Anglia | de Gruyter | 0 | ✔ |
0954-9927 | Anglo-Norman studies | Boydell Press :; Boydell & Brewer. | 0 | |
0263-6751 | Anglo-Saxon England | Cambridge University Press | 0 | ✔ |
1474-0532 | Anglo-Saxon England (e-vir) | Cambridge University Press | 0 | ✔ |
0003-3472 | Animal behaviour | Baillière Tindall | 2 | ✔ |
1095-8282 | Animal behaviour (e-vir) | Published for the Association for the Study of Animal Behaviour and the Animal Behavior Society by Academic Press | 0 | ✔ |
1435-9448 | Animal cognition | Springer. | 0 | ✔ |
1435-9456 | Animal cognition (e-vir) | Springer | 0 | ✔ |
0065-4124 | Annalen - Koninklijk Museum voor Midden-Afrika. Menselijke wetenschappen | Koninklijk Museum voor Midden-Afrika.; Musée royal de l'Afrique Centrale. | 0 | |
0395-2649 | Annales | Armand Colin | 0 | |
1953-8146 | Annales (e-vir) | Éditions de l'EHESS | 0 | |
0254-4296 | Annales aequatoria | Centre aequatoria. | 0 | |
0003-3901 | Annales de Bourgogne | Annales de Bourgogne | 0 | |
0399-0826 | Annales de Bretagne et des pays de l'Ouest | Université de Haute-Bretagne, | 0 | |
1776-2774 | Annales de démographie historique (e-vir) | Belin | 0 | |
0066-2062 | Annales de démographie historique. Etudes, chronique, documents, bibliographie | Ecole pratique des hautes études 6e rection | 0 | ✔ |
0987-7576 | Annales de didactique et de sciences cognitives | Institut de recherche sur l'enseignement des mathématiques (Strasbourg) | 0 | |
0365-2017 | Annales de l'Est | Berger-Levrault | 0 | |
0866-4331 | Annales de la Galerie nationale hongroise | Magy. Nemz. Galéria | 0 | |
0259-6563 | Annales de la Société Jean-Jacques Rousseau | Société Jean-Jacques Rousseau; Librairie Droz; Georg éditeur | 0 | |
1370-4192 | Annales de la Société royale d'archéologie de Bruxelles | Société royale d'archéologie | 0 | |
0003-4134 | Annales de Normandie | Laboratoire d'Ethnographie Regionale | 0 | |
0776-135X | Annales du Cercle archéologique de Mons | Cercle archéologique | 0 | |
0003-4398 | Annales du Midi | Privat ;; Picard, | 0 | |
1762-3227 | Annales historiques de l'électricité | Victoires-Editions; Fondation EDF Histoire | 0 | |
0003-4436 | Annales historiques de la Révolution française | Société des études robespierristes (France) | 0 | |
1952-403X | Annales historiques de la Révolution française (e-vir) | Société des études robespierristes | 0 | |
0003-4487 | Annales Medico-Psychologiques | Fortin; Masson | 0 | ✔ |
1453-9306 | Annales Universitatis Apulensis | Universitatea "1 Decembrie 1918", | 0 | |
0572-7251 | Annales Universitatis Scientiarum Budapestinensis de Rolando Eötvös Nominatae | Eötvös Loránd Tudományegyetem | 0 | |
0524-9023 | Annales Universitatis Scientiarum Budapestinensis de Rolando Eötvös Nominatae. | Eötvös Loránd Tudományegyetem | 0 | |
0547-2121 | Annali | Istituto universitario orientale. | 0 | |
0578-9923 | Annali | Istituto italiano di numismatica | 0 | |
0741-7527 | Annali d'italianistica | University of North Carolina | 0 | |
0531-9870 | Annali della Fondazione Luigi Einaudi | Fondazione Luigi Einaudi | 0 | |
2036-5667 | Annali della Fondazione Luigi Einaudi | Leo S. Olschki | 0 | |
1818-5282 | Annali della Pontificia insigne accademia di belle arti e lettere dei virtuosi al Pantheon | Hortus conclusus; Annali della Pontificia insigne accademia di velle arti e lettere dei virtuosi al Pantheon editrice | 0 | |
0393-8573 | Annali della R. Scuola normale superiore di Pisa. Lettere, storia e filosofia | Scuola normale superiore, | 0 | |
2464-9198 | Annali della R. Scuola normale superiore di Pisa. Lettere, storia e filosofia (e-vir) | Zanichelli | 0 | |
0392-095X | Annali della Scuola Normale Superiore di Pisa | Scuola Normale Superiore di Pisa | 0 | |
1127-7130 | Annali di archeologia e storia antica | [Istituto universitario orientale] | 0 | |
1124-7169 | Annali di architettura | Electa | 0 | |
2031-5929 | Annali di Scienze Religiose | Brepols Publishers | 0 | ✔ |
2294-8775 | Annali di Scienze Religiose (e-vir) | Brepols Publishers | 0 | ✔ |
1723-9672 | Annali di storia dell'educazione e delle istituzioni scolastiche | Editrice La Scuola | 0 | |
2612-6559 | Annali di storia dell'educazione e delle istituzioni scolastiche (e-vir) | Scholè, Morcelliana | 0 | |
1120-4001 | Annali di storia dell'esegesi | Centro Editoriale Dehoniano. | 0 | |
1127-8250 | Annali di storia delle università italiane | CLUEB Editrice Bologna. | 0 | ✔ |
2724-5527 | Annali di storia delle università italiane (e-vir) | Il Mulino | 0 | ✔ |
1592-5927 | Annali di studi religiosi | Edizioni Dehoniane | 0 | |
0883-6612 | Annals of behavioral medicine | The Society | 0 | ✔ |
1532-4796 | Annals of behavioral medicine | Lawrence Erlbaum Associates; Springer Verlag | 0 | ✔ |
0736-9387 | Annals of dyslexia | Orton Dyslexia Society | 0 | ✔ |
1934-7243 | Annals of dyslexia (e-vir) | The Society | 0 | ✔ |
1464-505X | Annals of science (e-vir) | Taylor & Francis | 0 | ✔ |
0003-3790 | Annals of Science | Taylor and Francis Ltd | 0 | ✔ |
0164-1239 | Annals of the history of computing | Springer. | 0 | |
0077-8923 | Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences | New York Academy of Sciences | 0 | ✔ |
1749-6632 | Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences (e-vir) | Blackwell Publishing | 0 | ✔ |
0003-5033 | Annee Psychologique | Presses Universitaires de France | 0 | |
2045-2403 | Annual of the British School at Athens (e-vir) | MacMillan & Co | 0 | ✔ |
1613-3730 | Annual publication in African linguistics | Köppe | 0 | |
0267-1905 | Annual review of applied linguistics | Newbury House | 0 | ✔ |
1471-6356 | Annual review of applied linguistics (e-vir) | Cambridge University Press | 0 | ✔ |
1572-0268 | Annual review of cognitive linguistics | Benjamins | 0 | |
1572-0276 | Annual review of cognitive linguistics | Benjamins | 0 | |
0147-006X | Annual review of neuroscience | Annual Reviews. | 0 | ✔ |
1545-4126 | Annual review of neuroscience (e-vir) | Annual Reviews | 0 | ✔ |
0066-4308 | Annual review of psychology | Annual Reviews. | 0 | ✔ |
1545-2085 | Annual review of psychology (e-vir) | Annual Reviews | 0 | ✔ |
0163-7525 | Annual review of public health | Annual Reviews Inc. | 0 | ✔ |
1545-2093 | Annual review of public health | Annual Reviews, Inc. | 0 | ✔ |
0067-0081 | Annuario della Scuola archeologica di Atene e delle missioni italiane in Oriente | Istituto poligrafico dello Stato | 0 | |
1134-7937 | Ansiedad y estrés | SEAS | 0 | |
2174-0437 | Ansiedad y estrés (e-vir) | Sociedad Española para el Estudio de la Ansiedad y el Estrés; Colegio Oficial de Psicólogos de Madrid | 0 | |
1554-8953 | An sionnach | Creighton University Press | 0 | |
1944-6535 | An sionnach (e-vir) | Creighton University Press, distributed by the University of Nebraska Press | 0 | |
0003-5483 | Anthropological linguistics | Anthropology Department, Indiana University. | 0 | |
1944-6527 | Anthropological linguistics (e-vir) | Archives of Languages of the World, Anthropology Dept., Indiana University | 0 | |
0161-7761 | Anthropology & education quarterly | Council on Anthropology and Education | 0 | ✔ |
1548-1492 | Anthropology & education quarterly (e-vir) | Council on Anthropology and Education | 0 | ✔ |
0003-5645 | Antichità viva | Edam. | 0 | |
0066-4774 | Antichthon | Sydney University Press | 0 | |
0003-5696 | Antike und Abendland | M. von Schröder | 0 | ✔ |
1613-0421 | Antike und Abendland (e-vir) | Marion von Schröder Verlag | 0 | ✔ |
0893-5580 | Antipodes | The Association | 0 | |
2331-9089 | Antipodes (e-vir) | American Association of Australian Literary Studies | 0 | |
2117-539X | Antiquites africaines (e-vir) | [CNRS éd.] | 0 | ✔ |
0066-4871 | Antiquités africaines | Éditions du Centre national de la recherche scientifique | 0 | ✔ |
0997-0576 | Antiquités nationales | Musée des antiquités nationales; Société des amis du Musée et du château | 0 | |
1250-7334 | Antiquité tardive | Brepols | 0 | ✔ |
2295-9718 | Antiquité tardive (e-vir) | Brepols | 0 | ✔ |
0003-598X | Antiquity | Heffers Printers Ltd | 0 | ✔ |
1745-1744 | Antiquity (e-vir) | Antiquity Trust | 1 | ✔ |
Y505-4079 | Antiquity (e-vir) | Antiquity Trust | 0 | |
1973-5030 | Antiquorum philosophia | Fabrizio Serra Editore | 0 | ✔ |
1974-4501 | Antiquorum philosophia | Fabrizio Serra Editore | 0 | ✔ |
0394-0136 | Antologia di Belle arti | Societæa editrice Umberto Allemandi & C.. | 0 | |
0003-6064 | Antonianum | Pontificio ateneo antonianum | 0 | |
0210-5810 | Anuario de estudios americanos | Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas. Escuela de Estudios Hispano-Americanos.; E.E.H.A.; Escuela de Estudios Hispano-Americanos (Sevilla) | 0 | ✔ |
1576-2912 | Anuario de estudios americanos (e-vir) | Escuela de Estudios Hispano-Americanos (Sevilla); Universidad Internacional de Andalucía; Fundación Histórica Tavera; Fundación El Monte | 0 | |
1988-4273 | Anuario de estudios americanos | CSIC, Departamento de Publicaciones | 0 | ✔ |
0570-4065 | Anuario de estudios atlánticos | Patronato de la "Casa de Colon" | 0 | |
0210-8178 | Anuario de estudios filológicos | Servicio de Publicaciones de la Universidad de Extremadura | 0 | |
2660-7301 | Anuario de estudios filológicos (e-vir) | Servicio de Publicaciones de la Universidad de Extremadura | 0 | |
0066-5061 | Anuario de estudios medievales | C.S.I.C. Departamento de Estudios Medievales.; Institución Milá y Fontanals (CSIC); Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas (España). Departamento de Estudios Medievales.; Universidad de Barcelona. Instituto de Historia Medieval de España.; Institución "Milá y Fontanals" | 0 | ✔ |
1988-4230 | Anuario de estudios medievales | CSIC, Departamento de Publicaciones | 0 | ✔ |
0304-4319 | Anuario de historia del derecho español | Instituto Nacional de Estudios Jurídicos (España); España; Universidad Nacional de Educación a Distancia (España); Boletín Oficial del Estado (España) | 0 | |
1130-5517 | Anuario del Departamento de Historia y Teoría del Arte | Universidad Autónoma de Madrid | 0 | |
0185-1373 | Anuario de letras | Facultad de Filosofía y Letras y Centro de Linguística Hispánica del Instituto de Investigaciones Filológicas. UNAM. | 0 | |
0066-5215 | Anuario filosófico | Servicio de Publicaciones de la Universidad de Navarra | 0 | ✔ |
2173-6111 | Anuario filosófico | EUNSA | 0 | ✔ |
0211-3538 | Anuario musical | Instituto Español de Musicología. | 0 | ✔ |
1988-4125 | Anuario musical | CSIC, Departamento de Publicaciones | 0 | ✔ |
1454-4865 | Anuarul Institutului de istorie oralæa | Presa Universitaræa Clujeanæa. | 0 | |
1061-5806 | Anxiety, stress, and coping | Harwood Academic Publishers; STBS Ltd. | 0 | ✔ |
1477-2205 | Anxiety, stress, and coping (e-vir) | Gordon and Breach | 0 | ✔ |
0341-8383 | Anzeiger des Germanischen Nationalmuseums | Germanisches Nationalmuseum | 0 | |
0003-6293 | Anzeiger für die Altertumswissenschaft | Universitätsverlag Wagner | 0 | |
0066-5282 | Anzeiger für slavische Philologie | Akademische Druck-u. Verlagsanstalt | 0 | |
0003-6390 | Apeiron | Monash University, Dept. of Classical Studies | 0 | ✔ |
2156-7093 | Apeiron (e-vir) | de Gruyter | 0 | ✔ |
0268-7038 | Aphasiology | Taylor & Francis | 0 | ✔ |
1464-5041 | Aphasiology (e-vir) | Taylor & Francis | 0 | ✔ |
1155-3316 | Apocrypha | Brepols | 0 | ✔ |
2034-6468 | Apocrypha (e-vir) | Brepols | 0 | ✔ |
0392-2359 | Apollinaris | Universitatis Lateranensis | 0 | |
0003-6536 | Apollo | Apollo Magazine; Spectator | 0 | |
0213-5868 | Aportes | Aportes XIX; Actas; Schedas | 0 | |
0962-1849 | Applied & preventive psychology | Cambridge University Press | 0 | |
1873-7293 | Applied & preventive psychology (e-vir) | American Association of Applied and Preventive Psychology | 0 | |
0888-4080 | Applied cognitive psychology | Wiley | 0 | ✔ |
1099-0720 | Applied cognitive psychology (e-vir) | John Wiley & Sons | 0 | ✔ |
1872-9126 | Applied ergonomics (e-vir) | Elsevier | 0 | ✔ |
0003-6870 | Applied Ergonomics | Butterworth Scientific Ltd | 3 | ✔ |
0142-6001 | Applied linguistics | Oxford University Press | 0 | ✔ |
1477-450X | Applied linguistics (e-vir) | Oxford University Press | 0 | ✔ |
0895-7347 | Applied measurement in education | Lawrence Erlbaum Associates | 1 | ✔ |
1532-4818 | Applied measurement in education (e-vir) | L. Erlbaum Associates | 0 | ✔ |
0908-4282 | Applied neuropsychology | Munksgaard International Publishers | 0 | |
1532-4826 | Applied neuropsychology (e-vir) | Munksgaard | 0 | |
0142-7164 | Applied psycholinguistics | Cambridge University Press | 0 | ✔ |
1469-1817 | Applied psycholinguistics (e-vir) | Cambridge University Press | 0 | ✔ |
0146-6216 | Applied psychological measurement | Applied Psychological Measurement, Inc. | 0 | ✔ |
1552-3497 | Applied psychological measurement (e-vir) | Sage Publications | 0 | ✔ |
0269-994X | Applied psychology | Lawrence Erlbaum Associates | 0 | ✔ |
1464-0597 | Applied psychology (e-vir) | Psychology Press | 1 | ✔ |
1090-0586 | Applied psychophysiology and biofeedback | Plenum Press | 0 | ✔ |
1573-3270 | Applied psychophysiology and biofeedback | Kluwer | 0 | ✔ |
1715-7374 | Applied semiotics | University of Toronto. Dept. of French.; University of Toronto. Dept. of French Studies. | 0 | |
1129-3764 | Appunti romani di filologia | Università degli studi di Roma "La Sapienza" | 0 | ✔ |
1827-7993 | Appunti romani di filologia | Istituti Editoriali e Poligrafici Internazionali | 0 | ✔ |
1376-7135 | A-prior | A-prior | 0 | |
1013-428X | Apulum | Muzeul naţional al Unrii | 0 | |
0570-5398 | Arabica | Brill | 0 | ✔ |
1570-0585 | Arabica | Brill | 0 | ✔ |
0957-4239 | Arabic sciences and philosophy | Cambridge University Press | 0 | ✔ |
1474-0524 | Arabic sciences and philosophy (e-vir) | Cambridge University Press | 0 | ✔ |
0213-2486 | Aragón en la Edad Media | Universidad de Zaragoza; Universidad de Zaragoza | 0 | |
1477-8351 | Aramaic studies | Sheffield Academic Press | 0 | ✔ |
1745-5227 | Aramaic studies (e-vir) | Sage | 0 | ✔ |
0801-7778 | Arbeiderhistorie | Arbeiderbevegelsens arkiv og bibliotek | 0 | ✔ |
2387-5879 | Arbeiderhistorie (e-vir) | Arbeiderbevegelsens arkiv og bibliotek | 0 | ✔ |
0171-5410 | Arbeiten aus Anglistik und Amerikanistik | Narr | 3 | |
0281-7446 | Arbetarhistoria | Arbetarrörelsens arkiv och bibliotek | 0 | |
0723-2977 | Arbitrium | Niemeyer | 0 | ✔ |
1865-8849 | Arbitrium | de Gruyter | 0 | ✔ |
0210-1963 | Arbor | Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas. | 0 | ✔ |
1988-303X | Arbor | [Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas] | 0 | ✔ |
0003-7982 | Arcadia | De Gruyter | 0 | ✔ |
1613-0642 | Arcadia (e-vir) | W. de Gruyter | 0 | ✔ |
Y505-4087 | Arcadia (e-vir) | W. de Gruyter | 0 | |
0587-3452 | Arch+ | Arch+ Verlag | 0 | |
1453-5165 | Archaevs | Association roumaine d'histoire des religions.; Centre d'histoire des religions de l'Unversité de Bucarest. | 0 | |
0258-2600 | Archaiognäosia | Arhaiognäosia | 0 | |
1105-0950 | Archaiologike efemeris | Arhaiologike Etaireia | 0 | |
0255-9005 | Archäologie der Schweiz | Schweizerische Gesellschaft für Ur- und Frühgeschichte, SGUF | 0 | |
0003-8105 | Archäologischer Anzeiger | de Gruyter | 0 | |
0066-6041 | Archeion | Państwowe Wydawnictwo Naukowe, Oddział we Wrocławiu | 0 | |
2658-1264 | Archeion (e-vir) | Naczelna Dyrekcja Archiwów Państwowych | 0 | |
0518-2867 | Archeíon Póntou.; Αρχείον Πόντου | Epitropī́ Pontiakṓn meletṓn; Επιτροπή Ποντιακών μελετών | 0 | |
0391-8165 | Archeologia classica | L'Erma di Bretschneider | 0 | |
2240-7839 | Archeologia classica (e-vir) | L'Erma di Bretschneider | 0 | |
0390-0592 | Archeologia medievale | All'Insegna del Giglio | 0 | |
2039-280X | Archeologia medievale (e-vir) | Edizioni All'Insegna del Giglio | 0 | |
0003-8180 | Archeologia Polski | Instytut Archeologii i Etnologii PAN | 0 | |
2719-7034 | Archeologia Polski (e-vir) | Instytut Archeologii i Etnologii PAN | 0 | |
1592-5935 | Archeologia postmedievale | Edizioni All'insegna del Giglio. | 0 | |
0214-2686 | Archipiélago | Archipiélago | 0 | |
0044-863X | Architectura | Deutscher Kunstverlag | 0 | ✔ |
2569-1554 | Architectura (e-vir) | de Gruyter | 0 | ✔ |
0003-8504 | Architectural design | Academy Editions | 0 | ✔ |
1554-2769 | Architectural design (e-vir) | John Wiley & Sons; AD Publications Expediting Services] | 0 | ✔ |
1350-7524 | Architectural heritage | Architectural Heritage Society of Scotland. | 0 | |
1755-1641 | Architectural heritage (e-vir) | Edinburgh University Press | 0 | |
0066-622X | Architectural history | Society of Architectural Historians at the York Institute of Architectural Study | 0 | ✔ |
2059-5670 | Architectural history (e-vir) | Society of Architectural Historians at the York Institute of Architectural Study | 0 | ✔ |
0003-858X | Architectural record | McGraw-Hill, etc. | 0 | |
1326-4826 | Architectural theory review | University of Sydney, Dept. of Architecture | 0 | ✔ |
1755-0475 | Architectural theory review (e-vir) | Department of Architecture, University of Sydney | 0 | ✔ |
0958-6407 | Architecture today | Architecture Today | 0 | |
1010-4089 | Archithese | Verlag Arthur Niggli AG | 0 | |
1389-0166 | Archival science | Kluwer Academic Publishers | 0 | ✔ |
1573-7500 | Archival science (e-vir) | Kluwer | 0 | ✔ |
0003-9519 | Archive for history of exact sciences | Springer | 0 | ✔ |
1432-0657 | Archive for history of exact sciences | Springer. | 0 | ✔ |
0933-5846 | Archive for mathematical logic | Springer International | 0 | ✔ |
1432-0665 | Archive for mathematical logic | Springer. | 0 | ✔ |
1573-6121 | Archive for the psychology of religion = | Brill | 0 | ✔ |
0003-9535 | Archives | British Records Association | 0 | |
2109-9529 | Archives d'histoire doctrinale et littéraire du Moyen Âge (e-vir) | Vrin | 0 | |
0373-5478 | Archives d'histoire doctrinale et littéraire du Moyen-âge | Librairie philosophique J. Vrin | 0 | |
0003-9632 | Archives de philosophie | Beauchesne | 0 | |
1769-681X | Archives de philosophie (e-vir) | Centre Sèvres-Faculté jésuite de Paris | 0 | |
0335-5985 | Archives de sciences sociales des religions | Centre national de la recherche scientifique | 0 | |
1777-5825 | Archives de sciences sociales des religions (e-vir) | ASSR-EHESS | 0 | |
0003-9810 | Archives Internationales d'Histoire des Sciences | Éditions Hermann | 0 | ✔ |
2507-038X | Archives internationales d'histoires des sciences (e-vir) | Brepols | 0 | ✔ |
0066-6637 | Archives of Asian art | Asia Society | 0 | ✔ |
1944-6497 | Archives of Asian art (e-vir) | Asia Society | 0 | ✔ |
1873-5843 | Archives of clinical neuropsychology (e-vir) | Elsevier Science | 0 | ✔ |
0887-6177 | Archives of Clinical Neuropsychology | Pergamon | 0 | ✔ |
0003-990X | Archives of general psychiatry | American Medical Association | 0 | |
0260-9541 | Archives of natural history | Society for the Bibliography of Natural History. | 0 | ✔ |
1755-6260 | Archives of natural history (e-vir) | Edinburgh University Press | 0 | ✔ |
0003-9942 | Archives of neurology | American Medical Association | 0 | |
0004-0002 | Archives of sexual behavior | Plenum Press. | 0 | ✔ |
1573-2800 | Archives of sexual behavior (e-vir) | Kluwer | 0 | ✔ |
0003-8946 | Archiv für Begriffsgeschichte | Bouvier | 0 | |
0066-6297 | Archiv für Diplomatik | Böhlau | 0 | |
0003-9101 | Archiv für Geschichte der Philosophie | De Gruyter | 0 | ✔ |
1613-0650 | Archiv für Geschichte der Philosophie | de Gruyter | 0 | ✔ |
0943-3988 | Archiv für Geschichte der Philosophie und Soziologie | Heymanns | 0 | |
0003-9233 | Archiv für Kulturgeschichte | Böhlau | 0 | |
0066-6386 | Archiv für Liturgiewissenschaft | Ars-Liturgica-Kunstverl. | 0 | |
0003-9292 | Archiv für Musikwissenschaft | Steiner | 0 | |
2366-2794 | Archiv für Musikwissenschaft (e-vir) | Wiesbaden | 0 | |
0066-6459 | Archiv für Papyrusforschung und verwandte Gebiete | de Gruyter | 0 | ✔ |
1867-1551 | Archiv für Papyrusforschung und verwandte Gebiete (e-vir) | 0 | ✔ | |
0177-1094 | Archiv für Rechts- und Sozialphilosophie | Luchterhand | 0 | |
2363-5614 | Archiv für Rechts- und Sozialphilosophie (e-vir) | Steiner | 0 | |
0003-9381 | Archiv für Reformationsgeschichte | Gütersloher Verlagshaus Mohn | 0 | |
2198-0489 | Archiv für Reformationsgeschichte (e-vir) | Gütersloher Verl.-Haus | 0 | |
1436-3038 | Archiv für Religionsgeschichte | de Gruyter | 0 | ✔ |
1868-8888 | Archiv für Religionsgeschichte | de Gruyter | 0 | ✔ |
0084-6724 | Archiv für Religionspsychologie | Mohr. | 0 | ✔ |
0066-6505 | Archiv für Sozialgeschichte | Dietz | 0 | |
0004-0088 | Archivio di filosofia | Cedam | 0 | ✔ |
1970-0792 | Archivio di filosofia | Istituti Editoriali e Poligrafici Internazionali | 0 | ✔ |
0004-0207 | Archivio glottologico italiano | Felice Le Monnier | 0 | |
0391-7770 | Archivio storico italiano | Deputazione di Storia Patria per la Toscana | 0 | |
2036-4660 | Archivio storico italiano | Leo Olschki | 0 | |
0044-8745 | Archivium Hibernicum | Catholic Record Society | 0 | |
0210-5624 | Archivo de filología aragonesa | Institución "Fernando el Católico" | 0 | |
0004-0428 | Archivo español de arte | Instituto Diego Velázquez; Instituto de Historia (España) | 0 | ✔ |
1988-8511 | Archivo español de arte | Instituto de Historia, CSIC | 0 | ✔ |
0210-4067 | Archivo hispalense | Diputación Provincial | 0 | |
0004-0452 | Archivo ibero-americano | Franciscanos | 0 | |
0044-8699 | Archív orientální | Academia | 0 | |
0570-7218 | Archivum | Universidad de Oviedo; Universidad de Oviedo | 0 | |
2341-1120 | Archivum (e-vir) | Universidad de Oviedo, Servicio de Publicaciones | 0 | |
0724-8822 | Archivum Eurasiae medii aevi | Harrassowitz. | 0 | |
0004-0665 | Archivum Franciscanum historicum | Collegio S. Bonaventura | 0 | |
0391-7320 | Archivum Fratrum Praedicatorum | Istituto Storico Domenicano | 0 | |
0066-6785 | Archivum historiae pontificiae | Pontificia Università Gregoriana | 0 | |
0037-8887 | Archivum historicum societatis Iesu | Institutum historicum societatis Iesu | 0 | |
1376-7453 | Archivum Latinitatis Medii Aevi | Palais des académies. | 0 | |
0342-6270 | Archiv und Wirtschaft | Vereinigung Deutscher Wirtschaftsarchivare e.V. | 0 | |
0066-6874 | Archiwum historii filozofii i myśli społecznej | Instytut Filozofii i Socjologii Polskiej Akademii Nauk; Instytut Filozofii Uniwersytetu Mikołaja Kopernika | 0 | |
0570-734X | Arctos | Klassillis-filologinen yhdistys = Klassisk-filologiska föreningen = The Classical Association of Finland | 0 | ✔ |
2814-855X | Arctos (e-vir) | Klassillis-filologinen yhdistys | 0 | ✔ |
1134-6396 | Arenal | Servicio de Publicaciones de la Universidad de Granada. | 0 | |
0004-0975 | Arethusa | The Johns Hopkins University Press | 0 | ✔ |
1080-6504 | Arethusa | Johns Hopkins University Press | 0 | ✔ |
0920-427X | Argumentation | Reidel | 0 | ✔ |
1572-8374 | Argumentation (e-vir) | Kluwer | 0 | ✔ |
1787-3606 | Argumentum (e-vir) | DE Kossuth Egyetemi Kiadó | 0 | ✔ |
1015-9118 | Arhivele olteniei | Academia Republicii Socialiste România | 0 | |
1221-6917 | Arhivele totalitarismului | Institutul Naţional pentru Studiul Totalitarismului, | 0 | |
0570-9008 | Arhivski vjesnik | Arhiv Hrvatske | 1 | |
1848-3143 | Arhivski vjesnik (e-vir) | Hrvatski državni arhiv | 0 | |
0178-1073 | Ariadne | Stiftung Archiv der Deutschen Frauenbewegung. | 0 | |
1406-6246 | Ariadne Lõng | Tallinna Pedagoogikaülikool; Eesti Naisuurimus- ja Teabekeskus | 0 | |
0004-1327 | Ariel | University of Calgary | 0 | ✔ |
0095-5809 | Arion | Trustees of Boston University, etc.] | 0 | |
2327-6436 | Arion (e-vir) | Dean of the Graduate School, University of Texas | 0 | |
0066-7668 | Arkiv för nordisk filologi | LiberLäromedel | 0 | |
0783-3660 | Arkkitehti | Suomen arkkitehtiliitto | 0 | |
1384-105X | Armada | Wereldbibliotheek | 0 | |
1741-6124 | Arms & armour | Maney | 0 | ✔ |
1749-6268 | Arms & armour (e-vir) | Maney | 0 | ✔ |
1359-1355 | arq | Emap Construct | 0 | ✔ |
1474-0516 | Arq (e-vir) | Cambridge University Press | 0 | ✔ |
0044-9008 | Ars | Slovak Academic Press | 0 | |
2729-7349 | Ars (e-vir) | Ústav dejín umenia SAV | 0 | |
0341-8480 | Ars Bavarica | Kunstbuchverlag Weber | 0 | |
0133-6673 | Ars decorativa | [Iparművészeti Múzeum] | 0 | |
0133-1531 | Ars Hungarica | MTA Művészettörténeti Kutatóintézet | 0 | |
1043-3848 | Ars lyrica | Lyrica Society | 0 | |
0004-2919 | Ars organi | Gesellschaft der Orgelfreunde e.V. | 0 | |
2328-1286 | Ars orientalis (e-vir) | Freer Gallery of Art | 0 | ✔ |
0571-1371 | Ars orientalis; | Freer Gallery of Art | 0 | |
0001-2343 | ARSP | F. Steiner | 0 | ✔ |
0004-2927 | Ars Pharmaceutica | Universidad de Granada, Facultad de Farmacia | 0 | |
2340-9894 | Ars Pharmaceutica (e-vir) | Universidad de Granada, Facultad de Farmacia | 0 | |
1220-2789 | Ars Transsilvaniae | Editura Academiei Române | 0 | |
1039-3625 | Art and AsiaPacific | Fine Arts Press. | 0 | |
1401-2987 | Art bulletin of Nationalmuseum Stockholm | Nationalmuseum | 0 | |
0195-4148 | Art criticism | State University of New York at Stony Brook. | 0 | |
1697-2341 | Artecontexto | Artehoy. Publicaciones y Gestión | 0 | |
0004-3400 | Arte cristiana | Scuola beato angelico | 0 | |
0004-3443 | Arte lombarda | Edizioni "Arte lombarda" | 0 | |
0393-7267 | Arte medievale | Viella | 0 | |
0392-5234 | Arte Veneta | Electa | 0 | |
0004-3532 | Artforum | Artforum, etc. | 0 | |
0141-6790 | Art history | Routledge & Kegan Paul | 1 | ✔ |
1467-8365 | Art history (e-vir) | Blackwell Publishers | 0 | ✔ |
1078-6279 | Arthuriana | Southern Methodist University | 0 | |
1934-1539 | Arthuriana (e-vir) | Southern Methodist University | 0 | |
0261-9946 | Arthurian literature | D.S. Brewer; Rowman and Littlefield | 0 | |
0004-3648 | Artibus Asiae | Artibus Asiae Publishers; Museum Rietberg | 0 | |
2296-4215 | Artibus Asiae (e-vir) | Avalun-Verl. | 0 | |
0391-9064 | Artibus et historiae | IRSA | 0 | |
0004-3702 | Artificial intelligence | Elsevier | 0 | ✔ |
1872-7921 | Artificial intelligence (e-vir) | Elsevier | 0 | |
0269-2821 | Artificial intelligence review | Blackwell Scientific Publications; Intellect Limited | 0 | ✔ |
1573-7462 | Artificial intelligence review (e-vir) | Kluwer | 0 | ✔ |
0213-1498 | Artigrama | Departamento de Historia del Arte, Universidad de Zaragoza | 0 | ✔ |
2444-3751 | Artigrama (e-vir) | Universidad de Zaragoza | 0 | |
0587-5455 | Arti musices | Hrvatsko muzikološko društvo; Zavod za povijest hrvatske glazbe | 1 | |
1848-9303 | Arti musices (e-vir) | Hrvatsko muzikološko društvo; Odsjek za povijest hrvatske glazbe HAZU; Muzička akademija Sveučilišta | 0 | |
0239-202X | Artium quaestiones | Wydawnictwo Naukowe Uniwersytetu im. Adama Mickiewicza w Poznaniu | 0 | ✔ |
2719-4558 | Artium Quaestiones (e-vir) | Uniwersytetu im. Adama Mickiewicza. Instytut Historii Sztuki | 0 | ✔ |
0004-3249 | Art journal | College Art Association of America | 0 | ✔ |
2325-5307 | Art journal (e-vir) | College Art Association of America | 0 | |
0142-6702 | Art monthly | Britannia Art Publications Ltd | 0 | |
1695-5951 | Artnodes (e-vir) | Fundació per la Universitat Oberta de Catalunya | 0 | |
1950-8123 | Artnord | Comité des historiens de l'art nordique (France) | 0 | |
0245-5676 | Art press | Art press | 0 | |
0004-3958 | Arts asiatiques | Presses universitaires de France | 0 | |
2111-4552 | Arts asiatiques (e-vir) | [École française d'Extrême-Orient] | 0 | |
1264-5265 | Arts et cultures | l'Aventurine, | 0 | |
1684-6133 | Art South Africa | Bell-Roberts Publishing | 0 | |
1575-166X | Arys | Universidad | 0 | |
0210-4466 | Asclepio | Instituto "Arnau de Vilanova"; Instituto de Historia (España) | 0 | |
1988-3102 | Asclepio | [Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas] | 0 | ✔ |
1367-2223 | Asian journal of social psychology | Blackwell | 0 | ✔ |
1467-839X | Asian journal of social psychology (e-vir) | Blackwell | 0 | ✔ |
2377-004X | Asian journal of women's studies (e-vir) | Ewha Womans University Press | 0 | ✔ |
1225-9276 | Asian Journal of Women's Studies | Ewha Women's University Press. | 0 | ✔ |
1573-420X | Asian medicine | Brill | 0 | ✔ |
1573-4218 | Asian medicine | Brill | 0 | ✔ |
0044-9202 | Asian music | Society for Asian Music. | 0 | |
1553-5630 | Asian music (e-vir) | Society for Asian Music | 0 | |
0955-2367 | Asian philosophy | Carfax Publishing | 1 | ✔ |
1469-2961 | Asian philosophy (e-vir) | Taylor & Frances | 0 | ✔ |
1359-866X | Asia-Pacific journal of teacher education | Carfax | 0 | ✔ |
1469-2945 | Asia-Pacific journal of teacher education (e-vir) | Carfax | 0 | ✔ |
0323-3790 | Asien, Afrika, Lateinamerika | Akademie-Verlag | 0 | |
1476-3559 | Asien, Afrika, Lateinamerika (e-vir) | Gordon and Breach | 0 | |
1377-5197 | AS mediatijdschrift | Centrum voor Beeldcultuur Antwerpen. | 0 | |
1336-099X | Aspekt | Záujmové združenie žien Aspekt | 0 | |
1075-2935 | Assessing writing | Ablex Pub. Corp.. | 0 | ✔ |
1873-5916 | Assessing writing (e-vir) | Elsevier Inc. | 0 | ✔ |
1073-1911 | Assessment | Psychological Assessment Resources, Inc. | 0 | ✔ |
1552-3489 | Assessment (e-vir) | Psychological Assessment Resources, Inc. | 0 | ✔ |
1469-297X | Assessment & evaluation in higher education (e-vir) | Carfax International Publishers | 0 | ✔ |
0260-2938 | Assessment and evaluation in higher education | University of Bath. School of Education | 0 | ✔ |
0297-9373 | Aster | Association pour le développement de la recherche en didactique des sciences (France); Institut national de recherche pédagogique (France) | 0 | |
0004-6493 | Atene e Roma | Le Monnier | 0 | |
0004-6574 | Athenaeum | Università | 0 | |
1478-8810 | Atlantic studies | Routledge | 0 | ✔ |
1740-4649 | Atlantic studies (e-vir) | Routledge, Taylor & Francis Group | 0 | ✔ |
0210-6124 | Atlantis | Antonio Garnica | 0 | |
0702-7818 | Atlantis | s.n. | 0 | ✔ |
1715-0698 | Atlantis (e-vir) | Mount Saint Vincent University | 0 | ✔ |
1989-6840 | Atlantis (e-vir) | Asociación Española de Estudios Anglo-Norteamericanos | 0 | |
1078-3377 | ATQ | Dept. of English, University of Rhode Island | 0 | |
1461-6734 | Attachment & human development | Routledge | 0 | ✔ |
1469-2988 | Attachment & human development (e-vir) | Routledge, Taylor & Francis Group | 0 | ✔ |
1592-7377 | Atti e Memorie della Società Magna Grecia | Società Magna Grecia; Fabrizio Serra | 0 | |
0020-6091 | Audiology | Karger, S.,Verlagsbuchhandlung Fur Medizin | 0 | |
0178-7128 | Aufklärung | Meiner | 0 | |
0404-0155 | Aufklärung | Verlag der Aufklärung. | 0 | |
2702-1424 | Aufklärung (e-vir) | 0 | ||
0179-2555 | Augen-Blick | 0 | ||
0108-0059 | AUGIAS | Aarhus Universitet. Institut for Germansk Filologi. | 0 | |
0004-8003 | Augustiniana | Augustijns historisch instituut | 0 | |
2295-6093 | Augustiniana (e-vir) | Uitgeverij Peeters | 0 | |
0094-5323 | Augustinian studies | Villanova University Press. | 0 | ✔ |
2153-7917 | Augustinian studies (e-vir) | Villanova University Press | 0 | ✔ |
0004-8011 | Augustinianum | Institutuno patristicum augustinianum. | 0 | ✔ |
2162-6499 | Augustinianum | Philosophy Documentation Center | 0 | ✔ |
0479-611X | Aus Politik und Zeitgeschichte | Bundeszentrale für Politische Bildung | 0 | |
0004-8402 | Australasian journal of philosophy | Australasian Association of Psychology and Philosophy | 0 | ✔ |
1471-6828 | Australasian journal of philosophy (e-vir) | Australasian Association of Psychology and Philosophy | 0 | ✔ |
1325-2585 | Australasian Victorian studies annual | Australasian Victorian Studies Association. | 0 | |
0004-8992 | Australian economic history review | Sydney University Press | 0 | |
1467-8446 | Australian economic history review (e-vir) | Blackwell Publishers | 0 | |
0816-9020 | Australian educational computing | Australian Council for Computers in Education. | 0 | |
1443-833X | Australian educational computing | Australian Council for Computers in Education.. | 0 | |
0816-4649 | Australian feminist studies | Research Centre for Women's Studies, University of Adelaide | 0 | ✔ |
1465-3303 | Australian feminist studies (e-vir) | Carfax International Publishers | 0 | ✔ |
1031-461X | Australian historical studies | University of Melbourne | 0 | ✔ |
1940-5049 | Australian historical studies (e-vir) | Routledge (Taylor & Francis) | 0 | ✔ |
2050-5884 | Australian journal of education (e-vir) | Australian Council for Educational Research] | 0 | ✔ |
0726-8602 | Australian journal of linguistics | Australian Linguistics Society | 0 | ✔ |
1469-2996 | Australian journal of linguistics (e-vir) | Carfax International Publishers | 0 | ✔ |
0004-9697 | Australian literary studies | University of Queensland Press | 0 | |
0005-0067 | Australian psychologist | University of Queensland Press on behalf of the Australian Psychological Society. | 0 | ✔ |
1742-9544 | Australian psychologist (e-vir) | Taylor & Francis | 0 | ✔ |
0067-2378 | Austrian history yearbook | Rice University | 0 | ✔ |
1558-5255 | Austrian history yearbook (e-vir) | Rice University | 0 | ✔ |
1350-7532 | Austrian studies | Edinburgh University Press; Modern Humanities Research Assocation | 0 | ✔ |
2222-4262 | Austrian studies (e-vir) | Modern Humanities Research Association | 0 | ✔ |
0005-0601 | Aut Aut | Nuova Italia Editrice | 0 | |
1362-3613 | Autism | SAGE Publications | 0 | ✔ |
1461-7005 | Autism (e-vir) | Sage Publications | 0 | ✔ |
0967-5507 | Auto/Biography | Auto/Biography Study Group | 0 | |
1479-9715 | Auto/Biography (e-vir) | Hodder Arnold Journals; Sage | 0 | |
1387-3008 | Avant garde critical studies | Rodopi; Rodopi; Rodopi | 0 | ✔ |
1879-6419 | Avant garde critical studies (e-vir) | Rodopi | 0 | |
0004-802X | Avgvstinvs | Agustinos Recoletos | 0 | |
1122-1151 | Axiomathes | Estrella de oriente | 0 | ✔ |
1572-8390 | Axiomathes (e-vir) | Kluwer | 0 | ✔ |
1134-2277 | Ayer | Asociación de Historia Contemporánea | 0 | |
2255-5838 | Ayer (e-vir) | Marcial Pons; AHC | 0 | |
0067-270X | Azania | British Institute in Eastern Africa. | 0 | ✔ |
1945-5534 | Azania (e-vir) | Taylor & Francis | 0 | ✔ |
0005-4283 | B'lgarski jazik | Institut za b'lgarski ezik pri BAN | 0 | |
0323-9519 | B'lgarski jazik i literatura | [s. n.] | 0 | |
0521-9744 | Babel | J. Benjamins Publishing Company | 1 | ✔ |
1569-9668 | Babel (e-vir) | J. Benjamins | 0 | ✔ |
0165-9367 | Babesch | Stichting Bulletin Antieke Beschaving | 0 | |
0005-3600 | Bach | Riemenschneider Bach Institute, Baldwin-Wallace College. | 0 | |
2767-4843 | Bach (e-vir) | Baldwin-Wallace College | 0 | |
0084-7682 | Bach-Jahrbuch | Neue Bachgesellschaft. | 0 | |
0005-3856 | Baessler-Archiv | Reimer | 0 | |
0205-2512 | Balkanistika | Institut po Balkanistika | 0 | |
0324-1653 | Balkansko ezikoznanie | Bʺlgarska akademija na naukite, Institut za Bʺlgarski ezik | 0 | |
0067-3099 | Baltische Studien | Gesellschaft für Pommersche Geschichte und Altertumskunde | 0 | |
0132-6503 | Baltistica | Vilniaus universitetas | 0 | |
2345-0045 | Baltistica (e-vir) | Mintis | 0 | |
1222-0612 | Banatica | Muzeul de Istorie al Judeţului Caraş-Severin | 0 | |
0341-6208 | Bankhistorisches Archiv | Institut für Bankhistorische Forschung | 0 | |
0067-3951 | Banque des mots | PUF | 0 | |
0347-772X | Barnboken | Svenska barnboksinstitutet | 0 | |
2000-4389 | Barnboken | Svenska barnboksinstitutet; Co-Action Publishing | 0 | ✔ |
1029-3205 | Barockberichte | Salzburger Barockmuseum | 0 | |
1232-3233 | Barok | Instytut Literatury Polskiej Uniwersytetu Warszawskiego. | 0 | |
0964-2447 | BARS bulletin & review | British Association for Romantic Studies. | 0 | |
0197-3533 | Basic and applied social psychology | Lawrence Erlbaum Associates | 0 | ✔ |
1532-4834 | Basic and applied social psychology (e-vir) | L. Erlbaum Associates | 0 | ✔ |
0005-6855 | Bauwelt | Bertelsmann-Fachzeitschriften-GmbH | 0 | |
0332-270X | Béaloideas | Folklore Society of Ireland | 0 | |
1059-5031 | Beethoven forum | University of Nebraska Press | 0 | |
0140-525X | Behavioral and brain sciences | Cambridge University Press | 0 | ✔ |
1469-1825 | Behavioral and brain sciences (e-vir) | Cambridge University Press | 0 | ✔ |
0198-7429 | Behavioral disorders | Council for Children with Behavioral Disorders | 0 | |
2163-5307 | Behavioral disorders (e-vir) | Council for Children with Behavioral Disorders | 0 | |
1045-2249 | Behavioral ecology | Oxford University Press | 0 | ✔ |
1465-7279 | Behavioral ecology (e-vir) | Oxford University Press | 0 | ✔ |
0340-5443 | Behavioral ecology and sociobiology | Springer | 0 | ✔ |
1432-0762 | Behavioral ecology and sociobiology (e-vir) | Springer | 0 | ✔ |
1072-0847 | Behavioral interventions | Wiley | 0 | ✔ |
1099-078X | Behavioral interventions (e-vir) | John Wiley & Sons | 0 | ✔ |
0896-4289 | Behavioral medicine | Heldref Publications | 0 | ✔ |
1940-4026 | Behavioral medicine (e-vir) | Heldref Publications | 0 | ✔ |
0735-7044 | Behavioral neuroscience | American Psychological Association | 0 | ✔ |
1939-0084 | Behavioral neuroscience | American Psychological Association | 0 | ✔ |
0735-3936 | Behavioral sciences & the law | Van Nostrand Reinhold | 0 | ✔ |
1099-0798 | Behavioral sciences & the law (e-vir) | John Wiley & Sons | 0 | ✔ |
1540-2002 | Behavioral sleep medicine | Lawrence Erlbaum Associates; Routledge | 0 | ✔ |
1540-2010 | Behavioral sleep medicine (e-vir) | Lawrence Erlbaum Associates | 0 | ✔ |
0738-6729 | Behavior analyst | Midwestern Association of Behavior Analysis | 0 | |
1053-8348 | Behavior and philosophy | Cambridge Center for Behavioral Studies | 0 | |
1943-3328 | Behavior and philosophy (e-vir) | Cambridge Center for Behavioral Studies | 0 | |
0001-8244 | Behavior genetics (e-vir) | Kluwer Online | 0 | ✔ |
1573-3297 | Behavior genetics | Kluwer | 0 | ✔ |
0145-4455 | Behavior modification | Sage Publications, inc. | 0 | ✔ |
1552-4167 | Behavior modification (e-vir) | Sage Publications | 0 | ✔ |
1554-351X | Behavior research methods | Psychonomic Society | 0 | ✔ |
1554-3528 | Behavior research methods (e-vir) | Psychonomic Society | 0 | ✔ |
0743-3808 | Behavior research methods, instruments, & computers | The Society | 0 | |
0005-7894 | Behavior therapy | Elsevier | 0 | ✔ |
1878-1888 | Behavior therapy (e-vir) | Elsevier Ltd. | 0 | |
0005-7959 | Behaviour | Brill | 1 | ✔ |
1568-539X | Behaviour (e-vir) | Brill | 0 | ✔ |
0144-929X | Behaviour & information technology | Taylor & Francis | 1 | ✔ |
1362-3001 | Behaviour & information technology (e-vir) | Taylor & Francis | 0 | ✔ |
1352-4658 | Behavioural and cognitive psychotherapy | Wisepress | 0 | ✔ |
1469-1833 | Behavioural and cognitive psychotherapy (e-vir) | Wisepress | 0 | ✔ |
0166-4328 | Behavioural brain research | Elsevier/North-Holland | 1 | ✔ |
0955-8810 | Behavioural pharmacology | European Behavioural Pharmacology Society. | 0 | ✔ |
1473-5849 | Behavioural pharmacology (e-vir) | Clinical Neuroscience Publishers | 0 | ✔ |
0376-6357 | Behavioural processes | Elsevier | 1 | ✔ |
1872-8308 | Behavioural processes (e-vir) | Elsevier BV | 0 | ✔ |
1873-622X | Behaviour research and therapy (e-vir) | Elsevier Ltd. | 0 | ✔ |
0005-7967 | Behaviour Research and Therapy | Elsevier Science | 0 | ✔ |
0722-0189 | Beiträge ... zur feministischen Theorie und Praxis | Sozialwissenschaftliche Forschung & Praxis für Frauen e.V. | 0 | |
0942-3060 | Beiträge zur Geschichte der Arbeiterbewegung | 3K-Verlag | 0 | |
0005-8076 | Beiträge zur Geschichte der deutschen Sprache und Literatur | Niemeyer | 0 | ✔ |
1865-9373 | Beiträge zur Geschichte der deutschen Sprache und Literatur | de Gruyter | 0 | ✔ |
0939-2815 | Beiträge zur Geschichte der Sprachwissenschaft | Nodus Publikationen | 0 | |
0005-8114 | Beitrage zur Namenforschung | Winter | 0 | |
2625-2139 | Beitrage zur Namenforschung (e-vir) | Winter | 0 | |
Y509-8831 | Beitrage zur Namenforschung (e-vir) | Winter | 0 | |
1392-902X | Belaruski gistarycny aglad | Eurapejski gumanitarny universitet | 0 | |
0005-8351 | Belfagor | Leo Olschki | 0 | |
2035-7559 | Belfagor | Leo Olschki | 0 | |
0774-5141 | Belgian journal of linguistics | Ed. de l'Université de Bruxelles.; John Benjamins Publishing Company. | 0 | ✔ |
1569-9676 | Belgian journal of linguistics | John Benjamins | 0 | ✔ |
1377-834X | Belgische bijdragen tot de militaire geschiedenis | Musée royal de l'armée | 0 | |
1376-2958 | BELL. Belgian essays on language and literature | Language and Literature. | 0 | |
1781-3980 | BELL - Belgian journal of english language and literatures | Universitaire Stichting van België.; Fondation Universitaire de Belgique. | 0 | |
0041-4255 | Belleten | Türk Tarih Kurumu | 0 | |
0771-8683 | Belvedere | Belvedere. | 0 | |
0392-0356 | Benedictina | Abbazia di S. Paolo. | 0 | |
0210-8550 | Berceo | Instituto de Estudios Riojanos | 0 | |
0341-9312 | Bericht der Römisch-Germanischen Kommission | P. von Zabern | 0 | |
0167-5443 | Berichten van de Rijksdienst voor het Oudheidkundig Bodemonderzoek | Rijksdienst voor het Oudheidkundig Bodemonderzoek = Service for Archaeological Heritage in the Netherlands | 0 | |
0170-6233 | Berichte zur Wissenschaftsgeschichte | VCH | 0 | ✔ |
1522-2365 | Berichte zur Wissenschaftsgeschichte | Wiley-VCH-Verl. | 0 | ✔ |
0332-026X | Berkeley newsletter | Bokförlaget Doxa AB. | 0 | |
0341-4515 | Berufsbildung in Wissenschaft und Praxis | Bertelsmann | 0 | |
0067-6195 | Berytus | Faculty of Arts and Sciences, American University of Beirut | 0 | |
1218-8727 | Beszédkutatás | MTA Nyelvtud. Intéz.,; MTA Nyelvtudományi Intézet Kempelen Farkas Beszédkutató Laboratórium | 0 | |
0006-0623 | Bibel und Kirche | Katholisches Bibelwerk | 0 | |
0006-0887 | Biblica | Pontificio Istituto Biblico | 0 | |
2385-2062 | Biblica (e-vir) | Pontificio istituto biblico | 0 | |
0927-2569 | Biblical interpretation | Brill | 0 | ✔ |
1568-5152 | Biblical interpretation (e-vir) | Brill | 0 | ✔ |
0067-7183 | Bibliography of developmental medicine and child neurology | Spastics International Medical Publications. | 0 | |
0006-1999 | Bibliothèque d'Humanisme et Renaissance | E. Droz | 0 | |
2418-7135 | Bibliothèque d'Humanisme et Renaissance (e-vir) | Association Humanisme et Renaissance | 0 | |
0373-6237 | Bibliotheque de l'Ecole des Chartes | Librairie Droz | 0 | |
1953-8138 | Bibliothèque de l'École des chartes (e-vir) | Société de l'École des chartes | 0 | |
0178-2967 | Biblische Notizen | M. Görg | 0 | |
2628-5762 | Biblische Notizen (e-vir) | 0 | ||
0006-2014 | Biblische Zeitschrift | F. Schöningh | 0 | |
0220-665X | Bien dire et bien aprandre | Centre d'études médiévales et dialectales (Villeneuve-d'Ascq, Nord) | 0 | |
1013-4166 | Biharea | Muzeul Ţǎrii Crişurilor | 0 | |
0006-2278 | Bijdragen | Peeters Publishers | 0 | |
1783-1377 | Bijdragen | Peeters Publishers | 0 | |
0923-2834 | Bijdragen en mededeelingen | Gelre, Vereeniging tot Beoefening van Geldersche Geschiedenis, Oudheidkunde en Recht; Vereniging Gelre | 0 | |
0165-0505 | Bijdragen en mededelingen betreffende de geschiedenis der Nederlanden | Nederlands Historisch Genootschap.; Koninklijk Nederlands Historisch Genootschap. | 0 | ✔ |
2211-2898 | Bijdragen en mededelingen betreffende de geschiedenis der Nederlanden | Koninklijk Nederlands Historisch Genootschap (KNHG) | 0 | ✔ |
0006-2286 | Bijdragen tot de geschiedenis | Department geschiedenis. | 0 | |
0006-2294 | Bijdragen tot de taal-, land- en volkenkunde = | KITLV; Foris Publications Holland; Nijhoff | 0 | ✔ |
2213-4379 | Bijdragen tot de taal-, land- en volkenkunde = | Brill | 0 | ✔ |
0006-2456 | Bildung und Erziehung | Böhlau | 0 | |
2194-3834 | Bildung und Erziehung (e-vir) | Böhlau | 0 | |
1611-2512 | Bildwelten des Wissens | 0 | ✔ | |
1366-7289 | Bilingualism | Cambridge University Press. | 0 | ✔ |
1469-1841 | Bilingualism (e-vir) | Cambridge University Press | 0 | ✔ |
1470-8175 | Biochemistry and molecular biology education | 2000- | 1 | ✔ |
1539-3429 | Biochemistry and molecular biology education (e-vir) | ASBMB | 0 | ✔ |
0269-9702 | Bioethics | Basil Blackwell | 0 | ✔ |
1467-8519 | Bioethics (e-vir) | Blackwell Publisher | 0 | ✔ |
0925-7764 | Biografie bulletin | Werkgroep Biografie. | 0 | |
0162-4962 | Biography | University Press of Hawaii for the Biographical Research Center | 0 | ✔ |
1529-1456 | Biography (e-vir) | University Press of Hawaii for the Biographical Research Center | 0 | ✔ |
1450-3417 | Biolinguistics (e-vir) | University of Cyprus : Department of English Studies | 0 | ✔ |
0006-3223 | Biological psychiatry | Elsevier | 1 | ✔ |
1873-2402 | Biological psychiatry (e-vir) | Elsevier | 0 | ✔ |
0301-0511 | Biological psychology | North-Holland Pub. Co. | 1 | ✔ |
1873-6246 | Biological psychology (e-vir) | Elsevier BV | 0 | ✔ |
0169-3867 | Biology & philosophy | Reidel | 0 | ✔ |
1300-8358 | Birikim | Birikim Yayűncűlűk Ltd. | 0 | |
0006-3967 | Biuletyn historii sztuki | Institut Sztuki PAN | 1 | |
1234-5210 | Biuletyn Informacyjny Konserwatorów Dzieł Sztuki | Joanna Zajączkowska-Kłoda; Wydawnictwo Konserwatorów Dzieł Sztuki | 0 | |
0032-3802 | Biuletyn Polskiego Towarzystwa Jęezykoznawczego | Zakład Narodowy im. Ossolińskich | 0 | |
0276-3605 | Black music research journal | Institute for Research in Black American Music, Fisk University | 0 | |
1946-1615 | Black music research journal (e-vir) | Institute for Research in Black American Music, Fisk University | 0 | |
0160-628X | Blake | University of New Mexico.; University of Rochester. | 0 | |
0006-4408 | Blätter für deutsche Landesgeschichte | Schmidt; Gesamtverein der Deutschen Geschichts- und Altertumsvereine | 0 | |
0067-9127 | Blätter für Technikgeschichte | Technisches Museum | 1 | |
1460-3632 | Body & society (e-vir) | Sage | 0 | ✔ |
1357-034X | Body and society | Sage Publications | 0 | ✔ |
0006-5692 | Bogens verden | Danmarks Biblioteksforening.; Det Kongelige Bibliotek.; Danmarks Biblioteksskole. | 0 | |
0352-3101 | Bogoslovska smotra | Katolički bogoslovni fakultet | 0 | |
1848-9648 | Bogoslovska smotra (e-vir) | Katolički bogoslovni fakultet Sveučilišta | 0 | |
0523-8587 | Bohemia | Oldenbourg | 0 | |
0871-7060 | Boletim da Comissão Nacional da Língua Portuguesa | Portugal. Comissão Nacional da Língua Portuguesa. | 0 | |
0872-2110 | Boletim de estudos clássicos | Associação Portuguesa de Estudos Clássicos | 0 | ✔ |
2183-7260 | Boletim de estudos clássicos (e-vir) | Associação Portuguesa de Estudos Clássicos | 0 | ✔ |
0870-4600 | Boletim de filologia | Instituto Nacional de Investigação Científica, Centro de Linguística da Universidade de Lisboa. | 0 | |
1576-8767 | Boletín da Real Academia Galega | Real Academia Gallega; Fundación Rodríguez Iglesias | 0 | |
0213-6090 | Boletín de arqueología medieval | Asociación Española de Arqueología Medieval | 0 | |
0034-0626 | Boletín de la Real Academia de la Historia | Real Academia de la Historia (España) | 0 | |
0210-4822 | Boletín de la Real Academia Española | Real Academia Española | 0 | ✔ |
2445-0898 | Boletín de la Real Academia Española (e-vir) | Real Academia Española | 0 | ✔ |
0210-8143 | Boletín del Museo del Prado | Museo Nacional del Prado | 0 | |
0211-3171 | Boletín del Museo e Instituto "Camón Aznar" | Museo e Instituto de Humanidades "Camón Aznar"; Caja de Ahorros y Monte de Piedad de Zaragoza, Aragón y Rioja | 0 | |
0210-9573 | Boletín del Seminario de estudios de arte y arqueología | Áreas de prehistoria y arqueología, Universidad | 0 | |
1660-4938 | Boletín hispánico helvético | Sociedad Suiza de Estudios Hispánicos; Université de Genève. Département de langues et littératures romanes | 0 | |
0394-4611 | Bollettino d'arte. Supplemento | Ministero per i beni culturali e ambientali, Ufficio centrale per i beni ambientali, architettonici, archeologici, artistici e storici.; Ministero per i beni e le attività culturali, Ufficio centrale per i beni archeologici, architettonici, artistici e storici.; Italia. Ministero per i beni culturali e ambientali. | 0 | |
0392-842X | Bollettino dei classici | Accademia nazionale dei Lincei, Comitato per la preparazione dell'edizione nazionale dei classici greci e latini. | 0 | |
1591-0806 | Bollettino del centro di studi filologici e linguistici siciliani. Supplemento | Centro di studi filologici e linguistici siciliani. | 0 | |
0390-8240 | Bollettino dell'archivio per la storia del movimento sociale cattolico in Italia | Vita e pensiero | 0 | |
1122-1836 | Bollettino dell'atlante linguistico italiano | Istituto dell'atlante linguistico italiano | 0 | |
0392-0402 | Bollettino della Società per gli Studi Storici, Archeologici ed Artistici Nella Provincia di Cuneo | Editoriale SASTE. | 0 | |
0006-6583 | Bollettino di studi latini | Libreria Scientifica Editrice; Loffredo Editore,; Inziative editoriali,; Paolo Loffredo Iniziative editoriali | 0 | |
0391-6715 | Bollettino storico bibliografico subalpino | Deputazione subalpina di storia patria | 0 | |
0900-7334 | Bol og by | Landbohistorisk Selskab | 0 | |
0938-9334 | Bonner Jahrbücher des Rheinischen Landesmuseums in Bonn und des Rheinischen Amtes für Bodendenkmalpflege im Landschaftsverband Rheinland und des Vereins von Altertumsfreunden im Rheinlande | P. von Zabern | 0 | |
1098-7371 | Book history | Pennsylvania State University Press | 0 | ✔ |
1529-1499 | Book history (e-vir) | Pennsylvania State University Press | 0 | ✔ |
0968-7475 | Borderlines | University College of Swansea. | 0 | |
0210-5934 | Bordón | SEP | 0 | |
2340-6577 | Bordón (e-vir) | Sociedad Española de Pedagogía | 0 | |
0300-9483 | Boreas | Scandinavian University press | 0 | ✔ |
1502-3885 | Boreas (e-vir) | Universitetsforlaget. | 1 | ✔ |
0190-3659 | Boundary 2 | Duke University | 1 | ✔ |
1527-2141 | Boundary 2 (e-vir) | Duke University Press | 0 | ✔ |
0006-8950 | Brain | Macmillan Journals | 1 | ✔ |
1460-2156 | Brain (e-vir) | Oxford University Press. | 0 | ✔ |
0006-8977 | Brain, behavior and evolution | S. Karger | 0 | ✔ |
1421-9743 | Brain, behavior and evolution | S. Karger | 0 | ✔ |
0387-7604 | Brain & development | Japanese Society of Child Neurology | 0 | ✔ |
0278-2626 | Brain and cognition | Academic Press | 0 | ✔ |
1090-2147 | Brain and cognition (e-vir) | Academic Press | 0 | ✔ |
0093-934X | Brain and language | Academic Press. | 0 | ✔ |
1090-2155 | Brain and language (e-vir) | Academic Press | 0 | ✔ |
1389-1987 | Brain and mind | Kluwer Academic Publishers | 0 | |
1573-3300 | Brain and mind | Kluwer | 0 | |
0269-9052 | Brain injury | Taylor & Francis | 0 | ✔ |
1362-301X | Brain injury (e-vir) | Taylor & Francis | 0 | ✔ |
0006-8993 | Brain research | Elsevier | 0 | ✔ |
1872-6240 | Brain research (e-vir) | Elsevier Science | 0 | ✔ |
1386-3517 | Brakman cahier | Stichting Willem Brakman Kring. | 0 | |
0068-113X | Britannia | Society for the Promotion of Roman Studies | 0 | ✔ |
1753-5352 | Britannia (e-vir) | Society for the Promotion of Roman Studies | 0 | ✔ |
0141-1926 | British educational research journal | Carfax Publishing Company | 0 | ✔ |
1469-3518 | British educational research journal (e-vir) | Carfax International Publishers | 0 | ✔ |
0960-8788 | British journal for the history of philosophy | Thoemmes | 0 | ✔ |
1469-3526 | British journal for the history of philosophy (e-vir) | Routledge | 0 | ✔ |
0007-0874 | British journal for the history of science | Blackwell Scientific | 0 | ✔ |
0144-6657 | British journal of clinical psychology | British Psychological Society | 0 | ✔ |
2044-8260 | British journal of clinical psychology (e-vir) | British Psychological Society; Wiley | 0 | ✔ |
1464-3529 | British journal of criminology (e-vir) | Oxford University Press | 0 | ✔ |
0261-510X | British journal of developmental psychology | British Psychological Society | 0 | ✔ |
2044-835X | British journal of developmental psychology (e-vir) | British Psychological Society | 0 | ✔ |
2044-8279 | British journal of educational psychology (e-vir) | British Psychological Society; Wiley | 0 | ✔ |
0007-1005 | British journal of educational studies | Basil Blackwell & Mott | 0 | ✔ |
1467-8527 | British journal of educational studies (e-vir) | Faber and Faber | 0 | ✔ |
0007-1013 | British journal of educational technology | National Council for Educational Technology | 2 | ✔ |
1467-8535 | British journal of educational technology (e-vir) | Blackwell Publishers | 0 | ✔ |
1469-3534 | British journal of guidance & counselling (e-vir) | Careers Research and Advisory Centre | 0 | ✔ |
0306-9885 | British journal of guidance and counselling | Careers Research and Advisory Centre | 0 | ✔ |
1359-107X | British journal of health psychology | British Psychological Society | 0 | ✔ |
2044-8287 | British journal of health psychology (e-vir) | British Psychological Society | 0 | ✔ |
1354-4187 | British journal of learning disabilities | BILD; Blackwell | 0 | ✔ |
1468-3156 | British journal of learning disabilities (e-vir) | Blackwell Science | 0 | ✔ |
1045-3172 | British journal of management | Wiley | 0 | ✔ |
1467-8551 | British journal of management (e-vir) | Blackwell Publishers. | 0 | ✔ |
0007-1102 | British journal of mathematical & statistical psychology | John Wright & Sons | 0 | ✔ |
1353-0194 | British journal of Middle Eastern studies | British Society for Middle Eastern Studies | 0 | ✔ |
1469-3542 | British journal of Middle Eastern studies (e-vir) | British Society for Middle Eastern Studies | 0 | ✔ |
0265-0517 | British journal of music education | Cambridge University Press | 0 | ✔ |
1469-2104 | British journal of music education (e-vir) | Cambridge University Press | 0 | ✔ |
1359-4575 | British journal of music therapy | British Society for Music Therapy.; Association of Professional Music Therapists (Great Britain); British Association for Music Therapy, | 0 | ✔ |
2059-9773 | British journal of music therapy (e-vir) | SAGE | 0 | ✔ |
0007-1269 | British journal of psychology | Cambridge University Press | 0 | ✔ |
2044-8295 | British journal of psychology (e-vir) | British Psychological Society; Wiley | 0 | ✔ |
0141-6200 | British journal of religious education | C.E.M | 0 | ✔ |
1740-7931 | British journal of religious education (e-vir) | Taylor & Francis | 0 | ✔ |
0144-6665 | British journal of social psychology | British Psychological Society | 0 | ✔ |
2044-8309 | British journal of social psychology (e-vir) | British Psychological Society; Wiley-Blackwell] | 0 | ✔ |
0142-5692 | British journal of sociology of education | Carfax Publishing Company | 0 | ✔ |
1465-3346 | British journal of sociology of education (e-vir) | Carfax Publishing Co. | 0 | ✔ |
0952-3383 | British journal of special education | National Council for Special Education | 0 | ✔ |
1467-8578 | British journal of special education (e-vir) | Blackwell Publishers | 0 | ✔ |
1746-918X | British politics | Palgrave Macmillan | 0 | ✔ |
1746-9198 | British politics (e-vir) | Palgrave Macmillan | 0 | ✔ |
1460-9231 | British postgraduate musicology | British Postgraduate Musicology | 0 | |
2053-4264 | British postgraduate musicology (e-vir) | British Postgraduate Musicology | 0 | |
0524-6881 | Brno Studies in English | Masarykova univerzita; Univerzita J.E. Purkyně | 0 | |
1805-0867 | Brno Studies in English (e-vir) | Masarykova univerzita | 0 | |
1885-8155 | Brocar (e-vir) | Universitario de La Rioja, Servicio de Publicaciones | 0 | ✔ |
1885-8309 | Brocar | Universitario de La Rioja, Servicio de Publicaciones | 0 | ✔ |
1474-8932 | Brontë studies | Maney Publishing | 0 | ✔ |
1745-8226 | Brontë studies (e-vir) | Maney on behalf of the Brontë Society | 0 | ✔ |
1370-7477 | Brood & Rozen | Archief & Museum van de Sociale Arbeidersbeweging. | 0 | |
0300-2039 | Brücke-Archiv | Hirmer. | 0 | |
1013-8897 | Bruckner Jahrbuch... | Linzer Veranstaltungsgesellschaft | 0 | |
1125-3819 | Bruniana & Campanelliana | Istituti editoriali e poligrafici internazionali. | 0 | ✔ |
1724-0441 | Bruniana & Campanelliana | Istituti Editoriali e Poligrafici Internazionali. | 0 | ✔ |
1012-0890 | Buletinul Societǎţii Numismatice Române | Editura Academiei Române | 0 | |
0324-0207 | Bulgarian historical review | Institute of History, BAS | 0 | |
1353-1913 | Bull#an | Willow Press, | 0 | |
0027-3856 | Bulletin | Musées royaux des beaux-arts de Belgique | 0 | |
0081-5691 | Bulletin | Östasiatiska museet; Östasiatiska samlingarna | 0 | |
0166-0470 | Bulletin | Brill | 0 | ✔ |
0987-7940 | Bulletin | Société internationale d'études yourcenariennes | 0 | |
1378-2282 | Bulletin | Ministère de la Justice.; Ministerie van Justitie. | 0 | |
0037-9050 | Bulletin.. | Société de l'histoire du protestantisme français | 0 | |
2645-1697 | Bulletin.. (e-vir) | Société de l'histoire du protestantisme français | 0 | |
1279-7243 | Bulletin d'histoire et d'épistémologie des sciences de la vie | Société d'histoire et d'épistémologie des sciences de la vie (France) | 0 | |
0007-4217 | Bulletin de correspondance hellénique | Perris; Thorin | 0 | |
2241-0104 | Bulletin de correspondance hellénique (e-vir) | École française d' Athènes; Boccard, De | 0 | ✔ |
0770-7061 | Bulletin de l'Académie royale de langue et de littérature françaises | Académie royale de langue et de littérature françaises | 0 | |
0004-5527 | Bulletin de l'Association Guillaume Budé | Association Guillaume Budé | 0 | |
0336-1519 | Bulletin de l'École française d'Extrême-Orient | École française d'Extrême-Orient | 0 | |
1760-737X | Bulletin de l'École française d'Extrême-Orient (e-vir) | [École française d'Extrême-Orient] | 0 | |
0073-8530 | Bulletin de l'Institut historique belge de Rome | Instiut historique belge | 0 | |
0085-1892 | Bulletin de l'Institut royal du patrimoine artistique | Institut royal du patrimoine artistique; Koninklijk Instituut voor het Kunstpatrimonium | 0 | |
0001-415X | Bulletin de la Commission royale d'histoire | Académie royale de Belgique | 0 | |
0522-7496 | Bulletin de la Commission royale des monuments et des sites | Commission royale des monuments et des sites.; Koninklijke Commissie voor Monumenten en Landschappen. | 0 | |
0774-8396 | Bulletin de la Commission royale de toponymie & dialectologie | Koninklijke Commissie voor Toponymie en Dialectologie.; Commission royale de toponymie et dialectologie. | 0 | |
0005-948X | Bulletin de la Société d'Archéologie copte | Society for Coptic Archeology | 0 | |
0301-4126 | Bulletin de la Société de l'histoire de l'art français | Société de l'Histoire de l'Art Français | 0 | |
0037-9069 | Bulletin de la société de linguistique de Paris | Klincksieck | 0 | |
0991-9228 | Bulletin de la Société française de musicologie | Librairie F. Alcan | 0 | |
0037-9344 | Bulletin de la Société française de numismatique | Société française de numismatique | 0 | |
0081-1181 | Bulletin de la Société nationale des antiquaires de France | Société nationale des antiquaires de France; édition-diffusion De Boccard | 0 | |
0007-4322 | Bulletin de littérature ecclésiastique | Institut catholique | 0 | |
0068-4023 | Bulletin de philosophie médiévale | Secrétariat de la S.I.E.P.M.. | 0 | ✔ |
2034-6476 | Bulletin de philosophie médiévale (e-vir) | S.I.E.P.M. | 0 | ✔ |
0007-4403 | Bulletin de psychologie | Groupe d'études de psychologie de l'Université de Paris, | 0 | |
0765-0507 | Bulletin des amis du roman populaire | Association des amis du roman populaire (France) | 0 | |
0776-1414 | Bulletin des Musées royaux d'art et d'histoire | Musées royaux d'art et d'histoire | 0 | |
0994-8090 | Bulletin Du Cange | Champion,; Brill,; Droz, | 0 | |
1016-8982 | Bulletin du CIETA | Centre international d'étude des textiles anciens.; CIETA. | 0 | |
0133-5545 | Bulletin du Musée Hongrois des Beaux-Arts | A kötet megjelenését az Állami Biztosító Vállalat = La société d'assurances Állami Biztosító Vállalat | 0 | |
0027-3791 | Bulletin du Musée national de Varsovie | Musée national | 0 | |
0269-8552 | Bulletin - German Historical Institute London | German Historical Institute. | 0 | |
0928-3641 | Bulletin geschiedenis, kunst, cultuur | Tweede Fase Opleiding Geschiedenis van Kunst en Cultuur.; AIO-netwerk Geschiedenis van Kunst & Cultuur. | 0 | |
0964-1181 | Bulletin - Hamilton Kerr Institute | Hamilton Kerr Institute of the Fitzwilliam Museum. | 0 | |
0007-4640 | Bulletin hispanique | Féret; Georg; Ruat | 0 | |
2589-3343 | Bulletin KNOB (e-vir) | KNOB | 0 | ✔ |
1249-674X | Bulletin Marcel-Proust | Société des amis de Marcel Proust et des amis de Combray | 0 | |
0007-473X | Bulletin monumental | Société francaise d'archéologie | 0 | |
1475-3839 | Bulletin of Hispanic studies | Liverpool University Press. | 0 | ✔ |
1478-3398 | Bulletin of Hispanic studies | Liverpool University Press. | 0 | ✔ |
0146-2989 | Bulletin of medieval canon law | Institute of Research and Study in Medieval Canon Law. | 0 | |
1475-3820 | Bulletin of Spanish studies | Taylor & Francis. | 0 | ✔ |
1478-3428 | Bulletin of Spanish studies (e-vir) | Carfax Publishing Company | 0 | ✔ |
1079-8986 | Bulletin of symbolic logic | Association for Symbolic Logic | 0 | ✔ |
0010-9894 | Bulletin of the Council for Research in Music Education | School of Music, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign | 0 | ✔ |
2162-7223 | Bulletin of the Council for Research in Music Education (e-vir) | Council for Research in Music Education, School of Music, University of Illinois at Urbana Champaign | 0 | ✔ |
0263-5232 | Bulletin of the Hegel Society of Great Britain | Hegel Society of Great Britain | 0 | |
0007-5140 | Bulletin of the history of medicine (e-vir) | Johns Hopkins University Press | 0 | ✔ |
1086-3176 | Bulletin of the history of medicine (e-vir) | Johns Hopkins University Press | 0 | ✔ |
2041-5370 | Bulletin of the Institute of Classical Studies (e-vir) | John Wiley & Sons, Ltd | 0 | ✔ |
0076-0730 | Bulletin of the Institute of Classical Studies of the University of London | Institute of Classical Studies, University of London | 0 | ✔ |
0145-3890 | Bulletin of the International Organization for Septuagint and Cognate Studies | International Organization for Septuagint and Cognate Studies, | 0 | |
0301-102X | Bulletin of the John Rylands University Library of Manchester | John Rylands University Library of Manchester. | 0 | |
0862-8912 | Bulletin of the National Gallery in Prague | Národní galerie = National gallery | 0 | |
0041-977X | Bulletin of the School of Oriental and African Studies | School of Oriental and African Studies | 0 | ✔ |
1474-0699 | Bulletin of the School of Oriental and African Studies, University of London (e-vir) | School of Oriental and African Studies | 0 | ✔ |
0956-8271 | Bulletin of the Scientific Instrument Society | Scientific Instrument Society. | 0 | |
0138-0680 | Bulletin of the Section of Logic | Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Łódzkiego | 0 | ✔ |
2449-836X | Bulletin of the Section of Logic (e-vir) | Lodz University Press | 0 | ✔ |
0264-2190 | Bulletin of the Society for Italian Studies | Society for Italian Studies. | 0 | |
1023-2044 | Bulletin suisse de linguistique appliquée | Institut de linguistique de l'Université de Neuchâtel | 0 | |
0165-9510 | Bulletin van het Rijksmuseum | Staatsuitgeverij | 0 | |
0391-1810 | Bullettino dell'Istituto di diritto romano "Vittorio Scialoja" | Giuffrè | 0 | |
1127-6096 | Bullettino dell'Istituto storico italiano per il Medio Evo | Istituto storico italiano per il medioevo. | 0 | |
0391-7568 | Bullettino Senese di Storia Patria | Accademia Senese degli Intronati | 0 | |
0007-6201 | Burgen und Schlösser | Deutsche Brugenvereinigung e. V. zur Erhaltung der historischen Wehr- und Wohnbauten | 0 | |
0007-6538 | Business archives | Business Archives Council. | 0 | |
1080-5699 | Business communication quarterly | The Association | 0 | |
1552-4191 | Business communication quarterly (e-vir) | Sage Publications | 0 | |
0007-6791 | Business history | Frank Cass | 0 | ✔ |
1743-7938 | Business history (e-vir) | Liverpool University Press] | 0 | ✔ |
0007-6805 | Business history review | Harvard Graduate School of Business Administration | 0 | ✔ |
0345-195X | Byzantina | [s. n.] | 0 | |
1749-625X | Byzantine and modern Greek studies (e-vir) | B. Blackwell | 0 | ✔ |
0307-0131 | Byzantine and Modern Greek Studies | Modern Greek Studies Association. | 0 | ✔ |
0167-5346 | Byzantinische Forschungen | Hakkert | 0 | |
0007-7704 | Byzantinische Zeitschrift | Beck | 0 | |
1868-9027 | Byzantinische Zeitschrift (e-vir) | de Gruyter | 0 | ✔ |
0007-7712 | Byzantinoslavica | Institut slave | 0 | |
0378-2506 | Byzantion | Fondation Byzantine | 0 | |
2294-6209 | Byzantion (e-vir) | Uitgeverij Peeters | 0 | |
2603-3372 | Bʺlgarski ezik.; Български език (e-vir) | BAN. Institut za bʺlgarski ezik; БАН. Институт за български език. | 0 | |
1135-6405 | C&E, cultura y educación | Aprendizaje | 0 | ✔ |
1578-4118 | C&E, cultura y educación (e-vir) | Aprendizaje | 0 | ✔ |
0873-7282 | Cadernos de filosofia | Colibri, | 0 | |
0871-4975 | Cadernos de literatura | Instituto Nacional de Investigação Científica, Centro de Literatura Portuguesa da Universidade de Coimbra.; Universidade de Coimbra. Centro de Literatura Portuguesa. | 0 | |
1413-652X | Cadernos de literatura brasileira | Instituto Moreira Salles. | 0 | |
1645-1112 | Cadernos de literatura comparada | Universidade do Porto. | 0 | |
2183-2242 | Cadernos de literatura comparada (e-vir) | Instituto de Literatura Copmarada Margarida Losa | 0 | ✔ |
0008-0055 | Cahiers d'Etudes Africaines | Ecole pratique des hautes études, 6ème section | 0 | |
1777-5353 | Cahiers d'études africaines (e-vir) | Éd. de l'EHESS | 0 | |
1779-4684 | Cahiers d'études hispaniques médiévales | Séminaire d'études médiévales hispaniques (Lyon) | 0 | |
1149-6525 | Cahiers d'études hongroises | Centre interuniversitaire d'études hongroises (Paris); Institut hongrois (Paris) | 0 | |
1565-5512 | Cahiers d'études lévinassiennes | Institut d'études lévinasiennes. | 0 | |
0766-1177 | Cahiers d'Extrême-Asie | École française d'Extrême-Orient; École française d'Extrême-Orient | 0 | |
2117-6272 | Cahiers d'Extrême-Asie (e-vir) | [École française d'Extrême-Orient] | 0 | |
0008-008X | Cahiers d'histoire | Comité historique du Centre-Est; Horvath | 0 | |
1271-6669 | Cahiers d'histoire | Espaces Marx (Paris) | 0 | |
2102-5916 | Cahiers d'histoire (e-vir) | Cahiers d'histoire | 0 | ✔ |
0771-6435 | Cahiers d'histoire de la seconde guerre mondiale | Ministère de l'éducation nationale. | 0 | |
1424-0475 | Cahiers d'histoire du mouvement ouvrier | Association pour l'étude de l'histoire du mouvement ouvrier | 0 | |
0753-6712 | Cahiers d'histoire et de philosophie des sciences | Centre national de la recherche scientifique (France) | 0 | |
0007-9731 | Cahiers de civilisation médiévale | Université, Centre d'études supérieures de civilisation médiévale | 0 | |
0242-1593 | Cahiers de grammaire | Centre de dialectologie et de linguistique (Toulouse); Centre national de la recherche scientifique (France) | 0 | |
0771-6524 | Cahiers de l`institut de linguistique de Louvain | Institut de linguistique | 0 | |
0571-5865 | Cahiers de l'Association internationale des études francaises | Association internationale des études françaises.; AIEF. | 0 | |
0007-9871 | Cahiers de lexicologie | Didier | 0 | |
0153-3320 | Cahiers de linguistique Asie orientale | École des hautes études en sciences sociales, | 0 | ✔ |
1960-6028 | Cahiers de linguistique Asie orientale (e-vir) | CRLAO | 0 | ✔ |
0259-6199 | Cahiers de linguistique française | Université de Genève. Unité de linguistique française. | 0 | |
0007-988X | Cahiers de linguistique théoretique et appliquee | Académie de la République populaire roumaine | 0 | |
1015-5775 | Cahiers de musiques traditionnelles | Ateliers d'ethnomusicologie; diff.: Georg [etc.] | 0 | |
2296-4177 | Cahiers de musiques traditionnelles (e-vir) | Ateliers d'ethnomusicologie; Archives internationales de musique populaire | 0 | |
0765-4944 | Cahiers de praxématique | Equipe de recherche associée 966, Groupe de recherche en linguistique appliquée | 0 | |
0249-9185 | Cahiers de psychologie cognitive | Association pour la diffusion des recherches en sciences cognitives de langue française; Université de Provence; Université d'Aix-Marseille II | 0 | |
1272-9752 | Cahiers de recherches médiévales | Centre d'études médiévales (Orléans) | 0 | |
0317-5065 | Cahiers des études anciennes | Presses de l'Université du Québec. | 0 | |
1923-2713 | Cahiers des études anciennes (e-vir) | Département d'études anciennes et de sciences des religions, l'Université d'Ottawa; l'Institut d'études anciennes, Université Laval | 0 | |
0008-0047 | Cahiers des religions africaines | Université Lovanium de Kinshasa. Centre d'études des religions africaines.; C.E.R.A. | 0 | |
1016-9008 | Cahiers du Centre G. Glotz | Centre de recherches G. Glotz; [distributer] De Boccard | 0 | |
2117-5624 | Cahiers du Centre Gustave Glotz (e-vir) | [De Boccard] | 0 | |
0008-011X | Cahiers du cinéma | Cahiers du cinéma | 1 | |
1165-3558 | Cahiers du GEDISST | Groupe d'étude sur la division sociale et sexuelle du travail (Paris) | 0 | |
1777-5388 | Cahiers du monde russe (e-vir) | Éd. de l'EHESS | 0 | |
1252-6576 | Cahiers du Monde russe | Centre d'études du monde russe, soviétique et post-soviétique; Centre d'histoire du domaine turc d'EHESS | 0 | |
0181-1525 | Cahiers du Musée national d'art moderne | Centre Georges-Pompidou | 0 | |
1726-5363 | Cahiers du RIFAL | Agence de la francophonie.; Communauté française de Belgique.; RIFAL.; Réseau international francophone d'aménagement linguistique.; Organisation internationale de la francophonie. | 0 | |
0184-7678 | Cahiers Elisabéthains | Université Paul Valéry. | 0 | ✔ |
2054-4715 | Cahiers élisabéthains (e-vir) | Centre d'études et de recherches élisabéthaines de l'Université Paul Valéry] | 0 | ✔ |
1168-9501 | Cahiers F. Schubert | Société Franz Schubert. | 0 | |
0068-516X | Cahiers Ferdinand de Saussure | Droz | 0 | |
0008-0284 | Cahiers internationaux de symbolisme | Centre interdisciplinaire d'études philosophique de l'Université de Mons-Hainaut | 0 | |
0150-6943 | Cahiers Jean Giraudoux | Grasset; Société des amis de Jean Giraudoux | 0 | |
2271-6149 | Cahiers victoriens et édouardiens (e-vir) | Université Paul-Valéry Montpellier 3 | 0 | |
1637-4096 | Cahiers Voltaire | Société Voltaire; Centre international d'étude du XVIIIe siècle | 0 | |
1582-960X | Caietele Echinox | Dacia | 0 | |
1576-3471 | Calamus renascens | Instituto de Estudios Humanísticos.; Instituto de Estudios Turolenses.; Universidad de Cádiz. | 0 | |
0742-7778 | CALICO journal | [CALICO] | 0 | |
2056-9017 | CALICO journal (e-vir) | [CALICO] | 0 | ✔ |
0161-2492 | Callaloo | Callaloo | 0 | ✔ |
1080-6512 | Callaloo | Johns Hopkins University Press | 0 | ✔ |
1442-438X | CALL-EJ Online (e-vir) | <s.n.> | 0 | |
0008-1795 | Calvin theological journal | Calvin Theological Seminary. | 0 | |
1353-0089 | Cambrian medieval Celtic studies | CMCS | 0 | |
0305-764X | Cambridge journal of education | Cambridge Institute of Education | 0 | ✔ |
1469-3577 | Cambridge journal of education (e-vir) | Carfax International Publishers | 0 | ✔ |
0954-5867 | Cambridge opera journal | Cambridge University Press | 0 | ✔ |
1474-0621 | Cambridge opera journal (e-vir) | Cambridge University Press | 0 | ✔ |
0008-199X | Cambridge quarterly | R.D.Gooder, H.A.Mason, J.M.Newton, W.W.Robson | 0 | ✔ |
1015-1915 | Camera Austria | Forum Stadtpark | 1 | |
0270-5346 | Camera obscura | Camera Obscura Collective | 0 | ✔ |
1529-1510 | Camera obscura (e-vir) | Duke University Press | 0 | ✔ |
1786-5484 | Camoenae Hungaricae | Universitas Publishing House | 0 | |
1065-0741 | Campus-wide information systems | Meckler Corp. | 0 | |
2054-5576 | Campus-wide information systems (e-vir) | MCB University Press | 0 | |
0090-8290 | Canadian-American Slavic studies | Brill; Schlacks | 0 | ✔ |
2210-2396 | Canadian-American Slavic studies (e-vir) | Brill | 0 | ✔ |
0008-3755 | Canadian historical review | University of Toronto Press | 0 | ✔ |
0008-3968 | Canadian journal of African studies | Canadian Assoc. of African Studies | 0 | ✔ |
1923-3051 | Canadian journal of African studies (e-vir) | Canadian Association of African Studies | 0 | ✔ |
0380-2361 | Canadian journal of education | Canadian Society for the Study of Education. | 0 | |
1918-5979 | Canadian journal of education (e-vir) | Canadian Society for the Study of Education | 0 | |
0008-4107 | Canadian journal of history | Journal of History Co. | 0 | ✔ |
2292-8502 | Canadian journal of history (e-vir) | 0 | ✔ | |
0225-0500 | Canadian journal of Netherlandic studies | Association for the Advancement of Netherlandic Studies | 0 | |
0045-5091 | Canadian journal of philosophy | Canadian Assoc. for Publ. in Philosophy | 0 | ✔ |
1911-0820 | Canadian journal of philosophy | University of Calgary Press | 0 | ✔ |
0008-4360 | Canadian literature | University of British Columbia | 0 | |
0319-051X | Canadian review of comparative literature | Academic Printing and Publishing | 1 | |
1147-6753 | Caravelle | Presses universitaires du Mirail | 0 | |
2272-9828 | Caravelle (e-vir) | Presses universitaires du Mirail | 0 | |
1554-754X | Career and technical education research | Association for Career and Technical Education Research. | 0 | |
1362-0436 | Career development international | MCB University Press | 2 | ✔ |
1758-6003 | Career development international (e-vir) | MCB University Press | 0 | |
2161-0045 | Career development quarterly (e-vir) | National Career Development Association | 0 | ✔ |
0008-6606 | Carinthia I | J. Leon | 2 | |
1603-3663 | Carl Nielsen studies | Det Kongelige Bibliotek | 0 | |
1262-3490 | Carrefours de l'éducation | Centre régional de documentation pédagogique de Picardie | 0 | ✔ |
1969-6949 | Carrefours de l'éducation (e-vir) | Centre universitaire de recherche en sciences de l'éducation et en psychologie (Amiens) | 0 | |
0008-7181 | Casabella | Electa | 0 | |
0323-052X | Časopis Matice moravské | Matice moravská | 0 | |
1214-0627 | Časopis Národního muzea | Národní muzeum | 0 | |
0008-7386 | Časopis pro moderní filologii | Ústav pro jazyk český AV ČR | 0 | |
2336-6591 | Časopis pro moderní filologii (e-vir) | Filozofická fakulta Univerzity Karlovy v Praze | 0 | |
1123-8968 | Cassiodorus | Istituto di studi su Cassiodoro e sul Medioevo in Calabria. | 0 | |
1133-3820 | Castilla, Estudios de literatura | Universidad de Valladolid. Departamento de Literatura Española. | 0 | |
0008-8501 | Catholica | Aschendorff | 0 | |
0957-9664 | CBMH | Whurr | 0 | ✔ |
1699-4949 | Çedille | Asociación de Profesores de Francés de la universidad Española | 0 | |
0069-1399 | Celtica | Dublin Institute of Advanced Studies | 0 | ✔ |
0008-8994 | Centaurus | Munksgaard | 0 | ✔ |
1600-0498 | Centaurus (e-vir) | Munksgaard | 0 | ✔ |
0008-9192 | Central Asiatic journal | Harrassowitz | 0 | |
2747-4305 | Central Asiatic journal (e-vir) | Harrassowitz | 0 | |
1479-0963 | Central Europe | Maney | 0 | ✔ |
1745-8218 | Central Europe (e-vir) | Maney Publishing | 0 | ✔ |
0008-9389 | Central European history | Emory University. | 0 | ✔ |
1569-1616 | Central European history (e-vir) | Cambridge University Press | 0 | ✔ |
1210-7778 | Central European journal of public health | Czech Medical Association | 0 | |
1803-1048 | Central European Journal of Public Health (e-vir) | National Institute of Public Health | 0 | |
1532-5563 | Centropa | Centropa | 0 | |
1566-6816 | Cerebral cortex | Kluwer Academic/Plenum Publishers :; Plenum Press | 0 | |
0009-0468 | Česká literatura | Ústav pro českou literaturu | 0 | ✔ |
2571-094X | Česká literatura (e-vir) | 0 | ✔ | |
0009-062X | Československá psychologie | Academia | 0 | |
0862-6111 | Český časopis historický | Historický ústav AV ČR | 0 | |
2570-9208 | Český časopis historický (e-vir) | 0 | ||
0108-4453 | Chaos | Syddansk Universitet.; Københavns Universitet.; Religionshistorisk Forening.; Norsk religionshistorisk forening.; Svenska Samfundet för Religionshistorisk Forskning.; Norges almenvitenskapelige forskningsråd | 0 | |
0308-0951 | Charles Lamb bulletin | Charles Lamb Society. | 0 | |
1127-8951 | Cheiron | Centro di ricerche storiche e sociali Federico Odorici. | 0 | |
0379-864X | Chemical senses | Oxford University Press | 0 | ✔ |
1464-3553 | Chemical senses (e-vir) | [IRL Press] | 0 | ✔ |
1756-1108 | Chemistry education research and practice (e-vir) | University of Ioannina; Royal Society of Chemistry | 0 | |
0069-3391 | Chigiana | Leo Olschki | 0 | |
0305-1862 | Child | Blackwell Scientific | 0 | ✔ |
1365-2214 | Child (e-vir) | Blackwell Science | 0 | ✔ |
0145-2134 | Child Abuse and Neglect | Pergamon | 0 | ✔ |
1873-7757 | Child Abuse and Neglect (e-vir) | Pergamon Press | 0 | |
1357-5279 | Child care in practice | Department of Social Work, [Queen's University of Belfast] | 0 | ✔ |
1476-489X | Child care in practice (e-vir) | Routledgle | 1 | ✔ |
0009-3920 | Child development | Published by the University of Chicago Press for the Society for Research in Child Development | 0 | ✔ |
1467-8624 | Child development (e-vir) | Blackwell Synergy | 0 | ✔ |
1750-8592 | Child development perspectives | Blackwell Publishing | 0 | ✔ |
1750-8606 | Child development perspectives (e-vir) | Blackwell | 0 | ✔ |
0907-5682 | Childhood | SAGE Publications | 0 | ✔ |
1461-7013 | Childhood (e-vir) | SAGE Publications | 0 | ✔ |
Y505-4141 | Childhood (e-vir) | SAGE Publications | 0 | |
0265-6590 | Child language teaching and therapy | Edward Arnold | 0 | ✔ |
1477-0865 | Child language teaching and therapy (e-vir) | [Arnold] | 0 | ✔ |
1077-5595 | Child maltreatment | Sage Periodicals Press | 0 | ✔ |
1552-6119 | Child maltreatment (e-vir) | Sage Publications | 0 | ✔ |
1744-4136 | Child neuropsychology (e-vir) | Swets & Zeitlinger Pub. | 0 | ✔ |
0009-398X | Child psychiatry and human development | Kluwer | 0 | ✔ |
1573-3327 | Child psychiatry and human development (e-vir) | Kluwer | 0 | ✔ |
1071-4405 | Children's literature | [s.n., | 0 | |
0045-6713 | Children's literature in education | Agathon Press, etc.] | 0 | ✔ |
1573-1693 | Children's literature in education | Kluwer | 0 | ✔ |
0926-7263 | Chime | European Foundation for Chinese Music Research | 0 | |
1061-1932 | Chinese education and society | M.E. Sharpe Inc. | 0 | ✔ |
1944-7116 | Chinese education and society (e-vir) | M.E. Sharpe Inc. | 0 | ✔ |
0069-3715 | Chiron | C. H. Beck | 0 | |
0968-7262 | Choir & organ | Choir and organ | 0 | |
1198-449X | Chora | McGill University. History and Theory of Architecture Graduate Program. | 0 | |
1105-2163 | Choros.; Χορος | Ekdoseis Keimena; Εκδοσεις Κειμενα,; Ellīnikī Epigrafikī Etaireia; Ελληνική Επιγραφική Εταιρεία, | 0 | |
0210-9611 | Chronica nova | Universidad de Granada | 0 | |
0009-6067 | Chronique d'Egypte | Fondation Egyptologique Reine Elisabeth | 0 | |
0529-4975 | Chroniques de Port-Royal | Société des amis de Port-Royal | 0 | |
0766-4257 | Chroniques italiennes | Unité d'enseignement et de recherche d'italien et de roumain, | 0 | |
0742-0528 | Chronobiology international | Taylor & Francis | 0 | ✔ |
1525-6073 | Chronobiology international (e-vir) | Taylor & Francis | 0 | ✔ |
1366-8129 | Church archaeology | Society for Church Archaeology | 0 | |
0009-6407 | Church history | American Society of Church History | 0 | ✔ |
1755-2613 | Church history (e-vir) | American Society of Church History | 0 | ✔ |
1871-241X | Church history and religious culture | Brill | 0 | ✔ |
1871-2428 | Church history and religious culture (e-vir) | Brill | 0 | ✔ |
0268-7518 | Church monuments | Church Monuments Society | 0 | ✔ |
0009-7101 | Cinema journal | University of Illinois Press, etc. | 0 | |
1527-2087 | Cinema journal (e-vir) | Society of Cinematologists | 0 | |
0263-9475 | Circa | Artists Collective of N. Ireland. | 0 | |
2396-9180 | Circa (e-vir) | Artists' Collective of Northern Ireland | 0 | |
1576-4737 | Círculo de lingüística aplicada a la comunicación (e-vir) | Universidad Complutense, Facultad de Ciencias de la Información, Departamento de Filología Española III. | 0 | |
0379-8291 | Cistercienser Chronik | Bernardus-Verl. Langwaden] | 0 | |
0009-7497 | Cîteaux | Abdij | 0 | |
0774-7241 | Clairlieu | Geschiedkundige Kring Clairlieu, Maaseik. | 0 | |
0007-8549 | CLA journal | College Language Association. | 0 | |
2766-0265 | CLA journal (e-vir) | College Language Association | 0 | |
0106-5815 | Classica et mediaevalia | Librairie Museum Tusculanum | 0 | |
0278-6656 | Classical antiquity | University of California Press | 0 | ✔ |
1067-8344 | Classical antiquity (e-vir) | University of California Press | 0 | ✔ |
0009-837X | Classical philology | University of Chicago Press | 0 | ✔ |
1546-072X | Classical philology (e-vir) | University of Chicago Press | 0 | ✔ |
0009-8388 | Classical quarterly | Clarendon Press | 0 | ✔ |
0791-9417 | Classics Ireland | Classical Association of Ireland | 0 | |
1481-4374 | CLCWeb (e-vir) | S. Tötösy de Zepetnek | 3 | ✔ |
1092-3934 | Cleveland studies in the history of art | Cleveland Museum of Art | 0 | |
2328-9651 | Cleveland studies in the history of art (e-vir) | Cleveland Museum of Art. | 0 | |
1096-4037 | Clinical child and family psychology review (e-vir) | Kluwer Online | 0 | ✔ |
1573-2827 | Clinical child and family psychology review | Kluwer | 0 | ✔ |
1359-1045 | Clinical child psychology and psychiatry | Sage | 0 | ✔ |
1461-7021 | Clinical child psychology and psychiatry (e-vir) | Sage Publications | 0 | ✔ |
0269-9206 | Clinical linguistics & phonetics | Taylor & Francis | 0 | ✔ |
1464-5076 | Clinical linguistics & phonetics (e-vir) | Taylor & Francis; Informa Healthcare | 0 | ✔ |
1388-2457 | Clinical neurophysiology | Elsevier | 2 | ✔ |
0920-1637 | Clinical neuropsychologist | Swets Publishing Service | 0 | |
0969-5893 | Clinical psychology | Oxford University Press | 0 | ✔ |
1468-2850 | Clinical psychology (e-vir) | Oxford University Press on behalf of the American Psychological Association D12 | 0 | ✔ |
1099-0879 | Clinical psychology & psychotherapy (e-vir) | John Wiley & Sons | 0 | ✔ |
1063-3995 | Clinical psychology and psychotherapy | Wiley | 0 | ✔ |
0272-7358 | Clinical psychology review | Pergamon Press | 0 | ✔ |
1873-7811 | Clinical psychology review (e-vir) | Elsevier Ltd. | 0 | ✔ |
0870-4104 | Clio | Centro de História da Universidade de Lisboa; Instituto Nacional de Investigação Científica | 0 | |
0884-2043 | Clio | Indiana University-Purdue University at Fort Wayne. | 0 | |
1252-7017 | Clio | Presses universitaires du Mirail | 0 | ✔ |
1777-5299 | Clio (e-vir) | Presses Universitaires du Mirail | 0 | |
0379-3621 | Codices manuscripti | Brüder Hollinek | 0 | |
2067-5860 | Codrul Cosminului | Editura Universitæaţii din Suceava | 0 | ✔ |
0010-0277 | Cognition | Mouton | 0 | ✔ |
0737-0008 | Cognition and instruction | Lawrence Erlbaum Associates | 0 | ✔ |
1532-690X | Cognition and instruction (e-vir) | Lawrence Erlbaum Associates | 0 | ✔ |
1879-226X | Cognitive development (e-vir) | Elsevier Inc. | 0 | ✔ |
0885-2014 | Cognitive Development | Ablex Pub. Corp. | 0 | ✔ |
0936-5907 | Cognitive linguistics | Mouton de Gruyter | 0 | ✔ |
1613-3641 | Cognitive linguistics (e-vir) | Walter de Gruyter | 0 | ✔ |
1354-6805 | Cognitive neuropsychiatry | Psychology Press | 0 | ✔ |
1464-0619 | Cognitive neuropsychiatry (e-vir) | Psychology Press. | 0 | ✔ |
0264-3294 | Cognitive neuropsychology | Lawrence Erlbaum Associates | 0 | ✔ |
1464-0627 | Cognitive neuropsychology (e-vir) | Psychology Press. | 0 | ✔ |
0010-0285 | Cognitive psychology | Academic Press. | 0 | ✔ |
0364-0213 | Cognitive science | Ablex Pub. Corp. | 0 | ✔ |
1551-6709 | Cognitive science (e-vir) | Ablex Pub. Corp. | 0 | ✔ |
2080-7147 | Cognitive Studies | Slawistyczny Ośrodek Wydawniczy | 1 | ✔ |
2392-2397 | Cognitive Studies (e-vir) | Institute of Slavic Studies of the Polish Academy of Sciences | 0 | ✔ |
0147-5916 | Cognitive therapy and research (e-vir) | Kluwer Online | 0 | ✔ |
1573-2819 | Cognitive therapy and research | Kluwer | 0 | ✔ |
1468-2745 | Cold war history | Frank Cass | 0 | ✔ |
1743-7962 | Cold War history (e-vir) | Frank Cass | 0 | ✔ |
0776-8354 | Collationes. Vlaams tijdschrift voor theologie en pastoraal | Collationes. | 0 | |
0378-4916 | Collectanea Cisterciensia | Sr Lutgart Ghesquiere. | 0 | |
0010-0749 | Collectanea Franciscana | Istituto storico dei Cappuccini | 0 | |
0530-7058 | Collectanea Hibernica | Leinster Leader | 0 | |
0137-6985 | Collectanea theologica | Academiae Theologiae Catholicae | 0 | |
0093-3139 | College literature | West Chester State College. | 0 | |
1542-4286 | College literature (e-vir) | West Chester State College | 0 | |
0801-9282 | Collegium medievale | Collegium Medievale | 0 | ✔ |
2387-6700 | Collegium medievale (e-vir) | Novus forl. | 0 | ✔ |
1223-5261 | Colloquia | Presa Universitara Clujeana, | 0 | |
0010-1338 | Colloquia Germanica | Narr Francke Attempto Verlag GmbH + Co. KG | 0 | |
2941-0770 | Colloquia Germanica (e-vir) | 0 | ||
0179-3780 | Colloquium helveticum | Peter Lang; Universitäts-Verlag | 0 | |
0010-1451 | Colóquio | Fundação Calouste Gulbenkian | 0 | |
0069-6412 | Comitatus | University of California, Los Angeles.; University of California, Los Angeles.; University of California, Los Angeles. | 0 | |
1974-6385 | Commentari d'arte | De Luca | 0 | |
0378-0880 | Communication & cognition | Communication & Cognition | 0 | |
1612-1783 | Communication & medicine | Mouton de Gruyter | 0 | ✔ |
1613-3625 | Communication & medicine | Mouton de Gruyter | 0 | ✔ |
0146-3373 | Communication quarterly | Eastern Communication Association | 0 | ✔ |
1746-4102 | Communication quarterly (e-vir) | Eastern Communication Association; Routledge | 0 | ✔ |
0893-4215 | Communication reports | Western Speech Communication Association | 0 | ✔ |
1745-1043 | Communication reports (e-vir) | Taylor & Francis Group | 0 | ✔ |
0093-6502 | Communication research | Sage | 0 | ✔ |
1552-3810 | Communication research (e-vir) | Sage | 0 | ✔ |
1051-0974 | Communication studies | Central States Communication Association | 0 | ✔ |
1745-1035 | Communication studies (e-vir) | Central States Communication Association | 0 | ✔ |
1050-3293 | Communication theory | Guilford Publications | 0 | ✔ |
1468-2885 | Communication theory (e-vir) | Oxford University Press; Blackwell | 0 | ✔ |
0094-2065 | Communio | Communio | 0 | |
0010-3713 | Communio Viatorum | Protestant Theological Faculty of Charles University | 0 | |
0942-8917 | Compar(a)ison | Peter Lang | 0 | |
1120-7094 | Comparatistica | Olschki | 0 | |
0940-3566 | Comparativ | Leipziger Universitätsverlag | 0 | |
1477-5700 | Comparative American studies | Sage | 0 | ✔ |
1741-2676 | Comparative American studies (e-vir) | Sage Publications | 0 | ✔ |
1744-1854 | Comparative critical studies | British comparative literature association | 0 | ✔ |
1750-0109 | Comparative critical studies (e-vir) | Edinburgh University Press | 0 | ✔ |
0305-0068 | Comparative education | Carfax Publ. Co. | 0 | ✔ |
1360-0486 | Comparative education (e-vir) | Carfax. | 0 | ✔ |
0010-4086 | Comparative education review | Comparative and International Education Society | 0 | ✔ |
1545-701X | Comparative education review (e-vir) | Comparative Education Society | 0 | ✔ |
0010-4124 | Comparative literature | University of Oregon | 0 | ✔ |
1945-8517 | Comparative literature (e-vir) | University of Oregon | 0 | ✔ |
0010-4132 | Comparative literature studies | University of Illinois Press | 0 | ✔ |
1528-4212 | Comparative literature studies | University of Maryland | 0 | ✔ |
0010-4175 | Comparative studies in society and history | Cambridge University Press | 0 | ✔ |
1475-2999 | Comparative studies in society and history (e-vir) | Cambridge University Press | 0 | ✔ |
0305-7925 | Compare | Carfax | 0 | ✔ |
1469-3623 | Compare (e-vir) | Carfax International Publishers | 0 | ✔ |
0065-0536 | Comptes-rendus des séances de l'année ... | Académie des inscriptions et belles-lettres; diffusion de Boccard | 0 | |
0891-2017 | Computational linguistics | Association for Computational Linguistics | 0 | ✔ |
1530-9312 | Computational linguistics (e-vir) | MIT Press Journals | 0 | ✔ |
1061-3773 | Computer applications in engineering education | J. Wiley & Sons | 2 | ✔ |
1099-0542 | Computer applications in engineering education (e-vir) | John Wiley & Sons, Inc. | 0 | ✔ |
0958-8221 | Computer assisted language learning | Swets & Zeitlinger; Intellect Books | 0 | ✔ |
1744-3210 | Computer assisted language learning (e-vir) | Swets & Zeitlinger Pub. | 0 | ✔ |
0148-9267 | Computer music journal | MIT press | 0 | ✔ |
1531-5169 | Computer music journal (e-vir) | People's Computer Co. | 0 | ✔ |
1873-782X | Computers & education | Elsevier Science | 0 | ✔ |
0360-1315 | Computers & Education | Pergamon Press | 0 | ✔ |
1048-6798 | Computers and the history of art | Harwood Academic Publishers. | 0 | |
0010-4817 | Computers and the humanities | Kluwer Academic Publishers | 0 | |
0899-3408 | Computer science education | Ablex Pub. Corp. | 0 | ✔ |
1744-5175 | Computer science education (e-vir) | Swets & Zeitlinger Pub. | 0 | ✔ |
0747-5632 | Computers in human behavior | Elsevier Science | 2 | ✔ |
1873-7692 | Computers in human behavior (e-vir) | Elsevier Science | 0 | ✔ |
1095-8363 | Computer speech & language (e-vir) | International Speech Communication Association | 0 | |
1057-9478 | Computing in musicology | Center for Computer Assisted Research in the Humanities | 0 | |
1134-3478 | Comunicar | Grupo Comunicar. | 0 | ✔ |
1988-3293 | Comunicar (e-vir) | Grupo Comunicar | 0 | ✔ |
1697-3127 | Con-ciencia social | Federación Icaria | 0 | |
1437-904X | Concilium medii aevi | Ed. Ruprecht | 0 | |
1437-9058 | Concilium medii aevi | Ed. Ruprecht | 0 | |
1437-9066 | Concilium medii aevi (e-vir) | Ed. Ruprecht | 0 | |
1063-1801 | Configurations | Johns Hopkins University Press | 0 | ✔ |
1080-6520 | Configurations | Johns Hopkins University Press | 0 | ✔ |
0888-6091 | Confluencia | University of Northern Colorado | 0 | |
2328-6962 | Confluencia (e-vir) | University of Northern Colorado | 0 | |
0010-5716 | Confrontation | Long Island University, English Department | 0 | |
1721-6745 | Confronto | Paparo,; Paparo, | 0 | |
0951-2314 | Conradian | Joseph Conrad Society. | 0 | ✔ |
0010-6356 | Conradiana | Texas Tech University | 0 | |
1935-0252 | Conradiana (e-vir) | Texas Tech University | 0 | |
1053-8100 | Consciousness and cognition | Academic Press | 0 | ✔ |
1090-2376 | Consciousness and cognition (e-vir) | Academic Press; Elsevier | 0 | |
0267-7768 | Construction history | Construction History Group | 0 | |
1860-2010 | Constructions | Hochschulbibliothekszentrum des Landes Nordrhein-Westfalen. | 0 | ✔ |
1782-348X | Constructivist Foundations (e-vir) | Vrije Universiteit Brussel | 3 | |
Y508-2722 | Constructivist Foundations | Vrije Universiteit | 0 | |
1127-3070 | Contemporanea | Il Mulino. | 1 | ✔ |
1724-6105 | Contemporanea | Istituti Editoriali e Poligrafici Internazionali | 0 | ✔ |
1824-355X | Contemporanea | Istituti Editoriali e Poligrafici Internazionali | 0 | ✔ |
2612-2235 | Contemporanea (e-vir) | Il Mulino | 0 | |
1135-9978 | Contemporánea | Asociación de Escritores en Lingua Galega. | 0 | |
1361-9462 | Contemporary British history | Frank Cass | 0 | ✔ |
1743-7997 | Contemporary British history (e-vir) | Frank Cass | 0 | ✔ |
0361-476X | Contemporary educational psychology | Academic Press. | 0 | ✔ |
1090-2384 | Contemporary educational psychology (e-vir) | Academic Press | 0 | ✔ |
0960-7773 | Contemporary European history | Cambridge University Press | 0 | ✔ |
1469-2171 | Contemporary European history (e-vir) | Cambridge University Press | 0 | ✔ |
1740-9292 | Contemporary French and francophone studies | Routledge | 0 | ✔ |
1740-9306 | Contemporary French and francophone studies (e-vir) | Taylor & Francis | 0 | ✔ |
0010-7484 | Contemporary literature | University of Wisconsin Press | 0 | |
1548-9949 | Contemporary literature (e-vir) | University of Wisconsin Press | 0 | |
0749-4467 | Contemporary music review | Harwood | 0 | ✔ |
1477-2256 | Contemporary music review (e-vir) | Harwood | 0 | ✔ |
1048-6801 | Contemporary theatre review | Harwood Academic Publishers | 0 | ✔ |
1477-2264 | Contemporary theatre review (e-vir) | Harwood Academic Publishers | 0 | ✔ |
1754-1476 | Contemporary women's writing | Oxford University Press | 0 | ✔ |
1754-1484 | Contemporary women's writing (e-vir) | Oxford University Press | 0 | ✔ |
1536-5042 | Contexts | American Sociological Association | 0 | |
1537-6052 | Contexts | University of California Press; Published for the American Sociological Association | 0 | |
1387-2842 | Continental philosophy review | Springer | 0 | ✔ |
1573-0611 | Continental philosophy review (e-vir) | Kluwer | 0 | |
0268-4160 | Continuity and change | Cambridge University Press | 0 | ✔ |
1469-218X | Continuity and change (e-vir) | Cambridge University Press | 0 | ✔ |
1136-4076 | Contrastes | Universidad de Málaga | 0 | |
0010-809X | Controspazio | Gangemi editore | 0 | |
1541-163X | Coptica | Saint Mark Foundation.; Saint Shenouda the Archimandrite Coptic Society. | 0 | |
1749-5032 | Corpora | Edinburgh University Press | 0 | ✔ |
1755-1676 | Corpora (e-vir) | Edinburgh University Press | 0 | ✔ |
0296-8916 | Corpus | Association pour le Corpus des oeuvres de philosophie en langue française | 0 | |
1613-7027 | Corpus linguistics and linguistic theory | Mouton De Gruyter | 0 | ✔ |
1613-7035 | Corpus linguistics and linguistic theory (e-vir) | Mouton de Gruyter | 0 | ✔ |
Y507-0856 | Corpus linguistics and linguistic theory | Mouton De Gruyter | 0 | |
0010-9452 | Cortex | Tipografica Varese | 1 | ✔ |
0590-8876 | Costume | Costume Society.; Victoria and Albert Museum. | 0 | ✔ |
1749-6306 | Costume (e-vir) | Published for the Society | 0 | ✔ |
1040-0419 | Creativity research journal | Creativity Research Journal | 0 | ✔ |
1532-6934 | Creativity research journal (e-vir) | L. Erlbaum Associates | 0 | ✔ |
1762-598X | Creolica (e-vir) | Groupe européen de recherches en langues créoles (France) | 0 | |
1724-3688 | Creta antica | Università di Catania, Centro di archeologia cretese. | 0 | |
1571-2265 | Cretan studies | Hakkert | 0 | |
1422-0857 | Crime, histoire & sociétés = | Droz | 0 | |
1663-4837 | Crime, histoire & sociétés = | Droz | 0 | ✔ |
1471-2857 | Criminal behaviour and mental health (e-vir) | Whurr Publishers. | 0 | ✔ |
0093-8548 | Criminal justice and behavior | Sage Publications, inc. | 0 | ✔ |
1552-3594 | Criminal justice and behavior (e-vir) | Sage Publications | 0 | ✔ |
0194-0953 | Criminal justice history | Crime and Justice History Group. | 0 | |
1871-9791 | Criminal law and philosophy | Springer | 1 | ✔ |
1871-9805 | Criminal law and philosophy (e-vir) | Springer | 0 | ✔ |
0011-1384 | Criminology | Sage Publications. | 0 | ✔ |
1486-9195 | Criminology | University of Ottawa. Centre of Criminology. | 0 | |
1745-9125 | Criminology (e-vir) | Blackwell Publishing. | 0 | ✔ |
0169-894X | CRIN | Rijksuniversiteit Groningen-Instituut voor Romaanje Talen | 0 | ✔ |
1875-6751 | CRIN (e-vir) | Département de Langues Romanes.; Vakgroep Frans. | 0 | |
1016-2798 | Crisia | Muzeul "Tǎrii Crişurilor" | 0 | |
0227-5910 | Crisis | C. J. Hogrefe | 2 | ✔ |
2151-2396 | Crisis (e-vir) | Hogrefe | 0 | ✔ |
0393-3598 | Cristianesimo nella storia | Centro Editoriale Dehoniano | 0 | ✔ |
2612-2227 | Cristianesimo nella storia (e-vir) | Il Mulino | 0 | ✔ |
0011-1503 | Crítica | UNAM. Instituto de Investigaciones Filosóficas. | 0 | |
0011-1511 | Critica d'arte | Edifir. | 0 | |
1127-1140 | Critica del testo | Viella | 0 | ✔ |
0390-0142 | Critica letteraria | Loffredo; Paolo Loffredo Iniziative editoriali,; Paolo Loffredo Editore, | 0 | |
0093-1896 | Critical inquiry | University of Chicago | 0 | ✔ |
1539-7858 | Critical inquiry (e-vir) | University of Chicago Press | 0 | ✔ |
1066-288X | Critical matrix (e-vir) | Program in Women's Studies | 0 | |
0011-1562 | Critical quarterly | Manchester University Press | 0 | ✔ |
1467-8705 | Critical quarterly (e-vir) | Blackwell Publishers | 0 | ✔ |
0891-3811 | Critical review | Libertarian Review Foundation | 0 | ✔ |
1933-8007 | Critical review | Libertarian Review Foundation] | 0 | ✔ |
0923-411X | Critical studies | Rodopi | 0 | |
1875-7332 | Critical studies | Rodopi | 0 | |
0011-1570 | Critical survey | Oxford University Press | 0 | ✔ |
1752-2293 | Critical survey (e-vir) | Berghahn | 0 | ✔ |
0011-1589 | Criticism | Wayne State University Press. | 0 | ✔ |
1536-0342 | Criticism (e-vir) | Wayne State University Press | 0 | ✔ |
0247-381X | Criticón | Institut d'études hispaniques et hispano-américaines (Toulouse); Université Toulouse-Jean Jaurès | 0 | |
2272-9852 | Criticón (e-vir) | Presses universitaires du Mirail | 0 | |
0011-1600 | Critique | Editions de Minuit | 0 | |
0011-1619 | Critique | Bolingbroke Society | 0 | ✔ |
1939-9138 | Critique (e-vir) | [Bolingbroke Society] | 0 | ✔ |
0352-4000 | Crkva u svijetu | Biskupski ordinarijat; Katolički bogoslovni fakultet Sveučilišta | 0 | |
1848-9656 | Crkva u svijetu (e-vir) | Katolički bogoslovni fakultet Sveučilišta | 0 | |
1333-1108 | Croatian journal of philosophy | Kruzak | 2 | ✔ |
1847-6139 | Croatian journal of philosophy | Kruzak | 0 | ✔ |
Y504-0191 | Croatian journal of philosophy | Kruzak | 0 | |
0350-7823 | Croatica christiana periodica | Institut za crkvenu povijest Katoličkog bogoslovnog fakulteta u Zagrebu | 0 | |
1123-7023 | Cromohs | Firenze University Press | 0 | ✔ |
0391-1535 | Cronache ercolanesi | Gaetano Macchiaroli Libraio Editore | 0 | |
1139-711X | Cronos | Instituto de Estudios Documentales e Históricos sobre la Ciencia; Universidad de Valencia | 0 | |
1069-3971 | Cross-cultural research | Sage Periodicals Press | 0 | ✔ |
1552-3578 | Cross-cultural research (e-vir) | Sage Publications | 0 | ✔ |
1476-5276 | Crusades | Ashgate | 0 | ✔ |
2832-7861 | Crusades (e-vir) | published by Routledge for the Society for the Study of the Crusades and the Latin East | 0 | ✔ |
0011-2356 | Cuadernos Americanos | Universidad nacional autonoma de México | 0 | |
0210-962X | Cuadernos de arte de la Universidad de Granada | Universidad, Secretariado de Publicaciones | 0 | |
2445-4567 | Cuadernos de arte de la Universidad de Granada (e-vir) | Universidad de Granada | 0 | |
0210-847X | Cuadernos de estudios gallegos | Instituto de Estudios Gallegos Padre Sarmiento | 0 | ✔ |
1988-8333 | Cuadernos de estudios gallegos | Instituto de Estudios Gallegos Padre Sarmiento, CSIC | 0 | ✔ |
0210-0746 | Cuadernos de filología clásica | Universidad Complutense de Madrid; Universidad Complutense de Madrid | 0 | |
1131-9070 | Cuadernos de filología clásica. Estudios griegos e indoeuropeos | Facultad de Filología. Universitas Complutensis-Universidad de Madrid.; Universidad Complutense de Madrid. Facultad de Filología.; Universidad Complutense de Madrid. Departamento de Filología Griega y Lingüística Indoeuropea. | 0 | |
1131-9062 | Cuadernos de filología clásica. Estudios latinos | Servicio de Publicaciones, Universidad Complutense | 0 | |
1886-7731 | Cuadernos de filología clásica. Estudios latinos (e-vir) | Departamento de Filología Latina. Facultad de Filología.; Universidad Complutense de Madrid. Departamento de Filología Latina. | 0 | |
1988-2343 | Cuadernos de filología clásica. Estudios latinos | Servicio de Publicaciones, Universidad Complutense | 0 | |
1133-9527 | Cuadernos de filología italiana | Universidad Complutense de Madrid. Departamento de Filología Italiana. | 0 | |
1698-0832 | Cuadernos de filología italiana (e-vir) | Universidad Complutense de Madrid. Departamento de Filología Italiana. | 0 | |
1988-2394 | Cuadernos de filología italiana (e-vir) | Servicio de Publicaciones, Universidad Complutense | 0 | |
0214-400X | Cuadernos de historia contemporánea | Universidad Complutense de Madrid | 0 | |
1698-2142 | Cuadernos de historia contemporánea (e-vir) | Universidad Complutense de Madrid. Departamento de Historia Contemporánea. | 0 | |
1988-2734 | Cuadernos de historia contemporánea | Universidad Complutense, Servicio de Publicaciones | 0 | |
1133-7613 | Cuadernos de historia del derecho | Servicio de Publicaciones, Universidad Complutense. | 0 | |
1698-062X | Cuadernos de historia del derecho (e-vir) | Universidad Complutense de Madrid | 0 | |
1988-2521 | Cuadernos de historia del derecho (e-vir) | Universidad Complutense, Servicio de Publicaciones | 0 | |
0214-4018 | Cuadernos de historia moderna | Universidad Complutense de Madrid | 0 | |
1696-747X | Cuadernos de historia moderna (e-vir) | Universidad Complutense de Madrid | 0 | |
1988-2475 | Cuadernos de historia moderna | Servicio de Publicaciones, Universidad Complutense | 0 | |
0214-4670 | Cuadernos de investigación histórica Brocar | Universidad de Zaragoza | 0 | |
0214-1388 | Cuadernos de teatro clásico | Compañía Nacional de Teatro Clásico (España) | 0 | |
0011-250X | Cuadernos hispanoamericanos | Instituto de Cooperación Iberoamericana | 0 | |
0210-0061 | Cuadernos para investigación de la literatura hispánica | Fundación Universitaria Española | 0 | ✔ |
2660-647X | Cuadernos para la investigación de la literatura hispánica (e-vir) | Fundación Universitaria Española | 0 | ✔ |
0870-4546 | Cultura | Instituto Nacional de Investigação Científica, Centro de História da Cultura da Universidade Nova de Lisboa | 0 | ✔ |
2183-2021 | Cultura (e-vir) | I.N.I.C.; C.H.C.U.N.L. | 0 | ✔ |
1697-7750 | Cultura, lenguaje y representación | Publicacions de la Universitat Jaume I, Servei de Comunicació i Publicacions | 0 | |
2340-4981 | Cultura, lenguaje y representación (e-vir) | Universidad Jaume I | 0 | |
1478-0038 | Cultural and social history | Arnold | 0 | ✔ |
1478-0046 | Cultural and social history (e-vir) | Arnold | 0 | ✔ |
1743-2197 | Cultural politics | Berg Publishers | 0 | ✔ |
1751-7435 | Cultural politics (e-vir) | Berg | 0 | ✔ |
0950-2386 | Cultural studies | Taylor & Francis | 0 | ✔ |
1466-4348 | Cultural studies (e-vir) | Methuen | 0 | ✔ |
1871-1502 | Cultural studies of science education | Springer | 0 | ✔ |
1871-1510 | Cultural studies of science education (e-vir) | Springer | 0 | ✔ |
0391-5654 | Cultura neolatina | Istituto di filologia romanza dell'Università di Roma.; Università degli studi, Roma La Sapienza. Facoltà di lettere. Istituto di filologia romanza. | 0 | |
1369-1058 | Culture, health & sexuality | Taylor & Francis | 0 | ✔ |
1464-5351 | Culture, health & sexuality (e-vir) | Taylor & Francis | 0 | ✔ |
0195-2714 | Culture & history | West Virginia. | 0 | |
1354-067X | Culture & psychology | Sage | 0 | ✔ |
1461-7056 | Culture & psychology (e-vir) | Sage Publications | 0 | ✔ |
1871-1162 | cULTUUR | Stichting Europese Etnologie | 0 | |
0963-7214 | Current directions in psychological science | Cambridge University Press | 0 | ✔ |
1467-8721 | Current directions in psychological science (e-vir) | Cambridge University Press | 0 | ✔ |
1466-4208 | Current issues in language planning | Multilingual Matters Ltd. | 1 | ✔ |
1747-7506 | Current issues in language planning (e-vir) | Multilingual Matters | 0 | ✔ |
0011-3735 | Current musicology | Columbia University | 0 | ✔ |
2640-883X | Current musicology (e-vir) | Columbia University Libraries and Columbia University Department of Music | 0 | |
0959-4388 | Current opinion in neurobiology | Current Biology Ltd | 0 | ✔ |
1379-6100 | Current psychology letters (e-vir) | Current psychology letters | 0 | |
0726-416X | Curriculum and teaching | James Nicholas Publishers | 0 | |
0362-6784 | Curriculum inquiry | J. Wiley. | 0 | ✔ |
1467-873X | Curriculum inquiry (e-vir) | Blackwell Publishing | 0 | ✔ |
1469-3704 | Curriculum journal (e-vir) | Routledge | 0 | ✔ |
0965-9757 | Curriculum studies | Triangle | 0 | |
1094-9313 | Cyberpsychology & behavior | Mary Ann Liebert, Inc. | 0 | |
0342-0299 | Dacoromania | Alber. | 0 | |
1582-4438 | Dacoromania | Editura Academiei Române | 0 | |
0011-5266 | Daedalus | MIT Press Journals | 0 | ✔ |
1548-6192 | Daedalus (e-vir) | American Academy of Arts and Sciences | 0 | ✔ |
0130-6626 | Dailė | Valstybinė grožinės literatūros leidykla; Valstybinė grožinės literatūros leidykla; Vaga; [Lietuvos dailininkų sąjungos PĮ Dailės leidybos ir informacijos centras]; Artseria | 0 | |
1130-0507 | Daimon | Universidad de Murcia | 0 | ✔ |
1989-4651 | Daimon | Edit.um | 0 | ✔ |
0711-8813 | Dalhousie French studies | Dept. of French. Dalhousie University. | 0 | |
1611-1370 | DAM-Jahrbuch | Deutsches Architektur-Museum, Frankfurt am Main.; DAM. | 0 | |
0264-2875 | Dance research | Society for Dance Research | 0 | ✔ |
1750-0095 | Dance research (e-vir) | Society for Dance Research | 0 | ✔ |
0070-2749 | Danish yearbook of philosophy | Selskabet for Filosofi og Psykologi.; Dansk Filosofisk Selskab.; Philosophical Society of Aarhus.; Philosophical Society of Odense. | 0 | |
0416-6884 | Dansk °arbog for musikforskning | Dansk Selskab for Musikforskning | 0 | |
2245-4985 | Dansk årbog for musikforskning (e-vir) | Dansk Selskab for Musikforskning | 0 | |
0106-4525 | Danske studier | C. A. Reitzel | 0 | ✔ |
1600-6038 | Danske talesprog | Københavns Universitet. | 0 | |
0904-2393 | Dansk pædagogisk tidsskrift | Dansk Pædagogisk Tidsskrift | 0 | |
0105-3191 | Dansk teologisk tidsskrift | Eksistensen | 0 | |
1724-9058 | Dante | Istituti editoriali e poligrafici internazionali | 0 | ✔ |
1824-9272 | Dante | Istituti Editoriali e Poligrafici Internazionali | 0 | ✔ |
0070-2862 | Dante studies, with the annual report of the Dante Society | Dante Society of America. | 0 | ✔ |
2329-2180 | Dante studies, with the annual report of the Dante Society (e-vir) | The Dante Society of America, Incorporated in co-operation with the State University of New York at Binghamton | 0 | |
0300-693X | Daphnis | Walter de Gruyter. | 0 | ✔ |
1879-6583 | Daphnis (e-vir) | Rodopi | 0 | ✔ |
0722-740X | Das achtzehnte Jahrhundert | Wallstein | 0 | |
1015-406X | Das achtzehnte Jahrhundert und Österreich | Winkler | 0 | |
0002-6646 | Das Altertum | Akademie-Verlag | 0 | |
0004-1157 | Das Argument | Argument Ariadne Versand; Argument-Vertrieb | 0 | |
2567-3181 | Das historisch-politische Buch (e-vir) | Duncker & Humblot | 0 | ✔ |
0018-2605 | Das Historisch-politische Buch | Muster-Schmidt | 0 | ✔ |
0949-0345 | Das Mittelalter | Akademie Verlag | 0 | ✔ |
2196-6869 | Das Mittelalter (e-vir) | de Gruyter | 0 | ✔ |
0027-299X | Das Münster | Schnell und Steiner | 0 | |
0259-8957 | Das Waldviertel | Waldviertler Heimatbund | 0 | |
0932-4747 | Das Zeichen | Zentrum für Deutsche Gebärdensprache | 0 | |
0929-9890 | De achttiende eeuw | Werkgroep 18e Eeuw; Werkgroep Achttiende Eeuw | 0 | |
0929-0761 | Dead Sea discoveries | Brill | 0 | ✔ |
1568-5179 | Dead Sea discoveries (e-vir) | Brill Academic | 0 | ✔ |
0748-1187 | Death studies | Hemisphere Pub. Corp. | 0 | ✔ |
1091-7683 | Death studies (e-vir) | Taylor & Francis | 0 | ✔ |
0188-9478 | Debate feminista | [s.n.] | 0 | |
0168-8391 | De boekenwereld | Matrijs; SUN; Vantilt; Amsterdam University Press | 0 | |
0011-7315 | Decision sciences | American Institute for Decision Sciences | 0 | ✔ |
1540-5915 | Decision sciences (e-vir) | [Decision Sciences Institute] | 0 | ✔ |
0167-9236 | Decision support systems | North-Holland | 0 | |
1873-5797 | Decision support systems (e-vir) | North-Holland | 0 | |
0871-9519 | Dedalus | APLC.; Associação Portuguesa de Literatura Comparada. | 0 | |
0251-2408 | De Franse Nederlanden | Stichting Ons Erfdeel | 0 | |
0376-8163 | Degrés | André Helbo. | 0 | |
1871-7837 | De groene Amsterdammer | Weekblad De Groene Amsterdammer | 0 | |
0777-5067 | De Gulden Passer | Vereeniging der Antwerpsche Bibliophilen. | 0 | |
0300-4414 | Dějiny věd a techniky | Společnost pro dějiny věd a techniky | 0 | |
0923-9790 | Delineavit et sculpsit | Stichting Vrienden van het Prentenkabinet der Rijksuniversiteit Leiden. | 0 | |
1471-3012 | Dementia | Sage | 0 | ✔ |
1741-2684 | Dementia (e-vir) | Sage Publications. | 0 | ✔ |
1420-8008 | Dementia and geriatric cognitive disorders | Karger | 1 | ✔ |
1421-9824 | Dementia and geriatric cognitive disorders (e-vir) | S. Karger | 0 | ✔ |
1381-8546 | De negentiende eeuw | Maatschappij der Nederlandse Letterkunde; Werkgroep 19e Eeuw | 0 | |
0109-9280 | Den jyske historiker | Aarhus Universitet. Historisk Institut. | 0 | |
1436-168X | Denkmalpflege & Kulturgeschichte | Landesamt für Denkmalpflege Hessen | 0 | |
1384-6280 | De parelduiker | Stichting Oog in 't Zeil. | 0 | |
1091-4269 | Depression and anxiety | Wiley-Liss | 0 | ✔ |
1520-6394 | Depression and anxiety (e-vir) | Wiley-Liss, Inc. | 0 | ✔ |
0003-9500 | Der Archivar | Nordrhein-Westfälisches Hauptstaatsarchiv; Schmitt | 0 | |
0179-8367 | Der Feminist | Förderkreis Der Feminist. | 0 | |
0021-1818 | Der Islam | de Gruyter | 0 | ✔ |
1613-0928 | Der Islam | de Gruyter | 0 | ✔ |
0036-6145 | Der Schlern | Athesia | 0 | |
1349-9947 | Design discourse (e-vir) | Design History Forum | 0 | |
0747-9360 | Design issues | University of Illinois at Chicago | 1 | ✔ |
1531-4790 | Design issues (e-vir) | University of Illinois at Chicago | 0 | ✔ |
1448-7136 | Design philosophy papers (e-vir) | Team D/E/S | 0 | |
0142-694X | Design studies | Elsevier Science | 0 | ✔ |
1872-6909 | Design studies (e-vir) | Elsevier | 0 | ✔ |
0011-9741 | Deutsch als Fremdsprache | E. Schmidt | 0 | |
2198-2430 | Deutsch als Fremdsprache (e-vir) | E. Schmidt | 0 | |
Y509-884X | Deutsch als Fremdsprache (e-vir) | E. Schmidt | 0 | |
0167-2185 | Deutsche Bücher | Weidler | 0 | |
0012-1223 | Deutsches Archiv für Erforschung des Mittelalters | Böhlau | 0 | |
0340-9341 | Deutsche Sprache | E. Schmidt | 0 | ✔ |
1868-775X | Deutsche Sprache (e-vir) | E. Schmidt | 0 | ✔ |
0012-0936 | Deutsche Vierteljahrsschrift für Literaturwissenschaft und Geistesgeschichte | J. B. Metzler | 0 | ✔ |
2365-9521 | Deutsche Vierteljahrsschrift für Literaturwissenschaft und Geistesgeschichte (e-vir) | Springer | 0 | ✔ |
0012-1045 | Deutsche Zeitschrift für Philosophie | Deutscher Verlag der Wissenschaften | 0 | ✔ |
2192-1482 | Deutsche Zeitschrift für Philosophie | Akad.-Verl. | 0 | |
0012-1428 | Deutschland-Archiv | Verlag Wissenschaft u. Politik von Nottbeck | 0 | |
0012-1460 | Deutschunterricht | Volk und Wissen, Volkseigener Verlag | 0 | |
1532-6942 | Developmental neuropsychology (e-vir) | L. Erlbaum Associates | 0 | ✔ |
8756-5641 | Developmental neuropsychology | Lawrence Erlbaum Associates | 0 | ✔ |
0378-5866 | Developmental neuroscience | S. Karger | 0 | ✔ |
1421-9859 | Developmental neuroscience | S. Karger | 0 | ✔ |
0012-1630 | Developmental psychobiology | International Society for Developmental Psychobiology. | 0 | ✔ |
1098-2302 | Developmental psychobiology (e-vir) | John Wiley & Sons | 0 | ✔ |
0012-1649 | Developmental psychology | American Psychological Association. | 0 | ✔ |
1939-0599 | Developmental psychology (e-vir) | American Psychological Association | 0 | ✔ |
0273-2297 | Developmental review | Academic Press | 0 | ✔ |
1090-2406 | Developmental review (e-vir) | Academic Press | 0 | ✔ |
1363-755X | Developmental science | Blackwell | 0 | ✔ |
1467-7687 | Developmental science (e-vir) | Blackwell Publishers | 0 | ✔ |
0954-5794 | Development and psychopathology | Cambridge University Press | 0 | ✔ |
1469-2198 | Development and psychopathology (e-vir) | Cambridge University Press | 0 | ✔ |
0163-9625 | Deviant behavior | Hemisphere Pub. Corp. | 0 | ✔ |
1521-0456 | Deviant behavior | Taylor & Francis | 0 | ✔ |
0774-8523 | De witte raaf | Witte Huis. | 0 | |
0921-142X | De Zeventiende eeuw | Werkgroep Zeventiende Eeuw | 0 | |
2212-7402 | De Zeventiende eeuw | DBNL; Igitur Publishing | 0 | |
0176-4225 | Diachronica | John Benjamins Publishing Co. | 0 | ✔ |
1569-9714 | Diachronica | John Benjamins | 0 | ✔ |
1330-2655 | Diacovensia | Visoka bogoslovna škola | 1 | ✔ |
1849-014X | Diacovensia (e-vir) | Katolički bogoslovni fakultet u Đakovu Sveučilišta Josipa Jurja Strossmayera u Osijeku | 0 | ✔ |
0870-8967 | Diacrítica | Centro de Estudos Portugueses, Universidade do Minho | 0 | |
2183-9174 | Diacrítica (e-vir) | Centro de Estudos Portugueses, Universidade do Minho | 0 | |
0300-7162 | Diacritics | John Hopkins University Press | 0 | ✔ |
1080-6539 | Diacritics (e-vir) | Johns Hopkins University Press | 0 | ✔ |
0417-4046 | Diadora | Arheološki muzej Zadar | 0 | |
2459-7694 | Diadora (e-vir) | Arheološki muzej Zadar | 0 | |
0012-1924 | Diagnostica | Verlag für Psychologie Hogrefe | 0 | ✔ |
2190-622X | Diagnostica | Hogrefe | 0 | ✔ |
0341-9592 | Diakonia | Herder | 0 | |
1795-5270 | Diakonian tutkimus (e-vir) | Diakonian tutkimuksen seura. | 0 | |
0781-7118 | Diakonian vuosikirja | Kirkon diakoniatyön keskus.; Diakonia.; Kirkon diakonia- ja yhteiskuntatyön keskus.; Kirkkohallitus. Diakonia ja yhteiskuntatyö.; Diakonia, yhdistys.; Kirkon diakoniatyön keskus.; Kirkon diakonia- ja yhteiskuntatyön keskus. | 0 | |
0012-2017 | Dialectica | Dialectica | 0 | ✔ |
1746-8361 | Dialectica (e-vir) | Blackwell Publishing | 0 | ✔ |
Y505-4192 | Dialectica (e-vir) | Blackwell Publishing | 0 | |
0942-4040 | Dialectologia et geolinguistica | M. de Gruyter | 0 | ✔ |
1867-0903 | Dialectologia et geolinguistica (e-vir) | de Gruyter Mouton | 0 | ✔ |
0939-5512 | Dialektik | Meiner | 0 | |
0012-2173 | Dialogue | Wilfrid Laurier University Press; Canadian Philosophical Association = Association canadienne de philosophie | 0 | ✔ |
1759-0949 | Dialogue (e-vir) | Published by Wilfrid Laurier University for the Canadian Philosophical Association | 0 | ✔ |
0755-7256 | Dialogues d'histoire ancienne | Faculté des lettres et sciences humaines | 0 | ✔ |
1955-270X | Dialogues d'histoire ancienne (e-vir) | [Institut des sciences et techniques de l'Antiquité] | 0 | ✔ |
1733-5566 | Diametros (e-vir) | Instytut Filozofii UJ. | 0 | ✔ |
1637-5823 | Diasporas | Equipe Diasporas (Toulouse ; 1979-2005) | 0 | |
2431-1472 | Diasporas (e-vir) | Presses universitaires du Midi | 0 | |
0212-2952 | Dicenda | Universidad Complutense | 0 | |
1698-2460 | Dicenda (e-vir) | Universidad Complutense de Madrid. Departamento de Filologia Española II. | 0 | |
1988-2556 | Dicenda (e-vir) | Universidad Complutense, Servicio de Publicaciones | 0 | |
0742-5473 | Dickens quarterly | Dickens Society | 0 | |
2169-5377 | Dickens quarterly (e-vir) | Published for the Dickens Society by the University of Louisville | 0 | |
1130-0531 | Didáctica | Universidad Complutense de Madrid; Universidad Complutense de Madrid | 0 | |
1698-2452 | Didáctica (e-vir) | Universidad Complutense de Madrid. Departamento de Didáctica de la Lengua y la Literatura. | 0 | |
1988-2548 | Didáctica | Servicio de Publicaciones, Universidad Complutense | 0 | |
1250-0739 | Didaskalia | Institut national de recherche pédagogique (France); Université Laval (Québec, Canada) | 0 | |
0070-4806 | Diderot studies | Droz | 0 | |
0170-9364 | Die alte Stadt | Kohlhammer | 0 | |
0947-031X | Die Denkmalpflege | Dt. Kunstverl. | 0 | ✔ |
0935-0519 | Die Gartenkunst | Werner, | 0 | |
1437-3378 | Die Laute | Deutsche Lautengesellschaft. | 0 | |
0027-4801 | Die Musikforschung | Bärenreiter-Verlag | 0 | |
0936-7586 | Die Philosophin | Edition Diskord | 0 | |
2154-1620 | Die Philosophin | Philosophy Documentation Center | 0 | |
0376-401X | Die Sprache | Harrassowitz | 0 | |
0043-2520 | Die Welt der Slaven | Verlag Otto Sagner | 0 | |
0043-2539 | Die Welt des Islams | Brill | 0 | ✔ |
1570-0607 | Die Welt des Islams = | Brill | 0 | ✔ |
1040-7391 | Differences | Indiana University Press | 0 | ✔ |
1527-1986 | Differences (e-vir) | Indiana University Press | 0 | ✔ |
1462-6268 | Digital creativity | Intellect Books | 0 | ✔ |
1744-3806 | Digital creativity (e-vir) | Intellect Books | 0 | ✔ |
1128-8221 | Dike | Led Edizioni | 0 | ✔ |
2465-0242 | Dike (e-vir) | Ledizioni Ledipublishing | 0 | ✔ |
1125-517X | Dimensioni e problemi della ricerca storica | FAE; Carocci | 0 | |
0392-1921 | Diogenes | International Council for Philosophy and Humanistic Studies | 0 | |
1467-7695 | Diogenes (e-vir) | [Berghahn Books] | 0 | |
1824-0240 | Dioniso | Fondazione INDA.; Istituto nazionale del dramma antico. | 0 | |
0705-1085 | Dionysius | Dalhousie University Press. | 0 | |
0959-2296 | Diplomacy and statecraft | Taylor & Francis | 0 | ✔ |
1557-301X | Diplomacy and statecraft (e-vir) | F. Cass | 0 | ✔ |
0145-2096 | Diplomatic history | Scholarly Resources Inc. | 0 | ✔ |
1467-7709 | Diplomatic history (e-vir) | Blackwell Publishers | 0 | ✔ |
0968-7599 | Disability & society | Routledge, Taylor & Francis | 0 | ✔ |
1360-0508 | Disability & society (e-vir) | Carfax | 0 | ✔ |
0159-6306 | Discourse | Carfax | 0 | ✔ |
1469-3739 | Discourse (e-vir) | Carfax | 0 | ✔ |
0957-9265 | Discourse & society | Sage Publications | 0 | ✔ |
1460-3624 | Discourse & society (e-vir) | Sage | 0 | ✔ |
0163-853X | Discourse processes | Ablex Publishing Corporation | 0 | ✔ |
1532-6950 | Discourse processes (e-vir) | L. Erlbaum Associates | 0 | ✔ |
1461-4456 | Discourse studies | Sage Publications | 0 | ✔ |
1461-7080 | Discourse studies (e-vir) | Sage Publications | 0 | ✔ |
0842-1420 | Discours social | McGill University. Comparative Literature Program. | 0 | |
0967-8948 | DISKUS | DISKUS. | 0 | |
0873-626X | Disputatio | S.P.F. | 0 | ✔ |
2182-2875 | Disputatio (e-vir) | S.P.F. | 0 | ✔ |
0158-7919 | Distance education | School of External Studies, Royal Melbourne Institute of Technology | 0 | ✔ |
1475-0198 | Distance education (e-vir) | Distance Education Centre, the University of Southern Queensland | 0 | ✔ |
0862-5409 | Divadelní revue | Academia; Divadelní ústav; Institut umění - Divadelní ústav | 0 | |
0070-6760 | Dix-huitième siècle | Société française d'étude du XVIIIe siècle | 0 | |
1969-6965 | Dix-septième siècle (e-vir) | Société d'étude du XVIIe siècle (France) | 0 | ✔ |
1303-7242 | Doægu batű düşünce dergisi | Felsefe Sanat ve kültür Yayűnlarű.; 2002-2002.; Doægu Batű Yayűnlarű.; 2002- | 0 | |
1380-3204 | DOCOMOMO journal | International Secretariat DOCOMOMO | 1 | ✔ |
2773-1634 | DOCOMOMO journal (e-vir) | Docomomo International | 0 | ✔ |
0771-8640 | Documenta | Documentatiecentrum voor dramatische kunst | 0 | |
0921-4690 | Documentatieblad Lutherse kerkgeschiedenis | [s.n.] | 0 | |
0165-4349 | Documentatieblad Nadere Reformatie | Stichting Studie der Nadere Reformatie. | 0 | |
0923-7771 | Documentatieblad voor de Nederlandse kerkgeschiedenis na 1800 | Kok | 0 | ✔ |
2665-9492 | Documentatieblad voor de Nederlandse kerkgeschiedenis na 1800 (e-vir) | Amsterdam University Press | 0 | ✔ |
1122-5750 | Documenti e studi sulla tradizione filosofica medievale | SISMEL edizioni del Galluzzo | 0 | |
1589-6145 | Dohnányi évkönyv ... / | MTA Zenetudományi Intézet, | 0 | |
0231-7443 | Dokumenta Pragensia | Archiv hlavního města Prahy; Scriptorium | 0 | |
0012-5377 | Domus | Editoriale Domus | 0 | |
Y509-1934 | Domus (e-vir) | Editoriale Domus | 0 | |
0418-0615 | Dresdener Kunstblätter | Staatliche Kunstsammlungen Dresden. | 0 | |
1331-3878 | Dubrovnik annals | Hrvatska akademija znanosti i umjetnosti, Zavod za povijesne znanosti; Croatian academy of sciences and arts, Institute for historical sciences | 0 | ✔ |
1848-8153 | Dubrovnik annals (e-vir) | Hrvatska akademija znanosti i umjetnosti, Zavod za povijesne znanosti | 0 | ✔ |
Y502-7411 | Dubrovnik annals | Hrvatska akademija znanosti i umjetnosti, Zavod za povijesne znanosti; Croatian academy of sciences and arts, Institute for historical sciences | 0 | |
1380-6602 | Duitse kroniek | Rodopi | 0 | |
0070-7546 | Dumbarton Oaks papers | Dumbarton Oaks Center for Byzantine Studies. | 0 | |
2325-9345 | Dumbarton Oaks papers (e-vir) | Harvard University Press | 0 | |
0309-6564 | Dutch crossing | Dutch Department. Bedford College. | 0 | ✔ |
1759-7854 | Dutch crossing (e-vir) | Maney | 0 | ✔ |
1876-2824 | Dutch journal of music theory = | Amsterdam University Press; Digitaal Productiecentrum | 0 | |
1871-2401 | Dutch review of church history (e-vir) | Brill | 0 | |
0393-9006 | DWF. Donna woman femme | Bulzoni Editore. | 0 | |
1361-360X | Dwned | [s.n.]. | 0 | |
0211-9536 | Dynamis | Universidad de Granada; Universidad Autónoma de Barcelona | 0 | ✔ |
2340-7948 | Dynamis (e-vir) | Editorial Universidad de Granada y Universidad Autónoma de Barcelona | 0 | |
1076-9242 | Dyslexia | Wiley | 0 | |
1099-0909 | Dyslexia (e-vir) | John Wiley & Sons | 0 | ✔ |
0419-8824 | Dzieje Najnowsze | Zakład Narodowy im. Ossolińskich | 0 | |
0012-8163 | Early American literature | University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. | 0 | |
1534-147X | Early American literature (e-vir) | [publisher not identified] | 0 | |
0300-4430 | Early child development and care | Gordon and Breach | 1 | ✔ |
1476-8275 | Early child development and care (e-vir) | Carfax | 0 | ✔ |
1082-3301 | Early childhood education journal | Human Sciences Press | 0 | ✔ |
1573-1707 | Early childhood education journal (e-vir) | Kluwer | 0 | ✔ |
1873-7706 | Early childhood research quarterly (e-vir) | Ablex Pub. Corp. | 0 | ✔ |
0885-2006 | Early Childhood Research Quarterly | Ablex Pub. Corp. | 0 | ✔ |
0378-3782 | Early human development | Elsevier/North-Holland | 0 | ✔ |
1872-6232 | Early human development (e-vir) | Elsevier Science | 0 | ✔ |
1468-0254 | Early medieval Europe (e-vir) | Blackwell Publishers | 0 | ✔ |
0963-9462 | Early Medieval Europe | Longman | 0 | ✔ |
1201-2459 | Early modern literary studies (e-vir) | Dept. of English, University of British Columbia. | 0 | ✔ |
0306-1078 | Early music | Oxford University Press | 0 | ✔ |
1741-7260 | Early music (e-vir) | Oxford University Press | 0 | ✔ |
Y505-4206 | Early music (e-vir) | Oxford University Press | 0 | |
0261-1279 | Early music history | Cambridge University Press | 0 | ✔ |
1474-0559 | Early music history (e-vir) | Cambridge University Press | 0 | ✔ |
Y505-5016 | Early music history (e-vir) | Cambridge University Press | 0 | |
1746-0654 | Early popular visual culture | Routledge | 0 | ✔ |
1746-0662 | Early popular visual culture (e-vir) | Taylor & Francis | 0 | ✔ |
1383-7427 | Early science and medicine | Brill | 0 | ✔ |
1573-3823 | Early science and medicine | Brill | 0 | ✔ |
1206-9078 | Early theatre | McMaster University Press. | 0 | ✔ |
2293-7609 | Early theatre (e-vir) | CRRS Publications | 0 | ✔ |
0957-5146 | Early years | Taylor & Francis | 0 | ✔ |
1472-4421 | Early years (e-vir) | Published for TACTYC by Trentham Books | 0 | ✔ |
1036-6008 | East Asian history | Australian National University. Institute of Advanced Studies. | 0 | |
1562-918X | East Asian science, technology, and medicine | International Society for the History of East Asian Science, Technology, and Medicine. | 0 | ✔ |
2666-9323 | East Asian science, technology, and medicine (e-vir) | International Society for the History of East Asian Science, Technology, and Medicine (ISHEASTM) | 0 | ✔ |
0012-8708 | Eastern Buddhist. New series | Otani University. Eastern Buddhist Society. | 0 | |
0888-3254 | East European politics and societies | University of California Press | 1 | ✔ |
1533-8371 | East European politics and societies (e-vir) | Sage Publications | 0 | ✔ |
1124-4909 | Eating and weight disorders | Editrice Kurtis | 0 | ✔ |
1590-1262 | Eating and weight disorders | Editrice Kurtis. | 0 | ✔ |
1010-3872 | Ecclesia orans | Pontificio istituto liturgico | 0 | |
1801-0865 | Écho des études romanes | L' institut d'études romanes de la Faculté des Lettres de l'Université de Bohême du Sud | 0 | |
1804-8358 | Écho des études romanes (e-vir) | Université de Bohême du Sud | 0 | |
1473-2769 | Ecloga | University of Strathclyde. | 0 | |
0963-0899 | Economia | Association of European Economics Education. | 0 | |
0013-0117 | Economic history review | Economic history society | 0 | ✔ |
1468-0289 | Economic history review (e-vir) | Blackwell Publishing | 0 | ✔ |
0266-2671 | Economics and philosophy | Cambridge University Press. | 0 | ✔ |
1474-0028 | Economics and philosophy (e-vir) | Cambridge University Press | 0 | ✔ |
1873-7382 | Economics of education review | Elsevier Science | 0 | ✔ |
0272-7757 | Economics of Education Review | Elsevier Science Ltd | 0 | ✔ |
0013-0567 | Économies et sociétés | Institut de science économique appliquée (Paris) | 0 | |
0308-5147 | Economy and society | Routledge | 0 | ✔ |
1469-5766 | Economy and society (e-vir) | Routledge | 0 | ✔ |
0212-0429 | Edad de oro | Universidad Autónoma de Madrid; Universidad Autónoma de Madrid | 0 | |
2605-3314 | Edad de oro (e-vir) | Universidad Autónoma de Madrid, Departamento de Filología Española | 0 | |
1138-9621 | Edad Media | Universidad de Valladolid | 0 | |
2530-6448 | Edad Media (e-vir) | Universidad de Valladolid | 0 | ✔ |
0013-0818 | Edda | Universitetsforl | 0 | ✔ |
1500-1989 | Edda (e-vir) | Universitetsforl. | 0 | ✔ |
0872-7643 | Educação, sociedade & culturas | Edições Afrontamento | 0 | ✔ |
2184-8408 | Educação, sociedade & culturas (e-vir) | Afrontamento | 0 | ✔ |
1139-613X | Educación XX1 | Universidad Nacional de Educación a Distancia. | 0 | ✔ |
2174-5374 | Educación XX1 | Universidad Nacional de Educación a Distancia. | 0 | ✔ |
1576-5199 | Educación y futuro | Universidad Complutense de Madrid | 0 | |
1380-3611 | Educatinal research and evaluation | Swets & Zeitlinger; European Educational Research Association | 0 | ✔ |
1746-1979 | Education, citizenship and social justice | Sage Publications | 0 | ✔ |
1746-1987 | Education, citizenship and social justice (e-vir) | Sage Publications | 0 | ✔ |
1956-3485 | Éducation & didactique | Presses Universitaires de Rennes | 0 | |
0748-8491 | Education & treatment of children | Pressley Ridge School | 0 | |
1934-8924 | Education & treatment of children (e-vir) | Pressley Ridge School | 0 | ✔ |
0040-0912 | Education + training | MCB University Press | 0 | ✔ |
1758-6127 | Education + training (e-vir) | Turnstile Press | 0 | |
0300-4279 | Education 3-13 | Studies in Education | 0 | ✔ |
1475-7575 | Education 3-13 (e-vir) | W. Collins Sons] | 0 | ✔ |
0013-161X | Educational administration quarterly | University Council for Educational Administration | 0 | ✔ |
1552-3519 | Educational administration quarterly (e-vir) | Sage Publications | 0 | ✔ |
0267-1611 | Educational and child psychology | British Psychological Society | 0 | ✔ |
2396-8702 | Educational and child psychology (e-vir) | 0 | ✔ | |
0013-1644 | Educational and psychological measurement | Educational and Psychological Measurement, etc. | 0 | ✔ |
1552-3888 | Educational and psychological measurement (e-vir) | Sage Publications | 0 | ✔ |
1062-7197 | Educational assessment | Lawrence Erlbaum Associates | 0 | ✔ |
1532-6977 | Educational assessment (e-vir) | L. Erlbaum Associates. | 0 | ✔ |
0162-3737 | Educational evaluation and policy analysis | American Educational Research Association] | 0 | ✔ |
1935-1062 | Educational evaluation and policy analysis (e-vir) | American Educational Research Association | 0 | ✔ |
0360-1277 | Educational gerontology | Hemisphere Pub. Corp. | 1 | ✔ |
1521-0472 | Educational gerontology (e-vir) | Taylor & Francis | 0 | ✔ |
1943-5878 | Educational leadership (e-vir) | National Education Association of the United States. | 0 | |
0013-1784 | Educational Leadership | Association for Supervision and Curriculum Development | 0 | |
0004-7597 | Educational media international | International Council for Educational Media. | 0 | |
0013-1857 | Educational philosophy and theory | University of New South Wales [etc.] | 0 | ✔ |
1469-5812 | Educational philosophy and theory (e-vir) | Carfax | 0 | ✔ |
0895-9048 | Educational policy | Corwin Press | 0 | ✔ |
1552-3896 | Educational policy (e-vir) | Sage Publications | 0 | ✔ |
0046-1520 | Educational psychologist | Lawrence Erlbaum Associates, Publishers | 0 | ✔ |
1532-6985 | Educational psychologist | L. Erlbaum Associates | 0 | ✔ |
0144-3410 | Educational psychology | Carfax Publishing Company | 0 | ✔ |
1469-5820 | Educational psychology (e-vir) | Carfax Pub. | 0 | ✔ |
0266-7363 | Educational psychology in practice | Longman | 0 | ✔ |
1469-5839 | Educational psychology in practice (e-vir) | Longman | 0 | ✔ |
1040-726X | Educational psychology review | Plenum Press | 0 | ✔ |
1573-336X | Educational psychology review | Kluwer | 0 | ✔ |
0013-1881 | Educational research | NFER Publishing Company | 0 | ✔ |
1469-5847 | Educational research (e-vir) | NFER Publishing Company | 0 | ✔ |
1744-4187 | Educational research and evaluation (e-vir) | Swets & Zeitlinger Pub. | 0 | ✔ |
0013-189X | Educational researcher | American Educational Research Association | 0 | ✔ |
1935-102X | Educational researcher (e-vir) | American Educational Research Association | 0 | ✔ |
1570-2081 | Educational research for policy and practice | Kluwer Academic Publishers | 0 | ✔ |
1573-1723 | Educational research for policy and practice (e-vir) | Kluwer | 0 | ✔ |
0196-5042 | Educational research quarterly | U.S.C. School of Education | 0 | |
1747-938X | Educational research review | Elsevier | 0 | ✔ |
1878-0385 | Educational research review (e-vir) | Elsevier | 0 | ✔ |
0013-1911 | Educational review | Carfax Publishing Company | 0 | ✔ |
1465-3397 | Educational review (e-vir) | Carfax Publishing Company | 0 | ✔ |
0305-5698 | Educational studies | Carfax Publ. | 1 | ✔ |
1465-3400 | Educational studies (e-vir) | Carfax International Publishers | 0 | ✔ |
0013-1954 | Educational studies in mathematics | Reidel | 0 | ✔ |
1573-0816 | Educational studies in mathematics (e-vir) | Kluwer | 0 | ✔ |
1436-4522 | Educational technology & society (e-vir) | [Institut für Angewandte Informationstechnik, GMD-Forschungszentrum Informationstechnik]. | 0 | ✔ |
1598-5776 | Educational Technology International | Korean Society for Educational Technology | 0 | |
1042-1629 | Educational technology research and development | Association for Educational Communications and Technology | 0 | ✔ |
1556-6501 | Educational technology research and development (e-vir) | Association for Educational Communications and Technology | 0 | ✔ |
0013-2004 | Educational theory | University of Illinois | 0 | ✔ |
1741-5446 | Educational theory (e-vir) | Blackwell | 0 | ✔ |
1085-4908 | Education and culture | University of Iowa | 0 | ✔ |
1559-1786 | Education and culture (e-vir) | Purdue University Press | 0 | ✔ |
1360-2357 | Education and information technologies | Chapman & Hall | 0 | ✔ |
1573-7608 | Education and information technologies (e-vir) | 0 | ✔ | |
0726-2655 | Education and society | James Nicholas | 0 | |
1547-0350 | Education and training in developmental disabilities | Council for Exceptional Children, Division on Developmental Disabilities | 0 | |
0294-0868 | Education et formations | Ministère de l'éducation nationale, Service de l'informatique de gestion et des statistiques | 0 | |
1373-847X | Education et sociétés | De Boeck & Larcier | 0 | |
1782-1428 | Education et sociétés (e-vir) | De Boeck Université | 0 | |
0013-1350 | Education in Chemistry | Royal Society of Chemistry | 0 | |
1749-5326 | Education in Chemistry (e-vir) | Royal Society of Chemistry | 0 | |
Y505-0138 | Education in Chemistry (e-vir) | Royal Society of Chemistry | 0 | |
0013-1377 | Education in Science | Association for Science Education | 0 | |
0339-7513 | Education permanente | Institut national pour la formation des adultes | 0 | |
0239-6858 | Edukacja | Wydawnictwa Szkolne i Pedagogiczne | 0 | |
2449-8998 | Edukacja (e-vir) | Instytut Badań Edukacyjnych | 0 | |
1230-929X | Edukacja Dorosłych | Akademickie Towarzystwo Andragogiczne. | 0 | |
1406-0760 | Eesti Ajalooarhiivi toimetised | Eesti Ajalooarhiiv | 0 | |
2228-0677 | Eesti Rakenduslingvistika Ühingu aastaraamat (e-vir) | Eesti Rakenduslingvistika Ühing | 0 | |
1736-2563 | Eesti Rakenduslingvistika Ühingu aastaraamat ... = | Eesti Rakenduslingvistika Ühing | 0 | |
1824-6192 | Eidola | Accademia Editoriale | 0 | ✔ |
1826-719X | Eidola | Accademia Editoriale | 0 | ✔ |
0840-6286 | Eighteenth-century fiction | University of Toronto Press | 0 | ✔ |
1911-0243 | Eighteenth-century fiction (e-vir) | University of Toronto Press] | 0 | ✔ |
0790-7915 | Eighteenth-century Ireland | Eighteenth-Century Ireland Society | 0 | |
0098-2601 | Eighteenth century life | Johns Hopkins University Press | 0 | ✔ |
1086-3192 | Eighteenth-century life (e-vir) | Johns Hopkins University Press | 0 | ✔ |
1478-5706 | Eighteenth-century music | Cambridge University Press | 0 | ✔ |
1478-5714 | Eighteenth-century music (e-vir) | Cambridge University Press | 0 | ✔ |
0013-2586 | Eighteenth-century studies | Johns Hopkins University Press | 0 | ✔ |
1086-315X | Eighteenth-century studies (e-vir) | Johns Hopkins University Press | 0 | ✔ |
0013-2608 | Éigse | National University of Ireland | 0 | |
1121-8819 | Eikasmos | Alma Mater Studiorum; Patron | 0 | |
1550-5162 | Éire-Ireland (e-vir) | Irish American Cultural Institute. | 0 | |
0013-2683 | Éire-Ireland; | Irish American Cultural Institute. | 0 | |
0046-1628 | Eirene | Academia, nakladatelství Československé akademie věd | 0 | |
1018-9556 | Ekklēsiastikos faros | Institute for Afro-Hellenic Studies; Department of Classical Languages, Rand Afrikaans University | 0 | |
0212-5633 | El croquis | El croquis editorial | 0 | |
2174-0356 | El Croquis (e-vir) | El Croquis Editorial | 0 | |
1887-1542 | E-learning papers (e-vir) | P. A. U. Education | 3 | |
0392-7342 | Elenchos | Consiglio nazionale delle ricerche. Istituto per il lessico intellettuale europeo e storia delle idee | 0 | ✔ |
2037-7177 | Elenchos (e-vir) | Bibliopolis | 0 | ✔ |
0013-8304 | ELH | Johns Hopkins University Press. | 0 | ✔ |
1080-6547 | ELH (e-vir) | J. Hopkins University Press | 0 | ✔ |
0758-3478 | Elseneur | Université, Centre de recherche sur la modernité ; 14032 Cedex; Presses universitaires de Caen | 0 | |
0951-0893 | ELT journal | Oxford University Press | 0 | ✔ |
1477-4526 | ELT journal (e-vir) | Oxford University Press | 0 | ✔ |
0206-3735 | Emakeele Seltsi aastaraamat | Emakeele Selts. | 0 | |
1243-0412 | Emblemata | G. Monfort, | 0 | |
0885-968X | Emblematica | AMS Press, | 0 | |
1988-8384 | Emerita (e-vir) | Instituto de Lenguas y Culturas del Mediterráneo y Oriente Próximo, CSIC | 0 | ✔ |
0013-6662 | Emérita | Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Cientifícas. Instituto de Filología "Antonio de Nebrija" | 0 | ✔ |
1469-5790 | EMI (e-vir) | Kogan Page | 0 | ✔ |
0952-3987 | EMI. Educational media international | Kogan Page | 0 | ✔ |
1528-3542 | Emotion | American Psychological Association | 0 | ✔ |
1931-1516 | Emotion | American Psychological Association | 0 | ✔ |
0931-5020 | Empirische Pädagogik | Empirische Pädagogik | 0 | |
0142-5455 | Employee relations | MCB Human Resources Limited | 0 | ✔ |
1758-7069 | Employee relations (e-vir) | Emerald | 0 | |
1502-7155 | En face | Universitetet i Oslo, Institutt for arkeologi, kunsthistorie og konservering. | 0 | |
0013-7545 | Enfance | Laboratoire de Psycho-biologie de l'Enfant | 0 | |
1873-1937 | English for specific purposes (e-vir) | Elsevier Science | 0 | |
0889-4906 | English for Specific Purposes | Pergamon | 1 | ✔ |
1682-3257 | English for specific purposes world (e-vir) | ESP World. | 0 | |
1360-6743 | English language and linguistics | Cambridge University Press | 0 | ✔ |
1469-4379 | English language and linguistics (e-vir) | Cambridge University Press | 0 | ✔ |
0918-3701 | English linguistics | English Linguistic Society of Japan | 0 | |
0013-8312 | English literary renaissance | s.n. | 0 | ✔ |
1475-6757 | English literary renaissance (e-vir) | Blackwell | 0 | ✔ |
0013-8339 | English literature in transition, 1880-1920 | Dept. of English, Arizona State University | 0 | |
0957-8080 | English manuscript studies 1100-1700 | Basil Blackwell | 0 | |
0013-838X | English studies | Swets & Zeitlinger | 0 | ✔ |
1744-4217 | English studies (e-vir) | Swets & Zeitlinger | 0 | ✔ |
0013-8398 | English studies in Africa | Witwhtersrand University Press; UNISA Press | 0 | ✔ |
1943-8117 | English studies in Africa (e-vir) | Witwatersrand University Press | 0 | ✔ |
1874-8767 | English text construction | J. Benjamins Publishing Company | 0 | ✔ |
1874-8775 | English text construction (e-vir) | J. Benjamins | 0 | ✔ |
0172-8865 | English world-wide | John Benjamins | 0 | ✔ |
1569-9730 | English world-wide (e-vir) | John Benjamins | 0 | ✔ |
0214-3038 | En la España medieval | Universidad Complutense, Servicio de Publicaciones. | 0 | |
1988-2971 | En la España medieval (e-vir) | Universidad Complutense, Servicio de Publicaciones | 0 | |
0212-4521 | Enseñanza de las ciencias | Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona; Universidad Politécnica de Valencia | 0 | ✔ |
2174-6486 | Enseñanza de las ciencias | Institut de Ciències de l'Educació de la Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona; Vicerectorat d'Investigació de la Universitat de València | 0 | ✔ |
1467-2235 | Enterprise & society (e-vir) | For the Business History Conference by Oxford University Press | 0 | ✔ |
1467-2227 | Enterprise & Society | Oxford University Press | 0 | ✔ |
1161-2770 | Entreprises et histoire | Éd. Eska | 0 | |
2100-9864 | Entreprises et histoire (e-vir) | Éd. Eska | 0 | |
0013-9165 | Environment & behavior | Sage | 0 | ✔ |
1469-5871 | Environmental education research (e-vir) | Carfax | 0 | ✔ |
1350-4622 | Environmental Education Research | Routledge | 0 | ✔ |
0163-4275 | Environmental ethics | University of North Texas | 0 | ✔ |
2153-7895 | Environmental ethics (e-vir) | University of North Texas, Center for Environmental Philosophy | 0 | ✔ |
1084-5453 | Environmental history | American Society for Environmental History and Forest History Society | 0 | ✔ |
1930-8892 | Environmental history (e-vir) | American Society for Environmental History and Forest History Society | 0 | ✔ |
0963-2719 | Environmental values | White Horse Press | 0 | ✔ |
1752-7015 | Environmental values (e-vir) | White Horse Press | 0 | ✔ |
1552-390X | Environment and behavior (e-vir) | Sage Publications | 0 | ✔ |
0967-3407 | Environment and history | White Horse Press | 0 | ✔ |
1752-7023 | Environment and history (e-vir) | White Horse Press | 0 | ✔ |
1472-3433 | Environment and planning (e-vir) | Pion Ltd | 0 | ✔ |
0263-7758 | Environment and planning. D. Society & Space | Pion | 1 | ✔ |
0012-7825 | Eos | Zakład Narodowy im. Ossolińskich | 0 | |
0253-391X | Epetäiris Etaireias Vyzantinäon Spoudäon | Etaireia Vyzantinäon Spoudäon | 0 | |
1450-006X | Epetīrida Kentrou Epistīmonikōn Ereunōn | Kentro Epistīmonikōn Ereunōn; Κέντρο Επιστημονικών Ερευνών, | 0 | |
1105-0055 | Epetīris tou Kentrou Ereunīs tīs Istorias tou Ellīnikou Dikaiou | Akadīmia Athīnōn | 0 | |
0013-9505 | Ephemerides liturgicae | Centro Liturgico Vincenziano | 0 | |
0013-9513 | Ephemerides Theologicae Lovanienses | Peeters | 1 | |
1783-1423 | Ephemerides Theologicae Lovanienses (e-vir) | Peeters Publishers | 0 | |
1121-189X | Epidemiologia e psichiatria sociale | Il Pensiero Scientifico | 0 | |
0013-9572 | Epigraphica | Fratelli Lega Editori | 0 | |
0174-6545 | Epigraphica Anatolica | 0 | ||
0356-598X | Epilepsia | Epilepsialiitto. | 0 | |
1525-5069 | Epilepsy & behavior (e-vir) | Elsevier B.V. | 0 | ✔ |
1525-5050 | Epilepsy and behavior | Academic Press | 0 | ✔ |
0165-0904 | Episteme | Reidel | 0 | |
0392-9760 | Epistemologia | Tilgher ;; Franco Angeli, | 0 | |
0261-0159 | Equal opportunities international | Barmarick | 0 | |
1758-7093 | Equal opportunities international (e-vir) | Emerald | 0 | |
0779-5599 | Equivalences | Institut supérieur de traducteurs et d'interprêtes | 0 | |
0013-9947 | Eranos | Eranos; Munksgaard | 0 | |
0014-0139 | Ergonomics | Taylor & Francis | 0 | ✔ |
1366-5847 | Ergonomics (e-vir) | Taylor & Francis | 0 | ✔ |
0071-1152 | Erhvervshistorisk °arbog = | Statens Arkiver; Erhvervsarkivet | 0 | |
0332-0758 | Ériu | Royal Irish Academy | 0 | ✔ |
2009-0056 | Ériu | Royal Irish Academy | 0 | ✔ |
0165-0106 | Erkenntnis | Reidel | 0 | ✔ |
1572-8420 | Erkenntnis (e-vir) | Kluwer | 0 | ✔ |
1825-6619 | Ermeneutica letteraria | F. Serra | 0 | ✔ |
1827-8957 | Ermeneutica letteraria | Istituti Editoriali e Poligrafici Internazionali; Fabrizio Serra | 0 | ✔ |
0214-9745 | Espacio, tiempo y forma | Universidad Nacional de Educación a Distancia (España). Facultad de Geografía e Historia. | 0 | |
1130-0124 | Espacio, tiempo y forma | Universidad Nacional de Educación a Distancia (España). Facultad de Geografía e Historia. | 0 | |
1131-768X | Espacio, tiempo y forma | Universidad Nacional de Educación a Distancia (España). Facultad de Geografía e Historia. | 0 | |
2340-1362 | Espacio, tiempo y forma | UNED, Facultad de Geografía e Historia | 0 | |
2340-1400 | Espacio, tiempo y forma | UNED | 0 | |
2340-1451 | Espacio, tiempo y forma | UNED, Facultad de Geografía e Historia | 0 | |
1135-867X | Español actual | Instituto de cooperación iberoamericana | 0 | |
0392-3495 | Esperienze letterarie | Istituti editoriali e poligrafici internazionali | 0 | ✔ |
2036-5012 | Esperienze letterarie | Fabrizio Serra Editore | 0 | ✔ |
0093-8297 | ESQ | Dept. of English, Washington State University] | 0 | |
1935-021X | ESQ (e-vir) | Washington State University. | 0 | |
0014-0856 | Essays in criticism | S. Wall | 0 | ✔ |
1471-6852 | Essays in criticism (e-vir) | Blackwell | 0 | ✔ |
0360-7062 | Essays in literature | University of Denver. Graduate Student Association.; University of Denver. Dept. of English. | 0 | |
0308-888X | Essays in poetics | British Neo-Formalist Circle. | 0 | |
0316-0300 | Essays on Canadian writing | ECW Press | 0 | |
0014-1291 | Estetika | Academia | 0 | |
2571-0915 | Estetika (e-vir) | Helsinki University Press | 0 | ✔ |
0014-1437 | Estudios bíblicos | Asociación para el Fomento de los Estudios Bíblicos en España; Patronato "Raimundo Lulio"; Instituto "Francisco Suárez"; Centro de Estudios Históricos (1985- ); Instituto Superior de Teología, Ciencias Religiosas y Catequética "San Dámaso"; Centro de Estudios "San Dámaso"; Facultad de Teología "San Dámaso"; Asociación Bíblica Española | 0 | |
0014-1453 | Estudios clásicos | Sociedad Española de Estudios Clásicos | 0 | |
1139-8736 | Estudios de lingüística española (e-vir) | [Universidad Autónoma de Barcelona. Laboratorio de Lingüística Informática]. | 0 | ✔ |
0210-1610 | Estudios eclesiásticos | Universidad Pontificia Comillas | 0 | |
2605-5147 | Estudios eclesiásticos (e-vir) | Universidad Pontificia Comillas | 0 | |
0328-0454 | Estudios e investigaciones | Universidad de Buenos Aires. Facultad de Filosofía y Letras. Instituto de Teoría e Historia del Arte "Julio E. Payró" | 0 | |
0071-1713 | Estudios filológicos | Facultad de Filosofía y Humanidades. Universidad Austral de Chile | 0 | |
0717-6171 | Estudios filológicos (e-vir) | Facultad de Filosofía y Humanidades, Universidad Austral de Chile | 0 | |
0210-6086 | Estudios filosóficos | Estudio General de Filosofía de Caldas de Besaya; Instituto Superior de Filosofía de Valladolid | 0 | |
2084-2546 | Estudios Hispánicos | Uniwersytet Jagielloński (Kraków); Uniwersytet Wrocławski. | 0 | |
1136-0291 | Estudios migratorios | Arquivo da Emigración Galega | 0 | |
1578-6676 | Estudios Nietzsche | Facultad de Filosofía y Letras, Departamento de Filosofía; Trotta | 0 | ✔ |
2340-1494 | Estudios Nietzsche (e-vir) | Sociedad Española de Estudios sobre Friedrich Nietzsche; Universidad de Málaga | 0 | |
0210-4911 | Estudios románicos | Universidad de Murcia | 0 | ✔ |
1989-614X | Estudios románicos | Universidad, Departamento de Filología Románica | 0 | ✔ |
0210-9093 | Estudis | Universidad de Valencia | 0 | |
0211-8572 | Estudis romànics | Institut d'Estudis Catalans. | 0 | ✔ |
2013-9500 | Estudis romànics | Institut d'Estudis Catalans. | 0 | ✔ |
1645-3530 | Estudos do século XX | Quarteto Editora; Universidade de Coimbra. | 0 | ✔ |
1647-8622 | Estudos do século XX (e-vir) | Imprensa da Universidade de Coimbra | 0 | ✔ |
0774-2738 | Etcetera | Uitgeverij Den Gulden Engel | 0 | |
1783-1431 | Ethical perspectives (e-vir) | Peeters Publishers | 0 | ✔ |
1370-0049 | Ethical Perspectives | Katholieke Universiteit | 0 | ✔ |
1386-2820 | Ethical theory and moral practice | Kluwer Academic Publishers | 0 | ✔ |
1572-8447 | Ethical theory and moral practice (e-vir) | Kluwer | 0 | ✔ |
0014-1704 | Ethics | University of Chicago Press | 0 | ✔ |
1539-297X | Ethics (e-vir) | University of Chicago Press | 0 | ✔ |
1654-4951 | Ethics & Global Politics | Department of Political Science, Stockholm University; Co-Action Publishing | 0 | ✔ |
1654-6369 | Ethics & Global Politics | Department of Political Science, Stockholm University; Co-Action Publishing | 0 | ✔ |
1744-9642 | Ethics and education | Routledge | 0 | ✔ |
1744-9650 | Ethics and education (e-vir) | Taylor & Francis | 0 | ✔ |
1388-1957 | Ethics and information technology | Kluwer | 0 | ✔ |
1572-8439 | Ethics and information technology (e-vir) | Kluwer Online | 0 | ✔ |
0266-688X | Ethics and medicine | Rutherford House | 0 | |
1373-0975 | Ethiek & maatschappij | Academia Press. | 0 | |
0935-7335 | Ethik in der Medizin | Springer | 0 | ✔ |
1437-1618 | Ethik in der Medizin (e-vir) | Springer | 0 | ✔ |
0778-6069 | Ethische perspectieven | K.U.L.; Katholieke Universiteit Leuven. | 0 | |
1745-7823 | Ethnography and education | Routledge | 0 | ✔ |
1745-7831 | Ethnography and education (e-vir) | Routledge | 0 | ✔ |
0014-1801 | Ethnohistory | Duke University press | 0 | ✔ |
1527-5477 | Ethnohistory (e-vir) | Ohio Valley Historic Indian Conference | 0 | ✔ |
2156-7417 | Ethnomusicology (e-vir) | s. n.] | 0 | ✔ |
0014-1836 | Ethno-musicology | s. n.] | 0 | ✔ |
1741-1912 | Ethnomusicology forum | Routledge Taylor & Francis Group | 0 | ✔ |
1741-1920 | Ethnomusicology forum (e-vir) | Routledge | 0 | ✔ |
0179-1613 | Ethology | Parey | 1 | ✔ |
1439-0310 | Ethology (e-vir) | Blackwell | 0 | ✔ |
0091-2131 | Ethos | University of California Press | 0 | ✔ |
1548-1352 | Ethos (e-vir) | Society for Psychological Anthropology | 0 | ✔ |
0860-8032 | Etnolingwistyka | Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Marii Curie-Skłodowskiej | 0 | |
0014-195X | Etudes anglaises | Libr. Marcel Didier | 0 | |
0324-1645 | Études balkaniques | Institut d'études balkaniques | 0 | |
1168-4917 | Etudes britanniques contemporaines | Société d'études anglaises contemporaines (France) | 0 | |
2271-5444 | Études britanniques contemporaines (e-vir) | Presses universitaires de la Méditerranée | 0 | |
0373-1928 | Études Celtiques | CNRS | 0 | |
0014-200X | Etudes classiques | Etudes classiques | 0 | |
0708-2398 | Études créoles | Centre national de la recherche scientifique (France) | 0 | |
2607-8988 | Études créoles (e-vir) | L'Harmattan | 0 | ✔ |
0071-190X | Études de Linguistique Appliquée | Didier,Librairie Marcel | 0 | |
0071-2051 | Etudes finno-ougriennes | Association pour le développement des études finno-ougriennes (Paris) | 0 | ✔ |
0014-2085 | Etudes françaises | Presses de l'Université de Montréal | 0 | |
1093-9334 | Études francophones | Conseil international d'études francophones.; University of Louisiana at Lafayette. | 0 | |
0014-2115 | Etudes Germaniques | Didier Érudition | 0 | |
0071-2086 | Études grégoriennes | Abbaye Saint-Pierre (Solesmes, Sarthe) | 0 | |
0183-973X | Études irlandaises | Centre d'études et de recherches irlandaises de l'Université de Lille 3; Presses universitaires de Rennes; Presses universitaires de Caen | 0 | |
2259-8863 | Études irlandaises (e-vir) | Presses universitaires de Rennes | 0 | ✔ |
0014-214X | Études littéraires | Université Laval | 0 | ✔ |
1708-9069 | Études littéraires (e-vir) | Département des littératures, l'Université Laval | 0 | ✔ |
1760-253X | Etudes médiévales | Centre d'études du Moyen âge et de la Renaissance (Amiens) | 0 | |
0773-7912 | Etudes phénoménologiques | Editions Ousia. | 0 | |
2033-656X | Etudes phénoménologiques (e-vir) | Editions Ousia | 0 | |
1270-9050 | Etudes photographiques | Société française de photographie | 0 | |
1777-5302 | Études photographiques (e-vir) | Société française de photographie | 0 | |
1803-7399 | Études romanes de Brno | Masarykova univerzita | 0 | ✔ |
2336-4416 | Études romanes de Brno (e-vir) | Masarykova univerzita, Filozofická fakulta | 0 | ✔ |
0014-2182 | Etudes rurales | Mouton & Co; Éditions de l'École pratique des hautes études | 0 | |
1777-537X | Études rurales (e-vir) | Éd. de l'EHESS | 0 | |
0772-1358 | Etudes sur le XVIIIe siècle | Groupe d'études du XVIIIe siècle. | 0 | |
0778-8738 | Etudes théatrales | Université Catholique de Louvain | 0 | |
0014-2239 | Études théologiques et religieuses | Études théologiques et religieuses | 0 | |
1108-5800 | Eulimenī.; Ευλιμένη | Mesogeiakī Archaiologikī Etaireia | 0 | |
0014-2328 | Euphorion | Winter | 0 | |
2698-4857 | Euphorion (e-vir) | Winter | 0 | |
1454-2153 | Euro-Atlantic Studies | Editura Universităţii din Bucureşti | 0 | |
0392-4580 | Europa orientalis | SEED s.z.l. | 2 | |
1022-6877 | European addiction research | Karger | 0 | ✔ |
1421-9891 | European addiction research | S. Karger | 0 | ✔ |
1018-8827 | European child & adolescent psychiatry | Hogrefe & Huber Publishers | 2 | ✔ |
1435-165X | European child & adolescent psychiatry (e-vir) | Springer | 0 | ✔ |
1350-293X | European early childhood education research journal | EECERA | 0 | ✔ |
1752-1807 | European early childhood education research journal (e-vir) | EECERA; 1993- | 0 | ✔ |
1072-4133 | European eating disorders review | Wiley | 0 | ✔ |
1099-0968 | European eating disorders review (e-vir) | John Wiley & Sons; Eating Disorders Association | 0 | ✔ |
1056-4934 | European education | M.E. Sharpe | 1 | ✔ |
1944-7086 | European education (e-vir) | M.E. Sharpe | 0 | ✔ |
1474-9041 | European educational research journal (e-vir) | Triangle Journals | 0 | ✔ |
0960-4545 | European English Messenger | European Society for the Study of English | 0 | |
0265-6914 | European history quarterly | Sage Publications | 0 | ✔ |
1461-7110 | European history quarterly (e-vir) | SAGE Publications | 0 | ✔ |
Y505-5032 | European history quarterly (e-vir) | Sage Publications | 0 | |
1370-5954 | European journal for Church and state research | Peeters | 0 | |
1783-1458 | European Journal for Church and State Research (e-vir) | Peeters Publishers | 0 | |
1466-0407 | European journal of American culture | Intellect | 0 | ✔ |
1758-9118 | European journal of American culture (e-vir) | 0 | ✔ | |
1367-5494 | European journal of cultural studies | Sage Publications | 2 | ✔ |
1460-3551 | European journal of cultural studies (e-vir) | Sage Publications | 0 | ✔ |
1740-5610 | European journal of developmental psychology (e-vir) | Taylor & Francis | 0 | ✔ |
0141-8211 | European journal of education | Blackwell Publishing | 1 | ✔ |
1465-3435 | European journal of education (e-vir) | Carfax | 0 | ✔ |
0304-3797 | European journal of engineering education | Elsevier Scientific Publication | 0 | ✔ |
1469-5898 | European journal of engineering education (e-vir) | Elsevier | 0 | ✔ |
1382-5577 | European journal of English studies | Swets & Zeitlinger | 0 | ✔ |
1744-4233 | European journal of English studies (e-vir) | [Swets & Zeitlinger] | 0 | ✔ |
1351-5101 | European journal of neurology | Rapid Communications | 1 | ✔ |
1468-1331 | European journal of neurology (e-vir) | Blackwell Science | 1 | ✔ |
1460-9568 | European journal of neuroscience (e-vir) | Blackwell Science | 0 | ✔ |
0890-2070 | European journal of personality | John Wiley & Sons for the European Association of Personality Psychology | 0 | ✔ |
1099-0984 | European journal of personality (e-vir) | J. Wiley | 0 | ✔ |
0966-8373 | European journal of philosophy | Blackwell | 0 | ✔ |
1468-0378 | European journal of philosophy (e-vir) | Blackwell | 0 | ✔ |
1015-5759 | European journal of psychological assessment | Hogrefe & Huber | 0 | ✔ |
2151-2426 | European journal of psychological assessment (e-vir) | Hogrefe | 0 | ✔ |
0256-2928 | European journal of psychology of education | Springer | 1 | ✔ |
1878-5174 | European journal of psychology of education (e-vir) | Instituto Superior de Psicologia Aplicada (I.S.P.A.); Springer Netherlands | 0 | ✔ |
0046-2772 | European journal of social psychology | Wiley | 0 | ✔ |
1099-0992 | European journal of social psychology | Mouton]; John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. | 0 | ✔ |
0885-6257 | European journal of special needs education | Routledge, Taylor & Francis | 1 | ✔ |
1469-591X | European journal of special needs education (e-vir) | Routledge, Taylor & Francis | 0 | ✔ |
0261-9768 | European journal of teacher education | Routledge, Taylor & Francis Group | 0 | ✔ |
1469-5928 | European journal of teacher education (e-vir) | Carfax International Publishers | 1 | ✔ |
0960-2720 | European journal of theology | Paternoste Periodicals | 0 | ✔ |
2666-9730 | European journal of theology (e-vir) | Paternoster Publishing | 0 | ✔ |
1461-7420 | European journal of women's studies (e-vir) | Sage | 0 | ✔ |
1359-432X | European journal of work and organizational psychology | Psychology Press | 0 | ✔ |
1464-0643 | European journal of work and organizational psychology (e-vir) | Taylor & Francis | 0 | ✔ |
0923-9855 | European Joyce studies | Rodopi | 0 | ✔ |
1875-7340 | European Joyce studies | Rodopi | 0 | |
1378-2274 | European Medieval Drama | Brepols | 0 | ✔ |
2031-0064 | European Medieval Drama (e-vir) | Brepols | 0 | ✔ |
1582-5841 | European Meetings in Ethnomusicology | Societatea Română de Etnomuzicologie | 0 | |
0172-7028 | European photography | (Redaktion) European Photography | 0 | |
1016-9040 | European psychologist | Hogrefe & Huber; EFPPA | 0 | ✔ |
1878-531X | European psychologist | Hogrefe | 0 | ✔ |
1062-7987 | European review | Wiley | 0 | ✔ |
1474-0575 | European review (e-vir) | Cambridge University Press | 0 | ✔ |
1162-9088 | European review of applied psychology | Éditions du Centre de psychologie appliquée; NFER Nelson; Beltz Test | 0 | ✔ |
1361-4916 | European review of economic history | Cambridge University Press. | 0 | ✔ |
1474-0044 | European review of economic history (e-vir) | Cambridge University Press in association with the Institute of Economics, University of Copenhagen for the European Historical Economics Society | 0 | ✔ |
1350-7486 | European review of history | Carfax Publishing Company | 0 | ✔ |
1469-8293 | European review of history (e-vir) | Carfax International Publishers | 0 | ✔ |
1879-4750 | European review of Latin American and Caribbean studies = | CEDLA | 0 | ✔ |
1098-7274 | European review of philosophy | Center for the Study of Language and Information (U.S.) | 0 | |
1046-3283 | European review of social psychology | J. Wiley | 0 | ✔ |
1479-277X | European review of social psychology (e-vir) | Wiley | 0 | ✔ |
1050-9585 | European romantic review | Logos Press | 0 | ✔ |
1740-4657 | European romantic review (e-vir) | Logos Press | 0 | ✔ |
1462-1495 | European sports history review | Frank Cass. | 0 | |
0966-8136 | Europe-Asia studies | Taylor & Francis | 0 | ✔ |
1465-3427 | Europe-Asia studies (e-vir) | Taylor & Francis | 0 | ✔ |
1356-3890 | Evaluation | Sage Publications | 0 | ✔ |
1461-7153 | Evaluation (e-vir) | Sage Publications | 0 | ✔ |
0950-0790 | Evaluation & research in education | Multilingual Matters | 0 | |
1747-7514 | Evaluation & research in education (e-vir) | Multilingual Matters | 0 | |
0163-2787 | Evaluation & the health professions | Sage Publications | 0 | ✔ |
1552-3918 | Evaluation & the health professions (e-vir) | Sage Publications | 0 | ✔ |
0149-7189 | Evaluation and Program Planning | Pergamon Press. | 0 | ✔ |
0193-841X | Evaluation review | Sage Publications. | 0 | ✔ |
1552-3926 | Evaluation review (e-vir) | Sage Publications | 0 | ✔ |
0014-3502 | Evangelische Theologie | Kaiser | 0 | ✔ |
2198-0470 | Evangelische Theologie (e-vir) | Gütersloher Verl.-Haus | 0 | ✔ |
1090-5138 | Evolution and human behavior | Elsevier Science | 0 | ✔ |
1879-0607 | Evolution and human behavior (e-vir) | Human Behavior and Evolution Society | 0 | |
0870-0133 | Evphrosyne | Portugal.; Centro de Estudos Clássicos | 0 | |
0874-5560 | Ex aequo | Celta | 0 | ✔ |
2184-0385 | Ex aequo (e-vir) | Associação Portuguesa de Estudos sobre as Mulheres | 0 | ✔ |
0014-4029 | Exceptional children | Council for Exceptional Children | 0 | ✔ |
2163-5560 | Exceptional children (e-vir) | Council for Exceptional Children | 0 | ✔ |
0936-2835 | Exceptionality | 0 | ✔ | |
1532-7035 | Exceptionality (e-vir) | Springer International | 0 | ✔ |
1132-7723 | Excerpta philologica | Universidad de Cádiz. | 0 | |
0166-2740 | Exchange | Interuniveritair Instituut voor Missiologie en Oecumenica | 0 | ✔ |
1572-543X | Exchange (e-vir) | Brill | 0 | ✔ |
1041-2573 | Exemplaria | State University of New York at Binghamton.; State University of New York at Binghamton. | 0 | ✔ |
1753-3074 | Exemplaria (e-vir) | Medieval & Renaissance Text & Studies, SUNY Binghamton | 0 | ✔ |
1699-3225 | Exemplaria classica | Universidad de Huelva | 0 | ✔ |
1215-5950 | Existentia | Pro Philosophia Szegediensi Foundation. | 0 | |
1577-2721 | Exit | Olivares y Asociados; Producciones de Arte y Pensamiento | 0 | |
0361-073X | Experimental aging research | Beech Hill Enterprises | 0 | ✔ |
1096-4657 | Experimental aging research (e-vir) | Taylor & Francis Group | 0 | ✔ |
1064-1297 | Experimental and clinical psychopharmacology | American Psychological Association | 0 | ✔ |
1936-2293 | Experimental and clinical psychopharmacology (e-vir) | American Psychological Association | 0 | ✔ |
1432-1106 | Experimental brain research | Springer | 0 | ✔ |
0014-4819 | Experimental Brain Research | Springer-Verlag | 1 | ✔ |
1618-3169 | Experimental psychology | Hogrefe | 0 | ✔ |
2190-5142 | Experimental psychology | Hogrefe | 0 | ✔ |
0014-4983 | Explorations in economic history | Academic Press | 0 | ✔ |
1090-2457 | Explorations in economic history (e-vir) | Academic Press | 0 | ✔ |
0014-5246 | Expository times | T. & T. Clark | 0 | ✔ |
1540-0085 | Expressions maghrébines | Winthrop-King Institute for Contemporary French and Francophone Studies.; Coordination internationale des chercheurs sur les littératures maghrébines. | 0 | |
0014-5483 | Extrapolation | Kent State University Press | 0 | ✔ |
2047-7708 | Extrapolation (e-vir) | Kent State University Press | 0 | ✔ |
0960-779X | Eye | Haymarket Business Publications | 0 | |
0324-1270 | Ezik i literatura | Družestvo na filolozite b''lgaristi | 0 | |
1033-1867 | Fabrications | Society of Architectural Historians, Australia and New Zealand | 0 | ✔ |
2164-4756 | Fabrications (e-vir) | [Society of Architectural Historians, Australia and New Zealand] | 0 | ✔ |
0874-6885 | Faces de Eva | Colibri | 0 | |
2975-884X | Faces de Eva (e-vir) | CICS.NOVA - Centro Interdisciplinar de Ciências Socias, Faculdade de Ciências Sociais e Humanas, Universidade Nova de Lisboa | 0 | |
1017-3285 | Fachsprache | W. Braumüller | 0 | |
2523-9201 | Fachsprache (e-vir) | Facultas Verlags- und Buchhandels AG | 0 | |
1424-0602 | Facta philosophica | Peter Lang | 0 | |
0739-7046 | Faith and philosophy | Society of Christian Philosophers (U.S.),; Asbury Theological Seminary.; Georgetown University. | 0 | ✔ |
2153-3393 | Faith and philosophy | Philosophy Documentation Center | 0 | ✔ |
1244-5460 | Faits de langues | Presses universitaires de France; Ophrys | 0 | |
0160-6379 | Family & community health | Aspen Publishers Inc. | 0 | ✔ |
1550-5057 | Family & community health (e-vir) | Aspen System Corporation | 0 | ✔ |
1463-1180 | Family & community history | Maney Publishing | 0 | ✔ |
1751-3812 | Family & community history (e-vir) | Maney | 0 | ✔ |
0263-2136 | Family practice | Oxford University Press | 0 | ✔ |
1460-2229 | Family practice (e-vir) | Oxford University Press. | 0 | ✔ |
0014-7370 | Family process | Nathan W. Ackerman Family Institute, etc. | 0 | ✔ |
1545-5300 | Family process (e-vir) | Family Process; Wiley | 0 | ✔ |
0197-6664 | Family relations | National Council on Family Relations. | 0 | ✔ |
1741-3729 | Family relations (e-vir) | National Council on Family Relations | 0 | ✔ |
1362-704X | Fashion theory | Berg Publishers; Taylor & Francis | 0 | ✔ |
1751-7419 | Fashion theory (e-vir) | Berg | 0 | ✔ |
0210-7570 | Faventia | Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona, Servei de Publicacions | 0 | ✔ |
2014-850X | Faventia (e-vir) | Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona | 0 | ✔ |
0929-2411 | Feit & fictie | Historische Uitgeverij | 0 | |
0391-7517 | Felix Ravenna | Edizione del Girasole | 0 | |
1301-0875 | Felsefe dünyası | Türk felsefe derneği; Türk Felsefe Derneği İktisadi İşletmesi | 0 | |
1433-6359 | Femina politica / Femina Politica e. V | Femina Politica e.V. | 0 | |
0959-3535 | Feminism & psychology | SAGE | 0 | ✔ |
1461-7161 | Feminism & psychology (e-vir) | SAGE | 0 | ✔ |
1696-8166 | Feminismo/s | Universidad de Alicante; Universidad de Alicante | 0 | |
1989-9998 | Feminismo/s | Universidad de Alicante, Centro de Estudios sobre la Mujer | 0 | |
1354-5701 | Feminist economics | Routledge | 0 | ✔ |
1466-4372 | Feminist economics (e-vir) | Routledge | 0 | ✔ |
0723-5186 | Feministische Studien | De Gruyter | 0 | ✔ |
2365-9920 | Feministische Studien (e-vir) | W. de Gruyter | 0 | ✔ |
Y509-3163 | Feministische Studien (e-vir) | W. de Gruyter | 0 | |
0966-3622 | Feminist legal studies | Deborah Charles Publications.; Kluwer Academic Publishers. | 0 | ✔ |
1572-8455 | Feminist legal studies (e-vir) | Kluwer | 0 | ✔ |
1468-0777 | Feminist media studies | Routledge | 0 | ✔ |
1471-5902 | Feminist media studies (e-vir) | Routledge | 0 | ✔ |
0141-7789 | Feminist review | Feminist Review Collective | 0 | ✔ |
1466-4380 | Feminist review (e-vir) | Palgrave Macmillan | 0 | ✔ |
0046-3663 | Feminist studies | Feminist Studies, inc. | 0 | |
2153-3873 | Feminist studies (e-vir) | Feminist Studies | 0 | |
0966-7350 | Feminist theology | Sheffield Academic Press | 0 | ✔ |
1745-5189 | Feminist theology (e-vir) | Sheffield Academic Press | 0 | ✔ |
1464-7001 | Feminist theory | Sage | 0 | ✔ |
1741-2773 | Feminist theory (e-vir) | Sage Publications | 0 | ✔ |
1618-3355 | Festungsjournal | DGF.; Deutsche Gesellschaft für Festungsforschung e.V. | 0 | |
1449-1443 | Fibreculture journal | Fibreculture network | 0 | |
1879-5811 | Fichte-studien (e-vir) | Rodopi | 0 | ✔ |
0925-0166 | Fichte-Studien | Rodopi | 0 | ✔ |
0164-0933 | Fifteenth century studies | Heinz, Akad. Verl.. | 0 | |
1439-4367 | Figurationen | Arbeitsstelle für Feministische Literaturwissenschaft, Institut für Germanistik II, Universität | 0 | |
0360-3695 | Film & history | Historians Film Committee | 0 | |
1548-9922 | Film & history | Historians Film Committee | 0 | |
0015-1513 | Filmcritica | [s.n.] ;; Il Grifo ;; OSP | 0 | |
0892-2160 | Film history | Taylor & Francis | 0 | |
1553-3905 | Film history (e-vir) | Taylor & Francis | 0 | |
1469-0314 | Film studies | The European Humanities Research Centre of the University of Oxford | 0 | |
2054-2496 | Film studies (e-vir) | Manchester University Press | 0 | |
0204-8779 | Filologiâ | Sofijski universitet Sv. Kliment Ohridski. Fakultet po klasičeski i novi filologii.; Universitetsko izdatelstvo Sv. Kliment Ohridski. | 0 | |
0071-495X | Filología | Universidad de Buenos Aires | 0 | |
2422-6009 | Filología (e-vir) | Instituto de Filología y Literaturas Hispánicas "Dr. Amado Alonso", Facultad de Filosofía y Letras, Universidad de Buenos Aires | 0 | |
1123-4059 | Filologia antica e moderna | Vecchiarelli | 0 | |
2612-3657 | Filologia antica e moderna (e-vir) | Università degli studi della Calabria. Dipartimento di studi umanistici | 0 | |
0391-2493 | Filologia e critica | Salerno editrice | 0 | |
0015-1785 | Filológiai Közlöny | Akadémiai Kiadó | 0 | |
0214-2996 | Filología neotestamentaria | Universidad de Córdoba | 0 | |
1024-1817 | Filologičeskie nauki | Vysšaja škola | 0 | |
0449-363X | Filologija | Hrvatska akademija znanosti i umjetnosti. Razred za filološke znanosti | 0 | |
1848-8919 | Filologija (e-vir) | Hrvatska akademija znanosti i umjetnosti. | 0 | |
0015-1823 | Filosofia | Filosofia; Mimesis, | 0 | |
2704-8195 | Filosofia (e-vir) | Mimesis | 0 | |
1591-0660 | Filosofia e questioni pubbliche | Luiss management | 0 | |
2240-7987 | Filosofia e questioni pubbliche = | LUISS university press | 0 | |
1824-4963 | Filosofia e teologia | Edizioni Scientifiche Italiane | 0 | |
2570-9232 | Filosofický časopis (e-vir) | 0 | ||
0348-7482 | Filosofisk tidskrift | 0 | ||
0046-385X | Filozofia | Veda | 9 | ✔ |
2585-7061 | Filozofia (e-vir) | Filozofický ústav Slovenskej akadémie vied | 0 | ✔ |
1230-6894 | Filozofia Nauki | Uniwersytet Warszawski.; Fundacja na rzecz Transdyscyplinarnych Badań nad Komunikowaniem. | 0 | |
2657-5868 | Filozofia Nauki (e-vir) | Uniwersytet Warszawski. Wydział Filozofii i Socjologii. Instytut Filozofii | 0 | |
0015-1831 | Filozofický časopis | Československá akademie věd | 0 | |
0351-4706 | Filozofska istraživanja | Hrvatsko filozofsko društvo | 1 | ✔ |
1848-2309 | Filozofska istraživanja (e-vir) | Hrvatsko filozofsko društvo | 0 | ✔ |
1520-4723 | Financial history | Museum of American Financial History | 0 | |
0968-5650 | Financial history review | Cambridge University Press | 0 | ✔ |
1474-0052 | Financial history review (e-vir) | Cambridge University Press | 0 | ✔ |
0355-1253 | Finnisch-ugrische Forschungen | Suomalais-ugrilainen seura | 0 | |
0341-7816 | Finnisch-ugrische Mitteilungen | Buske. | 0 | |
0142-7237 | First language | Alpha Academic | 0 | ✔ |
1740-2344 | First language (e-vir) | Alpha Academic | 0 | ✔ |
0709-5201 | Florilegium | Carleton University.; Society for Canadian Medievalists.; Canadian Society of Medievalists. | 0 | |
0353-4642 | Fluminensia | Pedagoški fakultet u Rijeci, Filološki odjel | 0 | |
1848-9680 | Fluminensia | Filozofski fakultet Sveučilišta, Odsjek za kroatistiku | 0 | |
0071-6723 | Folia historiae artium | Zakład Narodowy im. Ossolińskich | 0 | |
0231-7494 | Folia Historica Bohemica | Ústav československých a světových dějin ČSAV; Historický ústav ČSAV; Historický ústav Akademie věd České republiky, v.v.i. | 0 | |
0165-4004 | Folia linguistica | Mouton de Gruyter | 0 | ✔ |
1614-7308 | Folia linguistica | Mouton de Gruyter | 0 | ✔ |
0168-647X | Folia linguistica historica | Mouton de Gruyter | 0 | ✔ |
1614-7316 | Folia linguistica historica | University of Vienna, English Dep.; Mouton de Gruyter | 0 | ✔ |
1330-0695 | Folia onomastica croatica | Hrvatska akademija znanosti i umjetnosti | 0 | |
1848-7858 | Folia onomastica Croatica | Hrvatska akademija znanosti i umjetnosti, Razred za filološke znanosti | 0 | |
0015-5675 | Folia Orientalia | Wydawnictwo Oddziału Polskiej akademii nauk | 0 | |
1021-7762 | Folia phoniatrica et logopaedica | Karger | 1 | ✔ |
1421-9972 | Folia phoniatrica et logopaedica | S. Karger | 0 | ✔ |
1230-4786 | Folia Scandinavica Posnaniensia | Adam Mickiewicz University of Poznań.; Uniwersytet im. Adama Mickiewicza w Poznaniu.; Uniwersytet im. Adama Mickiewicza (Poznań). Katedra Skandynawistyki. | 0 | ✔ |
2299-6885 | Folia Scandinavica Posnaniensia | Adam Mickiewicz University. Department of Scandinavian Studies | 0 | ✔ |
0239-1953 | Folia Uralica Debreceniensia | KLTE Finnugor Nyelvtud. Tansz; Debreceni Egyetem Finnugor Nyelvtud. Tansz; Debreceni Egyetemi Kiadó | 0 | |
1381-205X | Folio | Shakespeare-Genootschap van Nederland en Vlaanderen | 0 | |
0356-1771 | Folkmålsstudier | Föreningen för nordisk filologi och författarna | 0 | |
0531-9684 | Folk music journal | English Folk Dance and Song Society | 0 | |
2056-6166 | Folk music journal (e-vir) | English Folk Dance and Song Society | 0 | |
0071-6855 | Fonetica şi dialectologie | Editura Academiei Române | 0 | |
1217-8020 | Fons | Szentpétery Imre Tudományos Diákkör (ELTE BTK, Történelem Segédtudományai Tanszék); Levéltáros Hallgatók Egyesülete. | 0 | |
0015-6191 | Fontes artis musicae | Bärenreiter-Verlag | 0 | |
2471-156X | Fontes artis musicae (e-vir) | Kassel und Bärenreiter-Verlag | 0 | |
1594-7963 | Fonti musicali italiane | CIDIM | 0 | |
0740-9710 | Food & foodways | Harwood Academic Publishers. | 0 | ✔ |
1780-3187 | Food & history | Brepols | 0 | ✔ |
2034-2101 | Food & history (e-vir) | Brepols | 0 | ✔ |
1542-3484 | Food and foodways | Taylor & Francis, Inc. | 0 | ✔ |
1419-7480 | Fordítástudomány | Scholastica | 0 | |
0759-6340 | Formation emploi | La documentation Française | 0 | |
1275-7713 | Formules | Reflet de lettres (France) | 0 | |
0925-8620 | Foro hispánico | Rodopi | 0 | ✔ |
1875-7375 | Foro hispánico (e-vir) | Rodopi | 0 | |
0947-9708 | Forschungen zu Burgen und Schlössern | Wartburg-Gesellschaft zur Erforschung von Burgen und Schlössern. | 0 | |
1736-4132 | Forschungen zur baltischen Geschichte | Akadeemiline Ajalooselts | 0 | |
0934-1234 | Forschungen zur brandenburgischen und preußischen Geschichte | Duncker & Humblot | 0 | ✔ |
1865-5750 | Forschungen zur brandenburgischen und preußischen Geschichte (e-vir) | Duncker & Humblot; GBI-Genios Deutsche Wirtschaftsdatenbank GmbH | 0 | ✔ |
0345-3588 | Forskning om utbildning | LiberLäromedel/Utbildningsförlaget. | 0 | |
0261-586X | Fort | Fortress Study Group. | 0 | |
0228-0671 | For the learning of mathematics | Concordia University, Dept. of Mathematics | 0 | |
0106-4797 | Fortid og nutid (København : 1914) | Dansk Historisk Fællesråd | 0 | |
0955-985X | Fortress | Beaufort Publishing | 0 | |
1131-6810 | Fortvnatae | Universidad de La Laguna | 0 | ✔ |
0178-7667 | Forum der Psychoanalyse | Springer | 0 | ✔ |
1437-0751 | Forum der Psychoanalyse (e-vir) | Springer | 0 | ✔ |
0015-8518 | Forum for modern language studies | Published for the University of St. Andrews by Oxford University Press | 0 | ✔ |
1471-6860 | Forum for modern language studies (e-vir) | Oxford University Press | 0 | ✔ |
0014-5858 | Forum Italicum | Florida State University.; South Atlantic AATI. | 0 | ✔ |
2168-989X | Forum Italicum (e-vir) | [Dept. of Modern Languages, Florida State University] | 0 | ✔ |
1661-4216 | Forum Mission | Verein zur Förderung der Missionswissenschaft | 0 | |
0930-5874 | Forum modernes Theater | Narr | 0 | |
1438-5627 | Forum qualitative Sozialforschung (e-vir) | K. Mruck | 0 | ✔ |
1780-034X | FotoMuseum magazine | Provincieraad van Antwerpen. Dienst Cultureel Erfgoed. | 0 | |
1386-4238 | Foundations of chemistry | Kluwer Academic Publishers | 0 | ✔ |
1572-8463 | Foundations of chemistry (e-vir) | Kluwer | 0 | ✔ |
1233-1821 | Foundations of science | Oficyna Akademicka.; Kluwer Academic Publishers. | 0 | ✔ |
1572-8471 | Foundations of science (e-vir) | Kluwer | 1 | ✔ |
1784-410X | Fragmenta | Brepols | 0 | |
2034-208X | Fragmenta (e-vir) | Brepols | 0 | |
0937-7743 | Francia | Thorbecke | 0 | |
1867-6448 | Francia | Deutsches Historisches Institut Paris | 0 | |
0080-5459 | Franciscan studies | Franciscan Institute, St. Bonaventure University. | 0 | |
1945-9718 | Franciscan studies (e-vir) | Joseph F. Wagner | 0 | |
1121-953X | Francofonia | Dipartimento di lingue e letterature straniere moderne. Università di Bologna. | 0 | |
2036-5659 | Francofonia (e-vir) | Leo S. Olschki | 0 | |
1741-8283 | Francophone postcolonial studies | Society for Francophone Postcolonial Studies. | 0 | |
0342-0078 | Frankfurter judaistische Beiträge | Gesellschaft zur Förderung Judaistischer Studien. | 0 | |
1438-857X | Frankfurter Zeitschrift für Musikwissenschaft (e-vir) | Goethe-Universität Frankfurt am Main | 0 | |
0016-0725 | Freiburger Zeitschrift für Philosophie und Theologie | Paulusverlag; Universitätsverlag; Academic Press | 0 | |
0098-9355 | French forum | University of Nebraska Press, etc.] | 0 | |
1534-1836 | French forum | French Forum, Inc.; University of Nebraska Press | 0 | |
1527-5493 | French historical studies (e-vir) | Duke University Press | 0 | ✔ |
0016-1071 | French Historical Studies | French Historical Studies,Department of History,Georgia Southern Collage | 0 | ✔ |
0269-1191 | French history | Oxford University Press. | 0 | ✔ |
1477-4542 | French history (e-vir) | Oxford University Press | 0 | ✔ |
1358-3492 | French review | Philip Allan Publishers | 0 | |
0016-1128 | French studies | Society for French Studies | 0 | ✔ |
1468-2931 | French studies (e-vir) | Oxford University Press | 0 | ✔ |
0160-9009 | Frontiers | University of Colorado, Women Studies Program | 0 | |
1536-0334 | Frontiers (e-vir) | Women Studies Program, University of Colorado | 0 | |
0071-9706 | Frühmittelalterliche Studien | Walter de Gruyter | 0 | ✔ |
1613-0812 | Frühmittelalterliche Studien (e-vir) | W. de Gruyter | 0 | ✔ |
0940-4007 | Frühneuzeit-Info | Lang | 0 | |
0929-998X | Functions of language | Benjamins | 0 | ✔ |
1569-9765 | Functions of language | John Benjamins | 0 | ✔ |
1287-3349 | Gaia | RARE, Université Stendhal-Grenoble 3 | 0 | |
1973-5049 | Galenos | Fabrizio Serra Editore | 0 | ✔ |
1974-4870 | Galenos | Fabrizio Serra Editore | 0 | ✔ |
1825-3903 | Galilaeana (e-vir) | Istituto e Museo di Storia della Scienza | 0 | |
1741-4512 | Gath | Gath Publishing | 0 | |
0753-5015 | Gazette du livre médiéval | Composition édition micro-informatique | 0 | |
0921-5077 | Gedrag en organisatie | VUGA Uitgeverij; De Tijdstroom; Elsevier/De Tijdstroom; Reed Business Information | 0 | ✔ |
1875-7235 | Gedrag en organisatie (e-vir) | VUGA Uitgeverij | 0 | ✔ |
0966-369X | Gender, place and culture | Carfax Publishing | 0 | ✔ |
1360-0524 | Gender, place and culture (e-vir) | Carfax International Publishers | 1 | ✔ |
1213-0028 | Gender, rovné příležitosti, výzkum | Sociologický ústav Akademie věd České republiky v.v.i. | 0 | |
0971-8524 | Gender, technology and development | Sage | 0 | ✔ |
0973-0656 | Gender, technology and development (e-vir) | Sage | 0 | ✔ |
0968-6673 | Gender, work and organization | Blackwell Publishers | 0 | ✔ |
0953-5233 | Gender & history | Basil Blackwell | 0 | ✔ |
1468-0424 | Gender & history (e-vir) | Blackwell Publishers | 0 | ✔ |
0891-2432 | Gender & society | Sage Publications | 0 | ✔ |
1552-3977 | Gender & society (e-vir) | Sage Publications | 0 | ✔ |
1355-2074 | Gender and development | Oxfam | 0 | ✔ |
1364-9221 | Gender and development (e-vir) | Oxfam | 0 | ✔ |
0954-0253 | Gender and education | Carfax | 0 | ✔ |
1360-0516 | Gender and education (e-vir) | Carfax | 0 | ✔ |
1747-6321 | Gender and language | Equinox Pub. | 0 | ✔ |
1747-633X | Gender and language (e-vir) | Equinox Pub. | 0 | ✔ |
1098-092X | Gender issues | Transaction Publishers, Inc. | 0 | ✔ |
1936-4717 | Gender issues (e-vir) | Transaction Publications | 0 | ✔ |
Y505-5067 | Gender issues (e-vir) | Transaction Publishers | 0 | |
1468-0432 | Gender work and organization (e-vir) | Blackwell | 0 | ✔ |
0016-6553 | General linguistics | Pennsylvania State University Press. | 0 | |
1155-3219 | Genèses | Genèses; Calmann-Lévy | 0 | ✔ |
1776-2944 | Genèses (e-vir) | Belin | 0 | |
1167-5101 | Genesis | Institut des textes et manuscrits modernes (Paris) | 0 | |
0024-3914 | Gengo kenkyu | Nihon Gengo Gakkai | 0 | |
0016-6928 | Genre | University of Illinois at Chicago Circle | 0 | ✔ |
2160-0228 | Genre | University of Illinois at Chicago Circle] | 0 | ✔ |
0772-7151 | Gentse bijdragen tot de kunstgeschiedenis | Rijksuniversiteit. Hoger instituut voor kunstgeschiedenis en oudheidskunde | 0 | |
1121-8940 | Geographia antiqua | Giunti; Olschki, | 0 | |
0161-7435 | George Herbert journal | [publisher not identified] | 0 | |
1022-5471 | Georges-Bloch-Jahrbuch des Kunstgeschichtlichen Seminars der Universität Zürich | Universität Zürich | 0 | |
0213-0181 | Gerión | Servicio de Publicaciones, Universidad Complutense | 0 | |
1698-2444 | Gerión (e-vir) | Universidad Complutense de Madrid. Departamento de Historia Antigua. | 0 | |
1988-3080 | Gerión (e-vir) | Universidad Complutense, Servicio de Publicaciones | 0 | |
0266-3554 | German history | Oxford University Press | 0 | ✔ |
1477-089X | German history (e-vir) | German History Society | 0 | ✔ |
0016-8904 | Germanisch-romanische Monatsschrift | Winter | 0 | |
0524-8418 | Germanistik | Buchwerbung in Berlin. | 0 | |
0771-3703 | Germanistische Mitteilungen | Dümmler | 0 | |
0016-8777 | German life and letters | Basil Blackwell | 0 | ✔ |
1468-0483 | German life and letters (e-vir) | Blackwell | 0 | ✔ |
1210-9029 | Germanoslavica | Slovanský ústav AV ČR; Euroslavica | 2 | |
0304-324X | Gerontology | S. Karger | 1 | ✔ |
1423-0003 | Gerontology (e-vir) | S. Karger | 0 | ✔ |
0939-334X | Geschichte der Pharmazie | Deutsche Gesellschaft für Geschichte der Pharmazie e.V. | 0 | |
0016-9056 | Geschichte in Wissenschaft und Unterricht | Friedrich; E. Klett | 0 | |
0937-1656 | Geschichte und Gegenwart | Verein für Kloster- und Heimatgeschichte Harsefeld e.V. | 0 | |
0340-613X | Geschichte und Gesellschaft | Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht | 0 | |
2196-9000 | Geschichte und Gesellschaft (e-vir) | Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht | 0 | |
1420-5955 | Geschichte und Informatik | Verein Geschichte und Informatik.; Universität Bern. Historisches Institut. | 0 | |
0016-9161 | Gesnerus | Sauerlaender AG | 0 | |
1617-1837 | Gesprächsforschung (e-vir) | M. Klemm c/o TU Chemnitz, Philosophische Fakultät, Germanistische Sprachwissenschaft | 0 | |
0016-920X | Gesta | International Center of Medieval Art | 0 | ✔ |
2169-3099 | Gesta (e-vir) | International Center of Romanesque Art | 0 | ✔ |
1013-8501 | Gestion de l'enseignement supérieur | Organisation de coopération et de développement économiques. | 0 | |
1568-1475 | Gesture | Benjamins | 0 | ✔ |
1569-9773 | Gesture (e-vir) | John Benjamins | 0 | ✔ |
0776-4111 | Gezelliana, kroniek van de Gezellestudie | De Nederlandse Boekhandel | 0 | |
0016-9862 | Gifted child quarterly | National Association for Gifted Children | 0 | ✔ |
0017-0089 | Giornale critico della filosofia italiana | Casa editrice Le Lettere | 0 | |
0017-0372 | Giornale di metafisica | Casa Editrice Tilgher. | 0 | |
0017-0461 | Giornale italiano di filologia | Morano | 0 | ✔ |
2507-0401 | Giornale italiano di filologia (e-vir) | Brepols | 0 | ✔ |
0017-0496 | Giornale storico della letteratura italiana | Casa editrice Loescher | 0 | |
0436-029X | Gladius | Consejo superior de investigaciones científicas | 0 | ✔ |
1988-4168 | Gladius | CSIC, Departamento de Publicaciones | 0 | ✔ |
1022-8543 | Glæúur | Félag áIslenskra sérkennara. | 0 | |
0934-0785 | Glaube und Denken | 0 | ||
1118-146X | Glendora review | Glendora International. | 0 | |
1670-5289 | Glíman | Grettisakademían; Háskólaútgáfan | 0 | |
1723-9346 | Gli Uffizi | Centro Di | 0 | |
1476-7724 | Globalisation, societies and education | Carfax Pub. | 1 | ✔ |
1476-7732 | Globalisation, societies and education (e-vir) | Carfax Pub. | 0 | ✔ |
1105-4573 | Glossologia | Leader books | 0 | |
1381-3439 | Glot international | Holland Academic Graphics | 0 | |
0017-1298 | Glotta | Vandenhoeck und Ruprecht | 0 | |
2196-9043 | Glotta (e-vir) | Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht | 0 | |
1064-2684 | GLQ | Gordon and Breach Publishers | 0 | ✔ |
1527-9375 | GLQ | Duke University Press | 0 | ✔ |
0017-1417 | Gnomon | C. H. Beck | 1 | |
0734-3329 | Goethe yearbook | Camden House | 0 | |
1940-9087 | Goethe yearbook (e-vir) | Goethe Society of North America. | 0 | |
1215-8453 | Gond | Debreceni Egyetem Filozófia Tanszék. | 0 | |
1362-7937 | Gothic studies | International Gothic Association. | 0 | ✔ |
2050-456X | Gothic studies (e-vir) | Manchester University Press | 0 | ✔ |
1437-9074 | Göttinger Forum für Altertumswissenschaft (e-vir) | 0 | ||
1437-9082 | Göttinger Forum für Altertumswissenschaft | Ed. Ruprecht | 0 | |
1437-9090 | Göttinger Forum für Altertumswissenschaft (e-vir) | Ed. Ruprecht | 0 | |
0017-1549 | Göttingische gelehrte Anzeigen | Vandenhoeck und Ruprecht | 0 | |
0352-7565 | Govor | Sekcija za fonetiku Hrvatskog filološkog društva | 0 | |
1849-2126 | Govor (e-vir) | Odjel za fonetiku Hrvatskoga filološkog društva | 0 | |
0017-2715 | Goya | Fundación Lázaro Galdiano. | 0 | |
1011-3010 | Gräigorios o Palamas | Iera Mäitropolis | 0 | |
1106-1170 | Gramma | Aristoteleio Panepistäemio Thessalonikäes. Tmäema Agglikäes Gläossas kai Filologias | 0 | |
0927-3255 | Gramma/TTT | Foris Publications ;; I CG Publications | 0 | |
0376-5253 | Grazer Beiträge | Rodopi | 0 | |
0165-9227 | Grazer philosophische Studien | Rodopi | 0 | |
0017-3835 | Greece & Rome | Clarendon Press | 0 | ✔ |
1477-4550 | Greece & Rome (e-vir) | Clarendon Press | 0 | ✔ |
0017-3916 | Greek, Roman and Byzantine studies | [s.n.] | 0 | |
2159-3159 | Greek, Roman and Byzantine studies | Dept. of Classical Studies, Duke University | 0 | |
0017-4114 | Gregorianum | Pontificia Università Gregoriana | 0 | |
2611-4046 | Gregorianum (e-vir) | Gregorian & Biblical Press | 0 | |
0944-8594 | Grenzgänge | Leipziger Univ.-Verl.. | 0 | |
1526-3819 | Grey room | MIT Press | 0 | ✔ |
1536-0105 | Grey room (e-vir) | MIT Press | 0 | ✔ |
1018-5011 | Gripla | Stofnun Árna Magnússonar | 0 | |
1059-6011 | Group & organization management | Sage Periodicals Press | 0 | ✔ |
1552-3993 | Group & organization management (e-vir) | Sage Publications | 0 | ✔ |
0926-2644 | Group decision and negotiation | Kluwer Academic | 0 | ✔ |
1572-9907 | Group decision and negotiation (e-vir) | Kluwer | 0 | ✔ |
1089-2699 | Group dynamics | Educational Publishing Foundation | 0 | ✔ |
1930-7802 | Group dynamics | Educational Pub. Foundation | 0 | ✔ |
1368-4302 | Group processes & intergroup relations | Sage Publications | 0 | ✔ |
1461-7188 | Group processes and intergroup relations (e-vir) | Sage Publications | 0 | ✔ |
0046-6514 | Gruppendynamik | Leske und Budrich | 0 | |
0017-4947 | Gruppenpsychotherapie und Gruppendynamik | Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht | 0 | |
0984-2292 | Guerres mondiales et conflits contemporains | PUF | 0 | ✔ |
2101-0137 | Guerres mondiales et conflits contemporains (e-vir) | [Presses universitaires de France] | 0 | ✔ |
0072-9094 | Gutenberg-Jahrbuch | Gutenberg-Gesellschaft | 0 | |
0342-5231 | Gymnasium | Winter | 0 | |
2567-6555 | Gymnasium (e-vir) | Teubner | 0 | |
0210-7694 | Habis | Universidad. Secretariado de Publicaciones | 0 | |
2253-7686 | Habis | SPUS[1970]- | 0 | |
1300-5340 | Hacettepe Egitim Dergisi | Hacettepe University | 1 | |
0017-6540 | Hadtörténelmi közlemények | MTA Hadtud. Bizott; MTA Hadtörténeti Bizottság; MTA; Honvéd Kiadó Intézet; Katonai Kiadó; Zrínyi Honvéd Kiadó; Zrínyi Katonai Kiadó; Zrínyi Kiadó; HM Hadtörténeti Intézet és Múzeum | 0 | |
1215-4121 | Hadtudomány | Magyar Hadtudományi Társaság. | 0 | |
0345-4789 | Häften för kritiska studier (e-vir) | Föreningen Unga filosofer | 0 | |
1124-1225 | Hagiographica | Brepols; SISMEL | 0 | |
0142-0798 | Hali | Oguz Press; Hali Publications | 0 | |
0930-0023 | Hamburger Beiträge zur Germanistik | Lang. | 0 | |
0342-8303 | Hamburger Jahrbuch für Musikwissenschaft | Lang. | 0 | |
0250-7196 | Hamdard islamicus | Hamdard National Foundation | 0 | |
2789-8490 | Hamdard islamicus (e-vir) | Hamdard Foundation Pakistan | 0 | |
0774-3254 | Handelingen | Druk. N.V. Vonksteen.; Koninklijke Zuidnederlandse maatschappij voor taal- en letterkunde en geschiedenis | 0 | |
0440-0615 | Händel-Jahrbuch | Bärenreiter | 0 | |
0073-0327 | Hansische Geschichtsblätter | Hansischer Geschichtsverein | 0 | |
1093-4421 | Harvard design magazine | Harvard University Graduate School of Design | 0 | |
0017-8055 | Harvard educational review | Harvard University | 0 | |
1943-5045 | Harvard educational review (e-vir) | [Harvard University, etc.] | 0 | |
0073-0548 | Harvard journal of Asiatic studies | Harvard-Yenching Institute. | 0 | |
1944-6454 | Harvard journal of Asiatic studies (e-vir) | Harvard-Yenching Institute | 0 | |
1558-4356 | Harvard journal of law & gender | Harvard Law School students | 0 | |
2374-6645 | Harvard journal of law & gender (e-vir) | Harvard Law School. | 0 | |
0073-0688 | Harvard studies in classical philology | Harvard University Press. | 0 | |
2325-9353 | Harvard studies in classical philology (e-vir) | Ginn & Co. | 0 | |
1475-4517 | Harvard theological review (e-vir) | Harvard Divinity School | 0 | ✔ |
1065-3058 | Health care analysis (e-vir) | John Wiley & Sons | 0 | ✔ |
1573-3394 | Health care analysis (e-vir) | Kluwer | 0 | ✔ |
0739-9332 | Health care for women international | Hemisphere Pub. Corp. | 0 | ✔ |
1096-4665 | Health care for women international (e-vir) | Hemisphere Publishing Corporation | 0 | ✔ |
1090-1981 | Health education & behavior | Sage Publications Press | 0 | ✔ |
1552-6127 | Health education & behavior (e-vir) | Sage Publications | 0 | ✔ |
0017-8969 | Health education journal | Health Education Council; Sage | 1 | ✔ |
1748-8176 | Health education journal (e-vir) | Health Education Council | 0 | ✔ |
0268-1153 | Health education research | IRL Press | 0 | ✔ |
1465-3648 | Health education research (e-vir) | Oxford University Press. | 0 | ✔ |
0278-6133 | Health psychology | Lawrence Erlbaum Associates | 0 | ✔ |
1930-7810 | Health psychology (e-vir) | American Psychological Association | 0 | ✔ |
0146-4094 | Hebrew studies | National Association of Professors of Hebrew in American Institutions of Higher Learning. | 0 | |
2158-1681 | Hebrew studies (e-vir) | National Association of Professors of Hebrew in American Institutions of Higher Learning | 0 | |
0360-9049 | Hebrew Union College annual | Hebrew Union College | 0 | |
0311-4198 | Hecate | Carole Ferrier | 0 | |
0956-2737 | HEC forum | Pergamon Press; Kluwer Academic Publishers | 0 | ✔ |
1572-8498 | HEC forum (e-vir) | Kluwer | 0 | ✔ |
0073-1579 | Hegel-Jahrbuch | Akademie Verlag | 1 | ✔ |
2192-5550 | Hegel-Jahrbuch (e-vir) | Duncker & Humblot | 0 | ✔ |
0073-1587 | Hegel-Studien | Bouvier; Felix Meiner | 0 | |
1612-3166 | Heidegger-Jahrbuch | 0 | ||
0885-4580 | Heidegger studies | Duncker u. Humblot | 0 | ✔ |
2153-9170 | Heidegger studies (e-vir) | Philosophy Documentation Center | 0 | ✔ |
0017-9647 | Heilpädagogische Forschung | 0 | ||
0017-9981 | Helikon | Università degli studi, Messina.; Università degli studi, Messina. | 0 | |
0017-999X | Helikon | Akadémiai Kiadó | 0 | |
0160-0923 | Helios | The Association | 0 | |
1790-1391 | Hellenic Journal of Psychology | Ellīnika Grammata; Ελληνικά Γράμματα | 0 | |
0018-0270 | Hémecht | Edition Hémecht | 0 | |
0393-6805 | Henoch | Silvio Zamorani Editore; Morcelliana | 0 | |
0018-0750 | Hermathena | University | 0 | |
1139-7489 | Hermeneus | Facultad de Traducción e Interpretación de Soria, Universidad de Valladolid (Fatiso) | 0 | |
2530-609X | Hermeneus (e-vir) | Facultad de Traducción e Interpretación | 0 | ✔ |
0018-0777 | Hermes | F. Steiner Verlag | 0 | ✔ |
0904-1699 | Hermes | Handelshøjskolen i °Arhus. Institut for Sprog- og Erhvervskommunikation. | 0 | |
1903-1785 | Hermes (e-vir) | Department of Business Communication, Aarhus BSS, Aarhus University | 0 | |
2365-3116 | Hermes (e-vir) | Steiner | 0 | |
1432-2773 | Herold-Jahrbuch | Herold, Verein für Heraldik, Genealogie und Verwandte Wissenschaften zu Berlin (gegr. 1869) | 0 | |
0018-098X | Hesperia | American School of Classical Studies at Athens | 0 | ✔ |
1553-5622 | Hesperia (e-vir) | Harvard University Press | 0 | ✔ |
0073-2001 | Hessisches Jahrbuch für Landesgeschichte | Arbeitsgemeinschaft der Historischen Kommissionen in Darmstadt, Frankfurt, Marburg und Wiesbaden. | 0 | |
0009-5141 | Het Christelijk Oosten | Instituut voor Byzantijnse en Oecumenische Studies; Instituut voor Oosters Christendom | 0 | |
1135-304X | Hieronymus complutensis | Instituto Universitario de Lenguas Modernas y Traductores.; Universidad Complutense de Madrid. Instituto Universitario de Lenguas Modernas y Traductores. | 0 | |
1359-8139 | High ability studies | Routledge, Taylor & Francis | 0 | ✔ |
1469-834X | High ability studies (e-vir) | Routledge, Taylor & Francis | 0 | ✔ |
0018-1560 | Higher education | Elsevier | 1 | ✔ |
1573-174X | Higher education (e-vir) | Kluwer | 0 | ✔ |
0379-7724 | Higher education in Europe | Carfax | 0 | |
1469-8358 | Higher education in Europe (e-vir) | Carfax International Publishers | 0 | |
1682-3451 | Higher education management and policy | Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development | 0 | |
1726-9822 | Higher education management and policy (e-vir) | Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development | 0 | |
0952-8733 | Higher education policy | Kogan Page | 0 | ✔ |
1740-3863 | Higher education policy (e-vir) | Pergamon | 0 | ✔ |
0951-5224 | Higher education quarterly | "Basil Blackwell" | 0 | ✔ |
1468-2273 | Higher education quarterly (e-vir) | Blackwell | 0 | ✔ |
0172-956X | Hindemith-Jahrbuch | Schott. | 0 | |
0781-5859 | Hippokrates | Suomen lääketieteen historian seura.; Finlands medicinhistoriska sällskap.; Societas historiae medicinae Fenniae. | 0 | |
0018-2141 | Hispania | Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas | 0 | ✔ |
1988-8368 | Hispania | Instituto de Historia, CSIC | 0 | ✔ |
1130-0515 | Hispania antiqua | Universidad, Departamento de Historia Antigua y Medieval Área de Historia Antigua | 0 | |
1138-7319 | Hispania nova (e-vir) | Universidad Carlos III de Madrid | 0 | |
0018-215X | Hispania sacra | Instituto de Historia Eclesiástica "Padre Enrique Flórez"; Centro de Estudios Históricos (1985- ) | 0 | ✔ |
1988-4265 | Hispania sacra | CSIC, Departamento de Publicaciones | 0 | ✔ |
0739-9863 | Hispanic journal of behavioral sciences | Spanish Speaking Mental Health Research Center, University of California, Los Angeles | 0 | ✔ |
1552-6364 | Hispanic journal of behavioral sciences (e-vir) | Sage Publications | 0 | ✔ |
1468-2737 | Hispanic research journal | Maney | 0 | ✔ |
1745-820X | Hispanic research journal (e-vir) | Maney | 0 | ✔ |
0018-2176 | Hispanic review | University of Pennsylvania | 0 | ✔ |
1553-0639 | Hispanic review (e-vir) | University of Pennsylvania Press | 0 | ✔ |
1777-5906 | Histoire, économie & société (e-vir) | A. Colin | 0 | ✔ |
0752-5702 | Histoire, économie et société | Armand Colin | 0 | ✔ |
0982-1783 | Histoire & mesure | Centre de recherches historiques | 0 | |
1957-7745 | Histoire & mesure (e-vir) | Éd. de l'EHESS | 0 | |
1633-2784 | Histoire & sociétés | Scop-SA; Alternatives économiques | 0 | |
0221-6280 | Histoire de l'éducation | Département de la recherche historique, documentaire et comparée de l'Institut national de recherche pédagogique | 0 | |
2102-5452 | Histoire de l'éducation (e-vir) | INRP | 0 | |
0440-8888 | Histoire des sciences médicales | Société française d'histoire de la médecine | 0 | |
0750-8069 | Histoire épistémologie langage | Presses universitaires de Lille | 0 | ✔ |
1638-1580 | Histoire épistémologie langage (e-vir) | SHESL | 0 | ✔ |
1254-728X | Histoire et sociétés rurales | Centre de recherche d'histoire quantitative (Caen); Association d'histoire des sociétés rurales (France) | 0 | |
0991-2894 | Histoire médiévale et archéologie | Centre d'archéologie et d'histoire médiévale des établissements religieux (Amiens) | 0 | |
1623-5843 | Histoires littéraires | Histoires littéraires; Du Lérot éd | 0 | |
0018-2257 | Histoire sociale | Editions de l'Université d'Ottawa. | 0 | |
1918-6576 | Histoire sociale (e-vir) | Publications Histoire sociale | 0 | |
1108-3441 | Historein | Nefeli Publishers | 0 | |
0018-2281 | Historia | Tallandier | 0 | |
0018-2311 | Historia | Steiner | 0 | ✔ |
2365-3108 | Historia (e-vir) | Steiner | 0 | |
0210-7716 | Historia, instituciones, documentos | Universidad de Sevilla | 0 | |
2253-8291 | Historia, instituciones, documentos | SPUS | 0 | |
1139-1472 | Historia agraria | SEHA; Universidad de Murcia | 0 | ✔ |
2340-3659 | Historia agraria (e-vir) | Universidad de Murcia | 0 | ✔ |
1130-2402 | Historia contemporánea | Servicio Editorial de la Universidad del País Vasco | 0 | ✔ |
2340-0277 | Historia contemporánea (e-vir) | Servicio Editorial de la Universidad del País Vasco | 0 | |
0212-0267 | Historia de la educación | Ediciones Universidad de Salamanca | 0 | ✔ |
2386-3846 | Historia de la educación (e-vir) | Ediciones Universidad de Salamanca | 0 | ✔ |
1579-8135 | Historia del presente | Asociación Historiadores del Presente | 0 | |
0018-2362 | Historiallinen aikakauskirja | [Suomen historiallinen seura] | 0 | ✔ |
2489-6969 | Historiallinen aikakauskirja (e-vir) | Suomen historiallinen seura | 0 | ✔ |
0315-0860 | Historia mathematica | Academic Press, | 0 | ✔ |
1724-6121 | Historia philosophica | Istituti Editoriali e Poligrafici Internazionali | 0 | ✔ |
1824-095X | Historia philosophica | Istituti Editoriali e Poligrafici Internazionali | 0 | ✔ |
0285-4821 | Historia scientiarum | History of Science Society of Japan | 0 | |
0214-2570 | Historia social | Centro de la UNED Alzira-Valencia, Instituto de Historia Social. | 0 | |
0556-1019 | Historia Sztuki | Wydawnictwo Naukowe Uniwersytetu im. Adama Mickiewicza | 0 | |
1132-189X | Historia urbana | Institució Valenciana d'Estudis i Investigació.; Universidad Politécnica de Valencia.; Conselleria d'Obres Públiques de la Generalitat Valenciana.; Institució Valenciana d'Estudis i Investigació. | 0 | |
1137-0734 | Historia y comunicación social | Servicio de Publicaciones, Universidad Complutense. | 0 | |
1698-3246 | Historia y comunicación social (e-vir) | Departamento de Historia de la Comunicación Social. Facultad de Ciencias de la información.; Universidad Complutense de Madrid. Departamento de Historia de la Comunicación Social. | 0 | |
1988-3056 | Historia y comunicación social | Universidad Complutense, Servicio de Publicaciones | 0 | |
1575-0361 | Historia y política | Departamento de Historia del Pensamiento y de los Movimientos Sociales y Políticos de la U.C.M.; Departamento de Historia Social y del Pensamiento Político de la U.N.E.D.; Universidad Complutense de Madrid. Departamento de Historia del Pensamiento y de los Movimientos Sociales y Políticos.; Universidad Nacional de Educación a Distancia (España). Departamento de Historia Social y del Pensamiento Político.; Centro de Estudios Políticos y Constitucionales (España) | 0 | ✔ |
1989-063X | Historia y política | Biblioteca Nueva; Centro de Estudios Políticos y Constitucionales | 0 | ✔ |
0018-2427 | Historica | [s.n.] | 0 | |
1382-3914 | Historica | Vereniging voor Vrouwengeschiedenis | 0 | |
0018-246X | Historical journal | Cambridge University Press | 0 | ✔ |
1465-3451 | Historical journal of film, radio and television (e-vir) | Carfax. | 0 | ✔ |
0143-9685 | Historical journal of film radio and television | Carfax Publishing Company | 0 | ✔ |
1465-4466 | Historical materialism | London School of Economics; Koninklijke Brill; Turpin Distribution [distributor] | 0 | ✔ |
1569-206X | Historical materialism (e-vir) | Brill | 0 | ✔ |
0161-5440 | Historical methods | Heldref Publications | 0 | ✔ |
1940-1906 | Historical methods | Heldref Publications] | 0 | ✔ |
0950-3471 | Historical research | Blackwell Publishers | 0 | ✔ |
1468-2281 | Historical research (e-vir) | Blackwell Publishers | 0 | ✔ |
1362-1572 | Historical studies in industrial relations | University of Keele. | 0 | ✔ |
2049-4459 | Historical studies in industrial relations (e-vir) | Published for Keele University Centre for Industrial Relations by Keele University Press | 0 | ✔ |
0890-9997 | Historical studies in the physical and biological sciences | University of California Press | 0 | |
1533-8355 | Historical studies in the physical and biological sciences (e-vir) | University of California Press | 0 | |
Y505-5075 | Historical studies in the physical and biological sciences (e-vir) | University of California Press | 0 | |
1045-4616 | Historic Brass Society journal | Historic Brass Society. | 0 | |
0323-0937 | Historická demografie | Československá akademie věd; Ústav československých a světových dějin | 0 | |
0440-9515 | Historicke študie | [S.n.] | 0 | |
0018-2575 | Historický časopis | [S.n.] | 0 | |
2585-9099 | Historický časopis (e-vir) | Historický ústav Slovenskej akadémie vied | 0 | |
1210-6097 | Historický obzor | Vydavatelství Neptun DeskTopPublishing; Aleš Skřivan; Lukáš Novotný | 0 | |
0107-4725 | Historie / | Jysk Selskab for Historie | 0 | |
0351-2193 | Historijski zbornik | Društvo za hrvatsku povjesnicu | 0 | |
1849-0824 | Historijski zbornik (e-vir) | Povijesno društvo Hrvatske | 0 | |
0302-5160 | Historiographia linguistica | John Benjamins Publishing Company | 0 | ✔ |
1569-9781 | Historiographia linguistica (e-vir) | Benjamins | 0 | ✔ |
0942-8704 | Historische Anthropologie | Böhlau | 0 | |
0936-5796 | Historische Mitteilungen | Franz Steiner Verlag | 0 | |
0018-2621 | Historisches Jahrbuch | K. Alber | 1 | |
0173-2145 | Historische Sozialforschung | Klett-Cotta. | 0 | |
0935-3518 | Historische Sprachforschung | Vandenhoeck u. Ruprecht | 0 | |
2196-8071 | Historische Sprachforschung (e-vir) | Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht | 0 | |
0018-2613 | Historische Zeitschrift | Oldenbourg | 0 | ✔ |
2196-680X | Historische Zeitschrift (e-vir) | de Gruyter Oldenbourg | 0 | ✔ |
0167-9775 | Historisch geografisch tijdschrift | Stichting Matrijs | 0 | |
1570-3916 | Historisch jaarboek Groningen | Vereniging Stad en Lande. | 0 | |
0943-691X | Historisch-politische Mitteilungen | Böhlau | 0 | |
0345-469X | Historisk tidskrift | Svenska historiska föreningen | 0 | |
0046-7596 | Historisk tidskrift för Finland | [Historiska föreningen i Finland] | 0 | ✔ |
2343-2888 | Historisk tidskrift för Finland (e-vir) | Historiska föreningen | 0 | ✔ |
0018-263X | Historisk tidsskrift | Den Norske historiske forening | 0 | ✔ |
1504-2944 | Historisk tidsskrift (e-vir) | Universitetsforlaget | 0 | ✔ |
0106-4991 | Historisk tidsskrift (Kbh. : 1858) | Den danske historiske Forening | 0 | |
0018-2648 | History | B. Blackwell | 0 | ✔ |
1468-229X | History (e-vir) | Blackwell | 0 | ✔ |
0957-0144 | History & computing | Oxford University Press | 0 | |
0275-7206 | History and anthropology | Taylor & Francis group | 0 | ✔ |
1477-2612 | History and anthropology (e-vir) | Gordon and Breach | 0 | ✔ |
0935-560X | History and memory | Athenäum | 0 | |
1527-1994 | History and memory (e-vir) | Athenäum | 0 | |
0144-5340 | History and philosophy of logic | Abacus Press | 0 | ✔ |
1464-5149 | History and philosophy of logic (e-vir) | Taylor & Francis | 0 | ✔ |
0391-9714 | History and philosophy of the life sciences | Taylor & Francis | 0 | ✔ |
1742-6316 | History and philosophy of the life sciences (e-vir) | Springer Internat. Publ. | 0 | ✔ |
0734-1512 | History and technology | Harwood Academic Pub. | 0 | ✔ |
1477-2620 | History and technology (e-vir) | Gordon and Breach | 0 | ✔ |
0018-2656 | History and theory | Wiley Periodicals | 0 | ✔ |
1468-2303 | History and theory (e-vir) | Mouton | 0 | ✔ |
1478-0542 | History compass (e-vir) | Blackwell Publishing | 0 | ✔ |
1122-8792 | History of economic ideas | Gruppo editoriale internazionale,; Istituti editoriali e poligrafici internazionali,; Fabrizio Serra, | 0 | ✔ |
1724-2169 | History of economic ideas (e-vir) | Istituti editoriali e poligrafici internazionali | 0 | ✔ |
0046-760X | History of education | Taylor & Francis | 0 | ✔ |
1464-5130 | History of education (e-vir) | Taylor & Francis | 0 | ✔ |
0018-2680 | History of education quarterly | Indiana University | 0 | ✔ |
1748-5959 | History of education quarterly (e-vir) | University of Pittsburgh | 0 | ✔ |
0819-8691 | History of education review | Australian and New Zealand History of Education Society | 0 | ✔ |
2054-5649 | History of education review (e-vir) | Australian and New Zealand History of Education Society | 0 | |
0191-6599 | History of European ideas | Elsevier Science Ltd. | 0 | ✔ |
1873-541X | History of European ideas | Elsevier Science | 0 | ✔ |
0740-0675 | History of philosophy quarterly | Philosophy Documentation Center | 0 | ✔ |
2152-1026 | History of philosophy quarterly (e-vir) | Published in cooperation with the Philosophy Documentation Center, Bowling Green State University | 0 | ✔ |
0308-7298 | History of photography | Taylor & Francis Ltd | 0 | ✔ |
2150-7295 | History of photography | Taylor & Francis | 0 | ✔ |
0143-781X | History of political thought | Imprint Academic | 0 | ✔ |
2051-2988 | History of political thought (e-vir) | Imprint Academic | 0 | |
0018-2710 | History of religions | University of Chicago Press | 0 | ✔ |
1545-6935 | History of religions (e-vir) | University of Chicago Press | 0 | ✔ |
0073-2753 | History of science | Science History Publ. | 0 | ✔ |
1753-8564 | History of science (e-vir) | Science History Publications | 0 | ✔ |
0307-5451 | History of technology | Mansell | 0 | |
0952-6951 | History of the human sciences | SAGE Publications | 0 | ✔ |
1461-720X | History of the human sciences (e-vir) | Sage | 0 | ✔ |
Y505-5083 | History of the human sciences (e-vir) | SAGE Publications | 0 | |
0144-5138 | History of universities | Avebury Pub. Co. | 0 | |
0309-2984 | History workshop | History Workshop Journal | 0 | |
0921-5891 | Hobbes studies | Van Gorcum | 0 | ✔ |
1875-0257 | Hobbes studies | Brill | 0 | ✔ |
1422-8742 | Hochparterre | Verlag Curti-Medien.; Hochparterre | 0 | |
0166-2511 | Holland | Historische Vereniging Oud-Holland onder de zinspreuk "Vigilate deo Confidentes"; Stichting Contactcentrum voor Regionale en Plaatselijke Geschiedbeoefening in Noord- en Zuid-Holland.; Historische Vereniging Holland. | 0 | |
0018-3601 | Hollands maandblad | Meulenhoff Nederland :; Stichting Hollands Weekblad ;; Nieuw Amsterdam | 0 | |
1476-7937 | Holocaust and genocide studies (e-vir) | Oxford University Press | 0 | ✔ |
8756-6583 | Holocaust and genocide studies | Pergamon | 0 | ✔ |
1740-6315 | Home cultures | Berg | 0 | ✔ |
1751-7427 | Home cultures (e-vir) | Berg | 0 | ✔ |
0439-5530 | Horisont / | Svenska Österbottens litteraturförening. | 0 | |
0018-506X | Hormones and behavior | Academic Press. | 1 | ✔ |
1972-2672 | Hormos | Università degli Studi, Palermo. Dipartimento di Beni Culturali Storico Archeologici, Socio-Antropologici e Geografici. Sezione di Storia Antica. | 0 | |
1330-7274 | Hortus artium medievalium | International Research Center for Late Antiquity and Middle Ages; International Centres of Croatian Universities, Istra, University | 2 | |
1848-9702 | Hortus artium medievalium (HAM) (e-vir) | International Research Center for Late Antiquity and Middle Ages; International Centres of Croatian Universities | 0 | |
1331-3010 | Hrvatska revija za rehabilitacijska istraživanja | Edukacijsko-rehabilitacijski fakultet = Faculty of Education and Rehabilitation Sciences | 2 | |
1848-7734 | Hrvatska revija za rehabilitacijska istraživanja (e-vir) | Edukacijsko-rehabilitacijski fakultet Sveučilišta u Zagrebu | 0 | |
Y502-6989 | Hrvatska revija za rehabilitacijska istraživanja | Edukacijsko-rehabilitacijski fakultet = Faculty of Education and Rehabilitation Sciences | 0 | |
1159-5477 | HU | Hachette supérieur, | 0 | |
0018-7003 | Hudební věda | Academia | 0 | |
1021-7215 | Hugur | Félag áhugamanna um heimspeki; Háskólaútgáfan | 0 | |
1065-9471 | Human brain mapping | Wiley-Liss | 0 | ✔ |
1097-0193 | Human brain mapping (e-vir) | Wiley-Liss, Inc. | 0 | ✔ |
1423-0054 | Human development (e-vir) | S. Karger | 0 | ✔ |
0018-716X | Human Development | S. Karger AG | 0 | ✔ |
0018-7208 | Human factors | Pergamon Press | 0 | ✔ |
1547-8181 | Human factors | Pergamon Press; Johns Hopkins Press; Johns Hopkins University Press; Human Factors Society | 0 | ✔ |
1828-2334 | Humanistica | Accademia Editoriale | 0 | |
1970-2205 | Humanistica | Istituti editoriali e poligrafici internazionali | 0 | |
0870-080X | Humanística e teologia | Instituto de Ciências Humanas e Teológicas | 0 | |
0774-2908 | Humanistica Lovaniensia | Universitaire Pers | 0 | |
2593-3019 | Humanistica Lovaniensia (e-vir) | Universitaire Pers | 0 | |
0167-9457 | Human movement science | North-Holland; Elsevier Science | 2 | ✔ |
1872-7646 | Human movement science (e-vir) | Elsevier BV | 0 | ✔ |
0895-9285 | Human performance | Lawrence Erlbaum Associates | 0 | ✔ |
1532-7043 | Human performance (e-vir) | L. Erlbaum Associates, Inc. | 0 | ✔ |
0885-6222 | Human psychopharmacology | John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. | 0 | ✔ |
1099-1077 | Human psychopharmacology (e-vir) | John Wiley & Sons | 0 | ✔ |
0018-7267 | Human relations | Plenum Press | 0 | ✔ |
1741-282X | Human relations (e-vir) | Sage Publications | 0 | ✔ |
1028-7825 | Human reproduction and genetic ethics | European Bioethical Research | 0 | |
2043-0469 | Human reproduction and genetic ethics (e-vir) | Equinox Publishing | 0 | |
1367-8868 | Human resource development international | Routledge | 0 | ✔ |
1469-8374 | Human resource development international (e-vir) | Routledge | 0 | ✔ |
1044-8004 | Human resource development quarterly | Jossey-Bass | 0 | ✔ |
1532-1096 | Human resource development quarterly (e-vir) | [Jossey-Bass]; Wiley Periodicals, Inc. | 0 | ✔ |
0954-5395 | Human resource management journal | Industrial Relations Services | 0 | ✔ |
1748-8583 | Human resource management journal (e-vir) | Industrial Relations Services. | 0 | ✔ |
1524-8879 | Human rights review | Transaction Periodicals Consortium | 0 | ✔ |
1874-6306 | Human rights review (e-vir) | Springer | 0 | ✔ |
0163-8548 | Human studies | Kluwer Academic Publishers | 0 | ✔ |
1572-851X | Human studies (e-vir) | Springer | 0 | ✔ |
Y505-5105 | Human studies (e-vir) | Springer | 0 | |
0319-7336 | Hume studies | s.n.. | 0 | |
1947-9921 | Hume studies | Hume Society; Hume Society | 0 | |
0933-1719 | Humor | De Gruyter Mouton | 0 | ✔ |
1613-3722 | Humor | Mouton de Gruyter. | 0 | ✔ |
1567-9837 | Hunch | Berlage Institute | 0 | |
1218-7364 | Hungarian journal of English and American studies | Lajos Kossuth Univ. | 0 | |
0236-6568 | Hungarian studies | Akadémiai Kiadó | 0 | ✔ |
1588-2772 | Hungarian studies | Akadémiai Kiadó | 0 | ✔ |
1237-0223 | Hungarologische Beiträge | Universität Jyväskylä.; Jyväskylän yliopisto. | 0 | |
0167-9848 | Husserl studies | Kluwer Academic Publishers | 0 | ✔ |
1572-8501 | Husserl studies (e-vir) | Kluwer | 0 | ✔ |
0871-1569 | Hvmanitas | I.E.C.F.L.U.C. | 0 | ✔ |
2183-1718 | Hvmanitas (e-vir) | I.E.C.F.L.U.C. | 0 | ✔ |
1403-8668 | Hygiea internationalis | Linköpings universitet; International Network for the History of Public Health | 0 | |
1404-4013 | Hygiea internationalis | Dept. of Health and Society, Linköping University. | 0 | |
0887-5367 | Hypatia | Hypatia, Inc. | 0 | ✔ |
1527-2001 | Hypatia (e-vir) | Hypatia, Inc. | 0 | ✔ |
0949-2615 | Hyperboreus | C. H. Beck | 0 | |
0160-1040 | IA | Society for Industrial Archeology. | 0 | |
2327-7858 | IA (e-vir) | Published for the Society for Industrial Archeology by the Office of Publications, West Virginia University | 0 | |
1133-9810 | Iber | Graó Educación | 0 | |
1139-7241 | Ibérica | AELFE. | 0 | |
2340-2784 | Ibérica | AELFE | 0 | |
1577-3388 | Iberoamericana | Iberoamericana; Editorial Vervuert | 0 | |
2255-520X | Iberoamericana (e-vir) | Ibero-Amerikanisches Institut Preußischer Kulturbesitz | 0 | |
0019-0993 | Iberoromania | Niemeyer | 0 | ✔ |
1865-9039 | Iberoromania | de Gruyter | 0 | ✔ |
1361-8113 | Icon | Frank Cass | 0 | |
1720-1764 | Iconographica | SISMEL-Edizioni del Galluzzo | 0 | |
1053-5888 | IEEE signal processing magazine | Institute of Electrical & Electronics Engineers | 0 | ✔ |
1558-0792 | IEEE signal processing magazine (e-vir) | Institute of Electrical & Electronics Engineers | 0 | ✔ |
0096-3518 | IEEE transactions on acoustics, speech, and signal processing | Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers | 0 | |
0018-9359 | IEEE transactions on education | Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers | 0 | ✔ |
1557-9638 | IEEE transactions on education (e-vir) | Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers | 0 | ✔ |
1846-8551 | Ikon | Ministarstvo znanosti, obrazovanja i športa Republike Hrvatske | 2 | |
2507-041X | Ikon (e-vir) | Brepols | 0 | |
Y506-2535 | Ikon | Ministarstvo znanosti, obrazovanja i športa Republike Hrvatske | 0 | |
0860-5769 | Ikonotheka | Uniwersytet Warszawski. | 0 | |
0394-994X | Il Confronto letterario | Schena Editore | 0 | |
2328-5265 | Illinois classical studies (e-vir) | University of Illinois Press | 0 | ✔ |
0363-1923 | Illinois Classical Studies | University of Illinois Press. | 0 | ✔ |
1125-3878 | Il Mar Nero | Edizioni Quasar di Severina Tognon; Editions de la Maison des sciences de l'homme. | 0 | |
1122-8784 | Il Pensiero economico italiano | Istituti Editoriali e Poligrafici Internazionali. | 0 | ✔ |
1724-0581 | Il Pensiero economico italiano | Istituti Editoriali e Poligrafici Internazionali. | 0 | ✔ |
1123-8615 | Il saggiatore musicale | Leo S. Olschki | 0 | |
2035-6706 | Il Saggiatore musicale (e-vir) | Leo Olschki | 0 | |
0042-3254 | Il Veltro | Il Veltro | 0 | |
0506-7715 | Il Verri | Edizioni Mantovani della Sedit; Monogramma,; Edizioni del Verri :; Edizioni Monogramma,; Edizioni del Verri, | 0 | |
1780-678X | Image & narrative (e-vir) | Instituut voor Culturele Studies. | 0 | |
1731-450X | Images | Collegium Europaeum Gnesnense.; Uniwersytet im. Adama Mickiewicza (Poznań); Państwowa Wyższa Szkoła Filmowa, Telewizyjna i Teatralna (Łódź); Uniwersytet im. Adama Mickiewicza (Poznań). | 0 | |
1778-3801 | Images re-vues (e-vir) | CEHTA | 0 | |
0255-8831 | Imago musicae | International Repertory of Musical Iconography | 0 | |
1888-3931 | Imago temporis | Universitat de Lleida | 0 | |
2340-7778 | Imago temporis (e-vir) | Edicions de la Universitat de Lleida | 0 | |
1463-9955 | Implicit religion | Maney | 0 | ✔ |
1743-1697 | Implicit religion (e-vir) | Equinox Publishing Ltd | 0 | ✔ |
1134-136X | Impressions | Renart Edicions. | 0 | |
1365-4802 | Improving schools | Institute of Education | 0 | ✔ |
1475-7583 | Improving schools (e-vir) | Institute of Education | 0 | ✔ |
1373-4318 | Impuls voor onderwijsbegeleiding | Acco; Gompel&Svanica | 0 | |
0971-9474 | In-between : Essays & Studies in Literary Criticism | G.R. Taneja. | 0 | |
1971-2995 | Incidenza dell'antico | Associazione culturale "Incidenza dell'antico" | 0 | |
0169-3379 | Incontri | Stichting Incontri; APA-Holland University Press; Werkgroep Italie Studies | 0 | ✔ |
2214-7705 | Incontri (e-vir) | UB Nijmegen | 0 | ✔ |
0390-2412 | Incontri linguistici | Universitá di Trieste; Universitá di Udine | 0 | ✔ |
1724-1669 | Incontri linguistici | Istituti Editoriali e Poligrafici Internazionali | 0 | ✔ |
0271-8022 | Indiana theory review | Indiana University Jacobs School of Music.; Indiana University, Bloomington. | 0 | |
2474-7777 | Indiana theory review (e-vir) | [Graduate Theory Association, School of Music, Indiana University] | 0 | |
0019-4646 | Indian economic and social history review | SAGE Publications India. | 0 | ✔ |
0973-0893 | Indian economic and social history review (e-vir) | Sage Publications India Pvt. Ltd. | 0 | ✔ |
0971-5215 | Indian Journal of Gender Studies | Sage Publications. | 0 | ✔ |
0973-0672 | Indian Journal of Gender Studies | Sage Publications India Pvt. Ltd. | 0 | ✔ |
2454-9991 | Indian journal of history of science (e-vir) | Indian National Science Academy | 0 | |
0019-5235 | Indian Journal of History of Science | Indian National Science Academy | 0 | |
0920-6949 | Indische letteren | Werkgroep Indisch-Nederlandse Letterkunde | 0 | |
0019-7262 | Indogermanische Forschungen | Walter de Gruyter | 0 | ✔ |
1613-0405 | Indogermanische Forschungen | de Gruyter | 0 | ✔ |
0019-7246 | Indo-Iranian journal | Kluwer academic publishers | 0 | ✔ |
1572-8536 | Indo-Iranian journal (e-vir) | Springer | 0 | ✔ |
Y505-5121 | Indo-Iranian journal (e-vir) | Springer | 0 | |
0912-8816 | Indo tetsugaku Bukkyäogaku | Hokkaido Association of Indological and Buddhist Studies. | 0 | |
0309-0728 | Industrial archaeology review | Oxford University Press; Association for Industrial Archaeology | 0 | ✔ |
1745-8196 | Industrial archaeology review (e-vir) | Oxford University Press | 0 | ✔ |
1120-690X | Induzioni | Istituti Editoriali e Poligrafici Internazionali. | 0 | |
1724-0476 | Induzioni | Istituti Editoriali e Poligrafici Internazionali. | 0 | |
0210-3702 | Infancia y aprendizaje | Equipo Aprendizaje] | 0 | ✔ |
1578-4126 | Infancia y aprendizaje (e-vir) | [Equipo Aprendizaje] | 0 | ✔ |
1532-7078 | Infancy (e-vir) | L. Erlbaum Associates | 0 | ✔ |
1525-0008 | INFANCY | 0 | ✔ | |
1522-7219 | Infant and child development (e-vir) | John Wiley & Sons | 0 | ✔ |
1522-7227 | Infant and child development (e-vir) | Wiley Interscience | 0 | ✔ |
0163-6383 | Infant behavior & development | Ablex Pub. | 0 | ✔ |
1879-0453 | Infant behavior & development (e-vir) | Elsevier Inc. | 0 | ✔ |
0163-9641 | Infant mental health journal (e-vir) | Wiley Subscription Services, Inc.; Michigan Association for Infant Mental Health. | 0 | ✔ |
1097-0355 | Infant mental health journal (e-vir) | [CPPC]; Michigan Association for Infant Mental Health | 0 | ✔ |
0896-3746 | Infants and young children | Aspen Publishers | 0 | ✔ |
1550-5081 | Infants and young children | Aspen Publishers | 0 | ✔ |
0824-2577 | Informal logic | P.F. Wilkinson | 0 | ✔ |
2293-734X | Informal logic (e-vir) | P.F. Wilkinson | 0 | ✔ |
0142-5471 | Information design journal | Information Design Journal Ltd.; John Benjamins | 0 | ✔ |
1569-979X | Information design journal | John Benjamins | 0 | ✔ |
0340-1774 | Informationen zur modernen Stadtgeschichte | Deutsches Institut für Urbanistik | 0 | |
1649-2412 | Inis | Children's Books Ireland | 0 | |
2031-3098 | In Monte Artium | Brepols Publishers | 0 | |
0020-157X | Innes review | John S. Burns and Sons | 0 | ✔ |
1470-3300 | Innovations in education & teaching international (e-vir) | Routledge | 0 | ✔ |
1470-3297 | Innovations in education and teaching international | Routledge | 0 | ✔ |
0742-5627 | Innovative higher education | Kluwer Online | 0 | ✔ |
1573-1758 | Innovative higher education (e-vir) | Kluwer | 0 | ✔ |
1816-3920 | Innsbrucker Beiträge zur Sprachwissenschaft | Institut für Sprachwissenschaft der Universität Innsbruck | 0 | |
1300-2899 | İnönü Üniversitesi Eægitim Fakültesi dergisi | İnönü Üniversitesi | 0 | |
0020-174X | Inquiry | Universitetsforlaget | 0 | ✔ |
1502-3923 | Inquiry (e-vir) | Taylor & Francis | 0 | ✔ |
1302-177X | Insight Turkey | The Ankara Center for Turkish Policy Studies | 0 | |
2564-7717 | Insight Turkey (e-vir) | SET Vakfı İktisadi İşletmesi | 0 | |
0020-4277 | Instructional science | Elsevier | 0 | ✔ |
1573-1952 | Instructional science (e-vir) | Kluwer | 0 | ✔ |
1749-6977 | Intellectual history review | International Society for Intellectual History. | 0 | ✔ |
1749-6985 | Intellectual history review | Routledge, Taylor & Francis Group | 0 | ✔ |
0160-2896 | Intelligence | Ablex Publishing Corporation | 1 | ✔ |
1572-0373 | Interaction studies | John Benjamins Publishing Company | 0 | ✔ |
1572-0381 | Interaction studies | John Benjamins Publishing Company | 0 | ✔ |
1049-4820 | Interactive learning environments | Ablex Pub. Corp. | 1 | ✔ |
1744-5191 | Interactive learning environments (e-vir) | Swets & Zeitlinger Pub. | 0 | ✔ |
0826-4805 | Interchange | Kluwer Academic Publishers; Ontario Institute for Studies in Education | 0 | ✔ |
1573-1790 | Interchange (e-vir) | Kluwer | 0 | ✔ |
1467-5986 | Intercultural education | Taylor&Francis | 0 | ✔ |
1469-8439 | Intercultural education (e-vir) | Carfax International Publishers; Taylor & Francis. | 0 | ✔ |
1699-3187 | Interculturality and translation | Universidad de León. Departamento de Filología Moderna. | 0 | |
1612-295X | Intercultural pragmatics | Mouton de Gruyter | 0 | ✔ |
1613-365X | Intercultural pragmatics | Mouton de Gruyter; Mouton der Gruyter | 0 | ✔ |
0308-0188 | Interdisciplinary science reviews | J.W. Arrowsmith | 0 | ✔ |
1743-2790 | Interdisciplinary science reviews (e-vir) | Heyden | 0 | ✔ |
1406-0701 | Interlitteraria | Tartu Ülikooli Kirjastus/Tartu University Press | 2 | ✔ |
2228-4729 | Interlitteraria (e-vir) | Tartu Ülikooli Kirjastus. | 0 | ✔ |
1705-8546 | Intermédialités | Université de Montréal. | 0 | |
0272-6122 | International bulletin of missionary research | Overseas Ministries Study Center | 0 | |
0020-9252 | Internationale kirchliche Zeitschrift | Stämpfli | 0 | |
2297-5373 | Internationale kirchliche Zeitschrift (e-vir) | Stämpfli | 0 | |
1206-9620 | International electronic journal for leadership in learning (e-vir) | University of Calgary Press | 0 | |
0340-4528 | Internationales Archiv für Sozialgeschichte der deutschen Literatur | Max Niemeyer | 1 | ✔ |
1865-9128 | Internationales Archiv für Sozialgeschichte der deutschen Literatur (e-vir) | de Gruyter | 0 | ✔ |
1619-7569 | Internationales Jahrbuch für Hermeneutik | Mohr Siebeck, | 0 | |
0942-3028 | Internationale Zeitschrift für Philosophie | Metzler | 0 | |
1461-6742 | International feminist journal of politics | Routledge | 0 | ✔ |
1468-4470 | International feminist journal of politics (e-vir) | Routledge | 0 | ✔ |
0315-4149 | International fiction review | International Fiction Assoc.. | 0 | |
1911-186X | International fiction review (e-vir) | International Fiction Association. | 0 | |
0803-706X | International forum of psychoanalysis | Scandinavian University Press | 0 | ✔ |
1651-2324 | International Forum of Psychoanalysis | Scandinavian University Press | 0 | ✔ |
0707-5332 | International history review | University of Toronto Press | 0 | ✔ |
0251-2513 | International journal for educational and vocational guidance | Kluwer Academic Publishers | 0 | ✔ |
1833-2595 | International journal for educational integrity (e-vir) | BioMed Central | 0 | ✔ |
0020-7047 | International journal for philosophy of religion | Springer | 0 | ✔ |
1572-8684 | International journal for philosophy of religion (e-vir) | Kluwer | 0 | ✔ |
1474-225X | International journal for the study of the Christian church | T&T Clark | 0 | ✔ |
1747-0234 | International journal for the study of the Christian church (e-vir) | T&T Clark | 0 | ✔ |
0020-7071 | International journal of american linguistics | University of Chicago Press | 0 | ✔ |
1545-7001 | International journal of American linguistics (e-vir) | University of Chicago Press | 0 | ✔ |
1996-773X | International journal of applied educational studies | International Journal of Applied Educational Studies | 0 | |
0802-6106 | International journal of applied linguistics | Novus press | 0 | ✔ |
1473-4192 | International journal of applied linguistics (e-vir) | Blackwell Publishers | 0 | ✔ |
1560-4292 | International journal of artificial intelligence in education | International Artificial Intelligence in Education Society | 0 | ✔ |
1560-4306 | International journal of artificial intelligence in education | International Artificial Intelligence in Education Society. | 0 | ✔ |
1499-2027 | International journal of audiology | BC Decker Inc | 0 | ✔ |
1708-8186 | International journal of audiology (e-vir) | BC Decker | 0 | ✔ |
1532-7558 | International journal of bahavioral medicine | Springer | 0 | ✔ |
0165-0254 | International journal of behavioral development | North-Holland; L. Erlbaum; Psychology Press; SAGE | 0 | ✔ |
1464-0651 | International journal of behavioral development (e-vir) | North-Holland | 0 | ✔ |
1070-5503 | International journal of behavioral medicine | Lawrence Erlbaum Associates | 0 | ✔ |
1367-0050 | International journal of bilingual education and bilingualism | Taylor&Francis | 0 | ✔ |
1747-7522 | International journal of bilingual education and bilingualism (e-vir) | Multilingual Matters | 0 | ✔ |
1378-286X | International journal of child & family welfare | Uitgeverij Acco. | 0 | |
1469-8455 | International journal of children's spirituality (e-vir) | Routledge, Taylor & Francis Group | 0 | ✔ |
1741-5055 | International journal of continuing engineering education and lifelong learning (e-vir) | Inderscience Enterprises | 0 | ✔ |
1560-4624 | International journal of continuing engineering education and life-long learning | Inderscience Enterprises Ltd. | 0 | ✔ |
1384-6655 | International journal of corpus linguistics | J. Benjamins | 0 | ✔ |
1569-9811 | International journal of corpus linguistics | Benjamins | 0 | ✔ |
0736-5748 | International Journal of Developmental Neuroscience | Pergamon | 0 | ✔ |
1465-346X | International journal of disability, development, and education (e-vir) | University of Queensland Press for the Fred and Eleanor Schonell Special Education Research Centre | 0 | ✔ |
1034-912X | International journal of disability, development and education | Carfax | 0 | ✔ |
0966-9760 | International journal of early years education | Trentham Books | 0 | ✔ |
1469-8463 | International journal of early years education (e-vir) | Trentham Books; Carfax International Publishers; Routledge | 0 | ✔ |
1098-108X | International journal of eating disorders (e-vir) | John Wiley & Sons | 0 | ✔ |
1529-8094 | International journal of education & the arts | Arizona State University | 0 | |
0738-0593 | International Journal of Educational Development | Elsevier Science | 0 | ✔ |
1758-6518 | International journal of educational management (e-vir) | MCB University Press | 0 | |
1873-538X | International journal of educational research (e-vir) | Elsevier Ltd. | 0 | ✔ |
0883-0355 | International Journal of Educational Research | Pergamon Press | 0 | ✔ |
1743-5234 | International journal of education through art | Intellect | 0 | ✔ |
2040-090X | International journal of education through art (e-vir) | Intellect | 0 | ✔ |
Y505-8201 | International journal of education through art | Intellect | 0 | |
0020-7209 | International journal of electrical engineering education | Sage Publications | 0 | ✔ |
2050-4578 | International journal of electrical engineering education (e-vir) | Manchester University Press [for the University of Manchester Institute of Science and Technology]; Sage Publications | 0 | ✔ |
0949-149X | International journal of engineering education | Tempus Publications | 3 | |
1368-2679 | International journal of Francophone studies | Intellect Ltd. | 0 | ✔ |
1758-9142 | International journal of Francophone studies (e-vir) | 0 | ✔ | |
0020-7284 | International journal of group psychotherapy | International Universities Press | 0 | ✔ |
1092-7697 | International journal of historical archaeology | Plenum Press | 0 | ✔ |
1573-7748 | International journal of historical archaeology (e-vir) | Kluwer | 0 | ✔ |
1472-9466 | International journal of historical learning, teaching and research | [University of Exeter] | 0 | |
1472-9474 | International journal of historical learning, teaching and research (e-vir) | The Historical Association of Great Britain | 0 | |
1071-5819 | International journal of human-computer studies | Academic Press | 0 | ✔ |
1095-9300 | International journal of human-computer studies (e-vir) | Academic Press | 0 | |
1753-8548 | International journal of humanities and arts computing | Edinburgh University Press | 0 | ✔ |
1755-1706 | International journal of humanities and arts computing (e-vir) | Edinburgh University Press | 0 | ✔ |
0958-5192 | International journal of human resource management | Taylor & Francis | 1 | ✔ |
1465-6612 | International journal of human resources development and management | Inderscience Publishers | 0 | ✔ |
1741-5160 | International journal of human resources development and management (e-vir) | Inderscience Publishers | 0 | ✔ |
1758-9150 | International journal of Iberian studies (e-vir) | 0 | ✔ | |
1364-971X | International journal of Iberian Studies | Intellect | 0 | ✔ |
1360-3116 | International journal of inclusive education | Taylor & Francis | 0 | ✔ |
1464-5173 | International journal of inclusive education (e-vir) | Taylor & Francis | 0 | ✔ |
0092-1815 | International journal of instructional media | Baywood Pub. Co. | 0 | |
1368-2822 | International journal of language & communication disorders | Taylor & Francis | 0 | ✔ |
1460-6984 | International journal of language & communication disorders (e-vir) | Wiley; Royal College of Speech and Language Therapists | 0 | ✔ |
1360-3124 | International journal of leadership in education | Taylor & Francis | 0 | ✔ |
1464-5092 | International journal of leadership in education (e-vir) | Taylor & Francis | 0 | ✔ |
0950-3846 | International journal of lexicography | Oxford University Press | 0 | ✔ |
1477-4577 | International journal of lexicography (e-vir) | Oxford University Press | 0 | ✔ |
0260-1370 | International journal of lifelong education | Taylor & Francis | 1 | ✔ |
1464-519X | International journal of lifelong education (e-vir) | Taylor & Francis | 0 | ✔ |
1460-8545 | International journal of management reviews | Blackwell | 0 | ✔ |
1468-2370 | International journal of management reviews (e-vir) | Blackwell Publishers | 0 | ✔ |
0843-8714 | International journal of maritime history | International Maritime Economic History Association | 0 | ✔ |
2052-7756 | International journal of maritime history (e-vir) | Maritime Studies Research Unit | 0 | ✔ |
1464-5211 | International journal of mathematical education in science and technology (e-vir) | Taylor & Francis | 0 | ✔ |
0020-739X | International Journal of Mathematical Education in Science and Technology | John Wiley and Sons | 0 | ✔ |
0020-7438 | International journal of Middle East studies | Cambridge University Press | 0 | ✔ |
1471-6380 | International journal of Middle East studies (e-vir) | Cambridge University Press | 0 | ✔ |
Y505-5148 | International journal of Middle East studies (e-vir) | Cambridge University Press | 0 | |
1479-0718 | International journal of multilingualism | Multilingual Matters,; Routledge | 0 | ✔ |
1747-7530 | International journal of multilingualism (e-vir) | Taylor&Francis | 0 | ✔ |
0255-7614 | International journal of music education | Sage Publications | 0 | ✔ |
1744-795X | International journal of music education (e-vir) | Sage Publications | 0 | ✔ |
0020-7454 | International journal of neuroscience | Gordon and Breach. | 1 | ✔ |
1026-7085 | International journal of neuroscience (e-vir) | Harwood Academic Publishers. | 0 | |
1563-5279 | International journal of neuroscience (e-vir) | Gordon and Breach | 0 | |
1077-3525 | International journal of occupational and environmental health | Hanley & Belfus | 0 | |
2049-3967 | International journal of occupational and environmental health (e-vir) | Hanley & Belfus | 0 | |
0306-624X | International journal of offender therapy and comparative criminology | Assoc. for the Psychiatric Treatment of Offenders | 0 | ✔ |
1552-6933 | International journal of offender therapy and comparative criminology (e-vir) | [Assoc. for the Psychiatric Treatment of Offenders] | 0 | ✔ |
0967-2559 | International journal of philosophical studies | Routledge | 0 | ✔ |
1466-4542 | International journal of philosophical studies (e-vir) | Routledge, Taylor & Francis | 0 | ✔ |
1430-6921 | International journal of practical theology | de Gruyter | 0 | ✔ |
1612-9768 | International journal of practical theology | de Gruyter | 0 | ✔ |
0020-7594 | International journal of psychology | Lawrence Erlbaum Associates | 0 | |
1464-066X | International journal of psychology (e-vir) | Psychology Press, part of the Taylor & Francis Group; Wiley | 0 | ✔ |
0167-8760 | International journal of psychophysiology | Elsevier | 1 | ✔ |
1366-5898 | International journal of qualitative studies in education (e-vir) | Taylor & Francis | 0 | ✔ |
0950-0693 | International journal of science education | Taylor & Francis | 0 | ✔ |
1464-5289 | International journal of science education (e-vir) | Routledge, Taylor & Francis | 0 | ✔ |
1751-2808 | International journal of Scottish literature | ASLS | 0 | |
0965-075X | International journal of selection and assessment | Blackwell | 0 | ✔ |
1468-2389 | International journal of selection and assessment (e-vir) | Blackwell | 0 | ✔ |
0538-8228 | International journal of slavic linguistics and poetics | Slavica Publishers | 0 | |
1917-7844 | International journal of special education (e-vir) | Centre for Human Development and Research | 0 | |
0827-3383 | International Journal of Special Education | B.C. | 0 | |
1754-9507 | International journal of speech-language pathology | Informa Healthcare | 0 | ✔ |
1754-9515 | International journal of speech-language pathology (e-vir) | Informa Healthcare | 0 | ✔ |
1381-2416 | International journal of speech technology | Springer | 1 | ✔ |
1572-8110 | International journal of speech technology (e-vir) | Kluwer | 0 | ✔ |
0047-0767 | International journal of sport psychology | Pozzi | 0 | |
1463-1652 | International journal of systematic theology | Blackwell | 0 | ✔ |
1468-2400 | International journal of systematic theology (e-vir) | Blackwell Publishers | 0 | ✔ |
0957-7572 | International journal of technology and design education | Trentham :; Kluwer Academic Publishers | 0 | ✔ |
1573-1804 | International journal of technology and design education (e-vir) | Kluwer | 0 | ✔ |
1073-0508 | International journal of the classical tradition | Transaction Periodicals Consortium | 0 | ✔ |
1874-6292 | International journal of the classical tradition (e-vir) | Transaction Periodicals Consortium | 0 | ✔ |
0165-2516 | International journal of the sociology of language | Mouton de Gruyter | 0 | ✔ |
1613-3668 | International Journal of the sociology of language (e-vir) | Mouton de Gruyter | 0 | ✔ |
1468-2419 | International journal of training and development (e-vir) | Blackwell Publishers | 0 | ✔ |
1075-2455 | International journal of vocational education and training | International Vocational Education and Training Association. | 0 | |
1537-2456 | International journal on e-learning | Association for the advancement of computing in education | 0 | ✔ |
1812-9129 | International journal on teaching and learning in higher education (e-vir) | International Society for Exploring Teaching and Learning | 0 | ✔ |
0147-5479 | International labor and working class history | Cambridge university press | 0 | ✔ |
1471-6445 | International labor and working class history (e-vir) | Cambridge University Press | 0 | ✔ |
0019-0365 | International philosophical quarterly | Fordham University | 0 | ✔ |
2153-8077 | International philosophical quarterly (e-vir) | Philosophy Documentation Center | 0 | ✔ |
1041-6102 | International psychogeriatrics | Springer Pub. Co.. | 1 | ✔ |
1741-203X | International psychogeriatrics (e-vir) | Cambridge University Press | 0 | ✔ |
1755-6198 | International research in children's literature | Edinburgh University Press | 0 | ✔ |
1755-6201 | International research in children's literature (e-vir) | Edinburgh University Press | 0 | ✔ |
1613-4141 | International review of applied linguistics in language teaching | Mouton de Gruyter. | 0 | ✔ |
0020-8566 | International review of education | Unesco Institute for education | 2 | ✔ |
1573-0638 | International review of education (e-vir) | Kluwer | 0 | ✔ |
0020-8582 | International review of mission | Commission on World Mission and Evangelism of the World Council of Churches | 0 | ✔ |
1758-6631 | International review of mission (e-vir) | International Review of Missions | 0 | ✔ |
1492-3831 | International review of research in open and distance learning (e-vir) | Athabasca University | 0 | ✔ |
0020-8590 | International review of social history | Van gorcum | 0 | ✔ |
1469-512X | International review of social history (e-vir) | Cambridge University Press | 0 | ✔ |
0351-5796 | International review of the aesthetics and sociology of music | Department for Music and Musicology of the Croatian Academy of Sciences and Arts = Razred za glazbenu umjetnost i muzikologiju HAZU; Croatian Musicological Society = Hrvatsko muzikološko društvo; Music Academy of the University = Sveučilište, Muzička akademija | 0 | |
1848-6924 | International review of the aesthetics and sociology of music (e-vir) | Department for Music and Musicology of the Croatian Academy of Sciences and Arts; Croatian Musicological Society; Music Academy | 0 | |
0269-7580 | International review of victimology | A B Academic | 0 | ✔ |
2047-9433 | International review of victimology (e-vir) | A B Academic Publishers | 0 | ✔ |
0962-0214 | International studies in sociology of education | Triangle Books | 0 | ✔ |
1747-5066 | International studies in sociology of education (e-vir) | Triangle Journals, Lmt. | 0 | ✔ |
0269-8595 | International studies in the philosophy of science | Routledge & Kegan Paul | 0 | ✔ |
1469-9281 | International studies in the philosophy of science (e-vir) | Routledge | 0 | ✔ |
0392-0224 | Interpres | Salerno Editrice | 0 | |
1850-6550 | Interpretaciones. Revista de Historiografía y Ciencias Sociales de la Argentina (e-vir) | Universidad Nacional de Quilmes | 0 | |
1384-6647 | Interpreting | J. Benjamins Publishing Company | 0 | ✔ |
1569-982X | Interpreting (e-vir) | J.Benjamins | 0 | ✔ |
1440-9151 | Intersections | Murdoch University, School of Asian Studies | 0 | |
1568-1181 | Intersections | Brill | 0 | |
0393-2451 | Intersezioni | Società editrice Il Mulino | 0 | ✔ |
1973-8196 | Intersezioni | Il Mulino | 0 | ✔ |
1053-4512 | Intervention in school and clinic | PRO-ED | 0 | ✔ |
1538-4810 | Intervention in school and clinic (e-vir) | Sage | 0 | ✔ |
1369-801X | Interventions | Routledge | 0 | ✔ |
1469-929X | Interventions (e-vir) | Routledge | 0 | ✔ |
0360-4365 | In theory only | Michigan Music Theory Society, | 0 | |
0732-6750 | Inti | University of Connecticut, Dept. of Romance and Classical Languages; Providence College | 0 | |
1827-000X | Intralinea online translation journal (e-vir) | Dipartimento di Studi Interdisciplinari su Traduzione Lingue e Culture | 0 | |
2340-3373 | Investigaciones de historia económica (e-vir) | Asociación Española de Historia Económica | 0 | |
1698-6989 | Investigaciones de historia económica = | Asociación Española de Historia Económica; Elsevier España | 0 | ✔ |
0210-9425 | Investigaciones histórica | Universidad. Secretariado de Publicaciones | 0 | |
2530-6472 | Investigaciones históricas (e-vir) | Universidad de Valladolid | 0 | ✔ |
1645-7587 | Investigar em educação | Sociedade Portuguesa de Ciências da Educação | 0 | |
0392-8357 | Invigilata Lucernis | Università di Bari | 0 | |
1097-3710 | Invisible culture (e-vir) | University of Rochester | 0 | |
0019-042X | IRAL | J. Gross | 0 | ✔ |
0021-0870 | Iranica antiqua | Brill | 0 | |
0021-0978 | Irenikon | Mono stére de chevetogne | 0 | |
2612-2170 | Iride (e-vir) | Il Mulino | 0 | ✔ |
1122-7893 | Iride = | Società Editrice Il Mulino | 0 | ✔ |
1578-2042 | Iris | Sociedad Española de Estudios Clásicos. | 0 | |
0790-8342 | Irish architect | Clavis Press | 0 | |
1393-7979 | Irish architectural and decorative studies | Irish Georgian Society. | 0 | |
0268-6112 | Irish Biblical studies | Union Theological College. | 0 | |
0332-4893 | Irish economic and social history | Economic and Social History Society of Ireland. | 0 | ✔ |
2050-4918 | Irish economic and social history (e-vir) | Economic and Social History Society of Ireland | 0 | ✔ |
0332-3315 | Irish educational studies | Educational Studies Association of Ireland | 0 | ✔ |
1747-4965 | Irish educational studies (e-vir) | Educational Studies Association of Ireland | 0 | ✔ |
1649-6825 | Irish feminist review | National University of Ireland, Galway. | 0 | |
1860-6083 | Irish-German studies | Centre for Irish-German Studies.; Zentrum für Deutsch-Irische Studien. | 0 | |
0021-1214 | Irish historical studies | Hodges, Figgis & co | 0 | ✔ |
2056-4139 | Irish historical studies (e-vir) | Hodges, Figgis & co | 0 | ✔ |
0021-1257 | Irish journal of education = | Educational Research Centre, St. Patricks College | 0 | |
1393-306X | Irish journal of feminist studies | Cork University Press | 0 | |
0790-9667 | Irish journal of psychological medicine | MedMedia | 0 | ✔ |
2051-6967 | Irish journal of psychological medicine (e-vir) | Irish Institute of Psychological Medicine] | 0 | ✔ |
0260-2067 | Irish slavonic studies | Queen s University of Belfast | 0 | |
0332-1460 | Irish studies in international affairs | Royal Irish Academy | 0 | ✔ |
2009-0072 | Irish studies in international affairs (e-vir) | Royal Irish Academy | 0 | ✔ |
1752-4989 | Irish theological quarterly (e-vir) | Sage | 0 | ✔ |
0021-1427 | Irish university review | Wolfhound Press | 0 | ✔ |
2047-2153 | Irish university review (e-vir) | Irish University Press | 0 | ✔ |
0021-1486 | Irodalomtörténeti közlemények | Akadémiai K. | 0 | |
1130-2097 | Isegoría | Instituto de Filosofía (Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas) | 0 | ✔ |
1988-8376 | Isegoría (e-vir) | Instituto de Filosofía, Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas | 0 | ✔ |
0021-1753 | Isis | University of Wisconsin | 0 | ✔ |
1545-6994 | Isis (e-vir) | Published by the University of Chicago Press for the History of Science Society | 0 | ✔ |
0393-246X | Islàm, storia e civiltà | Unione islamica in Occidente. Accademia della cultura islamica. | 0 | |
1469-9311 | Islam and Christian Muslim relations (e-vir) | Carfax | 0 | ✔ |
0959-6410 | Islam and Christian-Muslim relations | Centre for the Study of Islam and Christian-Muslim Relations | 0 | ✔ |
0021-1826 | Islam and the modern age | Islam and the Modern Age Society. | 0 | |
0169-8729 | Islamic philosophy and theology | Brill | 0 | |
0021-1842 | Islamic quarterly | Islamic Cultural Centre (London, England) | 0 | |
0256-842X | Íslenskt mál og almenn málfræði | Íslenzka Málfræðifélagið | 0 | |
0334-4401 | Israel oriental studies | Tel Aviv University. Faculty of Humanities | 0 | |
1565-0618 | Israel studies in musicology (e-vir) | Israel Musicological Society | 0 | |
0234-8632 | Istoriko-astronomičeskie issledovaniâ; Историко-астрономические исследования | Gosudarstvennoe izdatelʹstvo tehniko-teoretičeskoj literatury; Государственное издательство технико-теоретической литературы; [Nauka]1; [Наука]; Fizmatlit; Физматлит | 0 | |
0202-0491 | Istoriko-biologičeskie issledovanija | Nauka | 0 | |
0136-0949 | Istoriko-matematičeskie issledovaniâ | Nauka | 0 | |
1453-6943 | Istros | Editura Istros a Muzeului Brăilei | 0 | |
0391-7495 | Italia medioevale e umanistica | Editrice Antenore | 0 | |
0391-3368 | Italianistica | Istituti Editoriali e Poligrafici Internazionali. | 0 | ✔ |
1724-1677 | Italianistica | Istituti Editoriali e Poligrafici Internazionali. | 0 | ✔ |
2499-8125 | Italian journal of linguistics (e-vir) | Pacini | 0 | |
0021-2954 | Italian quarterly | The Department of Italian at Rutgers, the State University | 0 | |
0075-1634 | Italian studies | Society for Italian Studies | 0 | ✔ |
1748-6181 | Italian studies (e-vir) | Society for Italian Studies | 0 | ✔ |
0021-3020 | Italica | Banta | 0 | |
2325-6672 | Italica (e-vir) | Banta | 0 | |
0171-4996 | Italienisch | Diesterweg | 0 | |
0253-6188 | Italienische Studien | Italienisches Kulturinstitut | 0 | |
1423-3983 | Italique | Université de Genève. Faculté des lettres.; Fondation Barbier-Mueller pour l'étude de la poésie italienne de la Renaissance. | 0 | |
0393-5949 | I Tatti studies | Villa I Tatti | 0 | |
2037-6731 | I Tatti studies | Leo S. Olschki | 0 | |
0005-738X | It beaken | Fryske akademy | 0 | |
0165-1153 | Itinerario | Rijksuniversiteit te Leiden. | 0 | ✔ |
2041-2827 | Itinerario (e-vir) | Cambridge University Press | 0 | ✔ |
0019-0810 | Itl | Afdeling Toegepaste Linguistiek | 0 | |
0046-8428 | IWK | Historische Kommission zu Berlin | 0 | |
0923-7046 | Jaarboek / Oud-Utrecht, Vereniging tot Beoefening en tot Verspreiding van de Kennis der Geschiedenis van Stad en Provincie Utrecht | Oud-Utrecht. Vereniging tot Beoefening en tot Verspreiding der Kennis van de Geschiedenis van Stad en Provincie Utrecht. | 0 | |
0926-163X | Jaarboek/Thomas-Instituut | Thomas-Instituut | 0 | |
0770-9145 | Jaarboek... van het Felix Timmermans-gennootschap | Uitgeverij Orion | 0 | |
0774-2851 | Jaarboek - Arca Lovaniensis artes atque historiae reserans documenta | Vrienden van de Leuvense Musea. | 0 | |
1375-5692 | Jaarboek ecologische geschiedenis | Vlaamse Geschiedkundige Kring. | 0 | |
0921-4895 | Jaarboek van de Maatschappij der Nederlandsche Letterkunde te Leiden | Maatschappij der Nederlandsche Letterkunde | 0 | |
0923-0254 | Jaarboek van het Genootschap Amstelodanum | Genootschap Amstelodamum. | 0 | |
0770-3104 | Jaarboek van het Koninklijk Museum voor schone kunsten | Koninklijk Museum voor schone kunsten te Antwerpen | 0 | |
1569-3724 | Jaarboek van het Nederlands Instituut voor Oorlogsdocumentatie | Nederlands Instituut voor Oorlogsdocumentatie. | 0 | |
1388-6649 | Jaarboek voor middeleeuwse geschiedenis | Stichting Bevordering Middeleeuwse Studies | 0 | |
1381-0065 | Jaarboek voor Nederlandse boekgeschiedenis | Nederlandse Boekhistorische Vereniging | 0 | |
1574-2334 | Jaarboek voor vrouwengeschiedenis | Stichting Jaarboek voor Vrouwengeschiedenis | 0 | |
1723-1582 | Jacques e i suoi quaderni | Università degli studi di Pisa, Dipartimento di linguistica. | 0 | |
0341-9150 | Jahrbuch der bayerischen Denkmalpflege | Deutscher Kunstverlag | 0 | |
0075-2207 | Jahrbuch der Berliner Museen | Mann | 0 | |
0929-7286 | Jahrbuch der Europäischen Gesellschaft für die theologische Forschung von Frauen | Europäische Gesellschaft für die Theologische Forschung von Frauen.; European Society of Women in Theological Research.; Association Européenne des Femmes pour la Recherche Théologique. | 0 | |
0341-9177 | Jahrbuch der historischen Forschung in der Bundesrepublik Deutschland | Saur | 0 | |
0378-8660 | Jahrbuch der Österreichischen Byzantinistik | Österreichische Akademie der Wissenschaften | 0 | ✔ |
1810-536X | Jahrbuch der Österreichischen Byzantinistik | Österreichische Akademie der Wissenschaften. | 0 | ✔ |
0341-924X | Jahrbuch der rheinischen Denkmalpflege | Rheinland-Verlag.; Butzon und Bercker. | 0 | |
0419-733X | Jahrbuch der Staatlichen Kunstsammlungen Dresden | Staatliche Kunstsammlungen | 0 | |
0067-284X | Jahrbuch der Staatlichen Kunstsammlungen in Baden-Württemberg | Dt. Kunstverl., | 0 | |
1614-3809 | Jahrbuch der Stiftung Thüringer Schlösser und Gärten | Stiftung Thüringer Schlösser und Gärten; Schnell & Steiner | 0 | |
1605-2773 | Jahrbuch des Kunsthistorischen Museums Wien | von Zabern. | 0 | |
0723-7871 | Jahrbuch des Museums für Kunst und Gewerbe Hamburg | Museum für Kunst und Gewerbe, | 0 | |
0076-2741 | Jahrbuch des Römisch-Germanischen Zentralmuseums Mainz | Römisch-Germanisches Zentralmuseum | 0 | |
0021-4019 | Jahrbücher für Geschichte Osteuropas | Steiner | 0 | ✔ |
2366-2891 | Jahrbücher für Geschichte Osteuropas (e-vir) | Steiner | 0 | |
0075-2541 | Jahrbuch für Antike und Christentum | Aschendorff | 0 | |
0075-2614 | Jahrbuch für die Geschichte Mittel- und Ostdeutschlands | Historische Kommission zu Berlin. | 0 | ✔ |
2191-9909 | Jahrbuch für die Geschichte Mittel- und Ostdeutschlands (e-vir) | de Gruyter | 0 | ✔ |
1438-4752 | Jahrbuch für Geschichte Lateinamerikas | 0 | ||
0172-2727 | Jahrbuch für Hausforschung | Jonas-Verl.. | 0 | |
0946-9559 | Jahrbuch für Hegelforschung | Istituto Italiano per gli Studi Filosofici. | 0 | |
0944-629X | Jahrbuch für historische Kommunismusforschung | Akademie-Verl. | 0 | |
0075-2681 | Jahrbuch für Liturgik und Hymnologie | Ed. Stauda, Luth. Verl.-Haus | 0 | |
2197-3466 | Jahrbuch für Liturgik und Hymnologie (e-vir) | Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht | 0 | |
0075-2711 | Jahrbuch für Numismatik und Geldgeschichte | Lassleben | 0 | |
1860-8248 | Jahrbuch für Regionalgeschichte | Steiner | 0 | |
1619-9588 | Jahrbuch für Religionsphilosophie | V. Klostermann | 0 | |
1435-1358 | Jahrbuch für Universitätsgeschichte | 0 | ||
0170-2025 | Jahrbuch für westdeutsche Landesgeschichte | Landeshauptarchiv (Vertrieb). | 0 | |
0075-2800 | Jahrbuch für Wirtschaftsgeschichte | Akad.-Verl. | 0 | ✔ |
2196-6842 | Jahrbuch für Wirtschaftsgeschichte (e-vir) | de Gruyter | 0 | |
1430-0494 | Jahresheft ... | Museum der Bildenden Künste | 0 | |
0899-3114 | James Joyce literary supplement | University of Miami, Dept. of English Graduate Program | 0 | |
0021-4183 | James Joyce quarterly | University of Tulsa | 0 | |
1938-6036 | James Joyce quarterly (e-vir) | University of Tulsa | 0 | |
0304-1042 | Japanese journal of religious studies | International Institute for the Study of Religions | 0 | |
0448-8954 | Japanese religions | Nihon Kirisutokyäo Kyäogikai. Shäukyäo Kenkyäujo. | 0 | |
1360-2322 | JARID. Journal of applied research in intellectual disabilities | BILD | 1 | ✔ |
2185-5692 | JASCA | Classical Society of Japan | 0 | |
0021-5597 | Jazykovedný časopis | Vydavateĺstvo Slovenskej akadémie vied | 2 | ✔ |
1338-4287 | Jazykovedný časopis (e-vir) | Jazykovedný ústav Ludovíta Štúra SAV; De Gruyter | 0 | |
0075-3572 | Jazzforschung | Akademische Druck- u. Verlagsanstalt | 0 | |
1753-8637 | Jazz research journal | Equinox | 0 | ✔ |
1753-8645 | Jazz research journal (e-vir) | Equinox Publishing Ltd. | 0 | ✔ |
0007-1773 | JBSP | Haigh & Hochland Ltd. JBSP Dept. | 0 | ✔ |
1470-2738 | JECH online (e-vir) | BMJ Pub. Group | 0 | ✔ |
0021-6941 | Jęezyk Polski | Towarzystwo Miłośników Jęezyka Polskiego | 0 | |
0447-6425 | Jelenkor | Baranya m. Lapk.; Jelenkor Alapítv. | 0 | |
1588-0885 | Jelenkor (e-vir) | Jelenkor Alapítvány; C3 Alapítv; Jelenkor Alapítvány | 0 | |
0922-2936 | JET | Kok | 0 | ✔ |
1570-9256 | JET | Brill; Springer | 0 | ✔ |
0260-7476 | JET. Journal of education for teaching | Carfax | 1 | ✔ |
0937-7107 | JEV | Nomos | 0 | |
0334-701X | Jewish history | Kluwer Academic Publishers; Haifa University Press | 0 | ✔ |
1572-8579 | Jewish history (e-vir) | Kluwer | 0 | ✔ |
0021-6925 | Jezik | Hrvatsko filološko društvo | 0 | |
1849-174X | Jezik (e-vir) | Hrvatsko filološko društvo | 0 | |
1331-7202 | Jezikoslovlje | Pedagoški fakultet Sveučilišta J.J. Strossmayera | 5 | |
1848-9001 | Jezikoslovlje (e-vir) | Filozofski fakultet Sveučilišta J. J. Strossmayera | 0 | |
1473-4257 | JME online (e-vir) | BMJ Pub. Group. | 0 | ✔ |
1356-7128 | John Clare Society journal | John Clare Society | 0 | |
1024-0454 | Jón á Bægisá | Þýðingasetur Háskóla Íslands | 0 | |
0168-9193 | Jong Holland | Stichting Jong Holland. | 0 | |
0072-0127 | Journal | Galpin Society | 0 | |
2397-5369 | Journal (e-vir) | Galpin Society. | 0 | |
0021-762X | Journal asiatique | Société Asiatique | 0 | |
1630-4586 | Journal de la Renaissance | Klincksieck | 0 | |
0021-8103 | Journal des savants | [s.n.] | 0 | |
1531-0485 | Journal for early modern cultural studies | Global Publications, Binghamton University, State University of New York | 0 | ✔ |
1553-3786 | Journal for early modern cultural studies (e-vir) | Global Publications, Binghamton University, State University of New York | 0 | ✔ |
1754-0194 | Journal for eighteenth-century studies | Wiley-Blackwell | 0 | ✔ |
1754-0208 | Journal for eighteenth-century studies (e-vir) | Blackwell | 0 | ✔ |
0925-4560 | Journal for general philosophy of science | Kluwer Academic Publishers | 0 | ✔ |
1572-8587 | Journal for general philosophy of science | Kluwer | 0 | ✔ |
0021-8251 | Journal for research in mathematics education | National Council of Teachers of Mathematics | 0 | |
1945-2306 | Journal for research in mathematics education (e-vir) | National Council of Teachers of Mathematics | 0 | |
0162-3532 | Journal for the education of the gifted | The University of North Carolina press | 0 | ✔ |
2162-9501 | Journal for the education of the gifted (e-vir) | Association for the Gifted | 0 | ✔ |
1753-8556 | Journal for the history of astronomy (e-vir) | Science History Publications Ltd. | 0 | ✔ |
0021-8286 | Journal for the History of Astronomy | Science History Publications | 0 | ✔ |
0021-8294 | Journal for the scientific study of religion | Society for the Scientific Study of Religion | 0 | ✔ |
1468-5906 | Journal for the scientific study of religion (e-vir) | Blackwell Publishing | 0 | ✔ |
0047-2212 | Journal for the study of Judaism | Brill | 0 | ✔ |
1570-0631 | Journal for the study of Judaism in the Persian, Hellenistic and Roman period | Brill | 0 | ✔ |
0142-064X | Journal for the study of the New Testament | University of Sheffield Department of Biblical Studies | 0 | ✔ |
1745-5294 | Journal for the study of the New Testament (e-vir) | Dept. of Biblical Studies, the University | 0 | ✔ |
0309-0892 | Journal for the study of the Old Testament | Dept. of Biblical Studies, University of Sheffield | 0 | ✔ |
1476-6728 | Journal for the study of the Old Testament (e-vir) | University of Sheffield, Dept. of Biblical Studies | 0 | ✔ |
0951-8207 | Journal for the study of the pseudepigrapha | Sheffield Academic Press | 0 | ✔ |
1745-5286 | Journal for the study of the Pseudepigrapha (e-vir) | Sheffield Academic Press | 0 | ✔ |
0021-8308 | Journal for the theory of social behaviour | Basil Blackwell | 0 | ✔ |
1468-5914 | Journal for the theory of social behaviour (e-vir) | Blackwell Publishers | 0 | ✔ |
0094-7679 | Journalism history | California State University | 0 | ✔ |
2641-2071 | Journalism history (e-vir) | California State University Foundation; Department of Journalism, California State University | 0 | ✔ |
0091-0627 | Journal of abnormal child psychology | Plenum Press | 0 | |
1573-2835 | Journal of abnormal child psychology | Kluwer | 0 | |
0021-843X | Journal of abnormal psychology | American Psychological Association. | 0 | |
1939-1846 | Journal of abnormal psychology (e-vir) | American Psychological Association | 0 | |
1570-1727 | Journal of academic ethics (e-vir) | Kluwer Online | 0 | ✔ |
1572-8544 | Journal of academic ethics (e-vir) | Kluwer | 0 | ✔ |
0140-1971 | Journal of adolescence | Academic Press | 3 | ✔ |
1095-9254 | Journal of adolescence (e-vir) | Academic Press | 0 | ✔ |
1081-3004 | Journal of adolescent & adult literacy | International Reading Association | 0 | ✔ |
1936-2706 | Journal of adolescent & adult literacy (e-vir) | International Reading Association | 0 | ✔ |
1054-139X | Journal of adolescent health | Elsevier Science Publishing | 0 | ✔ |
1552-6895 | Journal of adolescent research (e-vir) | Sage Publications | 0 | ✔ |
0743-5584 | Journal of Adolescent Research | Sage publications | 0 | ✔ |
1068-0667 | Journal of adult development | Plenum | 0 | ✔ |
1573-3440 | Journal of adult development (e-vir) | Kluwer | 0 | ✔ |
1472-9679 | Journal of adventure education and outdoor learning | Association for Outdoor Learning | 0 | ✔ |
1754-0402 | Journal of adventure education and outdoor learning (e-vir) | Association for Outdoor Learning | 0 | ✔ |
0165-0327 | Journal of affective disorders | Elsevier/North-Holland | 0 | ✔ |
1573-2517 | Journal of affective disorders (e-vir) | Elsevier | 0 | ✔ |
0021-8537 | Journal of African history | Cambridge University Press | 0 | ✔ |
1469-5138 | Journal of African history (e-vir) | Cambridge University Press | 0 | ✔ |
0167-6164 | Journal of African languages and linguistics | Mouton de Gruyter. | 0 | ✔ |
1613-3811 | Journal of African languages and linguistics | Mouton de Gruyter. | 0 | ✔ |
0898-2643 | Journal of aging and health | Sage Publications | 0 | ✔ |
1552-6887 | Journal of aging and health (e-vir) | Sage Publications | 0 | ✔ |
0890-4065 | Journal of aging studies | JAI Press | 0 | ✔ |
1879-193X | Journal of aging studies (e-vir) | Elsevier | 0 | ✔ |
1471-0358 | Journal of agrarian change | Blackwell | 0 | ✔ |
1471-0366 | Journal of agrarian change (e-vir) | Blackwell Publishers | 0 | ✔ |
1187-7863 | Journal of agricultural & environmental ethics | University of Guelph | 0 | ✔ |
1573-322X | Journal of agricultural and environmental ethics (e-vir) | Kluwer | 0 | ✔ |
1936-4695 | Journal of American ethnic history (e-vir) | Transaction Periodicals Consortium | 0 | ✔ |
0278-5927 | Journal of American Ethnic History | Rutgers University | 0 | ✔ |
0021-8758 | Journal of American studies | Cambridge University Press | 0 | ✔ |
1469-5154 | Journal of American studies (e-vir) | Cambridge University Press | 0 | ✔ |
1004-9371 | Journal of Ancient Civilizations | IHAC, Northeast Normal University | 0 | |
1560-2168 | Journal of Anglo-Italian studies | Institute of Anglo-Italian Studies, University of Malta. | 0 | |
0887-6185 | Journal of anxiety disorders | Pergamon Press | 0 | ✔ |
0021-8855 | Journal of applied behavior analysis | Society for the Experimental Analysis of Behavior | 0 | ✔ |
1938-3703 | Journal of applied behavior analysis (e-vir) | Society for the Experimental Analysis of Behavior | 0 | ✔ |
0193-3973 | Journal of applied developmental psychology | Ablex Pub. Corp. | 0 | ✔ |
1873-7900 | Journal of applied developmental psychology (e-vir) | Elsevier Inc. | 0 | ✔ |
0733-4648 | Journal of applied gerontology | The Society | 0 | ✔ |
1552-4523 | Journal of applied gerontology (e-vir) | Southern Gerontological Society | 0 | ✔ |
1479-7887 | Journal of applied linguistics | Equinox Publishing | 0 | |
1743-1743 | Journal of applied linguistics | Equinox Publishing | 0 | |
1570-8683 | Journal of applied logic | Elsevier | 0 | |
1570-8691 | Journal of applied logic (e-vir) | Elsevier BV | 0 | |
1166-3081 | Journal of applied non-classical logics | Hermès | 0 | ✔ |
1958-5780 | Journal of applied non-classical logics (e-vir) | Hermès | 0 | ✔ |
0264-3758 | Journal of applied philosophy | Blackwell | 0 | ✔ |
1468-5930 | Journal of applied philosophy (e-vir) | Blackwell | 0 | ✔ |
1939-1854 | Journal of applied psychology (e-vir) | American Psychological Association | 0 | ✔ |
0021-9010 | JOURNAL of applied psychology | American Psychological Association, etc. | 0 | ✔ |
1468-3148 | Journal of applied research in intellectual disabilities (e-vir) | BILD Publications | 0 | ✔ |
0021-9029 | Journal of applied social psychology | V.H. Winston | 0 | ✔ |
1559-1816 | Journal of applied social psychology (e-vir) | V.H. Winston | 0 | ✔ |
1041-3200 | Journal of applied sport psychology | Association for the Advancement of Applied Sport Psychology | 0 | ✔ |
1533-1571 | Journal of applied sport psychology (e-vir) | Taylor & Francis | 0 | ✔ |
0738-0895 | Journal of architectural and planning research | Elsevier | 0 | |
1355-6207 | Journal of architectural conservation | Donhead | 0 | ✔ |
2326-6384 | Journal of architectural conservation (e-vir) | Donhead Publishing; De Montfort University] | 1 | ✔ |
1943-5037 | Journal of artificial intelligence research (e-vir) | AI Access Foundation | 0 | ✔ |
0021-910X | Journal of Asian history | Harrassowitz | 0 | |
2747-4267 | Journal of Asian history (e-vir) | O. Harrassowitz | 0 | |
0162-3257 | Journal of autism and developmental disorders | Plenum Press. | 0 | ✔ |
1573-3432 | Journal of autism and developmental disorders (e-vir) | Kluwer | 0 | ✔ |
0162-9778 | Journal of Baltic studies | Association for the Advancement of Baltic Studies. | 0 | ✔ |
1751-7877 | Journal of Baltic studies (e-vir) | Association for the Advancement of Baltic Studies] | 0 | ✔ |
0309-5207 | Journal of Beckett studies | John Calder Publishers Ltd :; Beckett Archive. University of Reading. | 0 | ✔ |
1759-7811 | Journal of Beckett studies (e-vir) | Edinburgh University Press | 0 | ✔ |
0894-3257 | Journal of behavioral decision making | Wiley | 0 | ✔ |
1099-0771 | Journal of behavioral decision making (e-vir) | John Wiley & Sons | 0 | ✔ |
1053-0819 | Journal of behavioral education | Human Sciences Press | 0 | ✔ |
1573-3513 | Journal of behavioral education | Kluwer | 0 | ✔ |
0160-7715 | Journal of behavioral medicine (e-vir) | Kluwer Online | 0 | ✔ |
1573-3521 | Journal of behavioral medicine | Kluwer | 0 | ✔ |
1873-7943 | Journal of behavior therapy and experimental psychiatry | Elsevier Science | 0 | ✔ |
0005-7916 | Journal of Behavior Therapy and Experimental Psychiatry | Pergamon Press | 0 | ✔ |
1469-9362 | Journal of beliefs & values (e-vir) | Carfax International Publishers | 0 | ✔ |
0021-9231 | Journal of Biblical literature | Society of Biblical Literature | 0 | ✔ |
1934-3876 | Journal of Biblical literature (e-vir) | Society of Biblical Literature and Exegesis | 0 | ✔ |
1176-7529 | Journal of bioethical inquiry | Bioethics Centre, University of Otago; Springer Science | 0 | ✔ |
1872-4353 | Journal of bioethical inquiry (e-vir) | Springer | 0 | ✔ |
0021-9266 | Journal of biological education | Academic Press | 0 | ✔ |
2157-6009 | Journal of biological education (e-vir) | Academic Press; Routledge | 0 | ✔ |
1076-9005 | Journal of Buddhist ethics (e-vir) | Journal of Buddhist Ethics] | 0 | |
0167-4544 | Journal of business ethics | Kluwer Academic Publishers | 2 | ✔ |
1573-0697 | Journal of business ethics (e-vir) | Kluwer | 0 | ✔ |
1069-0727 | Journal of career assessment | Sage | 0 | ✔ |
1552-4590 | Journal of career assessment (e-vir) | Sage Publications | 0 | ✔ |
0894-8453 | Journal of career development | Human Sciences Press | 0 | ✔ |
1556-0856 | Journal of career development (e-vir) | Kluwer Academic/Plenum Publishers | 0 | ✔ |
0190-2008 | Journal of Caribbean studies | Association of Caribbean Studies. | 0 | |
0962-1377 | Journal of Celtic linguistics | University of Wales Press | 0 | |
2058-5063 | Journal of Celtic linguistics (e-vir) | University of Wales Press | 0 | |
0021-9584 | Journal of chemical education | Division of Chemical Education of the American Chemical Society | 0 | ✔ |
1938-1328 | Journal of chemical education (e-vir) | Division of Chemical Education of the American Chemical Society | 0 | ✔ |
0305-0009 | Journal of child language | Cambridge University Press | 0 | ✔ |
1469-7602 | Journal of child language (e-vir) | Cambridge University Press | 0 | ✔ |
1469-7610 | Journal of child psychology and psychiatry (e-vir) | Cambridge University Press. | 0 | ✔ |
0021-9630 | Journal of child psychology and psychiatry and allied disciplines | Pergamon Press | 1 | ✔ |
0091-3723 | Journal of Chinese linguistics | Project on Linguistic Analysis] | 0 | |
2411-3484 | Journal of Chinese linguistics (e-vir) | Chinese University Press | 0 | |
0301-8121 | Journal of Chinese philosophy | Brill | 0 | ✔ |
1540-6253 | Journal of Chinese philosophy (e-vir) | Blackwell | 0 | ✔ |
0021-9657 | Journal of christian education | Australian Teachers' Christian Fellowship | 0 | |
2040-4867 | Journal of church and state (e-vir) | J.M. Dawson Studies in Chuch and State, Baylor University; Oxford University Press | 0 | ✔ |
0176-4268 | Journal of classification | Springer | 0 | ✔ |
1744-411X | Journal of clinical and experimental neuropsychology (e-vir) | Swets & Zeitlinger Pub. | 0 | ✔ |
1537-4416 | Journal of clinical child and adolescent psychology | Lawrence Erlbaum Associates | 0 | ✔ |
1537-4424 | Journal of clinical child and adolescent psychology (e-vir) | Lawrence Erlbaum Associates | 0 | ✔ |
0021-9762 | Journal of clinical psychology | Clinical Psychology Pub. Co. | 0 | ✔ |
1097-4679 | Journal of clinical psychology (e-vir) | John Wiley & Sons | 0 | ✔ |
1068-9583 | Journal of clinical psychology in medical settings | Kluwer Academic; Plenum | 0 | ✔ |
1573-3572 | Journal of clinical psychology in medical settings | Kluwer | 0 | ✔ |
0898-929X | Journal of cognitive neuroscience | MIT Press | 1 | ✔ |
1530-8898 | Journal of cognitive neuroscience (e-vir) | MIT Press | 0 | ✔ |
1520-3972 | Journal of cold war studies | MIT Press | 0 | ✔ |
1531-3298 | Journal of cold war studies (e-vir) | MIT Press Journals | 0 | ✔ |
0897-5264 | Journal of college student development | American College Personnel Association | 0 | ✔ |
1543-3382 | Journal of college student development (e-vir) | American College Personnel Association | 0 | ✔ |
1073-1687 | Journal of commonwealth and postcolonial studies | Georgia Southern University. | 0 | |
0021-9894 | Journal of commonwealth literature | Saur; Zell | 0 | ✔ |
0021-9916 | Journal of communication | Oxford University press | 0 | ✔ |
1460-2466 | Journal of communication (e-vir) | Blackwell | 0 | ✔ |
1052-9284 | Journal of community & applied social psychology | John Wiley | 0 | ✔ |
1099-1298 | Journal of community & applied social psychology (e-vir) | John Wiley & Sons | 0 | ✔ |
0090-4392 | Journal of community psychology | Clinical Psychology Pub. Co. | 1 | ✔ |
1520-6629 | Journal of community psychology (e-vir) | J. Wiley | 0 | ✔ |
1383-4924 | Journal of comparative Germanic linguistics | Kluwer Academic Publishers | 0 | |
0735-7036 | Journal of comparative psychology | American Psychological Association | 0 | ✔ |
1939-2087 | Journal of comparative psychology (e-vir) | American Psychological Association | 0 | ✔ |
0266-4909 | Journal of computer assisted learning | Blackwell Scientific | 0 | ✔ |
1365-2729 | Journal of computer assisted learning (e-vir) | Blackwell Science | 0 | ✔ |
1042-1726 | Journal of computing in higher education | Springer | 0 | ✔ |
1867-1233 | Journal of computing in higher education | Springer | 0 | ✔ |
1355-8250 | Journal of consciousness studies | Imprint Academic | 0 | ✔ |
2051-2201 | Journal of consciousness studies (e-vir) | Imprint Academic | 0 | |
1364-0429 | Journal of conservation & museum studies (e-vir) | Department of Conservation and Museum Studies, Institute of Archaeology, University College London | 0 | ✔ |
2049-4572 | Journal of conservation & museum studies | University College, London.; British Library. | 0 | |
0022-006X | Journal of consulting and clinical psychology | American Psychological Association. | 0 | ✔ |
1939-2117 | Journal of consulting and clinical psychology | American Psychological Association | 0 | ✔ |
1472-0817 | Journal of consumer behaviour | Henry Stewart Publications | 0 | ✔ |
1479-1838 | Journal of consumer behaviour (e-vir) | Henry Stewart Publications | 0 | ✔ |
1057-7408 | Journal of consumer psychology | Lawrence Erlbaum Associates | 0 | ✔ |
1532-7663 | Journal of consumer psychology (e-vir) | Lawrence Erlbaum Associates | 0 | ✔ |
0093-5301 | Journal of consumer research | University of Chicago Press | 0 | ✔ |
0022-0094 | Journal of contemporary history | Sage Publications | 0 | ✔ |
1461-7250 | Journal of contemporary history (e-vir) | Weidenfeld and Nicolson | 0 | ✔ |
1353-7903 | Journal of contemporary religion | Carfax | 0 | ✔ |
1469-9419 | Journal of contemporary religion (e-vir) | Carfax International Publishers | 0 | ✔ |
1016-5584 | Journal of Coptic Studies | International Association for Coptic Studies.; IACS. | 0 | |
0748-9633 | Journal of counseling and development | American Counseling Association | 0 | ✔ |
1556-6676 | Journal of counseling and development (e-vir) | American Counseling Association | 0 | ✔ |
0022-0167 | Journal of counseling psychology | American Psychological Association. | 0 | ✔ |
1939-2168 | Journal of counseling psychology | American Psychology Association | 0 | ✔ |
1476-7430 | Journal of critical realism | International Association for Critical Realism in association with the Nottingham Trent University | 0 | ✔ |
1572-5138 | Journal of critical realism (e-vir) | International Association for Critical Realism | 0 | ✔ |
0022-0221 | Journal of cross-cultural psychology | Sage Publications. | 1 | ✔ |
1552-5422 | Journal of cross-cultural psychology (e-vir) | Sage Publications | 0 | ✔ |
1296-2074 | Journal of cultural heritage | Elsevier | 2 | ✔ |
1778-3674 | Journal of cultural heritage (e-vir) | Elsevier | 0 | ✔ |
0022-0272 | Journal of curriculum studies | Taylor & Francis | 0 | ✔ |
1366-5839 | Journal of curriculum studies (e-vir) | Taylor & Francis | 0 | ✔ |
1081-4159 | Journal of deaf studies and deaf education | Oxford University Press | 0 | ✔ |
1465-7325 | Journal of deaf studies and deaf education (e-vir) | Oxford University Press | 0 | ✔ |
0952-4649 | Journal of design history | Oxford University Press | 0 | ✔ |
1741-7279 | Journal of design history (e-vir) | Oxford University Press | 0 | ✔ |
0196-206X | Journal of developmental & behavioral pediatrics (e-vir) | Lippincot | 0 | ✔ |
1536-7312 | Journal of developmental & behavioral pediatrics | Lippincott, Williams & Wilkins | 0 | ✔ |
0830-0445 | Journal of distance education | Canadian Association for Distance Education | 0 | |
1916-6818 | Journal of distance education (e-vir) | Canadian Network for Innovation in Education. | 0 | |
0888-3203 | Journal of dramatic theory and criticism | University of Kansas.; Joyce and Elizabeth Hall Center for the Humanities, | 0 | |
1067-6341 | Journal of early Christian studies | John Hopkins University Press | 0 | ✔ |
1086-3184 | Journal of early Christian studies (e-vir) | Johns Hopkins University Press | 0 | ✔ |
1053-8151 | Journal of early intervention | Division for Early Childhood, Council for Exceptional Children | 0 | ✔ |
2154-3992 | Journal of early intervention (e-vir) | Sage Publications | 0 | ✔ |
1385-3783 | Journal of early modern history | Brill | 0 | ✔ |
1570-0658 | Journal of early modern history | Brill Academic Publishers | 0 | ✔ |
0925-8558 | Journal of East Asian linguistics | Kluwer Academic Publishers | 0 | ✔ |
1572-8560 | Journal of East Asian linguistics (e-vir) | Kluwer | 0 | ✔ |
0167-2681 | Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization | North-Holland | 0 | ✔ |
1350-178X | Journal of economic methodology | Routledge | 0 | ✔ |
0167-4870 | Journal of economic psychology | North-Holland | 0 | ✔ |
1533-4112 | Journal of ECT (e-vir) | Lippincott Williams & Wilkins | 0 | ✔ |
0022-0558 | Journal of ecumenical studies | Temple University | 0 | ✔ |
2162-3937 | Journal of ecumenical studies | Duquesne University Press | 0 | ✔ |
1366-5456 | Journal of education & Christian belief | Paternoster Periodicals | 0 | |
0957-8234 | Journal of educational administration (e-vir) | MCB University Press | 0 | ✔ |
1758-7395 | Journal of educational administration (e-vir) | MCB University Press | 0 | |
0022-0620 | Journal of educational administration and history | University of Leeds | 0 | ✔ |
1478-7431 | Journal of educational administration and history (e-vir) | Carfax International Publishers; Available from:] OCLC | 0 | ✔ |
1076-9986 | Journal of educational and behavioral statistics | AERA; ASA | 0 | ✔ |
1935-1054 | Journal of educational and behavioral statistics (e-vir) | American Educational Research Association; American Statistical Association | 0 | ✔ |
1389-2843 | Journal of educational change | Kluwer Academic Publishers | 0 | ✔ |
1573-1812 | Journal of educational change (e-vir) | Kluwer | 0 | ✔ |
0735-6331 | Journal of educational computing research | Baywood | 0 | ✔ |
1541-4140 | Journal of educational computing research (e-vir) | Baywood | 0 | ✔ |
0022-0655 | Journal of educational measurement | National Council on Measurement in Education | 0 | ✔ |
1745-3984 | Journal of educational measurement (e-vir) | National Council on Measurement in Education | 0 | ✔ |
1358-1651 | Journal of educational media | Carfax | 0 | |
1469-9443 | Journal of educational media (e-vir) | Routledge | 0 | |
1055-8896 | Journal of educational multimedia and hypermedia | Association for the Advancement of Computing in Education | 0 | ✔ |
1943-5916 | Journal of educational multimedia and hypermedia (e-vir) | Association for the Advancement of Computing in Education. | 0 | |
0022-0663 | Journal of educational psychology | American Psychological Association | 0 | ✔ |
1939-2176 | Journal of educational psychology (e-vir) | American Psychological Association | 0 | ✔ |
1176-3647 | Journal of educational technology & society | International Forum of Educational Technology & Society | 0 | ✔ |
0047-2395 | Journal of educational technology systems | Baywood Publishing Co. | 0 | ✔ |
1541-3810 | Journal of educational technology systems (e-vir) | Baywood Publishing Co. | 0 | ✔ |
1363-9080 | Journal of education and work | Carfax | 0 | ✔ |
1469-9435 | Journal of education and work (e-vir) | Carfax International Publishers | 1 | ✔ |
1360-0540 | Journal of education for teaching (e-vir) | Carfax Pub., part of the Taylor & Francis Group | 0 | ✔ |
0268-0939 | Journal of education policy | Taylor & Francis | 0 | ✔ |
1464-5106 | Journal of education policy (e-vir) | Taylor & Francis | 0 | ✔ |
1063-4266 | Journal of emotional and behavioral disorders | PRO-ED, Inc. | 0 | ✔ |
1538-4799 | Journal of emotional and behavioral disorders (e-vir) | PRO-ED | 0 | ✔ |
0022-0787 | Journal of employment counseling | National Employment Counselors Association. | 0 | ✔ |
2161-1920 | Journal of employment counseling | National Employment Counselors Association, a division of the American Personnel and Guidance Association]; American Association for Counseling and Development]; American Counseling Association | 0 | ✔ |
1475-1585 | Journal of English for academic purposes | Pergamon | 0 | ✔ |
1878-1497 | Journal of English for academic purposes (e-vir) | Elsevier | 0 | ✔ |
0075-4242 | Journal of English linguistics | Sage | 0 | ✔ |
1552-5457 | Journal of English linguistics (e-vir) | Sage Publications | 0 | ✔ |
0272-4944 | Journal of environmental psychology | Academic Press | 0 | ✔ |
1522-9610 | Journal of environmental psychology (e-vir) | Academic Press. | 0 | ✔ |
0143-005X | Journal of epidemiology and community health | British Medical Association | 0 | ✔ |
1369-183X | Journal of ethnic and migration studies | Taylor&Francis | 0 | ✔ |
1469-9451 | Journal of ethnic and migration studies (e-vir) | JEMS, Sussex centre for migration research, University of Sussex, UK | 0 | ✔ |
0391-5115 | Journal of european economic history | Banco di Roma | 0 | |
0947-9511 | Journal of European integration history | Nomos | 0 | ✔ |
0022-0965 | Journal of experimental child psychology | Academic Press | 0 | ✔ |
1096-0457 | Journal of experimental child psychology (e-vir) | Academic Press | 0 | ✔ |
0096-1523 | Journal of experimental psychology | American Psychological Association. | 0 | ✔ |
0096-3445 | Journal of experimental psychology | American Psychological Association | 0 | ✔ |
0097-7403 | Journal of experimental psychology | American Psychological Association. | 0 | |
0278-7393 | Journal of experimental psychology | American Psychological Association | 0 | ✔ |
1076-898X | Journal of experimental psychology | American Psychological Association | 0 | ✔ |
1939-1277 | Journal of experimental psychology | American Psychological Association | 0 | ✔ |
1939-1285 | Journal of experimental psychology | American Psychological Association | 0 | ✔ |
1939-2184 | Journal of experimental psychology (e-vir) | American Psychological Association | 0 | |
1939-2192 | Journal of experimental psychology | American Psychological Association | 0 | ✔ |
1939-2222 | Journal of experimental psychology (e-vir) | American Psychological Association | 1 | ✔ |
0022-1031 | Journal of experimental social psychology | Academic Press | 0 | ✔ |
1096-0465 | Journal of experimental social psychology (e-vir) | Academic Press | 0 | ✔ |
0363-1990 | Journal of family history | Sage Publications | 0 | ✔ |
1552-5473 | Journal of family history (e-vir) | Sage Publications | 0 | ✔ |
0192-513X | Journal of family issues | Sage Publications. | 0 | ✔ |
1552-5481 | Journal of family issues (e-vir) | Sage Publications | 0 | ✔ |
0893-3200 | Journal of family psychology | Sage Publications | 0 | ✔ |
1939-1293 | Journal of family psychology | American Psychological Association | 0 | ✔ |
0163-4445 | Journal of family therapy | Published for the Association for Family Therapy by Academic Press | 0 | ✔ |
1467-6427 | Journal of family therapy (e-vir) | Blackwell | 0 | ✔ |
0885-7482 | Journal of family violence | Plenum Press | 0 | ✔ |
1573-2851 | Journal of family violence (e-vir) | Kluwer | 0 | ✔ |
1553-3913 | Journal of feminist studies in religion (e-vir) | Scholars Press | 0 | ✔ |
8755-4178 | Journal of feminist studies in religion | Scholars Press | 0 | ✔ |
0094-730X | Journal of fluency disorders | Elsevier | 0 | ✔ |
0959-2695 | Journal of French language studies | Cambridge University Press | 0 | ✔ |
1474-0079 | Journal of French language studies (e-vir) | Cambridge University Press | 0 | ✔ |
0309-877X | Journal of further and higher education | National Association of Teachers in Further and Higher Education | 1 | ✔ |
1469-9486 | Journal of further and higher education (e-vir) | Carfax International Publishers | 0 | ✔ |
0958-9236 | Journal of gender studies | Hull Centre for Gender Studies | 0 | ✔ |
1465-3869 | Journal of gender studies (e-vir) | Routledge | 0 | ✔ |
0022-1325 | Journal of genetic psychology | Journal Press | 0 | ✔ |
1940-0896 | Journal of genetic psychology (e-vir) | Journal Press | 0 | ✔ |
0309-8265 | Journal of geography in higher education | Carfax | 0 | ✔ |
1466-1845 | Journal of geography in higher education (e-vir) | Carfax | 0 | ✔ |
1470-5427 | Journal of Germanic linguistics | Cambridge University Press | 0 | ✔ |
1475-3014 | Journal of Germanic linguistics (e-vir) | Cambridge University Press | 0 | ✔ |
0075-4250 | Journal of glass studies | Corning Museum of Glass. | 0 | |
1740-0228 | Journal of global history | Cambridge University Press | 0 | ✔ |
1740-0236 | Journal of global history (e-vir) | Cambridge University Press | 0 | ✔ |
1566-5844 | Journal of Greek linguistics | Benjamins | 0 | ✔ |
1569-9846 | Journal of Greek linguistics (e-vir) | John Benjamins | 0 | ✔ |
1389-4978 | Journal of happiness studies | Kluwer | 0 | ✔ |
1573-7780 | Journal of happiness studies (e-vir) | Kluwer | 0 | ✔ |
2150-6000 | Journal of health & social behavior (e-vir) | American Sociological Association | 0 | ✔ |
0022-1465 | Journal of health and social behavior | American Sociological Association. | 0 | ✔ |
1359-1053 | Journal of health psychology | Sage | 0 | ✔ |
1461-7277 | Journal of health psychology (e-vir) | Sage | 0 | ✔ |
0075-4269 | Journal of Hellenic studies | Council of the Society for the Promotion of Hellenic Studies | 0 | ✔ |
2041-4099 | Journal of Hellenic studies (e-vir) | Cambridge University Press | 0 | ✔ |
0147-5460 | Journal of Hispanic philology | [Journal of Hispanic Philology] | 0 | |
0305-7488 | Journal of historical geography | Academic Press | 0 | ✔ |
1095-8614 | Journal of historical geography (e-vir) | Academic Press | 0 | ✔ |
1566-5852 | Journal of historical pragmatics | John Benjamins Publishing Company | 0 | ✔ |
1569-9854 | Journal of historical pragmatics (e-vir) | J. Benjamins | 0 | ✔ |
1467-6443 | Journal of historical sociology (e-vir) | Blackwell | 0 | ✔ |
0091-8369 | Journal of homosexuality | Haworth Press | 1 | ✔ |
1540-3602 | Journal of homosexuality (e-vir) | Taylor & Francis | 0 | ✔ |
1469-9524 | Journal of Iberian and Latin American studies (e-vir) | Carfax | 0 | ✔ |
1470-1847 | Journal of Iberian and Latin American studies | Carfax | 0 | ✔ |
0022-1791 | Journal of Indian philosophy | Reidel | 0 | ✔ |
1573-0395 | Journal of Indian philosophy (e-vir) | Kluwer | 0 | ✔ |
1614-0001 | Journal of individual differences | Hogrefe | 0 | ✔ |
2151-2299 | Journal of individual differences | Hogrefe | 0 | ✔ |
0022-1864 | Journal of industrial teacher education | National Association of Industrial and Technical Teacher Educators.; National Association of Industrial Teacher Educators. | 0 | |
1783-9025 | Journal of Inner Asian Art and Archaeology | Brepols | 0 | |
1367-4587 | Journal of in-service education | Triangle Journals | 0 | |
1747-5082 | Journal of in-service education (e-vir) | Triangle Journals | 0 | |
0094-1956 | Journal of instructional psychology | V-U Pub. Co. | 0 | |
1324-0781 | Journal of instructional science and technology (e-vir) | University of Southern Queensland. | 0 | |
1366-8250 | Journal of intellectual & developmental disability | Carfax | 0 | ✔ |
1469-9532 | Journal of intellectual & developmental disability (e-vir) | Taylor & Francis | 0 | ✔ |
0964-2633 | Journal of intellectual disability research | Blackwell Scientific Publications | 0 | ✔ |
1365-2788 | Journal of intellectual disability research (e-vir) | Blackwell Science | 0 | ✔ |
1093-023X | Journal of interactive learning research | Association for the Advancement of Computing in Education | 0 | ✔ |
1404-1634 | Journal of Intercultural Communication | Immigrant-institutet | 0 | ✔ |
1747-5759 | Journal of intercultural communication research | World Communication Association | 0 | ✔ |
1747-5767 | Journal of intercultural communication research (e-vir) | World Communication Association | 0 | ✔ |
1077-0755 | Journal of international agricultural and extension education | Association for International Agricultural and Extension Education. | 0 | |
0886-2605 | Journal of interpersonal violence | Sage Publications | 0 | ✔ |
1552-6518 | Journal of interpersonal violence (e-vir) | Sage Publications | 0 | ✔ |
0955-2340 | Journal of Islamic studies | Oxford University Press | 0 | ✔ |
1471-6917 | Journal of Islamic studies (e-vir) | Oxford University Press | 0 | ✔ |
0022-2097 | Journal of Jewish studies | Oxford Centre for Postgraduate Hebrew Studies | 0 | ✔ |
1477-285X | Journal of Jewish thought & philosophy (e-vir) | Taylor & Francis | 0 | ✔ |
1532-7701 | Journal of language, identity, and education | Lawrence Erlbaum Associates. | 0 | ✔ |
1534-8458 | Journal of language, identity, and education | L. Erlbaum Associates | 0 | ✔ |
1569-2159 | Journal of language and politics | John Benjamins Publishing Company | 0 | ✔ |
1569-9862 | Journal of language and politics | John benjamins Publishing Company | 0 | ✔ |
0261-927X | Journal of language and social psychology | Sage Periodicals Press | 0 | ✔ |
1552-6526 | Journal of language and social psychology (e-vir) | Multilingual Matters | 0 | ✔ |
1877-4091 | Journal of language contact | Brill | 0 | ✔ |
1955-2629 | Journal of language contact (e-vir) | Journal of language contact | 0 | ✔ |
0022-216X | Journal of Latin American studies | Cambridge University Press | 0 | ✔ |
1469-767X | Journal of Latin American studies (e-vir) | Cambridge University Press | 0 | ✔ |
0022-2194 | Journal of learning disabilities | Pro-Ed | 0 | ✔ |
1538-4780 | Journal of learning disabilities (e-vir) | PRO-ED | 0 | ✔ |
1089-4160 | Journal of lesbian studies | Haworth Press; Taylor & Francis Group | 0 | ✔ |
1540-3548 | Journal of lesbian studies | Haworth Press | 0 | ✔ |
1055-1360 | Journal of linguistic anthropology | American Anthropological Association | 0 | ✔ |
1548-1395 | Journal of linguistic anthropology (e-vir) | University of California Press | 0 | ✔ |
0022-2267 | Journal of linguistics | Cambridge University Press | 0 | ✔ |
1469-7742 | Journal of linguistics (e-vir) | Cambridge University Press | 0 | ✔ |
1086-296X | Journal of literacy research | National Reading Conference | 0 | ✔ |
1554-8430 | Journal of literacy research (e-vir) | National Reading Conference | 0 | ✔ |
0341-7638 | Journal of literary semantics | Groos | 0 | ✔ |
1613-3838 | Journal of literary semantics | Mouton de Gruyter. | 0 | ✔ |
0256-4718 | Journal of literary studies | SAVAL.; South African Society for General Literatury Studies. | 0 | |
1753-5387 | Journal of literary studies | SAVAL (South African Society for General Literary Studies) | 0 | |
0925-8531 | Journal of logic, language and information | Kluwer Academic Publisher | 0 | ✔ |
1572-9583 | Journal of logic, language and information (e-vir) | Kluwer | 0 | ✔ |
0955-792X | Journal of logic and computation | Oxford University Press | 1 | ✔ |
1465-363X | Journal of logic and computation (e-vir) | Oxford University Press | 0 | ✔ |
1538-5264 | Journal of Lutheran ethics (e-vir) | Evangelical Lutheran Church in America. | 0 | |
1557-1211 | Journal of management (e-vir) | Elsevier Science Inc. | 0 | ✔ |
0149-2063 | Journal of Management | JAI Press Inc. | 0 | ✔ |
1751-1348 | Journal of management history | Emerald Group Publishing | 0 | ✔ |
1758-7751 | Journal of management history (e-vir) | Emerald Group Pub. Ltd. | 0 | |
0022-2380 | Journal of management studies | Basil Blackwell | 0 | ✔ |
1467-6486 | Journal of management studies (e-vir) | Blackwell | 0 | ✔ |
0194-472X | Journal of marital and family therapy | American Association for Marriage and Family Therapy. | 0 | ✔ |
1752-0606 | Journal of marital and family therapy (e-vir) | Blackwell | 0 | ✔ |
1741-3737 | Journal of marriage and family (e-vir) | [John Wiley & Sons Ltd] | 0 | ✔ |
0022-2445 | Journal of marriage and the family | National Council on Family Relations | 0 | ✔ |
1359-1835 | Journal of material culture | Sage Publications | 0 | ✔ |
1460-3586 | Journal of material culture (e-vir) | Sage | 0 | ✔ |
0022-2496 | Journal of mathematical psychology | Academic Press. | 0 | ✔ |
1386-4416 | Journal of mathematics teacher education | Kluwer Academic Publishers | 0 | ✔ |
1573-1820 | Journal of mathematics teacher education (e-vir) | Springer Nature | 0 | ✔ |
0306-6800 | Journal of medical ethics | British Medical Assoc. | 0 | ✔ |
1082-9636 | Journal of medieval and early modern studies | Duke University Press | 0 | ✔ |
0304-4181 | Journal of medieval history | North-Holland Publ. Co | 0 | |
1873-1279 | Journal of medieval history | Elsevier Science | 0 | ✔ |
1016-3476 | Journal of Mediterranean Studies | Mediterranean Institute, University of Malta | 1 | |
0749-596X | Journal of memory and language | Academic Press | 0 | ✔ |
1096-0821 | Journal of memory and language | Academic Press | 0 | ✔ |
1177-2484 | Journal of men, masculinities and spirituality (e-vir) | Joseph Gelfer | 0 | |
1611-8944 | Journal of modern European history | C. H. Beck | 0 | ✔ |
2631-9764 | Journal of modern European history (e-vir) | C.H. Beck | 0 | ✔ |
0738-1727 | Journal of modern Greek studies (e-vir) | Johns Hopkins University Press | 0 | ✔ |
1086-3265 | Journal of modern Greek studies (e-vir) | Johns Hopkins University Press | 0 | ✔ |
1354-571X | Journal of modern Italian studies | Routledge Journals | 1 | ✔ |
1469-9583 | Journal of modern Italian studies (e-vir) | Routledge | 0 | ✔ |
0022-281X | Journal of modern literature | Temple University | 0 | |
1529-1464 | Journal of modern literature (e-vir) | Temple University | 0 | |
1465-3877 | Journal of moral education (e-vir) | Routledge | 0 | ✔ |
1740-4681 | Journal of moral philosophy | Continuum Publishing | 0 | ✔ |
1745-5243 | Journal of moral philosophy (e-vir) | Sage. | 0 | ✔ |
0022-2895 | Journal of motor behavior | HELDREF Publications | 0 | ✔ |
1940-1027 | Journal of motor behavior | HELDREF Publications, etc.] | 0 | ✔ |
0883-8534 | Journal of multicultural counseling and development | Association for Multicultural Counseling and Development | 0 | |
2161-1912 | Journal of multicultural counseling and development | American Counseling Association; John Wiley & Sons, Inc. | 0 | ✔ |
0143-4632 | Journal of multilingual and multicultural development | Multilingual Matters | 0 | ✔ |
1747-7557 | Journal of multilingual and multicultural development (e-vir) | Multilingual Matters | 0 | ✔ |
0022-2909 | Journal of music theory | Yale School of Music | 0 | ✔ |
1941-7497 | Journal of music theory (e-vir) | Yale School of Music | 0 | ✔ |
2053-7395 | Journal of music therapy (e-vir) | National Association for Music Therapy | 0 | ✔ |
1548-9248 | Journal of narrative theory (e-vir) | Eastern Michigan University.; Eastern Michigan University. | 0 | |
1549-0815 | Journal of narrative theory | Eastern Michigan University | 0 | |
0022-2968 | Journal of Near Eastern studies | University of Chicago Press | 0 | ✔ |
1545-6978 | Journal of Near Eastern studies (e-vir) | University of Chicago Press | 0 | ✔ |
0911-6044 | Journal of neurolinguistics | Pergamon Press | 0 | ✔ |
1873-8052 | Journal of neurolinguistics (e-vir) | Elsevier | 0 | ✔ |
1468-330X | Journal of neurology, neurosurgery and psychiatry (e-vir) | BMJ Publishing | 0 | ✔ |
0022-3050 | Journal of Neurology, Neurosurgery and Psychiatry | British Medical Association | 0 | ✔ |
0022-3077 | Journal of neurophysiology | American Physiological Society | 1 | ✔ |
1522-1598 | Journal of neurophysiology (e-vir) | American Physiological Society | 0 | ✔ |
1748-6645 | Journal of neuropsychology | British Psychological Society | 0 | ✔ |
1748-6653 | Journal of neuropsychology (e-vir) | British Psychological Society | 0 | ✔ |
0929-8215 | Journal of new music research | Swets & Zeitlinger | 0 | ✔ |
1744-5027 | Journal of new music research (e-vir) | Swets & Zeitlinger Pub. | 0 | ✔ |
0191-5886 | Journal of nonverbal behavior | Human Sciences Press. | 0 | ✔ |
1573-3653 | Journal of nonverbal behavior (e-vir) | Kluwer | 0 | ✔ |
1878-2620 | Journal of nutrition education and behavior (e-vir) | Elsevier | 0 | |
1499-4046 | Journal of Nutrition Education and Behavior | Decker | 0 | ✔ |
0963-1798 | Journal of occupational and organizational psychology | British Psychological Society | 0 | ✔ |
2044-8325 | Journal of occupational and organizational psychology (e-vir) | British Psychological Society | 0 | ✔ |
1076-8998 | Journal of occupational health psychology | Educational Pub. Foundation | 0 | ✔ |
1939-1307 | Journal of occupational health psychology | Educational Pub. Foundation | 0 | ✔ |
0894-3796 | Journal of organizational behavior | Wiley | 0 | ✔ |
1099-1379 | Journal of organizational behavior (e-vir) | John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. | 0 | ✔ |
0160-8061 | Journal of organizational behavior management | Haworth Press | 0 | ✔ |
1540-8604 | Journal of organizational behavior management | Haworth Press [etc.] | 0 | ✔ |
0022-3344 | Journal of Pacific history | Oxford University Press | 0 | ✔ |
0146-8693 | Journal of pediatric psychology | Society of Pediatric Psychology | 0 | ✔ |
1465-735X | Journal of pediatric psychology (e-vir) | Oxford University Press | 0 | ✔ |
0966-7369 | Journal of Pentecostal theology | Sheffield Academic Press | 0 | ✔ |
1745-5251 | Journal of Pentecostal theology (e-vir) | Sage. | 0 | ✔ |
0022-3506 | Journal of personality | Wiley | 0 | ✔ |
1467-6494 | Journal of personality (e-vir) | Wiley | 0 | ✔ |
0022-3514 | Journal of personality and social psychology | American Psychological Association. | 0 | ✔ |
1939-1315 | Journal of personality and social psychology (e-vir) | American Psychological Association | 0 | ✔ |
0022-3891 | Journal of personality assessment | Routledge | 1 | ✔ |
1532-7752 | Journal of personality assessment (e-vir) | Routledge, Taylor & Francis Group | 0 | ✔ |
0022-3611 | Journal of philosophical logic | Reidel | 0 | ✔ |
1573-0433 | Journal of philosophical logic (e-vir) | Kluwer | 0 | ✔ |
1053-8364 | Journal of philosophical research | Philosophy Documentation Center, Bowling Green State University | 0 | ✔ |
2153-7984 | Journal of philosophical research | Philosophy Documentation Center | 0 | ✔ |
0956-2834 | Journal of philosophy and the visual arts | Academy Group. | 0 | |
0309-8249 | Journal of philosophy of education | Blackwell | 0 | ✔ |
1467-9752 | Journal of philosophy of education (e-vir) | Blackwell | 0 | ✔ |
0095-4470 | Journal of phonetics | Seminar Press | 0 | ✔ |
1095-8576 | Journal of phonetics (e-vir) | Academic Press | 0 | ✔ |
0920-9034 | Journal of Pidgin and Creole languages | Benjamins | 0 | ✔ |
1569-9870 | Journal of Pidgin and Creole languages | John Benjamins | 0 | ✔ |
1612-5681 | Journal of politeness research | de Gruyter Mouton | 0 | ✔ |
1613-4877 | Journal of politeness research | de Gruyter | 0 | ✔ |
0933-1433 | Journal of population economics | Springer-Verl. New York; Springer | 0 | ✔ |
1432-1475 | Journal of population economics | Springer | 0 | ✔ |
1645-4537 | Journal of portuguese linguistics | Colibri; AEJPL-Associação de Editores do Journal of Portuguese Linguistic | 0 | ✔ |
2397-5563 | Journal of Portuguese linguistics (e-vir) | Ubiquity Press | 0 | ✔ |
1098-3007 | Journal of positive behavior interventions | Pro-Ed | 0 | ✔ |
1744-9855 | Journal of postcolonial writing | Routledge | 0 | ✔ |
1744-9863 | Journal of postcolonial writing (e-vir) | Routledge | 0 | ✔ |
0378-2166 | Journal of pragmatics | North-Holland | 0 | ✔ |
1879-1387 | Journal of pragmatics (e-vir) | Elsevier | 0 | ✔ |
0283-8486 | Journal of prehistoric religion | Paul Åströms förlag | 0 | |
1879-1379 | Journal of psychiatric research (e-vir) | Elsevier | 0 | |
0022-3956 | Journal of Psychiatric Research | Pergamon Press | 0 | ✔ |
0279-1072 | Journal of psychoactive drugs | Published by Haight-Ashbury Publications in association with the Haight-Ashbury Free Medical Clinic | 0 | ✔ |
2159-9777 | Journal of psychoactive drugs (e-vir) | Haight-Ashbury Publications in association with the Haight-Ashbury Free Medical Clinic | 0 | |
0734-2829 | Journal of psychoeducational assessment | Grune & Stratton | 0 | ✔ |
1557-5144 | Journal of psychoeducational assessment (e-vir) | Grune & Stratton | 0 | ✔ |
0090-6905 | Journal of psycholinguistic research | Kluwer Academic/Plenum Publishers | 0 | ✔ |
1573-6555 | Journal of psycholinguistic research (e-vir) | Kluwer | 0 | ✔ |
0091-6471 | Journal of psychology and theology | Rosemead Graduate School of Professional Psychology. | 0 | ✔ |
2328-1162 | Journal of psychology and theology (e-vir) | 0 | ✔ | |
0882-2689 | Journal of psychopathology and behavioral assessment | Plenum | 0 | ✔ |
1573-3505 | Journal of psychopathology and behavioral assessment | Kluwer | 0 | ✔ |
0269-8811 | Journal of psychopharmacology | Oxford University Press | 0 | ✔ |
1461-7285 | Journal of psychopharmacology (e-vir) | Oxford University Press | 0 | ✔ |
0269-8803 | Journal of psychophysiology | Hogrefe and Huber | 0 | |
2151-2124 | Journal of psychophysiology | Hogrefe | 0 | ✔ |
0167-482X | Journal of Psychosomatic Obstetric and Gynecology | [S.n.] | 0 | ✔ |
1743-8942 | Journal of psychosomatic obstetrics & gynaecology (e-vir) | Parthnon | 0 | ✔ |
0022-3999 | Journal of psychosomatic research | Pergamon Press | 0 | ✔ |
1879-1360 | Journal of psychosomatic research (e-vir) | Elsevier Inc. | 0 | |
0929-6174 | Journal of quantitative linguistics | Swets & Zeitlinger | 0 | ✔ |
1744-5035 | Journal of quantitative linguistics (e-vir) | Swets & Zeitlinger Pub. | 0 | ✔ |
0022-4103 | Journal of reading | International Reading Association | 0 | |
0022-4200 | Journal of religion in Africa | Brill | 0 | ✔ |
1570-0666 | Journal of religion in Africa | Brill Academic Publishers | 0 | ✔ |
0384-9694 | Journal of religious ethics | American Academy of Religion | 0 | ✔ |
1467-9795 | Journal of religious ethics | Blackwell. | 0 | ✔ |
0264-6838 | Journal of reproductive and infant psychology | Society for Reproductive and Infant Psychology | 0 | ✔ |
1469-672X | Journal of reproductive and infant psychology (e-vir) | Carfax International Publishers | 0 | ✔ |
1728-7715 | Journal of research in architecture and planning | Department of Architecture and Planning, NED University of Engineering and Technology | 0 | |
0256-8543 | Journal of research in childhood education | Association for Childhood Education International | 0 | ✔ |
2150-2641 | Journal of research in childhood education | Association for Childhood Education International; Routledge, Taylor and Francis | 0 | ✔ |
1475-2409 | Journal of research in international education | Sage | 0 | ✔ |
1741-2943 | Journal of research in international education (e-vir) | Sage Publications | 0 | ✔ |
0092-6566 | Journal of research in personality | Academic Press. | 0 | ✔ |
1095-7251 | Journal of research in personality (e-vir) | Academic Press | 0 | ✔ |
0141-0423 | Journal of research in reading | Blackwell Publishers | 0 | ✔ |
1467-9817 | Journal of research in reading (e-vir) | United Kingdom Reading Association | 0 | ✔ |
0022-4308 | Journal of research in science teaching | Wiley | 0 | ✔ |
1098-2736 | Journal of research in science teaching | Wiley | 0 | ✔ |
1050-8392 | Journal of research on adolescence | Lawrence Erlbaum Associates | 0 | ✔ |
1532-7795 | Journal of research on adolescence (e-vir) | L. Erlbaum Associates. | 0 | ✔ |
1539-1523 | Journal of research on technology in education | International Society for Technology in Education | 0 | ✔ |
1945-0818 | Journal of research on technology in education (e-vir) | International Society for Technology in Education | 0 | ✔ |
1712-851X | Journal of research practice (e-vir) | Athabasca University Press. | 0 | |
1366-9877 | Journal of risk research | Routledge | 0 | ✔ |
1466-4461 | Journal of risk research (e-vir) | Routledge | 1 | ✔ |
0890-1112 | Journal of ritual studies | Dept. of Religious Studies, University of Pittsburgh | 0 | |
1047-7594 | Journal of Roman archaeology | [Editorial Committee of the Journal of Roman Archaeology] | 0 | ✔ |
2331-5709 | Journal of Roman archaeology (e-vir) | [Editorial Committee of the Journal of Roman Archaeology] | 0 | ✔ |
1473-3536 | Journal of romance studies | University of London. | 0 | ✔ |
1752-2331 | Journal of romance studies (e-vir) | Berghahn Books | 0 | ✔ |
0961-3684 | Journal of Roman military equipment studies | M.C. Bishop | 0 | |
1753-528X | Journal of Roman studies (e-vir) | Society for the Promotion of Roman Studies | 0 | ✔ |
1558-268X | Journal of Schenkerian studies | University of North Texas. | 0 | |
0022-4405 | Journal of School Psychology | Pergamon | 0 | ✔ |
1873-3506 | Journal of School Psychology (e-vir) | Pergamon Press | 0 | |
1059-0145 | Journal of science education and technology | Plenum Press | 1 | ✔ |
1573-1839 | Journal of science education and technology (e-vir) | Kluwer | 1 | ✔ |
1046-560X | Journal of science teacher education | Association for the Education of Teachers in Science :; Kluwer Academic Publishers | 0 | ✔ |
1573-1847 | Journal of science teacher education (e-vir) | Kluwer | 0 | ✔ |
1755-2001 | Journal of Scottish philosophy (e-vir) | Edinburgh University Press on behalf of the Center for the Study of Scottish Philosophy | 0 | ✔ |
1060-3743 | Journal of second language writing | Ablex Pub. Corp. | 0 | ✔ |
1873-1422 | Journal of second language writing (e-vir) | Elsevier Inc. | 0 | ✔ |
0167-5133 | Journal of semantics | Oxford University Press | 0 | ✔ |
1477-4593 | Journal of semantics (e-vir) | N.I.S. Foundation, Nijmegen Institute of Semantics | 0 | ✔ |
1089-747X | Journal of seventeenth-century music | Society for Seventeenth-Century Music | 0 | |
0092-623X | Journal of sex & marital therapy | Brunner/Mazel Inc. | 0 | ✔ |
1521-0715 | Journal of sex & marital therapy (e-vir) | Brunner/Mazel, Inc. | 0 | ✔ |
1068-2090 | Journal of Slavic linguistics | Indiana University Linguistics Club | 1 | |
1543-0391 | Journal of Slavic linguistics (e-vir) | Slavica Publishers | 0 | |
0736-7236 | Journal of social and clinical psychology | Guilford Press | 0 | |
1943-2771 | Journal of social and clinical psychology (e-vir) | Guilford Publications | 0 | |
0265-4075 | Journal of social and personal relationships | Sage Publications | 0 | ✔ |
1460-3608 | Journal of social and personal relationships (e-vir) | Sage Publications | 0 | ✔ |
0022-4529 | Journal of social history | Carnegie Mellon University | 0 | ✔ |
1527-1897 | Journal of social history | Carnegie-Mellon University | 0 | ✔ |
0022-4537 | Journal of social issues | Wiley-Blackwell | 0 | ✔ |
1540-4560 | Journal of social issues (e-vir) | Wiley | 0 | ✔ |
0047-2786 | Journal of social philosophy | [s.n.] | 0 | ✔ |
1467-9833 | Journal of social philosophy (e-vir) | Blackwell | 0 | ✔ |
1043-7797 | Journal of social work education | Council on Social Work Education | 0 | ✔ |
2163-5811 | Journal of social work education (e-vir) | Council on Social Work Education | 0 | ✔ |
1360-6441 | Journal of sociolinguistics | Blackwell Publishing | 0 | ✔ |
1467-9841 | Journal of sociolinguistics (e-vir) | Blackwell Publishing | 0 | ✔ |
0140-671X | Journal of sources in educational history | Carfax Publishing Company. | 0 | |
1085-7478 | Journal of South Asia women studies (e-vir) | Enrica Garzilli | 0 | |
0218-9593 | Journal of Southeast Asian architecture | School of Architecture, National University of Singapore. | 0 | |
0022-4634 | Journal of Southeast Asian studies | Mcgraw-Hill Far Eastern Publishers | 0 | ✔ |
1474-0680 | Journal of Southeast Asian studies (e-vir) | Far Eastern Publishers International | 0 | ✔ |
0305-7070 | Journal of southern african studies | Oxford University Press | 0 | ✔ |
1465-3893 | Journal of southern African studies (e-vir) | Routledge | 0 | ✔ |
1461-3190 | Journal of southern Europe and the Balkans | Carfax | 0 | |
1469-963X | Journal of Southern Europe and the Balkans (e-vir) | Carfax | 0 | |
1558-9102 | Journal of speech, language, and hearing research (e-vir) | American Speech-Language-Hearing Association | 0 | ✔ |
1092-4388 | Journal of speech, language and hearing research | American Speech-Language-Hearing Association | 0 | ✔ |
0895-2779 | Journal of sport & exercise psychology | Human Kinetics | 0 | ✔ |
1543-2904 | Journal of sport & exercise psychology (e-vir) | Human Kinetics Publishers | 0 | ✔ |
0094-1700 | Journal of sport history | North American Society for Sport History. | 0 | ✔ |
2155-8450 | Journal of sport history (e-vir) | North American Society for Sport History; Archived online by Amateur Athletic Foundation of Los Angeles, Sports Library | 0 | |
1069-1898 | Journal of statistics education (e-vir) | Journal of Statistics Education | 0 | |
1027-1015 | Journal of structural learning and intelligent systems | Gordon and Breach Publishers | 0 | |
1028-3153 | Journal of studies in international education | Sage | 0 | ✔ |
1552-7808 | Journal of studies in international education (e-vir) | Sage Publications | 0 | ✔ |
0096-882X | Journal of studies on alcohol | Journal of Studies on Alcohol, inc. | 0 | |
1873-6483 | Journal of substance abuse treatment (e-vir) | Elsevier Inc. | 0 | ✔ |
0740-5472 | Journal of Substance Abuse Treatment | Pergamon Press | 0 | ✔ |
0022-4871 | Journal of teacher education | American Association of Colleges for Teacher Education | 0 | ✔ |
1552-7816 | Journal of teacher education (e-vir) | Sage Publications | 0 | ✔ |
1543-2769 | Journal of teaching in physical education (e-vir) | Human Kinetics Publishers | 0 | ✔ |
0273-5024 | Journal of Teaching in Physical Education | Human kinetics publishers | 0 | ✔ |
1527-5418 | Journal of the american academy of child & adolescent psychiatry (e-vir) | Lippincot | 0 | ✔ |
0890-8567 | Journal of the American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry | American Academy of Child and Adolescenṫ Psychiaṫry | 0 | ✔ |
0002-7189 | Journal of the American Academy of Religion | American Academy of Religion | 0 | ✔ |
1477-4585 | Journal of the American Academy of Religion (e-vir) | American Academy of Religion | 0 | ✔ |
0197-1360 | Journal of the American Institute for Conservation | American Institution for Conservation of Historic & Artistic Works | 0 | ✔ |
1945-2330 | Journal of the American Institute for Conservation (e-vir) | American Institute for Conservation of Historic and Artistic Works | 0 | ✔ |
0147-4413 | Journal of the American Liszt Society | American Liszt Society. | 0 | |
0362-3300 | Journal of the American Musical Instrument Society (e-vir) | American Musical Instrument Society. | 0 | |
0003-0139 | Journal of the American Musicological Society | American Musicological Society | 0 | ✔ |
1547-3848 | Journal of the American Musicological Society (e-vir) | American Musicological Society | 0 | ✔ |
0003-0279 | Journal of the American Oriental Society | American Oriental Society. | 0 | |
2169-2289 | Journal of the American Oriental Society (e-vir) | George P. Putnam | 0 | |
0003-0651 | Journal of the American Psychoanalytic Association | International Universities Press | 0 | ✔ |
1941-2460 | Journal of the American Psychoanalytic Association (e-vir) | International Universities Press | 0 | ✔ |
0004-7554 | Journal of the Audio Engineering Society | Audio Engineering Society. | 0 | |
0068-1288 | Journal of the British Archaeological Association | British Archaeological Association | 0 | ✔ |
1747-6704 | Journal of the British Archaeological Association (e-vir) | British Archaeological Association | 0 | ✔ |
2332-0486 | Journal of the British Society for Phenomenology (e-vir) | Routledge, Taylor & Francis Group | 0 | ✔ |
0010-8731 | Journal of the Cork Historical & Archaeological Society | Cork Historical and Archaeological Society | 0 | |
1603-5313 | Journal of the David Collection | Davids Samling. | 0 | |
1525-6790 | Journal of the Early Book Society for the study of manuscripts and printing history / | Early Book Society. | 0 | |
0275-1275 | Journal of the early Republic | Society for Historians of the Early American Republic | 0 | |
1553-0620 | Journal of the early Republic (e-vir) | Society for Historians of the Early American Republic | 0 | |
0022-4995 | Journal of the economic and social history of the Orient | Brill | 0 | ✔ |
1568-5209 | Journal of the economic and social history of the Orient | Brill | 0 | ✔ |
0022-5002 | Journal of the experimental analysis of behavior | Society for the Experimental Analysis of Behavior | 0 | ✔ |
1938-3711 | Journal of the experimental analysis of behavior | Society for the Experimental Analysis of Behavior | 0 | ✔ |
0332-415X | Journal of the Galway Archaeological and Historical Society | Galway Archaeological and Historical Society | 0 | |
0022-5010 | Journal of the history of biology | Kluwer Academic Publishers | 0 | ✔ |
1573-0387 | Journal of the history of biology (e-vir) | Kluwer | 0 | ✔ |
0954-6650 | Journal of the history of collections | Oxford University Press | 0 | ✔ |
1477-8564 | Journal of the history of collections (e-vir) | Oxford University Press | 0 | ✔ |
0022-5037 | Journal of the history of ideas | Journal of the History of Ideas, Inc. | 0 | ✔ |
1086-3222 | Journal of the history of ideas (e-vir) | Journal of the History of Ideas, Inc. | 0 | ✔ |
0022-5045 | Journal of the history of medicine and allied sciences | H. Schuman. | 0 | ✔ |
1468-4373 | Journal of the history of medicine and allied sciences (e-vir) | Oxford University Press. | 0 | ✔ |
0022-5053 | Journal of the history of philosophy | Journal of the history of philosophy | 0 | ✔ |
1538-4586 | Journal of the history of philosophy | University of California Press | 0 | ✔ |
1043-4070 | Journal of the history of sexuality | The University of Chicago Press | 0 | ✔ |
1535-3605 | Journal of the history of sexuality | University of Texas Press | 0 | ✔ |
0022-5061 | Journal of the history of the behavioral sciences (e-vir) | John Wiley & Sons | 0 | ✔ |
1520-6696 | Journal of the history of the behavioral sciences (e-vir) | Wiley Periodicals, Inc. | 0 | ✔ |
1368-9894 | Journal of the IGPL (e-vir) | Oxford University Press | 1 | ✔ |
0970-2814 | Journal of the Institute of Asian Studies | Institute of Asian Studies | 0 | |
1355-6177 | Journal of the International Neuropsychological Society | Cambridge University Press | 0 | ✔ |
1469-7661 | Journal of the International Neuropsychological Society (e-vir) | Cambridge University Press | 0 | ✔ |
0025-1003 | Journal of the International Phonetic Association | International Phonetic Association | 0 | ✔ |
1475-3502 | Journal of the International Phonetic Association (e-vir) | International Phonetic Association | 0 | ✔ |
1068-8471 | Journal of theoretical and philosophical psychology | American Psychological Association. | 0 | ✔ |
2151-3341 | Journal of theoretical and philosophical psychology (e-vir) | Division 24 of the American Psychological Association | 0 | ✔ |
0079-5321 | Journal of the Printing Historical Society | Printing Historical Society. | 0 | |
1356-1863 | Journal of the Royal Asiatic Society | Cambridge University Press | 0 | ✔ |
1474-0591 | Journal of the Royal Asiatic Society (e-vir) | Cambridge University Press | 0 | ✔ |
0269-0403 | Journal of the Royal Musical Association | Oxford University Press | 0 | ✔ |
1471-6933 | Journal of the Royal Musical Association (e-vir) | Oxford University Press | 0 | ✔ |
0035-9106 | Journal of the Royal Society of Antiquaries of Ireland | Royal Society of Antiquares of Ireland | 0 | |
1752-1963 | Journal of the Society for American Music | Cambridge University Press | 0 | ✔ |
1752-1971 | Journal of the Society for American Music (e-vir) | Cambridge University Press | 0 | ✔ |
1649-7341 | Journal of the Society for Musicology in Ireland (e-vir) | Society for Musicology in Ireland | 0 | |
0037-9808 | Journal of the Society of Architectural Historians | Society of Architectural Historians | 0 | ✔ |
2150-5926 | Journal of the Society of Architectural Historians (e-vir) | Society of Architectural Historians | 0 | ✔ |
0037-9816 | Journal of the Society of Archivist | [S.n.] | 0 | |
1465-3907 | Journal of the Society of Archivists (e-vir) | Carfax Pub. | 0 | |
1540-7942 | Journal of the Society of Christian Ethics | Society of Christian Ethics (U.S.),; Georgetown University Press,; Philosophy Documentation Center, | 0 | |
2326-2176 | Journal of the Society of Christian Ethics (e-vir) | Society of Christian Ethics | 0 | |
0075-4390 | Journal of the Warburg and Courtauld Institutes | Warburg Institute, University | 0 | ✔ |
2044-0014 | Journal of the Warburg and Courtauld Institutes (e-vir) | Warburg Institute, University of London | 0 | ✔ |
0790-1828 | Journal of the Wexford Historical Society | Wexford Historical Society | 0 | |
1541-3446 | Journal of transformative education | Sage | 0 | ✔ |
1552-7840 | Journal of transformative education (e-vir) | Sage Publications | 0 | ✔ |
1558-7282 | Journal of translation (e-vir) | SIL International. | 0 | |
0022-5266 | Journal of transport history | Leicester University Press | 0 | ✔ |
0894-9867 | Journal of traumatic stress | Plenum for the Society for Traumatic Stress Studies | 0 | ✔ |
1573-6598 | Journal of traumatic stress | Kluwer | 0 | ✔ |
1304-6020 | Journal of Turkish science education (e-vir) | EKİP BÜRO MAK. PAZ. VE TEK. SER. HİZ. TİC. LTD. ŞTİ; Haydar Çepni (Fırtına Akademi) | 0 | |
1357-4809 | Journal of urban design | Carfax | 0 | ✔ |
1469-9664 | Journal of urban design (e-vir) | Carfax International Publishers | 0 | ✔ |
0096-1442 | Journal of urban history | Sage Publications | 0 | ✔ |
1552-6771 | Journal of urban history (e-vir) | Sage Publications | 0 | ✔ |
1355-5502 | Journal of Victorian culture | Edinburgh University Press | 0 | ✔ |
1750-0133 | Journal of Victorian culture (e-vir) | Edinburgh University Press | 0 | ✔ |
1470-4129 | Journal of visual culture | Sage Publications | 0 | ✔ |
1741-2994 | Journal of visual culture (e-vir) | Sage Publications. | 0 | ✔ |
Y504-7153 | Journal of visual culture | Sage Publications | 0 | |
0001-8791 | Journal of vocational behavior | Academic Press | 0 | ✔ |
1095-9084 | Journal of vocational behavior | Academic Press | 0 | ✔ |
1363-6820 | Journal of vocational education & training | Triangle Journals | 0 | ✔ |
1747-5090 | Journal of vocational education & training (e-vir) | Triangle Journals | 0 | ✔ |
1752-6280 | Journal of war & culture studies (e-vir) | Intellect | 0 | ✔ |
1752-6272 | Journal of war and culture studies | Intellect | 0 | ✔ |
1554-477X | Journal of women, politics & policy | Haworth Press | 0 | ✔ |
1554-4788 | Journal of women, politics & policy (e-vir) | The Haworth Press Inc. | 0 | ✔ |
1540-9996 | Journal of women's health | Mary Ann Liebert | 0 | ✔ |
1931-843X | Journal of women's health (e-vir) | Mary Ann Liebert | 0 | ✔ |
1042-7961 | Journal of women's history | Indiana University Press | 0 | ✔ |
1527-2036 | Journal of women's history (e-vir) | Indiana University Press | 0 | ✔ |
0895-2841 | Journal of women & aging | Haworth Press | 0 | ✔ |
1540-7322 | Journal of women & aging (e-vir) | Haworth Press | 0 | ✔ |
1366-5626 | Journal of workplace learning | MCB University Press | 0 | ✔ |
1045-6007 | Journal of world history | University of Hawai'i Press | 0 | ✔ |
1527-8050 | Journal of world history (e-vir) | University of Hawaii Press | 0 | ✔ |
0047-2891 | Journal of youth and adolescence | Plenum | 0 | ✔ |
1573-6601 | Journal of youth and adolescence (e-vir) | Kluwer | 0 | ✔ |
0022-572X | Judaica | Stiftung für Kirche und Judentum; Zürcher Lehrhaus; ZIID Zürcher Institut für Interreligiösen Dialog | 0 | |
0022-5738 | Judaica Bohemiae | Panorama | 0 | |
0022-5762 | Judaism | American Jewish Congress. | 0 | |
2246-2589 | K&K (e-vir) | K&K, Kultur og Klasse | 0 | |
0905-6998 | K & K | K & K, | 0 | |
0022-7498 | Kadmos | de Gruyter | 0 | ✔ |
1613-0723 | Kadmos | de Gruyter | 0 | ✔ |
1356-5109 | Kampos | University of Cambridge. | 0 | |
0355-0303 | Kanava | Yhtyneet kuvalehdet | 0 | |
1369-4154 | Kantian review | University of Wales Press | 0 | ✔ |
2044-2394 | Kantian review (e-vir) | Cambridge University Press | 0 | ✔ |
0022-8877 | Kant-Studien | Walter de Gruyter | 0 | ✔ |
1613-1134 | Kant-Studien (e-vir) | de Gruyter. | 0 | ✔ |
0392-0887 | Käokalos | Università di Palermo. Istituto di Storia Antica.; Dipartimento di Beni culturali dell'Università di Palermo.; Università degli studi, Palermo. Istituto di storia antica.; Università degli studi, Palermo. Dipartimento di beni culturali. | 0 | ✔ |
0022-927X | Kasvatus | Kasvatustieteiden tutkimuslaitos | 0 | ✔ |
2737-0658 | Kasvatus (e-vir) | 0 | ✔ | |
0342-5517 | Katechetische Blätter | Kösel | 0 | |
0453-4387 | Keats-Shelley journal | Keats-Shelley Association of America. | 0 | |
2328-112X | Keats-Shelley journal (e-vir) | Keats-Shelley Association of America | 0 | |
0952-4142 | Keats-Shelley review | Keats-Shelley Memorial Association. | 0 | ✔ |
2042-1362 | Keats-Shelley review (e-vir) | Maney Publishing | 0 | ✔ |
0131-1441 | Keel ja kirjandus | Eesti NSV Teaduste Akadeemia. | 0 | |
2346-6014 | Keel ja Kirjandus (e-vir) | Kultuurileht | 0 | |
1453-7400 | Kellék | [s.n.] | 0 | |
2076-9253 | Keltische Forschungen | Praesens VerlagsgesmbH | 0 | |
1054-6863 | Kennedy Institute of Ethics journal | Johns Hopkins University Press | 0 | ✔ |
1086-3249 | Kennedy Institute of Ethics journal | Johns Hopkins University Press for Joseph and Rose Kennedy Institute of Ethics | 0 | ✔ |
1383-0384 | Kerk en muziek | Vereniging voor Protestante Kerkmuziek.; Vereniging van Organisten der Gereformeerde Gemeenten.; VOGG. | 0 | |
0165-2346 | Kerk en theologie | Neenman; Boekencentrum Tijdschriften; Amsterdam University Press | 0 | |
0776-3824 | Kernos | Université de Liège; Kentro Meletis tis Archaias Hellinikis Thriskeias | 0 | ✔ |
2034-7871 | Kernos | Université de Liège | 0 | ✔ |
0023-0707 | Kerygma und Dogma | Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht | 0 | |
1430-5372 | Kierkegaard studies | Søren Kierkegaard Research Center. | 0 | |
1612-9792 | Kierkegaard studies | de Gruyter | 0 | |
1613-477X | Kinder- und Jugendliteraturforschung | 0 | ||
0942-5403 | Kindheit und Entwicklung | Hogrefe | 0 | ✔ |
2190-6246 | Kindheit und Entwicklung | Hogrefe | 0 | ✔ |
0323-9942 | Kino i vreme | B''lgarska nacionalna filmoteka. | 0 | |
0075-6199 | Kirchenmusikalisches Jahrbuch | Luthe-Druck | 0 | |
0932-9951 | Kirchliche Zeitgeschichte | Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht | 0 | |
2196-808X | Kirchliche Zeitgeschichte (e-vir) | Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht | 0 | |
0075-6334 | Klio | Akademie-Verlag | 0 | ✔ |
2192-7669 | Klio | Akad.-Verl. | 0 | |
1210-8510 | Knihy a dějiny | Knihovna Akademie věd České republiky | 0 | ✔ |
2571-2322 | Knihy a dějiny (e-vir) | Knihovna Akademie věd České republiky v.v.i. | 0 | ✔ |
0454-0689 | Književnost i jezik | Društvo za srpskohrvatski jezik i književnost Srbije | 0 | |
0171-0834 | Kodikas | Narr | 0 | |
0393-2230 | Koin@+amonia | Associazione di studi tardoantichi. | 0 | |
2035-276X | Kokalos (e-vir) | Fabrizio Serra Editore | 0 | ✔ |
0023-2785 | Kokka | Kokkasha | 0 | |
0023-2653 | Kölner Zeitschrift für Soziologie und Sozialpsychologie | Westdeutscher Verlag | 0 | ✔ |
1861-891X | Kölner Zeitschrift für Soziologie und Sozialpsychologie (e-vir) | Verl. für Sozialwiss.. | 0 | ✔ |
1432-5306 | Komparatistik | Deutsche Gesellschaft für Allgemeine und Vergleichende Literaturwissenschaft.; DGAL. | 0 | |
2030-2231 | Koninklijke Soevereine Hoofdkamer van Retorica "De Fonteine" | Koninklijke Soevereine Hoofdkamer van Retorica "De Fonteine" | 0 | |
0023-3609 | Konsthistorisk tidskrift | Konsthistoriska sällskapet | 0 | ✔ |
1651-2294 | Konsthistorisk tidskrift = | Taylor & Francis | 0 | ✔ |
1418-1592 | Kortárs (e-vir) | Magy. Írószövets; Elender Internet; Kortárs Folyóirat Kiadói Kft | 0 | |
0023-4567 | Kratylos | Reichert | 0 | |
2511-1841 | Kratylos (e-vir) | Reichert | 0 | |
0168-275X | Krisis | Stichting Krisis; Boom; Boom | 0 | |
1875-7103 | Krisis | Boom; Boom | 0 | ✔ |
0452-7194 | Kristillinen kasvatus | Kirkon kasvatusasiain keskus.; Kristillinen kasvatus (yhdistys); Suomen kristillinen opettajaliitto.; Kristillisen kasvatuksen keskus.; Kirkon kasvatus ja nuorisotyö. | 0 | |
1019-8288 | Kriterion | Kriterion | 0 | |
2750-977X | Kriterion (e-vir) | Walter de Gruyter | 0 | |
0454-5354 | Kritik | Gyldendal | 0 | |
0340-7403 | Kritische Berichte | Jonas Verlag für Kunst und Literatur | 0 | |
2197-7410 | Kritische Berichte (e-vir) | Jonas-Verl. für Kunst u. Literatur | 0 | |
0239-4898 | Kronika Zamkowa | Zamek Królewski | 0 | |
0221-5896 | Ktema | Association pour l'étude de la civilisation romaine | 0 | |
0781-5751 | Kulttuuritutkimus | Jyväskylän yliopisto.; Jyväskylän yliopisto.; Jyväskylän yliopisto.; Jyväskylän yliopiston kirjasto.; Kulttuurintutkimuksen seura.; Suomen Akatemia.; Suomen Akatemia. | 0 | |
0356-3367 | Kulttuurivihkot | Kulttuurityöntekijäin liitto.; Kulttuurivihkot-yhdistys.; Kulttuurivihkojen kannatusyhdistys. | 0 | |
1230-266X | Kultura i Edukacja | Wydawnictwo Adam Marszałek | 0 | |
0023-5202 | Kultúra slova | Vydavateĺstvo Slovenskej akadémie vied | 0 | |
1616-1203 | KulturPoetik | Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht | 0 | |
2196-7970 | KulturPoetik (e-vir) | Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht | 0 | |
0106-5734 | Kunapipi | Dangaroo Press | 0 | |
1421-086X | Kunst + Architektur in der Schweiz | Gesellschaft für schweizerische Kunstgeschichte | 0 | |
0023-5474 | Kunstchronik | Zentralinstitut für Kunstgeschichte; H. Carl | 0 | |
0177-3674 | Kunstforum International | D. Bechtloff | 0 | |
1010-3856 | Kunsthistorisches Jahrbuch Graz | Akademische Druck- u. Verlagsanstalt | 0 | |
0452-8514 | Kunst in Hessen und am Mittelrhein | E. Roether | 0 | |
1406-2860 | Kunstiteaduslikke uurimusi | Eesti Kunstiteadlaste Ühing | 0 | |
0023-5415 | Kunst og kultur | Nasjonalmuseet (Oslo) | 0 | ✔ |
1504-3029 | Kunst og kultur (e-vir) | Universitetsforlaget | 0 | ✔ |
1439-0205 | Kunst und Politik | V & R Unipress, | 0 | |
1303-0485 | Kuram ve uygulamada eægitim bilimleri | Edam Eægitim Danűşmanlűægű ve Araştűrmalarű İletişim Hizmetleri | 0 | |
1303-3387 | Kutadgubilig | Ülke Yayűn Haber Ticaret. | 0 | |
0907-6182 | Kvinder, køn & forskning | Koordinationen for Kønsforskning; [eksp.] Syddansk Universitetsforlag | 0 | ✔ |
2245-6937 | Kvinder, køn & forskning (e-vir) | Koordinationen for Kønsforskning | 0 | ✔ |
0452-9502 | Kwartalnik Filmowy | Państwowy Instytut Sztuki.; Polska Akademia Nauk.; Polska Akademia Nauk.; Polska Akademia Nauk. | 0 | ✔ |
2719-2725 | Kwartalnik Filmowy (e-vir) | Instytut Sztuki Polskiej Akademii Nauk | 0 | ✔ |
0023-5881 | Kwartalnik Historii Kultury Materialnej | Państwowe Wydawnictwo Naukowe | 0 | |
2719-6496 | Kwartalnik Historii Kultury Materialnej (e-vir) | Instytut Archeologii i Etnologii PAN | 0 | |
0023-589X | Kwartalnik Historii Nauki i Techniki | Polska Akademia Nauk.; Polska Akademia Nauk.; Polska Akademia Nauk.; Polska Akademia Nauk.; Polska Akademia Nauk.; Polska Akademia Nauk. | 0 | |
0023-5903 | Kwartalnik historyczny | Polskie Towarzystwo Historyczne | 0 | |
2451-1315 | Kwartalnik Historyczny (e-vir) | Polskie Towarzystwo Historyczne.; Polska Akademia Nauk. | 0 | |
0023-5911 | Kwartalnik neofilologiczny | Elipsa | 0 | |
0023-5938 | Kwartalnik Pedagogiczny | Uniwersytet Warszawski.; Uniwersytet Warszawski.; Uniwersytet Warszawski. | 0 | |
0023-5962 | Kyklos | Helbing & Lichtenhahn Verlag AG | 0 | ✔ |
1467-6435 | Kyklos (e-vir) | Waley | 0 | ✔ |
0516-6551 | L'Alighieri | Angelo Longo Editore. | 0 | |
0084-6473 | L'Année balzacienne | Garnier | 0 | ✔ |
1969-6752 | L'Année balzacienne (e-vir) | [Presses universitaires de France] | 0 | ✔ |
0770-2817 | L'antiquité classique | = Brussel; [ASBL L'antiquité classique] | 0 | |
2295-9076 | L'Antiquité classique (e-vir) | L'Antiquité classique | 0 | |
0003-8695 | L'Architecture d'aujourd'hui | Éditions Jean-Michel Place | 0 | |
1120-2459 | L' Artista | Casa Editrice Le Lettere; Polistampa | 0 | |
0210-0150 | L'Avenç | Avance | 0 | |
0013-7006 | L'Encéphale | Delarue | 0 | |
1931-0234 | L'esprit créateur | Johns Hopkins University Press | 0 | ✔ |
0014-0767 | L'Esprit créateur | University of Kentucky | 0 | ✔ |
0998-8041 | L'estampille, l'objet d'art | SFBD-Archéologia; Faton | 0 | |
1769-6674 | L'Evolution psychiatrique (e-vir) | Elsevier | 0 | ✔ |
1016-362X | L'Homme | Böhlau Verlag | 0 | |
0754-023X | L'Infini | Gallimard | 0 | |
0222-9838 | L' information grammaticale | L' information grammaticale | 0 | |
0085-2295 | L' Italia dialettale | [s. n.] ;; ETS, | 0 | |
0249-6739 | L'Orientation scolaire et professionnelle | Delachaux et Niestlé | 0 | |
1567-6617 | L1 educational studies in languages and literature | Kluwer Academic Publishers | 0 | |
1573-1731 | L1 educational studies in languages and literature | Kluwer | 0 | |
Y510-1972 | L1 educational studies in languages and literature (e-vir) | Association for Research in L1 Education (ARLE) | 0 | |
0023-656X | Labor history | Tamiment Institute | 0 | ✔ |
1469-9702 | Labor history (e-vir) | Carfax | 0 | ✔ |
0961-5652 | Labour history review | Society for the Study of Labour History | 0 | ✔ |
1745-8188 | Labour history review (e-vir) | Society for the Study of Labour History | 0 | ✔ |
1947-4261 | La corónica (e-vir) | Modern Language Association of America.; Modern Language Association of America.; Modern Language Association of America.; Modern Language Association of America. | 0 | |
0193-3892 | La Corónica | Division of Spanish Medieval Language and Literature, Modern Language Association [etc.] | 0 | |
1241-3577 | La Gazette des archives | Montbéliard (Doubs) | 0 | |
0398-9992 | La Licorne | Université de Poitiers | 0 | |
1724-9074 | La Lingua italiana | Istituti Editoriali e Poligrafici Internazionali | 0 | ✔ |
1826-8080 | La Lingua italiana (e-vir) | Roma; Istituti editoriali e poligrafici internazionali | 0 | ✔ |
0075-966X | La Linguistique | Presses universitaires de France | 0 | ✔ |
2101-0234 | La Linguistique (e-vir) | [Presses universitaires de France] | 0 | ✔ |
1120-9968 | La Matematica e la sua didattica | Pitagora | 0 | |
1972-7682 | La Modernità letteraria | Fabrizio Serra Editore | 0 | ✔ |
1974-4838 | La Modernità letteraria | Fabrizio Serra Editore | 0 | ✔ |
0165-8204 | Lampas | Tjeenk Willink | 0 | ✔ |
2667-1573 | Lampas (e-vir) | Verloren | 0 | ✔ |
0143-3768 | Landscape history | The Society | 0 | ✔ |
2160-2506 | Landscape history (e-vir) | Taylor & Francis | 0 | ✔ |
1492-9600 | Landscapes | Southam Magazine Group [for the] Canadian Society of Landscape Architects | 0 | |
0181-4095 | Langage et société | Maison des sciences de l'homme, Service de mathématiques appliquées et de calcul | 0 | |
2101-0382 | Langage et société (e-vir) | Fondation de la Maison des sciences de l'homme | 0 | |
0458-726X | Langages | Didier; Larousse | 0 | ✔ |
1958-9549 | Langages (e-vir) | Armand Colin | 0 | ✔ |
0097-8507 | Language | Linguistic Society of America | 0 | ✔ |
1535-0665 | Language (e-vir) | Linguistic Society of America | 0 | ✔ |
0790-8318 | Language, culture and curriculum | Taylor & Francis | 0 | ✔ |
1747-7573 | Language, culture and curriculum (e-vir) | Multilingual Matters | 0 | ✔ |
1873-3395 | Language & communication (e-vir) | Elsevier Science | 0 | |
0271-5309 | Language & Communication | Pergamon | 0 | ✔ |
1048-9223 | Language acquisition | Lawrence Erlbaum Associates | 0 | ✔ |
1532-7817 | Language acquisition (e-vir) | Lawrence Erlbaum Associates | 0 | ✔ |
0169-0965 | Language and cognitive processes | VNU Science Press | 1 | |
1464-0732 | Language and cognitive processes (e-vir) | VNU Science Press | 0 | |
1468-1145 | Language and computation | Hermes Science Publishing | 0 | |
0950-0782 | Language and education | Multilingual Matters | 0 | ✔ |
1747-7581 | Language and education (e-vir) | Multilingual Matters | 0 | ✔ |
1470-8477 | Language and intercultural communication | Routledge | 0 | ✔ |
1747-759X | Language and intercultural communication (e-vir) | Routledge | 0 | ✔ |
0963-9470 | Language and literature | Longman Group | 0 | ✔ |
1461-7293 | Language and literature (e-vir) | Sage Publications | 0 | ✔ |
1756-6053 | Language and speech (e-vir) | SAGE Publications | 0 | ✔ |
0023-8309 | Language and Speech | Kingston Press Services | 0 | ✔ |
0965-8416 | Language awareness | Multilingual Matters | 0 | ✔ |
1747-7565 | Language awareness (e-vir) | Multilingual Matters | 0 | ✔ |
0047-4045 | Language in society | Cambridge University Press | 0 | ✔ |
1469-8013 | Language in society (e-vir) | Cambridge University Press | 0 | ✔ |
0023-8333 | Language learning | North university building | 0 | ✔ |
1467-9922 | Language learning | Blackwell. | 0 | ✔ |
1094-3501 | Language learning & technology | Language Learning & Technology | 0 | |
0957-1736 | Language learning journal | Association for Language Learning. | 0 | ✔ |
1568-4555 | Language policy | Kluwer Academic Publishers | 0 | ✔ |
1573-1863 | Language policy (e-vir) | Kluwer Academic Publishers | 0 | ✔ |
0272-2690 | Language problems & language planning | John Benjamins | 0 | ✔ |
1569-9889 | Language problems & language planning (e-vir) | John Benjamins | 0 | ✔ |
1572-8412 | Language resources and evaluation (e-vir) | Springer | 0 | |
1574-020X | Language resources and evaluation | Springer | 0 | ✔ |
1574-0218 | Language resources and evaluation (e-vir) | Kluwer; Springer | 0 | ✔ |
1873-5746 | Language sciences (e-vir) | Elsevier Ltd. | 0 | ✔ |
0388-0001 | Language Sciences | Elsevier Science | 0 | ✔ |
1387-6759 | Languages in contrast | J. Benjamins Publishing Company | 0 | ✔ |
1569-9897 | Languages in contrast (e-vir) | J. Benjamins | 0 | ✔ |
0261-4448 | Language teaching | Cambridge University Press | 0 | ✔ |
1475-3049 | Language teaching (e-vir) | Cambridge University Press | 0 | ✔ |
1362-1688 | Language teaching research | Arnold | 0 | ✔ |
1477-0954 | Language teaching research (e-vir) | Arnold | 0 | ✔ |
0265-5322 | Language testing | Edward Arnold | 0 | ✔ |
1477-0946 | Language testing (e-vir) | Arnold. | 0 | ✔ |
0954-3945 | Language variation and change | Cambridge University Press | 0 | ✔ |
1469-8021 | Language variation and change (e-vir) | Cambridge University Press | 0 | ✔ |
0023-8368 | Langue française | Larousse | 0 | ✔ |
1957-7982 | Langue française (e-vir) | A. Colin | 0 | ✔ |
1625-5194 | Langues et littératures du monde arabe | Centre d'étude des langues et littératures du monde arabe (Fontenay-aux-Roses, Hauts-de-Seine) | 0 | |
0029-6163 | La Nuova critica | Vallecchi Editore ;; Jouvence, | 0 | |
1593-7577 | La Nuova ricerca | Bari, Università degli studi, Dipartimento di linguistica letteratura e filologia moderna. | 0 | |
1724-1944 | La Nuova ricerca | Istituti Editoriali e Poligrafici Internazionali. | 0 | |
1125-6486 | La Parola del testo | Zauli arti grafiche | 0 | ✔ |
2283-7167 | La Parola del testo (e-vir) | Fabrizio Serra | 0 | ✔ |
0212-1700 | Lápiz | Ediciones L. | 0 | |
0033-9423 | La Rassegna della letteratura Italiana | Casa Editrice Le Lettere | 0 | |
0035-2608 | La Revue du Louvre et des musées de France | Revue du Louvre et des musées de France | 0 | |
0884-3236 | Late imperial China = (e-vir) | Society for Qing Studies | 0 | ✔ |
1086-3257 | Late imperial China = | Johns Hopkins University Press | 0 | ✔ |
1357-650X | Laterality | Psychology Press | 0 | ✔ |
1464-0678 | Laterality (e-vir) | Psychology Press, part of the Taylor & Francis Group | 0 | ✔ |
1010-7215 | Lateranum | Pontificia universita' lateranense | 0 | |
0888-5613 | Latin American Indian literatures journal | Geneva College (Beaver Falls, Pa.).; Pennsylvania State University.; Pennsylvania State University.; Penn State McKeesport. | 0 | |
0047-4134 | Latin American literary review | Dept. of Modern Languages, Carnegie-Mellon University. | 0 | |
2330-135X | Latin American literary review (e-vir) | Dept. of Modern Languages, Carnegie-Mellon University | 0 | |
0023-8813 | Latin American theatre review | Center of Latin American Studies | 0 | |
0023-8856 | Latomus | Éditions Latomus | 0 | |
2294-4427 | Latomus | Société d'études latines | 0 | |
0040-9588 | La torre | University of Puerto Rico (Río Piedras Campus), | 0 | |
0023-9054 | Laval théologique et philosophique | Université Laval etc.. | 0 | |
1703-8804 | Laval théologique et philosophique (e-vir) | Université Laval. | 0 | |
0938-5835 | Laverna | Scripta-Mercaturae-Verl. | 0 | |
0738-2480 | Law and history review | Cornell Law School | 0 | ✔ |
1939-9022 | Law and history review (e-vir) | Cornell Law School and the American Society for Legal History | 0 | ✔ |
0147-7307 | Law and human behavior | Plenum Pub. Corp. | 0 | ✔ |
1573-661X | Law and human behavior | Kluwer | 0 | ✔ |
0167-5249 | Law and philosophy | Reidel | 0 | ✔ |
1573-0522 | Law and philosophy (e-vir) | Kluwer | 0 | ✔ |
0143-7739 | Leadership & organization development journal | MCB Publications | 0 | ✔ |
1472-5347 | Leadership & organization development journal (e-vir) | MCB University Press | 0 | |
0790-3529 | Learn | Association of Remedial Teachers of Ireland.; Cumann Mhúinteoirűá Feabhais na hÉireann. | 0 | |
1543-4494 | Learning & behavior | Psychonomic Society; Springer | 0 | ✔ |
1543-4508 | Learning & behavior | Psychonomic Society; Springer-Verlag | 0 | ✔ |
1041-6080 | Learning and individual differences | JAI Press | 0 | ✔ |
1873-3425 | Learning and individual differences (e-vir) | Elsevier Science | 0 | ✔ |
0959-4752 | Learning and instruction | Pergamon | 0 | ✔ |
1873-3263 | Learning and Instruction (e-vir) | Pergamon Press | 0 | |
0143-7534 | Learning and memory | University of Sheffield Biomedical Information Service | 0 | |
0023-9690 | Learning and motivation | Academic Press. | 0 | ✔ |
1095-9122 | Learning and motivation | Academic Press. | 0 | ✔ |
1540-5826 | Learning disabilities research & practice (e-vir) | Published by Blackwell Publishers for the Council for Exceptional Children, Division for Learning Disabilities | 0 | ✔ |
0938-8982 | Learning disabilities research and practice | Wiley-Blackwell | 0 | ✔ |
0731-9487 | Learning disability quarterly | The Division | 0 | ✔ |
2168-376X | Learning disability quarterly (e-vir) | Division for Children with Learning Disabilities | 0 | ✔ |
1387-1579 | Learning environments research | Springer | 0 | ✔ |
1573-1855 | Learning environments research (e-vir) | Kluwer | 0 | ✔ |
Y504-9369 | Learning environments research (e-vir) | Kluwer Academic Publishers | 0 | |
0023-9909 | Lebende Sprachen | de Gruyter | 0 | ✔ |
1868-0267 | Lebende Sprachen (e-vir) | de Gruyter | 0 | ✔ |
0075-8566 | Leeds studies in English | University of Leeds. School of English | 0 | |
0015-9409 | Le Francais moderne | Editions d' Artrey | 0 | |
1355-3259 | Legal and criminological psychology | British Psychological Society | 0 | ✔ |
2044-8333 | Legal and criminological psychology (e-vir) | British Psychological Society | 0 | ✔ |
1352-3252 | Legal theory | Cambridge University Press | 0 | ✔ |
1469-8048 | Legal theory (e-vir) | Cambridge University Press | 0 | ✔ |
1122-4975 | Leggere donna | Centro documentazione donna. | 0 | |
1069-5192 | Leibniz Society review | Leibniz Society. | 0 | |
0169-4855 | Leids kunsthistorisch jaarboek | Stichting Leids Kunsthistorisch Jaarboek. | 0 | |
0458-7251 | Le Langage et l'homme | Institut libre Marie Haps Centre de documentation et d'étude des problèmes de langage. | 0 | |
1205-6197 | Le Maghreb littéraire | Éditions La Source, | 0 | |
0027-2671 | Le Mouvement social | Éditions ouvrières | 0 | |
1961-8646 | Le Mouvement social (e-vir) | [Éd. de l'Atelier] | 0 | |
0771-6494 | Le muséon | Le Museon | 0 | |
2271-5703 | Lengas (e-vir) | Presses universitaires de la Méditerranée | 0 | |
0024-094X | Leonardo | MIT Press | 0 | ✔ |
1530-9282 | Leonardo (e-vir) | MIT Press | 0 | ✔ |
0961-1215 | Leonardo music journal | ISAST | 0 | |
1531-4812 | Leonardo music journal (e-vir) | Cambridge University Press | 0 | |
0870-6182 | Ler história | A Regra do Jogo; Sodilivros [distrib.] | 0 | ✔ |
2183-7791 | Ler história (e-vir) | Ler História Associação de Actividades Científicas | 0 | ✔ |
0048-8593 | Le Romantisme | Flammarion [etc.] | 0 | ✔ |
1670-3898 | Lesbók Morgunbla%sins | Árvakur hf., | 0 | |
1763-0894 | Les Cahiers d'histoire de l'art | ?Les ?Cahiers d'histoire de l'art (Voulangis, Seine-et-Marne) | 0 | |
0294-0442 | Les Cahiers de la nouvelle | Presses de l'Université d'Angers, | 0 | |
0992-9835 | Les Cahiers des Amis de Pierre Benoit | Association des amis de Pierre Benoit. | 0 | |
1778-610X | Les Cahiers du naturaliste | Éd. de l'Arbre de vie, | 0 | |
0008-0365 | Les Cahiers naturalistes | Société littéraire des amis d'Émile Zola | 0 | |
0014-2166 | Les Études philosophiques | Presses Universitaires de France | 0 | ✔ |
2101-0056 | Les Études philosophiques (e-vir) | [Presses universitaires de France] | 0 | ✔ |
1824-5226 | Le Simplegadi (e-vir) | Associazione dei Laureati dell'università di Udine | 0 | ✔ |
0024-1415 | Les lettres romanes | Université chatolique de Louvain | 0 | ✔ |
0755-9593 | Les Sciences de l'éducation pour l'ère nouvelle | Laboratoire de psychopédagogie (Caen); Association des groupements d'éducation nouvelle de langue française; Centre d'étude et de recherche en sciences de l'éducation (Caen) | 0 | |
1263-588X | Le Télémaque | Centre régional de documentation pédagogique (Rennes); Centre régional de documentation pédagogique (Dijon) | 0 | |
0943-2787 | Lětopis | Domowina-Verlag = Domowina | 0 | |
0025-5939 | Letopis Matice srpske | Matica srpska | 0 | |
0210-3516 | Letras de Deusto | Universidad de Deusto | 0 | |
0277-4356 | Letras femeninas | Asociación de Literatura Femenina Hispánica | 0 | |
2327-963X | Letras femeninas (e-vir) | Asociación de Literatura Femenina Hispánica | 0 | |
0897-7542 | Letras peninsulares | Mary S. Vásquez | 0 | |
0041-1868 | Le Travail humain | PUF | 0 | ✔ |
2104-3663 | Le Travail humain (e-vir) | [Presses universitaires de France] | 0 | ✔ |
1724-613X | Letteratura & Arte | Istituti Editoriali e Poligrafici Internazionali | 0 | ✔ |
1824-4602 | Letteratura e arte | Istituti Editoriali e Poligrafici Internazionali | 0 | ✔ |
1971-906X | Letteratura e letterature | Accademia Editoriale | 0 | ✔ |
1973-2600 | Letteratura e letterature | Fabrizio Serra Editore | 0 | ✔ |
1129-4981 | Letteratura italiana antica | Moxedano editrice. | 0 | ✔ |
1724-0492 | Letteratura italiana antica | Moxedano editrice. | 0 | ✔ |
1125-1743 | Letterature d'America | Facoltà di lettere e filosofia, Università di Roma.; Facoltà di magistero, Università di Roma.; Università degli studi, Roma La Sapienza. Facoltà di lettere e filosofia.; Università degli studi, Roma La Sapienza. Facoltà di magistero. | 0 | |
2035-6315 | Lettere italiane (e-vir) | Leo S. Olschki | 0 | |
0024-1334 | Lettere Italiane | Leo Olschki | 0 | |
0920-9468 | Lettre de Zuylen et du Pontet | Genootschap Belle de Zuylen.; Genootschap Belle de Zuylen-Association Isabelle de Charrière.; Association Suisse Isabelle de Charrière.; Association Française Isabelle de Charrière. | 0 | |
2295-8991 | Lettres romanes (e-vir) | Lettres romanes | 0 | ✔ |
0024-1482 | Leuvense bijdragen | Katholieke Universiteit | 0 | |
1783-1598 | Leuvense bijdragen (e-vir) | Peeters Publishers | 0 | |
0024-1512 | Levéltári közlemények | Akadémia K. | 0 | |
0756-7138 | Lexique | Presses universitaires de Lille; Presses universitaires du Septentrion | 0 | ✔ |
2804-7397 | Lexique (e-vir) | Université de Lille, STL UMR 8163 | 0 | ✔ |
2210-8823 | Lexis | Piovan; Hakkert | 0 | |
2724-1564 | Lexis (e-vir) | Edizioni Ca' Foscari | 0 | ✔ |
0304-0003 | Lias | Holland University Press | 0 | |
2033-4753 | Lias | Uitgeverij Peeters | 0 | ✔ |
2033-5016 | Lias (e-vir) | Uitgeverij Peeters | 0 | ✔ |
0081-8933 | Liber annuus - Studium Biblicum Franciscanum | Studium Biblicum Franciscanum. | 0 | |
1758-3489 | Library & information history | Maney | 0 | ✔ |
1758-3497 | Library & information history (e-vir) | Maney | 0 | ✔ |
1146-6480 | Lidil | Presses universitaires de Grenoble | 0 | |
1619-0548 | Lied und populäre Kultur | Waxmann | 0 | |
2323-8763 | Lifelong learning in Europe (e-vir) | The Finnish Lifelong Learning Foundation | 2 | |
0049-8653 | Lili | Vandenhoeck und Ruprecht | 0 | ✔ |
0024-3523 | Limba romana | [S.n.] | 0 | |
0024-3841 | Lingua | Elsevier Science B.V. | 0 | ✔ |
1872-6135 | Lingua (e-vir) | Elsevier Science | 0 | |
0024-385X | Lingua e stile | Il Mulino | 0 | ✔ |
2612-212X | Lingua e stile (e-vir) | Il Mulino | 0 | ✔ |
0024-3868 | Lingua Nostra | Sansoni G.C. | 0 | |
0079-4740 | Lingua Posnaniensis | Poznańskie Towarzystwo Przyjaciół Nauk | 0 | ✔ |
2083-6090 | Lingua Posnaniesia | "Versita" | 0 | ✔ |
1720-9331 | Lingue e linguaggio | Il Mulino | 1 | ✔ |
2612-0488 | Lingue e linguaggio (e-vir) | Il Mulino | 0 | ✔ |
1132-0214 | Lingüistica | Asociación de Lingüistica y Filología de la América Latina | 0 | |
2079-312X | Lingüística | Asociación de lingüística y filología de la América Latina | 0 | |
0304-2294 | Linguistica Antverpiensia | Hoger Instituut voor Vertalers en Tolken; University Press Antwerp | 0 | |
1230-3984 | Linguistica Baltica | Warsaw University. Chair of General and Baltic Linguistics.; Uniwersytet Warszawski. Katedra Katedra Jęezykoznawstwa Ogólnego i Bałtystyki.; Uniwersytet Jagielloński. Katedra Jęezykoznawstwa Ogólnego i Indoeuropejskiego, Kraków. | 0 | |
0392-6907 | Linguistica computazionale | Istituto di linguistica computazionale del Consiglio nazionale delle ricerche.; Consiglio nazionale delle ricerche. Istituto di linguistica computazionale. | 0 | |
0392-6915 | Linguistica e letteratura | Giardini | 0 | ✔ |
1724-0522 | Linguistica e letteratura | Istituti Editoriali e Poligrafici Internazionali | 0 | ✔ |
0210-6345 | Lingüística española actual | Arco/Libros | 0 | |
0098-9053 | Linguistic analysis | American Elsevier | 0 | |
0765-0108 | Linguistica palatina | Presses de l'Université de Paris IV-Sorbonne | 0 | |
0862-8432 | Linguistica pragensia | Ústay pro jazyk český Akademie věd ČR | 0 | |
1805-9635 | Linguistica Pragensia (e-vir) | Univerzita Karlova v Praze, Filozofická fakulta | 0 | |
0208-4228 | Linguistica Silesiana | Zakład Narodowy im. Ossolińskich | 0 | |
1736-7506 | Linguistica Uralica (e-vir) | Teaduste Akadeemia Kirjastus | 0 | |
0024-3892 | Linguistic inquiry | MIT Press | 0 | ✔ |
1530-9150 | Linguistic inquiry (e-vir) | MIT Press | 0 | ✔ |
0024-3949 | Linguistics | Mouton de Gruyter | 0 | ✔ |
1613-396X | Linguistics (e-vir) | Mouton de Gruyter. | 0 | ✔ |
0898-5898 | Linguistics and education | Ablex Pub. Corp. | 0 | ✔ |
1873-1864 | Linguistics and education (e-vir) | Elsevier Inc. | 0 | ✔ |
0165-0157 | Linguistics and philosophy | Kluwer Academic Publishers | 0 | ✔ |
1573-0549 | Linguistics and philosophy (e-vir) | Kluwer | 0 | ✔ |
1742-2906 | Linguistics and the human sciences | Equinox | 0 | ✔ |
1743-1662 | Linguistics and the human sciences (e-vir) | Equinox | 0 | ✔ |
0731-3500 | Linguistics of the Tibeto-Burman area | University of California, Berkeley.; La Trobe University. | 0 | |
1430-0532 | Linguistic typology | Mouton de Gruyter | 0 | ✔ |
1613-415X | Linguistic typology (e-vir) | Mouton de Gruyter | 0 | ✔ |
1615-3014 | Linguistik online (e-vir) | Kulturwissenschaftliche Fakultät an der Europa-Universität Viadrina | 0 | ✔ |
0994-7744 | Linguistique africaine | Groupe d'études et de recherches en linguistique africaine ( France) | 0 | |
0024-3930 | Linguistische Berichte | H. Buske | 0 | |
2366-0775 | Linguistische Berichte (e-vir) | H. Buske | 0 | |
0378-4169 | Lingvisticae investigationes | John Benjamins | 0 | ✔ |
1569-9927 | Lingvisticae investigationes | John Benjamins | 0 | ✔ |
0868-4731 | Lingvistika Uralica | "Periodika" | 0 | |
1594-5359 | Links | Istituti Editoriali e Poligrafici Internazionali. | 0 | ✔ |
1724-1685 | Links | Istituti Editoriali e Poligrafici Internazionali. | 0 | ✔ |
0246-8743 | Linx | Centre de recherches linguistiques de Paris 10 | 0 | |
0024-4457 | Listy filologické | Academia | 0 | |
2570-9410 | Listy filologické (e-vir) | Kabinet pro klasická studia FLÚ AV ČR, v. v. i | 0 | |
1477-4615 | Literary & linguistic computing (e-vir) | Oxford University Press | 0 | |
0268-1145 | Literary and linguistic computing | Oxford University Press | 0 | |
1707-0228 | Literary research (e-vir) | International Comparative Literature Association; University of Western Ontario | 0 | |
0258-2279 | Literator | Potchefstroomse Universiteit vir Christelike Hoër Onderwys.; AOSIS Publishing; AOSIS (Pty) Ltd | 0 | ✔ |
2219-8237 | Literator (e-vir) | [Potchefstroomse Universiteit vir Christelike Hoër Onderwys] | 0 | ✔ |
0258-0802 | Literatura | Vilniaus universitetas | 0 | ✔ |
1648-1143 | Literatura (e-vir) | Vilniaus universiteto leidykla | 0 | ✔ |
1648-5475 | Literatura (e-vir) | Vilniaus universitetas | 0 | |
1043-6928 | Literature, interpretation, theory | Gordon and Breach | 0 | ✔ |
1545-5866 | Literature, interpretation, theory | Gordon and Breach; Routledge | 0 | ✔ |
2050-4594 | Literature & history (e-vir) | Manchester University Press | 0 | ✔ |
0269-1205 | Literature & theology | Oxford University Press | 0 | ✔ |
0306-1973 | Literature and history | Thames Polytechnic | 0 | ✔ |
0278-9671 | Literature and medicine | State University of New York Press | 0 | ✔ |
1080-6571 | Literature and medicine | Johns Hopkins University Press | 0 | ✔ |
1477-4623 | Literature and theology (e-vir) | Oxford University Press | 0 | ✔ |
0090-4260 | Literature film quarterly | Salisbury State College | 0 | |
2573-7597 | Literature film quarterly (e-vir) | Salisbury State College | 0 | |
0343-1657 | Literatur für Leser:innen | 0 | ||
0024-4643 | Literatur in Wissenschaft und Unterricht | Königshausen und Neumann | 0 | |
0324-0495 | Literaturna mis"l | B'lgarska akademija na naukite | 0 | |
1314-9237 | Literaturna misʺl (e-vir) | Institut za literatura - BAN | 0 | |
0024-466X | Literatur und Kritik | O. Müller | 0 | |
1578-5130 | Litterae | Universidad Carlos III de Madrid. Instituto de Cultura y Tecnología. Litterae Seminario sobre Cultura Escrita. | 0 | |
0862-8424 | Litteraria Pragensia | Univerzita Karlova | 0 | |
0047-4800 | Littérature | Larousse | 0 | |
1958-5926 | Littérature (e-vir) | Armand Colin | 0 | |
0992-5279 | Littératures classiques | Société de littératures classiques; Aux amateurs de livres | 0 | |
2260-8478 | Littératures classiques (e-vir) | Société des littératures classiques (Toulouse) | 0 | |
1627-4970 | Livraisons d'histoire de l'architecture | Livraisons d'histoire de l'architecture (France) | 0 | |
0076-0188 | Llên Cymru | Bwrdd Gwybodau Celtaidd Prifysgol Cymru | 0 | ✔ |
2058-5071 | Llên Cymru (e-vir) | Gwasg Prifysgol Cymru | 0 | ✔ |
1239-6826 | Lline | KVS Foundation | 0 | |
0210-8615 | Llull | Sociedad Española de Historia de las Ciencias | 0 | |
0143-2974 | Local population studies | Cambridge Group for the History of Population and Social Structure.; Local Population Studies Society.; University of Nottingham.; Local Population Studies (Organisation) | 0 | |
1476-0290 | Locke studies | University of York.; University of Lancaster. | 0 | |
2561-925X | Locke studies (e-vir) | Western Libraries at The University of Western Ontario | 0 | |
1135-9722 | Locvs amoenvs | Universidad Autónoma de Barcelona. Departamento de Arte. | 0 | ✔ |
2014-8798 | Locvs amoenvs | Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona, Servei de Publicacions | 0 | ✔ |
1425-3305 | Logic and Logical Philosophy | Nicholas Copernicus University Press | 0 | ✔ |
2300-9802 | Logic and Logical Philosophy (e-vir) | Uniwersytet Mikołaja Kopernika (Toruń) | 0 | |
1367-0751 | Logic journal of the IGPL | Oxford University Press | 0 | ✔ |
0024-5836 | Logique et analyse | Centre National Belge de Recherches de Logique | 0 | |
2295-5836 | Logique et analyse. Nouvelle série (e-vir) | Uitgeverij Peeters | 0 | |
0459-6935 | Logopedia | Związek Nauczycielstwa Polskiego.; Polskie Towarzystwo Logopedyczne. | 0 | |
1401-5439 | Logopedics, phoniatrics, vocology | Nordisk samarbejdsråd for logopedi og foniatri.; British Voice Association. | 0 | ✔ |
1651-2022 | Logopedics, phoniatrics, vocology (e-vir) | Scandinavian University Press | 0 | ✔ |
1575-6866 | Logos | Servicio de Publicaciones, Universidad Complutense. | 0 | |
1886-7979 | Logos (e-vir) | Universidad Complutense de Madrid. Departamento de Filosofía I.; Universidad Complutense de Madrid. Departamento de Filosofía IV. | 0 | |
1988-3242 | Logos | Universidad Complutense, Servicio de Publicaciones | 0 | |
0024-631X | Long room | Trinity College (Dublin). Library. Friends of the Library | 0 | |
1124-9064 | Lotus international | Elemond | 0 | |
0024-6964 | Louvain studies | Katholieke Universiteit. Faculteit der theologie | 0 | |
1904-4135 | LSP journal (e-vir) | Copenhagen Business School | 0 | |
0213-2338 | Lucentum | Universidad de Alicante | 0 | |
1989-9904 | Lucentum | Publicaciones de la Universidad de Alicante | 0 | ✔ |
0076-1508 | Lusitania sacra | U.C.P. | 0 | ✔ |
2182-8822 | Lusitania sacra (e-vir) | Centro de Estudos de História Religiosa da Universidade Católica | 0 | ✔ |
0024-7413 | Luso-Brazilian review | University of Wisconsin Press | 0 | |
1548-9957 | Luso-Brazilian review (e-vir) | University of Wisconsin Press | 0 | |
0931-9484 | Lusorama | Schönberger | 0 | |
0024-7421 | Lustrum | Vandenhoeck und Ruprecht | 0 | |
0340-6210 | Luther | Vandenhoeck und Ruprecht. | 0 | |
0928-2378 | Luther-bulletin | Interconfessionele Werkgroep Lutheronderzoek | 0 | |
0076-1648 | Lychnos (e-vir) | Lärdomshistoriska samfundet | 0 | |
2004-4852 | Lychnos (e-vir) | Lärdomshistoriska samfundet | 0 | |
0014-3855 | Lʹ Évolution Psychiatrique | Éditions scientifiques et médicales Elsevier | 0 | ✔ |
0024-855X | Maal og minne | Bymålslaget | 0 | ✔ |
1890-5455 | Maal og minne (e-vir) | Novus | 0 | ✔ |
0922-6567 | Machine translation | Kluwer Academic | 0 | |
1573-0573 | Machine translation (e-vir) | Kluwer | 0 | |
0922-369X | Madoc | Firapeel, Vereniging voor Mediëvistiek; Rijksuniversiteit Utrecht. Vrije Studierichting Mediëvistiek | 0 | |
1217-7768 | Magyar egyházzene | A Magyar Egyházzenei Társaság | 0 | |
0025-0090 | Magyar filozófiai szemle | Akadémiai K. | 0 | |
0025-0228 | Magyar nyelv | Magyar nyelvtudományi társaság = Society of Hungarian Linguistics | 0 | |
1588-1210 | Magyar nyelv (e-vir) | Magy. Nyelvtud. Társ; C3 Alapítvány | 0 | |
0541-9298 | Magyar nyelvjárások | KLTE | 0 | |
0025-0236 | Magyar nyelvőr | a Magyar Tudományos Akadémia Nyelvtudományi Intézete | 0 | |
1585-4515 | Magyar nyelvőr (e-vir) | MTA Magy. Nyelvi Bizott. | 0 | |
0025-0260 | Magyar pedagógia | Akadémiai K. | 0 | |
1789-9486 | Magyar terminológia | Akadémiai Kiadó | 0 | |
2060-2774 | Magyar terminológia (e-vir) | Akadémiai Kiadó | 0 | |
0025-0384 | Magyar zene | Lapk. | 0 | |
0025-0538 | Maia | Cappelli | 0 | |
2611-805X | Maia (e-vir) | Morcelliana | 0 | |
0076-2725 | Mainfränkisches Jahrbuch für Geschichte und Kunst | Freunde Mainfränkischer Kunst und Geschichte | 0 | |
0076-2792 | Mainzer Zeitschrift | Mainzer Altertumsverein | 0 | |
0025-2603 | Manuscripta | St. Louis University Library] | 0 | ✔ |
2031-0226 | Manuscripta (e-vir) | Brepols Publishers | 0 | ✔ |
0213-2397 | Manuscrits | Universidad Autónoma de Barcelona. Departamento de Historia Moderna y Contemporánea. | 0 | ✔ |
2014-6000 | Manuscrits | UAB,Departament d'Història Moderna | 0 | ✔ |
0025-2638 | Manuskripte | Forum Stadtpark | 0 | |
0342-121X | Marburger Jahrbuch für Kunstwissenschaft | Verl. des Kunstgeschichtl. Inst. der Philipps-Univ. Marburg. | 0 | |
1612-2941 | Marburg journal of religion (e-vir) | Marburg journal of religion c/o Institut für Vergleichende Kulturforschung, Religionswissenschaft und Völkerkunde, Fachgebiet Religionswissenschaft | 0 | |
0542-6669 | Marche romane | Association des romanistes de l'Université de Liège. | 0 | |
1626-3162 | Marges linguistiques (e-vir) | MLMS | 0 | |
0025-4606 | Maske und Kothurn | Böhlau Verlag | 0 | |
0025-5025 | Master drawings | Master Drawings Association. | 0 | |
2330-0515 | Master drawings (e-vir) | Master Drawings Association | 0 | |
0932-9714 | Matatu | Ehling.; Rodopi. | 0 | ✔ |
1875-7421 | Matatu | Rodopi | 0 | ✔ |
1183-1073 | Material history review | National Museum of Science and Technology (Canada); Canada Science and Technology Museum. | 0 | |
0392-6338 | Materiali e discussioni per l'analisi dei testi classici | Istituti Editoriali e Poligrafici Internazionali. | 0 | ✔ |
1724-1693 | Materiali e discussioni per l'analisi dei testi classici | Istituti Editoriali e Poligrafici Internazionali. | 0 | ✔ |
1532-7833 | Mathematical thinking & learning | L. Erlbaum Associates | 0 | ✔ |
1098-6065 | Mathematical thinking and learning | L. Erlbaum Associates | 0 | ✔ |
0025-6285 | Meander | Państwowe Wydawnictwo Naukowe | 0 | |
0748-1756 | Measurement and evaluation in counseling and development | Association for Measurement and Evaluation in Counseling and Development | 0 | ✔ |
1947-6302 | Measurement and evaluation in counseling and development | American Counseling Association; Sage | 0 | ✔ |
0085-3208 | Meddelelser fra Ny Carlsberg Glyptotek | Ny Carlsberg Glyptotek. | 0 | |
0085-7262 | Meddelelser fra Thorvaldsens Museum | Thorvaldsens Museum | 0 | |
0770-1241 | Mededelingen van de Koninklijke Academie voor Wetenschappen, Letteren en Schone Kunsten van België. Klasse der Letteren | Koninklijke Vlaamse Academie van Wetenschappen, Letteren en Schone Kunsten van België | 0 | |
0772-1455 | Mededelingen van het Cyriel Buysse Genootschap | A.M. Mussehoot, R.U.G. | 0 | |
0923-7011 | Mededelingen van wege het Spinozahuis | Spinozahuis. | 0 | |
0872-0991 | Mediaevalia. | Fundação Engenheiro António de Almeida. | 0 | |
0862-979X | Mediaevalia Historica Bohemica | Historický ústav ČSAV; Historický ústav AV ČR v.v.i. | 0 | |
2788-2543 | Mediaevalia Historica Bohemica (e-vir) | Historický ústav AV ČR v.v.i. | 0 | |
0076-5872 | Mediaeval studies | Pontifical Institute of Mediaeval Studies | 0 | |
0934-7453 | Mediaevistik | Lang | 0 | |
2199-806X | Mediaevistik (e-vir) | Lang | 0 | |
Y509-8858 | Mediaevistik (e-vir) | Lang | 0 | |
1368-8804 | Media history | Taylor & Francis | 0 | ✔ |
1469-9729 | Media history (e-vir) | Carfax; Routledge | 0 | ✔ |
1521-3269 | Media psychology | Lawrence Erlbaum Associates | 0 | ✔ |
1532-785X | Media psychology (e-vir) | L. Erlbaum Associates. | 0 | ✔ |
0308-0110 | Medical education | Blackwell Scientific Publ. | 0 | ✔ |
1365-2923 | Medical education (e-vir) | Blackwell Science. | 0 | ✔ |
0025-7273 | Medical history | Wellcome Institute for the History of Medicine | 0 | ✔ |
2048-8343 | Medical history (e-vir) | Wellcome Institute for the History of Medicine | 0 | ✔ |
0142-159X | Medical teacher | Carfax | 0 | ✔ |
1466-187X | Medical teacher (e-vir) | Carfax | 0 | ✔ |
1722-2206 | Medicina & Storia | Edizioni Polistampa | 0 | |
0025-7877 | Medicina nei secoli | Università degli studi, Perugia; Università degli studi La Sapienza, Roma. Istituto di storia della medicina | 0 | |
1386-7423 | Medicine, health care and philosophy | Kluwer Academic Publishers | 0 | ✔ |
1572-8633 | Medicine, health care and philosophy (e-vir) | Kluwer | 0 | ✔ |
1424-3636 | Medienpädagogik | Red.: MedienPädagogik c/o Pädagogische Hochschule Zürich | 0 | ✔ |
0731-3403 | Medieval & Renaissance drama in England | AMS Press | 0 | |
0584-4150 | Medieval and Renaissance studies | Southeastern Institute of Medieval and Renaissance Studies. | 0 | |
0076-6097 | Medieval archaeology | Society for Medieval Archaeology | 0 | ✔ |
1745-817X | Medieval archaeology (e-vir) | Society for Medieval Archaeology | 0 | ✔ |
1358-2496 | Medieval ceramics | Medieval Pottery Research Group. | 0 | |
1614-435X | Medieval English mirror | Lang | 0 | |
0143-3784 | Medieval English theatre | Medieval English Theatre. | 0 | |
0751-2708 | Médiévales | Centre de recherche de l'Université de Paris huit; Presses universitaires de Vincennes | 0 | |
1777-5892 | Médiévales (e-vir) | Presses universitaires de Vincennes | 0 | ✔ |
1536-8742 | Medieval feminist forum | University of Oregon.; Society for Medieval Feminist Scholarship.; Minot State University.; Minot State University. | 0 | |
0076-6127 | Medievalia et humanistica | Medieval and Neo-Latin Society.; Medieval and Renaissance Society. | 0 | |
1131-8155 | Medievalismo | Sociedad Española de Estudios Medievales.; Ediciones de la Universidad de Murcia | 0 | ✔ |
1989-8312 | Medievalismo | Sociedad Española de Estudios Medievales; Ediciones de la Universidad de Murcia | 0 | ✔ |
1057-0608 | Medieval philosophy & theology | University of Notre Dame Press | 0 | ✔ |
1475-4525 | Medieval philosophy and theology | Cambridge University Press. | 0 | ✔ |
1366-0691 | Medieval sermon studies | International Medieval Sermon Studies Society | 0 | ✔ |
1749-6276 | Medieval sermon studies (e-vir) | published for the International Medieval Sermon Studies Society under the auspices of the Centre for Medieval Studies (Leeds) | 0 | ✔ |
0391-2566 | Medioevo | Antenore; Poligrafo | 0 | |
0394-7858 | Medioevo e Rinascimento | Università di Firenze. Dipartimento di studi sul Medioevo e il Rinascimento. | 0 | |
1593-456X | Medioevo greco | Edizioni dell'Orso. | 0 | |
1724-9090 | Medioevo letterario d'Italia | Accademia Editoriale | 0 | ✔ |
1825-389X | Medioevo letterario d'Italia | Istituti Editoriali e Poligrafici Internazionali | 0 | ✔ |
0390-0711 | Medioevo romanzo | Macchiaroli Gaetano | 0 | |
1824-3010 | Mediterranea | Mediterranea | 0 | |
1828-230X | Mediterranea. Ricerche storiche (e-vir) | Mediterranea | 0 | |
0951-8967 | Mediterranean historical review | Frank Cass | 0 | ✔ |
1743-940X | Mediterranean historical review (e-vir) | F. Cass | 0 | ✔ |
1024-5375 | Mediterranean journal of educational studies | Faculty of Education, University of Malta | 0 | |
1127-6061 | Mediterraneo antico | Istituti editoriali e poligrafici internazionali ;; Fabrizio Serra, | 0 | |
1824-8225 | Mediterraneo antico | Istituti editoriali e poligrafici internazionali; Istituti editoriali e poligrafici internazionali | 0 | |
0025-8385 | Medium ævum | Basil Blackwell | 0 | |
2398-1423 | Medium ævum (e-vir) | Society for the Study of Medieval Languages and Literature | 0 | |
0939-351X | Medizin, Gesellschaft und Geschichte | Steiner | 0 | |
0025-8431 | Medizinhistorisches Journal | 0 | ✔ | |
1611-4477 | Medizinhistorisches Journal (e-vir) | Steiner | 0 | |
1231-1960 | Medycyna Nowożytna | Polska Akademia Nauk. Instytut Historii Nauki.; Śląska Akademia Medyczna (Katowice); Śląski Uniwersytet Medyczny (Katowice); Śląski Uniwersytet Medyczny (Katowice).; Polska Akademia Nauk. | 0 | |
0575-1330 | Mélanges | Institut dominicain d'études orientales | 0 | ✔ |
0223-5102 | Mélanges de l'Ecole française de Rome | Ecole française de Rome; De Boccard | 0 | |
1123-9891 | Mélanges de l'École française de Rome | École française | 0 | |
1724-2142 | Mélanges de l'École française de Rome (e-vir) | École française de Rome | 0 | |
1724-2134 | Mélanges de l'École française de Rome. Antiquité (e-vir) | École française de Rome | 0 | |
1123-9883 | Mélanges de l'École française de Rome. Moyen Age | École française de Rome. | 0 | |
0076-230X | Mélanges de la Casa de Velázquez | Casa de Velázquez | 0 | ✔ |
2173-1306 | Mélanges de la Casa de Velázquez (e-vir) | Casa de Velázquez | 0 | ✔ |
0025-8911 | Mélanges de science religieuse | Institut catholique de Lille | 0 | |
1946-3170 | MELUS (e-vir) | Society for the Study of the Multi-Ethnic Literature of the United States | 0 | ✔ |
0163-755X | MELUS; | Society for the Study of the Multi-Ethnic Literature of the United States | 0 | ✔ |
0378-116X | Memórias da Academia das Ciências de Lisboa. | A.C.L. | 0 | |
0965-8211 | Memory | Lawrence Erlbaum | 0 | ✔ |
1464-0686 | Memory (e-vir) | Taylor & Francis | 0 | ✔ |
0090-502X | Memory & cognition | 0 | ✔ | |
1532-5946 | Memory & cognition (e-vir) | Psychonomic Society | 0 | ✔ |
1097-184X | Men and masculinities | Sage Publications, Inc. | 1 | ✔ |
1552-6828 | Men and masculinities (e-vir) | Sage Publications | 0 | ✔ |
1080-4013 | Mental retardation and developmental disabilities research reviews | Wiley-Liss | 0 | |
1098-2779 | Mental retardation and developmental disabilities research reviews (e-vir) | Wiley-Liss, Inc. | 0 | |
0394-4115 | Meridiana | Istituto meridionale di storia e scienze sociali | 0 | ✔ |
1973-2244 | Meridiana | Viella | 0 | ✔ |
1536-6936 | Meridians | Wesleyan University Press [2000]- | 0 | ✔ |
1547-8424 | Meridians (e-vir) | Wesleyan University Press | 0 | ✔ |
0272-930X | Merrill-Palmer quarterly | Wayne State University Press | 0 | ✔ |
1535-0266 | Merrill-Palmer quarterly (e-vir) | Wayne State University Press | 0 | ✔ |
1105-3399 | Mesaiōnika kai Nea Ellīnika | Akadīmia Athīnōn. Kentron Ereunīs tou Mesaiōnikou kai Neou Ellīnismou | 0 | |
0823-3993 | Mesure et évaluation en éducation | Association des spécialistes de la mesure et de l'évaluation en éducation. | 0 | |
2368-2000 | Mesure et évaluation en éducation (e-vir) | ADMEE-Canada, Université Laval | 0 | |
0026-0452 | Meta | Presses de l'Université de Montréal | 1 | |
1492-1421 | Meta (e-vir) | Les Presses de l'Université de Montréal | 0 | |
1556-1623 | Metacognition and learning | Springer Science + Business | 0 | ✔ |
1556-1631 | Metacognition and learning | Springer | 0 | ✔ |
0026-1068 | Metaphilosophy | Basil Blackwell | 0 | ✔ |
1467-9973 | Metaphilosophy (e-vir) | Blackwell Publishers | 0 | ✔ |
1092-6488 | Metaphor and symbol | Lawrence Erlbaum Associates | 0 | ✔ |
1532-7868 | Metaphor and symbol (e-vir) | L. Erlbaum Associates | 0 | ✔ |
1618-2006 | Metaphorik.de | Metaphorik.de c/o D. Osthus c/o Universität Bonn, Romanisches Seminar | 0 | |
1865-0716 | Metaphorik.de | Wehrhahn | 0 | |
1437-2053 | Metaphysica | de Gruyter | 0 | ✔ |
1874-6373 | Metaphysica (e-vir) | de Gruyter | 0 | ✔ |
0815-0796 | Metascience | Lloyd Media for the Australasian Association for the History, Philosophy and Social Studies of Science | 0 | ✔ |
1467-9981 | Metascience | Blackwell. | 0 | ✔ |
0327-0289 | Méthexis | Academia-Verl.. | 0 | |
2468-0974 | Méthexis (e-vir) | Brill | 0 | |
0943-3058 | Method & theory in the study of religion | Mouton de Gruyter | 0 | ✔ |
1570-0682 | Method & theory in the study of religion | Brill | 0 | ✔ |
0995-3310 | Métis | Centre Louis Gernet (Paris) | 0 | |
0077-8958 | Metropolitan Museum journal | Metropolitan Museum of Art | 0 | |
2169-3072 | Metropolitan Museum journal (e-vir) | Metropolitan Museum of Art | 0 | |
0026-3206 | Middle Eastern studies | Frank Cass | 0 | ✔ |
1743-7881 | Middle Eastern studies (e-vir) | Frank Cass & Co. | 0 | ✔ |
1783-1628 | MIDEO (e-vir) | Institut Scientifique Français d'Archéologie Orientale | 0 | ✔ |
1756-381X | Midland history (e-vir) | Phillimore | 0 | ✔ |
0047-729X | Midland History | University of Birmingham. | 0 | ✔ |
0363-6550 | Midwest studies in philosophy | University of Minnesota, Morris | 0 | ✔ |
1475-4975 | Midwest studies in philosophy (e-vir) | Blackwell Pub. | 0 | ✔ |
0026-3826 | Militärgeschichtliche Mitteilungen | Militärgeschichtliches Forschungsamt.; MGFA. | 0 | |
0899-5605 | Military psychology | L. Erlbaum Associates | 0 | ✔ |
1532-7876 | Military psychology (e-vir) | L. Erlbaum Associates. | 0 | ✔ |
0922-0887 | Millennium | Katholieke Universiteit Nijmegen. Centrum voor Middeleeuwse Studies.; Stichting Millennium. | 0 | |
1782-3404 | Millennium | Brepols | 0 | |
0026-4326 | Milton quarterly | Dept. of English, Ohio University | 0 | ✔ |
1094-348X | Milton quarterly (e-vir) | Johns Hopkins University Press | 0 | ✔ |
0026-4423 | Mind | Oxford University Press | 0 | ✔ |
1074-9039 | Mind, culture, and activity | Laboratory of Comparative Human Cognition, University of California, San Diego | 0 | ✔ |
1532-7884 | Mind, culture, and activity (e-vir) | L. Erlbaum Associates. | 0 | ✔ |
0268-1064 | Mind & language | Basil Blackwell | 0 | ✔ |
1468-0017 | Mind & language (e-vir) | Blackwell Publishers | 0 | ✔ |
1593-7879 | Mind & society | Springer | 0 | ✔ |
1860-1839 | Mind & society | Springer | 0 | ✔ |
1460-2113 | Mind online (e-vir) | Oxford University Press | 0 | ✔ |
0924-6495 | Minds and machines | Kluwer Academic Publishers | 0 | ✔ |
1572-8641 | Minds and machines (e-vir) | Kluwer | 0 | ✔ |
0026-4695 | Minerva | The international association for cultural freedom | 0 | ✔ |
0213-9634 | Minerva | Universidad de Valladolid | 0 | |
1573-1871 | Minerva (e-vir) | Kluwer | 0 | ✔ |
2530-6480 | Minerva (e-vir) | Universidad de Valladolid | 0 | |
1128-2134 | Minima epigraphica et papyrologica | "L'Erma" di Bretschneider | 0 | |
2283-3161 | Minima epigraphica et papyrologica (e-vir) | Università degli studi, Catanzaro. Dipartimento di diritto dell'organizzazione pubblica economia e società | 0 | |
0544-3733 | Minos | Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas, Colegio Trilingüe de la Universidad | 0 | |
2530-9110 | Minos (e-vir) | Universidad de Salamanca | 0 | |
0257-5779 | Minzu yuwen | Zhongguo Shehui Kexueyuan Chubanshe | 0 | |
1137-6368 | Miscelánea | Departamento de Filología Inglesa y Alemana, Universidad de Zaragoza | 0 | ✔ |
2386-4834 | Miscelánea (e-vir) | Universidad de Zaragoza, Departamento de Filología Inglesa y Alemana | 0 | ✔ |
0256-9507 | Missionalia | Southern African Missiological Society. | 0 | |
2312-878X | Missionalia (e-vir) | Southern African Missiological Society | 0 | |
0168-9789 | Mission studies | IAMS secretariat. | 0 | ✔ |
1573-3831 | Mission studies | Brill | 0 | ✔ |
1013-6800 | Mitteilungen der Gesellschaft für vergleichende Kunstforschung in Wien | Gesellschaft für vergleichende Kunstforschung | 0 | |
0342-1287 | Mitteilungen des Deutschen Archäologischen Instituts | W. Regenberg | 0 | |
0342-1295 | Mitteilungen des Deutschen Archäologischen Instituts, Athenische Abteilung | P. von Zabern | 0 | |
0073-8484 | Mitteilungen des Instituts für österreichische Geschichtsforschung | Verlag der Wagner'schen Universitäts-Buchhandlung | 0 | |
2307-2903 | Mitteilungen des Instituts für Österreichische Geschichtsforschung (e-vir) | Böhlau | 0 | |
0342-1201 | Mitteilungen des Kunsthistorischen Institutes in Florenz | Kunsthistorisches Institut | 0 | |
2532-2737 | Mitteilungen des Kunsthistorischen Instituts in Florenz (e-vir) | Bruno Cassirer | 0 | |
1025-6555 | Mitteilungen zur Christlichen Archäologie | Verlag der Österreichischen Akademie der Wissenschaften | 0 | ✔ |
1814-2036 | Mitteilungen zur Christlichen Archäologie | Verlag der Österreichischen Akademie der Wissenschaften | 0 | ✔ |
1434-7091 | Mitteilungen zur spätantiken Archäologie und byzantinischen Kunstgeschichte | 0 | ||
1420-6994 | Mittelalter | Schweizerischer Burgenverein | 0 | |
0076-9762 | Mittellateinisches Jahrbuch | Hiersemann. | 0 | |
0941-6382 | Mittelweg 36 | Hamburger Ed. HIS-Verl. Ges., | 0 | |
0026-7910 | MLN | Johns Hopkins Press. | 0 | ✔ |
1080-6598 | MLN (e-vir) | Johns Hopkins Press | 0 | ✔ |
0026-7074 | Mnemosyne | Brill | 0 | ✔ |
1568-525X | Mnemosyne | Brill | 0 | ✔ |
1825-909X | Mnemosyne (e-vir) | Università degli Studi, Pisa. Dipartimento di Linguistica | 0 | |
1105-3917 | Mnīmōn.; Μνημων | Etaireia Meletīs Neou Ellīnismou; Εταιρεία Μελέτης Νέου Ελληνισμού | 0 | |
0249-6267 | Modèles linguistiques | Université de Toulon et du Var; Centre interdisciplinaire de recherches en linguistique (Villeneuve d'Ascq, Nord) | 0 | |
0963-9489 | Modern & contemporary France | Longman Group UK | 0 | ✔ |
1469-9869 | Modern & contemporary France (e-vir) | Carfax International Publishers | 0 | ✔ |
1128-6326 | Moderna | Istituti editoriali e poligrafici internazionali. | 0 | ✔ |
1724-0530 | Moderna | Istituti Editoriali e Poligrafici Internazionali. | 0 | ✔ |
0026-749X | Modern Asian studies | Cambridge University Press | 0 | ✔ |
1469-8099 | Modern Asian studies (e-vir) | Cambridge University Press | 0 | ✔ |
0026-8577 | Moderna språk | Modern Language Teachers' Association of Sweden | 0 | ✔ |
0026-7503 | Modern Austrian literature | University of California | 0 | |
2474-3240 | Modern Austrian literature (e-vir) | Internatioinal Arthur Schnitzler Research Association | 0 | |
0097-7004 | Modern China | Sage Publications. | 0 | ✔ |
1552-6836 | Modern China (e-vir) | Sage Publications | 0 | ✔ |
0026-7694 | Modern drama | A.M. Hakkert | 4 | ✔ |
1712-5286 | Modern drama | University of Toronto Press | 0 | ✔ |
0026-8666 | Moderne Sprachen | Verband der Österreichischen Neuphilologen | 0 | |
0026-7724 | Modern fiction studies | J. Hopkins University Press for the Dept. of English, Purdue University | 0 | ✔ |
1080-658X | Modern fiction studies (e-vir) | J. Hopkins University Press | 0 | ✔ |
1210-6860 | Moderní dějiny | Historický ústav AV ČR | 0 | |
1479-2443 | Modern intellectual history | Cambridge University Press | 0 | ✔ |
1479-2451 | Modern intellectual history (e-vir) | Cambridge University Press | 0 | ✔ |
1353-2944 | Modern Italy | Carfax Publishing Limited | 0 | ✔ |
1469-9877 | Modern Italy (e-vir) | [Association for the Study of Modern Italy] | 0 | ✔ |
0026-7929 | Modern language quarterly | Duke University | 0 | ✔ |
1527-1943 | Modern language quarterly (e-vir) | Duke University Press | 0 | ✔ |
0026-7937 | Modern language review | Modern Humanities Research Association | 0 | ✔ |
0047-7729 | Modern language studies | [Northeast Modern Language Association] | 0 | |
2325-9019 | Modern language studies (e-vir) | Northeast Modern Language Association | 0 | |
0026-8232 | Modern philology | University of Chicago Press | 0 | ✔ |
1545-6951 | Modern philology (e-vir) | University of Chicago Press | 0 | ✔ |
0266-7177 | Modern theology | Basil Blackwell | 0 | ✔ |
1468-0025 | Modern theology (e-vir) | Blackwell Publishers | 0 | ✔ |
0026-9271 | Monatshefte | University of Wisconsin | 0 | |
1934-2810 | Monatshefte (e-vir) | University of Wisconsin Press | 0 | |
0037-976X | Monographs of the Society for Research in Child Development | The Society | 0 | |
1540-5834 | Monographs of the Society for Research in Child Development (e-vir) | Society for Research in Child Development | 0 | |
1880-1390 | Monumenta Nipponica | Sophia University | 0 | |
0027-0741 | Monumenta Nipponica = | Sophia University | 0 | |
0254-9948 | Monumenta serica | Monumenta Serica | 0 | ✔ |
2057-1690 | Monumenta serica (e-vir) | Maney Publishing | 0 | ✔ |
0872-8747 | Monumentos | Direcção Geral dos Edifícios e Monumentos Nacionais, | 0 | |
1871-5621 | Morphology | Springer | 0 | ✔ |
1871-5656 | Morphology (e-vir) | Springer Netherlands | 0 | ✔ |
0146-7239 | Motivation and emotion | Plenum Press. | 0 | ✔ |
1573-6644 | Motivation and emotion (e-vir) | Kluwer | 0 | ✔ |
1087-1640 | Motor control | Human Kinetics | 0 | ✔ |
1543-2696 | Motor control (e-vir) | Human Kinetics Publishers | 0 | ✔ |
0243-6450 | Mots | Presses de la Fondation nationale des sciences politiques; Éditions du Centre national de la recherche scientifique; Éditions de la Maison des sciences de l'homme; ENS éd | 0 | |
1496-9343 | Mouseion | University of Calgary Press for the Classical Association of Canada | 0 | ✔ |
1913-5416 | Mouseion | Classical Association of Canada. | 0 | ✔ |
0027-2841 | Moyen-âge | Renaissance du Livre | 0 | |
0226-0174 | Moyen français | Editions CERES. | 0 | ✔ |
1861-9053 | Mozart-Jahrbuch ... der Akademie für Mozart-Forschung der Internationalen Stiftung Mozarteum Salzburg | Akademie für Mozart-Forschung der Internationalen Stiftung Mozarteum Salzburg. | 0 | |
1432-8534 | MPR online (e-vir) | Institute for Science Education at the University of Kiel | 0 | |
1750-497X | Multicultural education & technology journal | Emerald | 0 | |
1750-4988 | Multicultural education & technology journal (e-vir) | Emerald | 0 | |
0167-8507 | Multilingua | Mouton de Gruyter | 0 | ✔ |
1613-3684 | Multilingua | Mouton de Gruyter. | 0 | ✔ |
0292-0107 | Multitudes | Ed. Exils, | 0 | |
0027-3171 | Multivariate behavioral research | Society of Multivariate Experimental Psychology | 0 | ✔ |
1532-7906 | Multivariate behavioral research (e-vir) | L. Erlbaum Associates | 0 | ✔ |
0077-1910 | Münchener Studien zur Sprachwissenschaft | Kitzinger | 0 | |
0580-1400 | Münchener theologische Zeitschrift | EOS | 0 | |
0077-1899 | Münchner Jahrbuch der bildenden Kunst | Prestel | 0 | |
0722-4532 | Münstersche Beiträge zur antiken Handelsgeschichte | Scripta-Mercaturae-Verl. | 0 | |
0732-2992 | Muqarnas | Yale University Press | 0 | ✔ |
2211-8993 | Muqarnas (e-vir) | Brill | 0 | ✔ |
0392-6931 | Museum criticum | Università di Bologna. Istituto di filologia classica. | 0 | |
0027-4054 | Museum helveticum | Benno Schwabe & Co. | 0 | |
1825-621X | Music & anthropology (e-vir) | Fondazione Ugo e Olga Levi per l'istruzione musicale superiore | 0 | |
1477-4631 | Music & letters (e-vir) | Oxford University Press | 0 | ✔ |
0027-4224 | Music & Letters | Oxford University Press | 0 | ✔ |
1029-8649 | Musicae scientiae | European Society for the Cognitive Sciences of Music | 0 | ✔ |
2045-4147 | Musicae scientiae (e-vir) | ESCOM | 0 | ✔ |
1127-0063 | Musica e storia | Il Mulino | 0 | |
0262-5245 | Music analysis | Blackwell Publishers | 0 | ✔ |
1468-2249 | Music analysis | Blackwell | 0 | ✔ |
1469-9893 | Music education research (e-vir) | Routledge | 0 | ✔ |
1461-3808 | Music Education Research | Carfax Publishing; Taylor & Francis | 0 | ✔ |
1522-7464 | Music in art | Research Center for Music Iconography of the City University of New York Graduate School | 0 | |
2169-9488 | Music in art (e-vir) | Research Center for Music Iconography of the City University of New York Graduate School | 0 | |
1016-1066 | Musicologica austriaca | Österreichische Gesellschaft für Musikwissenschaft; Praesens | 0 | |
2411-6696 | Musicologica austriaca (e-vir) | Austrian Society for Musicology, Österreichische Gesellschaft für Musikwissenschaft | 0 | ✔ |
0581-0558 | Musicologica slovaca | Slovenská akadémia vied. | 0 | |
0730-7829 | Music perception | University of California Press | 0 | ✔ |
1533-8312 | Music perception (e-vir) | University of California Press | 0 | ✔ |
0195-6167 | Music theory spectrum | Society for Music Theory] | 0 | ✔ |
1533-8339 | Music theory spectrum (e-vir) | University of California Press | 0 | ✔ |
0734-6875 | Music therapy perspectives | National Association for Music Therapy | 0 | ✔ |
2053-7387 | Music therapy perspectives (e-vir) | National Association for Music Therapy | 0 | ✔ |
0780-0703 | Musiikin suunta | Suomen etnomusikologinen seura | 0 | |
0355-1059 | Musiikki | Suomen musiikkitieteellinen seura | 0 | |
1432-9425 | Musik & Ästhetik | Klett-Cotta | 0 | |
0903-188X | Musik & forskning | Københavns Universitet. Musikvidenskabeligt Institut. | 0 | |
0947-8302 | Musik in Baden-Württemberg | Gesellschaft für Musikgeschichte in Baden-Württemberg | 0 | |
0937-583X | Musik in Bayern | 0 | ||
0177-350X | Musik-Psychologie | Deutsche Gesellschaft für Musikpsychologie. | 0 | |
0177-4182 | Musiktheorie | Laaber-Verlag | 0 | |
0172-5505 | Musiktherapeutische Umschau | Deutsche Musiktherapeutische Gesellschaft e.V.; DMtG. | 0 | |
1016-1333 | Musil-Forum | Internationale Robert-Musil-Gesellschaft | 0 | |
1264-7020 | Musique, images, instruments | Ed. Klincksieck; Laboratoire d'organologie et d'iconographie musicale CNRS | 0 | |
1257-7537 | Musurgia | Ed. Eska | 0 | |
2271-1856 | Musurgia (e-vir) | Eska | 0 | |
0027-514X | Muttersprache | Gesellschaft für Deutsche Sprache, GfdS | 2 | |
0027-5247 | Művészettörténeti értesítő | Akadémiai Kiadó | 0 | ✔ |
1588-2802 | Művészettörténeti értesítő | Akadémiai Kiadó | 0 | ✔ |
0027-5344 | Muzyka | Instytut Sztuki PAN | 0 | ✔ |
2720-7021 | Muzyka (e-vir) | Instytut Sztuki Polskiej Akademii Nauk | 0 | ✔ |
0213-7674 | Myrtia | Universidad, Servicio de Publicaciones e Intercambio Científico | 0 | ✔ |
1989-4619 | Myrtia | Edit.um | 0 | ✔ |
0146-9339 | Mythlore | Mythopoeic Society | 0 | |
1461-0426 | n. paradoxa (e-vir) | KT Press | 0 | |
1461-0434 | N. paradoxa | KT Press | 1 | |
2341-5916 | N & n | Suomen fenomenologinen instituutti; Eurooppalaisen filosofian seura. | 0 | ✔ |
0936-5761 | Nachbarsprache niederländisch | Fachvereinigung Niederländisch e.V.. | 0 | |
0784-3844 | Naistutkimus / | Suomen naistutkimuksen seura - Sällskapet för kvinnoforskning i Finland.; Suomen naistutkimuksen seura.; Tampereen tutkijanaiset. | 0 | |
0943-0849 | Namenkundliche Informationen | Leipziger Universitätsverlag | 0 | |
0027-7738 | Names | State University College | 0 | ✔ |
1756-2279 | Names (e-vir) | State University College | 0 | ✔ |
0077-2704 | Namn och bygd | Gustav Adolfs akademien | 0 | |
1387-6805 | Nan nü | Brill | 0 | ✔ |
1568-5268 | Nan nü | Brill | 0 | ✔ |
1871-4757 | NanoEthics | Springer Science | 0 | ✔ |
1871-4765 | NanoEthics (e-vir) | Springer Netherlands | 0 | ✔ |
0027-7835 | Napoli nobilissima | L'arte tipografica. | 0 | |
1330-0059 | Napredak | Hrvatski pedagoško-književni zbor | 1 | |
1848-8641 | Napredak (e-vir) | Hrvatski pedagoško-književni zbor | 0 | |
Y501-4751 | Napredak | Hrvatski pedagoško-književni zbor | 0 | |
0547-2504 | Narodna umjetnost | Institut za etnologiju i folkloristiku | 4 | |
1848-865X | Narodna umjetnost (e-vir) | Institut za etnologiju i folkloristiku | 0 | |
0862-8351 | Národopisná revue | Ústav lidového umění | 0 | |
2570-9437 | Národopisná revue (e-vir) | Ústav lidového umění | 0 | |
1063-3685 | Narrative | Ohio State University Press | 0 | |
1538-974X | Narrative (e-vir) | Ohio State University Press | 0 | |
1387-6740 | Narrative inquiry | John Benjamins Publishing Company | 0 | ✔ |
1569-9935 | Narrative inquiry | John Benjamins | 0 | ✔ |
0027-8203 | Naše řeč | Academia | 0 | |
1565-5288 | Nashim | Schechter Institute of Jewish Studies; Hadassah International Research Institute on Jewish Women at Brandeis University | 0 | |
0793-8934 | Nashim: a journal of Jewish women's studies and gender issues | Seminary of Judaic studies | 0 | |
0213-7305 | Nassarre | Institución "Fernando el Católico"; Institución "Fernando el Católico" | 0 | |
0077-2887 | Nassauische Annalen | Verein für Nassauische Altertumskunde und Geschichtsforschung. | 0 | |
0140-7430 | National Gallery technical bulletin | National Gallery | 0 | |
1460-8944 | National identities | Taylor & Francis | 0 | ✔ |
1469-9907 | National identities (e-vir) | Carfax International Publishers | 0 | ✔ |
0090-5992 | Nationalities papers | Taylor&Francis; Association for the study of nationalities | 0 | ✔ |
1465-3923 | Nationalities papers (e-vir) | Carfax; Routledge | 0 | ✔ |
1354-5078 | Nations and nationalism | Wiley-Blackwell | 0 | ✔ |
1469-8129 | Nations and nationalism (e-vir) | Cambridge University Press; Wiley-Blackwell | 0 | ✔ |
1573-0859 | Natural language & linguistic theory (e-vir) | Kluwer | 0 | ✔ |
0167-806X | Natural language and linguistic theory | Reidel | 0 | ✔ |
1351-3249 | Natural language engineering | Cambridge University Press | 0 | ✔ |
1469-8110 | Natural language engineering (e-vir) | Cambridge University Press | 0 | ✔ |
0925-854X | Natural language semantics | Kluwer Academic Publisher | 0 | ✔ |
1572-865X | Natural language semantics (e-vir) | Kluwer | 0 | ✔ |
1097-6256 | Nature neuroscience | Nature America Inc. | 0 | ✔ |
1546-1726 | Nature neuroscience (e-vir) | Nature Publishing Group | 0 | ✔ |
1471-003X | Nature reviews | Nature Publishing Group | 0 | ✔ |
1471-0048 | Nature reviews (e-vir) | Nature Pub. Group | 0 | ✔ |
1094-2076 | Near Eastern archaeology | Published by Scholars Press for the American Schools of Oriental Research | 0 | ✔ |
2325-5404 | Near Eastern archaeology (e-vir) | Published by Scholars Press for the American Schools of Oriental Research | 0 | ✔ |
0028-2030 | Nederlandsch archief voor kerkgeschiedenis | Nijhoff | 0 | |
0028-2162 | Nederlandsch tijdschrift voor geneeskunde | Koninklijke Nederlandsche Maatschappij tot Bevordering der Geneeskunst; Vereniging Nederlands Tijdschrift voor Geneeskunde | 0 | |
1384-5829 | Nederlandse letterkunde | Martinus Nijhoff Uitgevers | 0 | ✔ |
2352-118X | Nederlandse letterkunde (e-vir) | Van Gorcum | 0 | ✔ |
1384-5845 | Nederlandse taalkunde | Martinus Nijhoff Uitgevers | 0 | ✔ |
2352-1171 | Nederlandse taalkunde (e-vir) | Van Gorcum | 0 | ✔ |
0169-6726 | Nederlands kunsthistorisch jaarboek | C. A. J. van Dishoeck | 0 | ✔ |
0028-212X | Nederlands theologisch tijdschrift | Veenman; Boekencentrum; Boekencentrum Tijdschriften | 0 | |
1875-239X | Nederlands tijdschrift voor rechtsfilosofie en rechtstheorie (e-vir) | Boom Juridische Uitgevers | 0 | |
0168-9088 | Nederlands tijdschrift voor rechtsfilosofie en rechtstheorie = | Boom Juridische Uitgevers; Tjeenk Willink | 0 | |
0047-9276 | Neerlandica extra muros | Werkcommissie van Hoogleraren en Lectoren in de Neerlandistiek aan Buitenlandse Universiteiten.; Internationale Vereniging voor Neerlandistiek. | 0 | |
1567-6633 | Neerlandistiek.nl | Igitur, publishing & archiving | 0 | |
0324-4652 | Neohelicon | Akadémiai K.; John Benjamins B.V | 5 | ✔ |
1588-2810 | Neohelicon (e-vir) | Akadémiai Kiadó; Kluwer Academic Publishers | 1 | ✔ |
0028-2677 | Neophilologus | Tjaenk Willok | 0 | ✔ |
1572-8668 | Neophilologus (e-vir) | Kluwer | 0 | ✔ |
0254-8356 | Neotestamentica | New Testament Society of South Africa | 0 | |
2518-4628 | Neotestamentica (e-vir) | New Testament Society of South Africa | 0 | |
1575-8621 | Nerter | Nerter | 0 | |
2214-5966 | Netherlands yearbook for history of art (e-vir) | Koninklijke Brill NV | 0 | ✔ |
0177-7750 | Neue Romania | 0 | ||
0028-3517 | Neue Zeitschrift für systematische Theologie und Religionsphilosophie | de Gruyter. | 0 | ✔ |
1612-9520 | Neue Zeitschrift für systematische Theologie und Religionsphilosophie | de Gruyter. | 0 | ✔ |
1438-213X | Neulateinisches Jahrbuch | Olms. | 0 | |
0028-3754 | Neuphilologische Mitteilungen | Modern Language Society | 0 | |
0899-7667 | Neural computation | MIT Press | 0 | ✔ |
1530-888X | Neural computation (e-vir) | MIT Press | 0 | ✔ |
0893-6080 | Neural networks | Pergamon | 0 | ✔ |
1074-7427 | Neurobiology of learning and memory | Academic Press, Inc. | 0 | ✔ |
1095-9564 | Neurobiology of learning and memory (e-vir) | Academic Press | 0 | ✔ |
1355-4794 | Neurocase | Oxford University Press | 0 | ✔ |
1362-4970 | Neurocase | Oxford University Press. | 0 | |
1465-3656 | Neurocase (e-vir) | Oxford University Press | 0 | ✔ |
0028-3878 | Neurology | Wolters Kluwer | 0 | ✔ |
1526-632X | Neurology (e-vir) | Lippincott Williams & Wilkins | 2 | ✔ |
0896-6273 | Neuron | Cell Press | 0 | ✔ |
1097-4199 | Neuron (e-vir) | Cell Press | 0 | ✔ |
0302-282X | Neuropsychobiology | Karger | 0 | ✔ |
1423-0224 | Neuropsychobiology (e-vir) | S. Karger | 0 | ✔ |
0028-3932 | Neuropsychologia | Pergamon Press | 0 | ✔ |
1873-3514 | Neuropsychologia (e-vir) | Elsevier Science | 0 | ✔ |
Y507-8881 | Neuropsychologia (e-vir) | Elsevier Science | 0 | |
0960-2011 | Neuropsychological rehabilitation | Psychology press, Taylor & Francis | 0 | ✔ |
1464-0694 | Neuropsychological rehabilitation (e-vir) | Taylor & Francis | 0 | ✔ |
1970-3201 | Neuropsychological trends (e-vir) | LED | 0 | ✔ |
1970-321X | Neuropsychological trends | LED | 0 | ✔ |
0894-4105 | Neuropsychology | Philadelphia Clinical Neuropsychology Group | 0 | ✔ |
1931-1559 | Neuropsychology | American Psychological Association | 0 | ✔ |
0929-7049 | Neuropsychology, development, and cognition | Swets & Zeitlinger | 0 | ✔ |
1380-3395 | Neuropsychology, development, and cognition | Swets & Zeitlinger | 0 | ✔ |
1382-5585 | Neuropsychology, development, and cognition | Swets & Zeitlinger | 0 | ✔ |
1040-7308 | Neuropsychology review (e-vir) | Kluwer Online | 0 | ✔ |
1573-6660 | Neuropsychology review | Kluwer | 0 | ✔ |
0959-4965 | Neuroreport | Rapid Communications | 0 | ✔ |
1473-558X | NeuroReport (e-vir) | Rapid Science Publishers | 0 | ✔ |
1873-7528 | Neuroscience & biobehavioral reviews (e-vir) | Elsevier | 0 | |
0149-7634 | Neuroscience and Biobehavioral Reviews | Pergamon | 2 | ✔ |
0168-0102 | Neuroscience research | Elsevier | 0 | ✔ |
1106-6601 | Neusis.; Νεύσις | Nefelī | 0 | |
0139-2190 | Névtani értesítő | ELTE | 0 | ✔ |
2064-7484 | Névtani értesítő (e-vir) | ELTE BTK Magy. Nyelvtud. Finnugor Intéz. | 0 | ✔ |
0950-5814 | New comparison | [s.n.] | 0 | |
1053-1297 | New England review | Middlebury College Publications | 0 | |
2161-9131 | New England review (e-vir) | Middlebury College Publications | 0 | |
1050-9720 | New England theatre journal | New England Theatre Conference, | 0 | |
0094-033X | New German critique | S.N. | 0 | ✔ |
1558-1462 | New German critique (e-vir) | New German Critique | 0 | ✔ |
1092-3977 | New hibernia review = | Center for Irish Studies, University of St. Thomas | 0 | |
1534-5815 | New hibernia review = (e-vir) | Center for Irish Studies, University of St. Thomas | 0 | |
0732-118X | New ideas in psychology | Elsevier Science Ltd | 0 | ✔ |
1873-3522 | New ideas in psychology (e-vir) | Elsevier Ltd. | 0 | ✔ |
0028-6087 | New literary history | Johns Hopkins University Press, etc. | 0 | ✔ |
1080-661X | New literary history (e-vir) | University of Virginia | 0 | ✔ |
1465-3737 | New medieval literatures | Clarendon; Oxford University Press; Brepols | 0 | |
2031-0250 | New medieval literatures (e-vir) | Brepols Publishers | 0 | |
0267-4971 | Newsletter - Henry Sweet Society for the History of Linguistic Ideas | Henry Sweet Society for the History of Linguistic Ideas. | 0 | |
0028-6885 | New Testament studies | Cambridge University Press | 0 | ✔ |
1469-8145 | New Testament studies (e-vir) | Cambridge University Press | 0 | ✔ |
1474-0613 | New theatre quarterly (e-vir) | Cambridge University Press | 0 | ✔ |
1819-5644 | New voices in translation studies (e-vir) | IATIS; Centre for Translation and Textual Studies | 0 | |
0028-8276 | New Zealand journal of educational studies | Ne Zealand Council for Educational Research. | 0 | ✔ |
2199-4714 | New Zealand journal of educational studies (e-vir) | New Zealand Association for Research in Education | 0 | ✔ |
1616-7422 | Nexum | Gesellschaft für Medienpädagogik und Kommunikationskultur e.V.. | 0 | |
1462-2203 | Nicotine & tobacco research | Carfax | 0 | ✔ |
1469-994X | Nicotine & tobacco research (e-vir) | Taylor & Francis Health Sciences | 0 | ✔ |
0078-0537 | Niederdeutsche Beiträge zur Kunstgeschichte | E. A. Seemann | 0 | |
0078-0561 | Niedersächsisches Jahrbuch für Landesgeschichte | Wallstein-Verl. | 0 | |
0342-1422 | Nietzsche-Studien | de Gruyter | 0 | ✔ |
1613-0790 | Nietzsche-Studien | de Gruyter. | 0 | ✔ |
0922-1344 | Nieuw letterkundig magazijn | Maatschappij der Nederlandse Letterkunde | 0 | |
0929-6344 | Nieuwsbulletin / Louis Couperus Genootschap | Stichting Louis Couperus Genootschap.; Louis Couperus Genootschap. | 0 | |
1237-1645 | Niin & näin | EFS.; Suomen fenomenologinen instituutti.; Eurooppalaisen filosofian seura. | 0 | ✔ |
0934-8913 | Nikephoros | Weidmann | 0 | |
1543-1002 | Nineteenth-century art worldwide | Association of Historians of Nineteenth-Century Art | 0 | ✔ |
0890-5495 | Nineteenth-century contexts | Interdisciplinary Nineteenth-Century Studies; College of Arts and Sciences; Dept. of English of Northeastern University | 0 | ✔ |
1477-2663 | Nineteenth-century contexts (e-vir) | Gordon and Breach | 0 | ✔ |
0146-7891 | Nineteenth-century French studies | [University of Nebraska Press, etc.] | 0 | |
1536-0172 | Nineteenth-century French studies (e-vir) | T.H. Goetz | 0 | |
0891-9356 | Nineteenth-century literature | University of California Press | 0 | ✔ |
1067-8352 | Nineteenth-century literature (e-vir) | University of California Press | 0 | ✔ |
1479-4098 | Nineteenth-century music review | Ashgate Publishing Ltd; Cambridg University Press | 0 | ✔ |
2044-8414 | Nineteenth-century music review (e-vir) | Cambridge University Press | 0 | ✔ |
1052-0406 | Nineteenth century prose | United States Naval Academy.; Mesa State College, | 0 | |
0893-7931 | Nineteenth-century studies | Southeastern Nineteenth-Century Studies Association.; Nineteenth Century Studies Association, | 0 | |
1748-3727 | Nineteenth century theatre and film | University of Manchester. | 0 | ✔ |
2048-2906 | Nineteenth century theatre and film (e-vir) | Manchester University Press | 0 | ✔ |
1502-7694 | NJES | Universitetet i Oslo.; Nordic Association of English Studies | 0 | |
1654-6970 | NJES : Nordic journal of English studies (e-vir) | Göteborg University | 0 | |
1075-7163 | Nka | Cornell University.; Duke University Press, | 0 | ✔ |
2152-7792 | Nka (e-vir) | NKA Publications | 0 | ✔ |
0141-6340 | Nomina | Council for Names Studies in Great Britain and Ireland. | 0 | |
0923-5817 | Noordbrabants historisch jaarboek | Noordbrabants Genootschap. | 0 | |
0803-8740 | Nora | Taylor & Francis | 0 | ✔ |
1502-394X | NORA | Scandinavian University Press; Routledge/Taylor & Francis | 0 | ✔ |
0078-1037 | Nordelbien | Boyens | 0 | |
0109-3967 | Nordica | Odense Universitet. | 0 | |
1602-124X | Nordic Irish studies | University of Aarhus.; Dalarna University. | 0 | |
2002-4517 | Nordic Irish studies (e-vir) | Centre for Irish studies, University of Aarhus | 0 | |
0332-5865 | Nordic journal of linguistics | Taylor & Francis | 0 | ✔ |
1502-4717 | Nordic journal of linguistics (e-vir) | Taylor & Francis | 0 | ✔ |
0809-8131 | Nordic journal of music therapy | Sogn and Fjordane University College, Sandane Study Centre | 0 | ✔ |
1944-8260 | Nordic journal of music therapy | Sogn and Fjordane University College, Sandane Study Centre; Taylor & Francis Group | 0 | ✔ |
0809-7291 | Nordic journal of religion and society | Fagbokforlaget | 0 | ✔ |
1890-7008 | Nordic journal of religion and society (e-vir) | Universitetsforlaget | 0 | ✔ |
0108-2914 | Nordic sounds | NOMUS | 0 | |
0904-6380 | Nordic theatre studies | Munksg°ard | 1 | |
2002-3898 | Nordic theatre studies (e-vir) | Föreningen Nordiska Teaterforskare | 0 | |
1236-3839 | Nordicum | PubliCo | 0 | |
1102-5824 | Nordisk arkitekturforskning | Nordisk förening för arkitekturforskning.; Nordisk forening for arkitekturforskning.; Nordisk arkitekturakademi. | 0 | |
1458-5316 | Nordiska språk (e-vir) | Vaasan yliopisto. | 0 | |
0348-1646 | Nordisk judaistik | Sällskapet för judaistisk forskning | 0 | ✔ |
2343-4929 | Nordisk judaistik = (e-vir) | Donner Institute. | 0 | ✔ |
1104-2176 | Nordisk matematikkdidaktikk | Göteborgs universitet.; Föreningen Nordisk matematikkdidaktikk; Nationellt centrum för matematikutbildning | 0 | |
0901-8050 | Nordisk pedagogik | Nordic Educational Research Association.; Nordisk forening for pedagogisk forskning. | 0 | |
0029-1463 | Nordisk psykologi | Dansk psykologisk Forlag | 0 | |
0332-7531 | Nordlyd | Universitetet i Tromsø, Det humanistiske fakultet | 0 | ✔ |
1503-8599 | Nordlyd (e-vir) | Universitetet i Tromsø, Det humanistiske fakultet | 0 | ✔ |
0029-1595 | Nordost-Archiv | Nordost-Institut; Institut Nordostdeutsches Kulturwerk | 0 | |
0800-3076 | Norsk lingvistisk tidsskrift | Novus | 0 | |
2387-6719 | Norsk lingvistisk tidsskrift (e-vir) | Novus forl. | 0 | |
0029-2052 | Norsk pedagogisk tidsskrift | Norsk lærerlag | 0 | ✔ |
1504-2987 | Norsk pedagogisk tidsskrift (e-vir) | Universitetsforlaget [i samarbeid med Utdanningsforbundet og Forskerforbundets forening for lærerutdanning] | 0 | ✔ |
0029-2176 | Norsk teologisk tidsskrift | Universitetsforlaget, | 0 | |
1504-2979 | Norsk teologisk tidsskrift | Universitetsforlaget | 0 | |
0078-172X | Northern history | School of History, University of Leeds | 0 | ✔ |
1745-8706 | Northern history (e-vir) | School of History, University of Leeds | 0 | ✔ |
0027-4380 | Notes | Music Library Association | 0 | |
1534-150X | Notes (e-vir) | Music Library Association | 0 | |
0029-3970 | Notes and queries | Oxford University Press | 0 | ✔ |
1471-6941 | Notes and queries (e-vir) | Oxford University Press | 0 | ✔ |
0391-4364 | Notizie da Palazzo Albani | QuattroVenti | 0 | |
0029-4527 | Notre Dame journal of formal logic | University of Notre Dame | 0 | ✔ |
1939-0726 | Notre Dame journal of formal logic | University of Notre Dame | 0 | ✔ |
0029-4586 | Nottingham French studies | University of Nottingham. | 0 | ✔ |
2047-7236 | Nottingham French studies (e-vir) | W. Heffer | 0 | ✔ |
0078-2122 | Nottingham medieval studies | University of Nottingham. | 0 | ✔ |
2507-0444 | Nottingham medieval studies (e-vir) | Brepols | 0 | ✔ |
0029-4624 | Noûs | Blackwell Publishers | 0 | ✔ |
1468-0068 | Noûs (e-vir) | Blackwell | 0 | ✔ |
0755-7752 | Nouvelle revue d'onomastique | Société française d'onomastique | 0 | |
0029-4845 | Nouvelle revue théologique | Casterman | 0 | |
2406-4726 | Nouvelle revue théologique (e-vir) | Casterman, S.A.; Association nouvelle revue théologique | 0 | |
0248-4951 | Nouvelles questions féministes | Tierce | 0 | |
2297-3850 | Nouvelles questions féministes (e-vir) | Editions Antipodes | 0 | |
1334-2312 | Nova prisutnost | Kršćanski akademski krug | 1 | ✔ |
1848-8676 | Nova prisutnost (e-vir) | Kršćanski akademski krug | 0 | ✔ |
1092-6690 | Nova religio | University of California Press | 0 | |
1541-8480 | Nova religio (e-vir) | University of California Press | 0 | |
0029-5132 | Novel | Brown University | 0 | ✔ |
1945-8509 | Novel (e-vir) | Brown University | 0 | ✔ |
0354-4362 | Novi zvuk | Savez organizacija kompozitora Jugoslavije | 0 | |
0869-6365 | Novoe literaturnoe obozrenie | Novoe literaturnoe obozrenie | 2 | |
2309-9968 | Novoe literaturnoe obozrenie.; Новое литературное обозрение (e-vir) | Novoe literaturnoe obozrenie; Новое литературное обозрение | 0 | |
0048-1009 | Novum Testamentum | Brill | 0 | ✔ |
1568-5365 | Novum Testamentum (e-vir) | Brill | 0 | ✔ |
0029-5337 | Novyæi zhurnal | New Review, inc. | 0 | |
0108-8416 | NOWELE | University Press of Southern Denmark | 0 | |
0266-464X | NTQ | Cambridge University Press | 38 | ✔ |
0923-2370 | NTZ. Nederlands tijdschrift voor zwakzinnigenzorg | Bisschop Bekkers Instituut | 0 | |
0185-0121 | Nueva revista de filología hispánica | El Colegio de México.. | 0 | |
2448-6558 | Nueva revista de filología hispánica (e-vir) | El Colegio de México | 0 | |
1626-0252 | Nuevo mundo-mundos nuevos (e-vir) | CERMA | 0 | |
1048-6380 | Nuevo texto crítico | Dept. of Spanish and Portuguese, Stanford University | 0 | |
1940-9079 | Nuevo texto crítico (e-vir) | Nuevo Texto Crítico, JHUP | 0 | |
0029-5973 | Numen | Brill | 0 | ✔ |
1516-1021 | Numen | Editora da Universidade Federal de Juiz de Fora. | 0 | |
1568-5276 | Numen (e-vir) | Brill | 0 | ✔ |
1420-1739 | Numismatica e antichità classiche | Redazione Numismatica e antichità classiche | 0 | |
0078-2696 | Numismatic chronicle | Royal Numismatic Society | 0 | |
0250-7838 | Numismatische Zeitschrift | Österreichische Numismatische Gesellschaft | 0 | |
0546-9422 | Numizmatičke vijesti | Hrvatsko numizmatičko društvo | 0 | |
0394-7394 | Nuncius | Leo S. Olscki | 0 | ✔ |
1825-3911 | Nuncius | Leo S. Olschki | 0 | ✔ |
0785-6776 | Nuori voima | Nuoren voiman liitto | 0 | |
0029-6147 | Nuova Antologia | Le Monnier | 0 | |
1970-9714 | Nuova civiltà delle macchine | Analisi trend ;; Nuova ERI-Edizioni RAI | 0 | |
0029-6155 | Nuova corrente | Tilgher | 0 | |
0029-6228 | Nuova rivista musicale italiana | Nuova ERI | 0 | |
0029-6236 | Nuova rivista storica | Società editrice Dante Alighieri | 0 | |
1126-098X | Nuova storia contemporanea | Luni | 0 | |
0029-6295 | Nuovi argomenti | Giunti | 0 | |
1125-3894 | Nuovi studi | Editrice Temi | 0 | |
0027-7126 | Nya Argus | Nya Argus | 0 | |
0567-6223 | Nyelv- és irodalomtudományi közlemények | Academia Republicii socialiste România | 0 | |
1786-7428 | Nyelvtudomány | Universitas Szegediensis. | 0 | |
0078-2866 | Nyelvtudományi értekezések | Akadémiai Kiadó | 0 | |
0029-6791 | Nyelvtudományi közlemények | MTA Nyelvoszt. Bizott | 0 | |
2060-7644 | Nyelvtudományi közlemények (e-vir) | MTA Nyelvtud. Intéz | 0 | |
0908-1410 | Ny poetik | Museum Tusculanum, | 0 | |
0106-8040 | NyS | NyS; i samarbejde med Dansk Sprognævn; [eksp.] Dansk Sprognævn | 0 | ✔ |
2246-4522 | NyS (e-vir) | Dansk Sprognævn | 0 | ✔ |
0801-3756 | Nytt om runer | Runearkivet. | 0 | |
0351-3947 | Obnovljeni život | Filozofsko-teološki institut Družbe Isusove | 1 | |
1849-0182 | Obnovljeni život (e-vir) | Filozofsko teološki institut Družbe Isusove | 1 | |
1133-0481 | Obradoiro de historia moderna | Universidad de Santiago de Compostela. | 0 | |
1214-6463 | Obrana a strategie | Univerzita obrany; Vojenská akademie | 0 | |
1802-7199 | Obrana a strategie (e-vir) | Univerzita obrany | 0 | |
1542-1619 | Obsidian III | Dept. of English, North Carolina State University | 0 | |
2578-0131 | Obsidian III (e-vir) | Dept. of English, North Carolina State University | 0 | |
0936-0271 | OBST | Verein zur Förderung der Sprachwissenschaft in Forschung und Ausbildung e.V. | 0 | |
0029-8115 | Oceanic linguistics (e-vir) | [University Press of Hawaii] | 0 | ✔ |
1527-9421 | Oceanic linguistics (e-vir) | Dept. of Anthropology, Southern Illinois University | 0 | ✔ |
0162-2870 | October | MIT Press | 0 | ✔ |
1536-013X | October (e-vir) | Institute for Architecture and Urban Studies | 0 | ✔ |
1846-1204 | Odgojne znanosti | Učiteljski fakultet = Faculty of Teacher Education | 0 | |
0029-8514 | Odrodzenie i Reformacja w Polsce | Zakład Narodowy im. Ossolińskich, Oddział w Warszawie | 0 | |
0475-0047 | Oideas | Ireland. Department of Education. | 0 | |
1422-4380 | Ökumenische Beihefte zur Freiburger Zeitschrift für Philosophie und Theologie | Université de Fribourg. Institut d'études oecuméniques. | 0 | |
0029-8654 | Ökumenische Rundschau | Evang. Verl.-Anst. | 0 | |
0920-0665 | Onderzoek van onderwijs | Centraal Bureau voor Onderzoek van het Wetenschappelijk Onderwijs & Contactgroep Research Wetenschappelijk Onderwijs. | 0 | |
0078-463X | Onoma | International Centre of Onomastics | 0 | |
1783-1644 | Onoma (e-vir) | Peeters Publishers; International Centre of Onomastics; International Council of Onomastic Sciences | 0 | |
0474-1471 | Onomastica Slavogermanica | Verlag der Sächsischen Akademie der Wissenschaften; in Kommission bei S. Hirzel | 0 | |
1586-3719 | Onomastica Uralica | [Debreceni Egyetem Magyar Nyelvtudományi Intézete] :; [Kotimaisten kielten tutkimuskeskus], | 0 | |
0030-2651 | Ons erfdeel | Stichting Ons Erfdeel | 0 | |
0774-2827 | Ons Geestelijk Erf | Universitaire Faculteiten St. Ignatius te Antwerpen. | 0 | |
1120-2513 | OPD restauro | Centro Di | 0 | |
2239-723X | OPD restauro (e-vir) | Centro Di | 0 | |
0268-0513 | Open learning | Pitman publishing | 0 | ✔ |
1469-9958 | Open learning (e-vir) | Carfax International Publishers | 0 | ✔ |
0078-5520 | Opuscula Atheniensia | Svenska institutet i Athen | 0 | |
0471-7309 | Opuscula Romana | Svenska institutet i Rom | 0 | |
2547-7218 | Or% og tunga (e-vir) | Stofnun Árna Magnússonar í íslenskum fræ%um | 0 | |
1783-1660 | Orbis (e-vir) | Peeters Publishers | 0 | |
0105-7510 | Orbis litterarum | Munksgaard | 0 | ✔ |
1600-0730 | Orbis litterarum (e-vir) | Blackwell | 0 | ✔ |
1385-285X | Orbis Terrarum | Hakkert; Steiner | 0 | |
0328-8188 | Orbis tertius | Centro de Estudios de Teoría y Crítica Literaria, Facultad de Humanidades y Ciencias de la Educación, Universidad de La Plata | 0 | |
1851-7811 | Orbis tertius (e-vir) | Centro de Teoría y Crítica Literaria, Facultad de Humanidades y Ciencias de la Educación, Universidad Nacional de La Plata | 0 | ✔ |
0030-4492 | Ord & bild | Ord & Bild | 0 | |
1402-2508 | Ord & bild (e-vir) | Ord & bild | 0 | |
1022-4610 | Orð og tunga | Stofnun Árna Magnússonar í íslenskum fræðum | 0 | |
1355-7718 | Organised sound | Cambridge University Press. | 0 | ✔ |
1469-8153 | Organised sound (e-vir) | Cambridge University Press | 0 | ✔ |
0749-5978 | Organizational behavior and human decision processes | Academic Press | 0 | ✔ |
1095-9920 | Organizational behavior and human decision processes (e-vir) | Academic Press. | 0 | ✔ |
1094-4281 | Organizational research methods | Sage Publications, Inc. | 0 | ✔ |
1552-7425 | Organizational research methods (e-vir) | Sage | 0 | ✔ |
0078-6500 | Organon | Polska Akademia Nauk.; International Union of the History and Philosophy of Science. Division of the History of Science.; Kasa im. Józefa Mianowskiego - Fundacja Popierania Nauki. | 0 | |
1335-0668 | Organon F | Slovenská akadémia vied.; Akademie věd České republiky. | 0 | |
2585-7150 | Organon F (e-vir) | Filozofický ústav Slovenskej akadémie vied | 0 | |
0776-9350 | Orgelkunst | Orgelkunst. | 0 | |
0340-6407 | Oriens christianus | Harrassowitz | 0 | |
1284-2060 | Oriens-Occidens | Centre d'histoire des sciences et des philosophies arabes et médiévales (Paris) | 0 | |
0030-5278 | Oriental art | Oriental Art Magazine | 0 | |
0030-5367 | Orientalia | Pontificio Istituto Biblico. | 0 | |
0030-5375 | Orientalia christiana periodica | Pontificio istituto orientale | 0 | |
0078-6578 | Orientalia Suecana (e-vir) | Uppsala universitet.; Uppsala universitet. | 0 | |
0030-5448 | Orientations | Orientations magazine | 0 | |
0391-5832 | Orpheus | Università di Catania, Istituto di filologica classica. | 0 | |
0010-3551 | Orvostörténeti közlemények | Semmelweis Orvostörténeti Múzeum, Könyvtár és Levéltár.; Museum, Bibliotheca et Archivum Historiae Artis Medicinae de I. Ph. Semmelweis Nominata.; MOTESZ Magyar Orvostörténelmi Társaság.; Societas Hungarica Historiae Artis Medicinae. | 0 | |
0369-7827 | Osiris | Saint Catherine Press | 0 | ✔ |
1933-8287 | Osiris (e-vir) | Saint Catherine Press | 0 | ✔ |
1303-3123 | Osmanlű bilimi araştűrmalarű = | İstanbul Üniversitesi | 0 | |
1617-9404 | Ostasiatische Zeitschrift | Deutsche Gesellschaft für Ostasiatische Kunst e.V.; DGOK. | 0 | |
1028-1495 | Österreichische Namenforschung | Edition Praesens | 0 | |
0029-9375 | Österreichische Osthefte | Lit Verlag | 0 | |
1560-8670 | Österreichisches Archiv für Recht & Religion | Plöchl | 0 | |
2707-966X | Österreichische Zeitschrift für Geschichtswissenschaften (e-vir) | Studien Verlag; Österreichische Gesellschaft für Geschichtswissenschaften | 0 | |
0029-9626 | Österreichische Zeitschrift für Kunst und Denkmalpflege | Österreichisches Bundesdenkmalamt | 1 | |
0030-6487 | Ostkirchliche Studien | Ostkirchliches Institut der Deutschen Augustiner; Arbeitsgemeinschaft der Deutschen Augustinerordensprovinz zum Studium der Ostkirche | 0 | |
1122-259X | Ostraka | Loffredo Editore | 0 | |
0391-7487 | Ottagono | CO.P.IN.A. | 0 | |
0391-2639 | Otto-novecento | Edizioni otto novecento ;; La Vita Felice | 0 | |
1875-0176 | Oud Holland | Brill | 0 | ✔ |
0030-672X | Oud-Holland | Staatsuitgeverij | 0 | ✔ |
1631-0438 | Outre-mers | Société française d'histoire des outre-mers | 0 | |
0165-6465 | Overijsselse historische bijdragen | Vereeniging tot Beoefening van Overijsselsch Regt en Geschiedenis. | 0 | |
0166-2058 | Over Multatuli | Huis aan de Drie Grachten | 0 | |
0142-6540 | Oxford art journal | Setsquare | 0 | ✔ |
1741-7287 | Oxford art journal (e-vir) | Oxford University Press | 0 | ✔ |
0078-7191 | Oxford German studies | Clarendon Press; Maney | 0 | ✔ |
1745-9214 | Oxford German studies (e-vir) | Clarendon Press | 0 | ✔ |
0305-1498 | Oxford literary review | Oxford Literary Enterprises | 0 | ✔ |
1465-3915 | Oxford review of education (e-vir) | Carfax Pub. | 0 | ✔ |
0305-4985 | Oxford Review of Education | Carfax Publ. Co. | 0 | ✔ |
0265-7651 | Oxford studies in ancient philosophy | Clarendon Press | 0 | |
0961-2149 | Oxford studies in comparative education | Triangle Books. | 0 | |
0308-5562 | Oxoniensia | The Oxfordshire Architectural & Historical Society | 0 | |
1016-765X | ÖZG | Verlag für Gesellschaftskritik | 0 | |
0030-8684 | Pacific historical review | University of California Press | 0 | ✔ |
1533-8584 | Pacific historical review | Arthur H. Clark Co. | 0 | ✔ |
0279-0750 | Pacific philosophical quarterly | School of Philosophy, University of Southern California | 0 | ✔ |
1468-0114 | Pacific philosophical quarterly (e-vir) | Blackwell . | 0 | ✔ |
0030-9273 | Pädagogische Rundschau | Peter Lang | 0 | |
0030-9230 | Paedagogica historica | Centrum voor studie van de historische pedagogiek | 0 | ✔ |
1477-674X | Paedagogica historica (e-vir) | Carfax Pub. Co. | 0 | ✔ |
0030-9435 | Paideia | Stilgraf | 0 | |
2239-6381 | Paideia (e-vir) | Stilgraf | 0 | |
0214-7300 | Paideía | Sociedad Española de Profesores de Filosofía de Instituto; Sociedad Española de Profesores de Filosofía | 0 | |
0090-5674 | Paideuma | National Poetry Foundation | 0 | |
0304-3959 | Pain | Elsevier-North Holland Publ. Co. | 0 | ✔ |
1872-6623 | Pain (e-vir) | Elsevier | 0 | ✔ |
1070-5465 | Palaeoslavica | Palaeoslavica | 0 | |
1896-8244 | Palamedes | Institute of History Warsaw University.; Uniwersytet Warszawski. Instytut Historii. | 0 | |
0031-0328 | Palestine exploration quarterly | Palestine Exploration Fund | 0 | ✔ |
1743-1301 | Palestine exploration quarterly (e-vir) | Maney Publishing on behalf of the Palestine Exploration Fund | 0 | ✔ |
1148-8158 | Palimpsestes | Centre de recherches en traduction et stylistique comparée de l'anglais et du français (Paris) | 0 | |
0031-0387 | Pallas | Université de Toulouse (1896-1968) | 0 | |
2272-7639 | Pallas (e-vir) | Presses universitaires du Mirail | 0 | |
0031-0514 | Pamięetnik Literacki | Zakład Narodowy im. Ossolińskich | 0 | |
0031-0522 | Pamięetnik Teatralny | Zakład Narodowy im. Ossolińskich | 0 | ✔ |
1730-0215 | Pamiętnik Sztuk Pięknych | Uniwersytet Mikołaja Kopernika (Toruń); Polski Instytut Studiów nad Sztuką Świata.; Uniwersytet Mikołaja Kopernika (Toruń). | 0 | |
2658-2899 | Pamiętnik Teatralny (e-vir) | Instytut Sztuki Polskiej Akademii Nauk | 0 | ✔ |
0137-2459 | Papers and studies in contrastive linguistics | Wydawnictwo Naukowe Uniwersytetu im. Adama Mickiewicza | 0 | ✔ |
1131-9267 | Papers d'art | Espais. | 0 | |
1750-1954 | Papers of surrealism (e-vir) | AHRC Research Centre for Studies of Surrealism and its Legacies. | 0 | |
0068-2462 | Papers of the British School at Rome | British Academy; British School | 0 | ✔ |
2045-239X | Papers of the British School at Rome (e-vir) | Cambridge University Press | 0 | ✔ |
0343-0758 | Papers on French seventeenth century literature | Narr | 0 | |
1135-0504 | Papers on Joyce | Spanish James Joyce Society. | 0 | |
0031-1294 | Papers on language & literature | Southern Illinois University | 0 | |
1120-3404 | Paradigmi | Grafischena | 0 | ✔ |
2035-357X | Paradigmi (e-vir) | Franco Angeli | 0 | ✔ |
1120-4737 | Paragone. Arte | Sansoni; Mandragora, | 0 | |
1120-4745 | Paragone. Letteratura | Sansoni; Mandragora, | 0 | |
0264-8334 | Paragraph | Oxford University Press | 0 | ✔ |
1750-0176 | Paragraph (e-vir) | Edinburgh University Press | 0 | ✔ |
1353-4645 | Parallax | Centre for Cultural Studies, Department of Fine Art, University of Leeds | 0 | ✔ |
1460-700X | Parallax (e-vir) | University of Leeds, Centre for cultural studies | 0 | ✔ |
Y503-1850 | Parallax (e-vir) | University of Leeds, Centre for cultural studies | 0 | |
0031-1731 | Parametro | Faenza editrice | 0 | |
1824-6249 | Paratesto | Istituti Editoriali e Poligrafici Internazionali; Fabrizio Serra | 0 | ✔ |
1825-9537 | Paratesto (e-vir) | Casalini Libri Digital Division | 0 | ✔ |
0313-6221 | Parergon | Australian and New Zealand Association for Medieval and Renaissance Studies | 0 | ✔ |
1832-8334 | Parergon | Australian and New Zealand Association for Medieval and Early Modern Studies | 0 | ✔ |
0256-0917 | Parkett | "Parkett" Verlag AG | 0 | |
0264-2824 | Parliamentary history | Alan Sutton Publishing | 0 | ✔ |
1750-0206 | Parliamentary history (e-vir) | A. Sutton | 0 | ✔ |
0260-6755 | Parliaments, estates & representation | Pageant Publishing | 0 | ✔ |
1947-248X | Parliaments, estates & representation (e-vir) | Published for the International Commission for the History of Representative and Parliamentary Institutions by Pageant Pub.] | 0 | ✔ |
0924-1779 | Parmentier | Stichting Randschrift.; Stichting Parmentier. | 0 | |
0031-2320 | Parnasso | Yhtyneet kuvalehdet, | 0 | |
0048-301X | Parnassos.; Παρνασσός | Filologikos Syllogos | 0 | |
0031-2355 | Parola del passato | [S.n.] | 0 | |
0258-8331 | Parole de l'Orient | Université Saint-Esprit, Faculté de théologie | 0 | |
1128-6342 | Parthica | Istituti Editoriali e Poligrafici Internazionali,; Fabrizio Serra, | 0 | ✔ |
1724-1928 | Parthica (e-vir) | Istituti Editoriali e Poligrafici Internazionali | 0 | ✔ |
1565-3668 | Partial answers | Universiṭah ha-ʻIvrit bi-Yerushalayim. | 0 | ✔ |
1936-9247 | Partial answers (e-vir) | Johns Hopkins University Press | 0 | ✔ |
1579-3311 | Pasado y memoria | Universidad de Alicante | 0 | |
2386-4745 | Pasado y memoria (e-vir) | Universidad de Alicante | 0 | ✔ |
1974-0565 | Pasiphae | Fabrizio Serra Accademia Editoriale | 0 | ✔ |
2037-738X | Pasiphae | Fabrizio Serra Editore | 0 | ✔ |
0901-8883 | Passage | Litteraturhistorisk Forening. | 0 | |
1120-0650 | Passato e presente | La Nuova Italia; F. Angeli | 0 | |
1972-5493 | Passato e presente (e-vir) | Franco Angeli | 0 | |
1585-3802 | Passim | Pannonia Bölcseleti Egyesület. | 0 | |
0031-2746 | Past & present | Past and Present Society; Oxford University Press | 0 | ✔ |
1477-464X | Past & present (e-vir) | Oxford University Press | 0 | ✔ |
0264-3944 | Pastoral care in education | Blackwell | 0 | ✔ |
1468-0122 | Pastoral care in education (e-vir) | Blackwell | 0 | ✔ |
0031-2789 | Pastoral psychology | Human Sciences Press | 0 | ✔ |
1573-6679 | Pastoral psychology | Kluwer | 0 | ✔ |
0720-6259 | Pastoraltheologie | Vandenhoeck und Ruprecht | 0 | |
2197-0831 | Pastoraltheologie (e-vir) | Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht | 0 | |
0555-9308 | Pastoraltheologische Informationen | Konferenz der Deutschsprachigen Pastoraltheologen und Pastoraltheologinnen | 0 | |
Y506-810X | Pastoraltheologische Informationen (e-vir) | Konferenz der Deutschsprachigen Pastoraltheologen und Pastoraltheologinnen | 0 | |
0325-2280 | Patristica et mediaevalia | Centro de Estudios de Filosofía Medieval | 0 | ✔ |
2683-9636 | Patristica et Mediævalia. (e-vir) | Instituto de Filosofía, Facultad de Filosofía y Letras, Universidad de Buenos Aires | 0 | ✔ |
1139-1723 | Pedagogía social | Área de Pedagogía Social, Universidad de Murcia.; [Calamar Ediciones] | 0 | |
1989-9742 | Pedagogía social | Calamar Ediciones | 0 | |
1211-4669 | Pedagogická orientace | Československá pedagogická společnost; Konvoj s.r.o.; Česká pedagogická společnost o.s.; Masarykova univerzita | 0 | ✔ |
1805-9511 | Pedagogická orientace (e-vir) | Česká pedagogická společnost o.s. | 0 | ✔ |
1567-7109 | Pedagogiek | Van Gorcum | 0 | ✔ |
2468-1652 | Pedagogiek (e-vir) | Koninklijke Van Gorcum | 0 | ✔ |
0031-3815 | Pedagogika | Academia nakladatelství ČSAV | 0 | |
2336-2189 | Pedagogika (e-vir) | Univerzita Karlova, Pedagogická fakulta | 0 | |
0165-0645 | Pedagogische studiën | Vereniging voor Onderwijsresearch; Vlaams Forum voor Onderwijsresearch; Dr. D. Bos-Fonds | 0 | |
2666-3996 | Pedagogische studiën (e-vir) | VOR/VOF | 0 | |
0133-2570 | Pedagógusképzés | Művelü. Miniszt. Pedagógk. Oszt; MKM; BTF; ELTE Tanító- és Óvóképző Főiskolai Kar; OTE; TKSZ; ELTE PPK; ÓTE; Tanárképzők Szövetsége | 0 | |
1531-4200 | Pedagogy | Duke University Press | 0 | ✔ |
1533-6255 | Pedagogy (e-vir) | Duke University Press | 0 | ✔ |
1468-1366 | Pedagogy, culture & society | Routledge, Taylor & Francis Group | 0 | ✔ |
1747-5104 | Pedagogy, culture & society (e-vir) | Triangle Journals Ltd. | 0 | ✔ |
0031-4005 | Pediatrics | American Academy of Pediatrics | 0 | ✔ |
1098-4275 | Pediatrics (e-vir) | American Academy of Pediatrics | 0 | ✔ |
0211-9587 | Pedralbes | Universidad de Barcelona | 0 | |
0888-322X | Pegasus | M.E. Hildebrand | 0 | |
1645-6971 | Península | I.E.I.F.L.U.P. | 0 | |
2182-9705 | Península (e-vir) | I.E.I.F.L.U.P. | 0 | |
1253-1006 | Penser l'éducation | Centre interdisciplinaire de recherche sur les valeurs, les idées, l'identité et les compétences en éducation et formation (Mont-Saint-Aignan, Seine-Maritime) | 0 | |
0301-0066 | Perception | Pion Limited | 0 | ✔ |
1468-4233 | Perception (e-vir) | Pion | 0 | ✔ |
0031-5117 | Perception & psychophysics | Psychonomic Society, etc. | 0 | |
0898-5952 | Performance improvement quarterly | Learning Systems Institute, Florida State University in cooperation with the National Society for Performance & Instruction | 0 | |
1937-8327 | Performance improvement quarterly | Learning Systems Institute, Florida State University in cooperation with the National Society for Performance & Instruction | 0 | |
1352-8165 | Performance research | Routledge | 4 | ✔ |
1469-9990 | Performance research | Routledge | 0 | ✔ |
0937-8391 | Periskop | Boehringer Ingelheim Pharma KG. | 0 | |
0553-6707 | Peristil | Povijesno društvo Hrvatske | 3 | ✔ |
1849-6547 | Peristil (e-vir) | Društvo povjesničara umjetnosti Hrvatske | 0 | ✔ |
0332-1592 | Peritia | Medieval academy of Ireland | 0 | ✔ |
2034-6506 | Peritia | Brepols | 0 | ✔ |
0394-4131 | Per la filosofia | Istituti Editoriali e Poligrafici Internazionali. | 0 | ✔ |
1724-059X | Per la filosofia | Istituti Editoriali e Poligrafici Internazionali. | 0 | ✔ |
1593-4861 | Per Leggere | Pensa Multimedia | 0 | |
0146-1672 | Personality & social psychology bulletin | Sage Periodicals Press | 0 | ✔ |
1552-7433 | Personality & social psychology bulletin (e-vir) | Sage Periodicals Press | 0 | ✔ |
1873-3549 | Personality and individual differences (e-vir) | Elsevier Science | 0 | |
0191-8869 | Personality and Individual Differences | Elsevier Science Ltd | 0 | ✔ |
1088-8683 | Personality and social psychology review | Society for Personality and Social Psychology. | 0 | ✔ |
1532-7957 | Personality and social psychology review (e-vir) | L. Erlbaum Associates | 0 | ✔ |
1350-4126 | Personal relationships | Cambridge University Press | 0 | ✔ |
1475-6811 | Personal relationships (e-vir) | Blackwell | 0 | ✔ |
0031-5826 | Personnel psychology | Personnel Psychology, Inc. | 0 | ✔ |
1744-6570 | Personnel psychology (e-vir) | Blackwell Publishing | 0 | ✔ |
0048-3486 | Personnel review | Gower Press [for] the Institute of Personnel Management | 2 | ✔ |
1758-6933 | Personnel review (e-vir) | Gower Press [for] the Institute of Personnel Management | 0 | |
0031-5842 | Persoon en gemeenschap | Persoon en gemeenschap v.z.w.. | 0 | |
1777-7852 | Perspective | INHA; Armand Colin | 0 | ✔ |
2269-7721 | Perspective (e-vir) | Institut national d'histoire de l'art | 0 | ✔ |
0907-676X | Perspectives | Museum Tusculanum Press, University of Copenhagen | 0 | ✔ |
1747-6623 | Perspectives (e-vir) | Museum Tusculanum Press, University of Copenhagen | 0 | ✔ |
0258-2236 | Perspectives in education | Faculty of Education of the University of the Witwatersrand | 0 | |
2519-593X | Perspectives in education (e-vir) | University of the Free State | 0 | |
0338-2338 | Perspectives médiévales | Société de langue et de littérature médiévales d'oc et d'oïl | 0 | |
0031-6016 | Perspectives of new music | Perspectives of New Music, inc., etc. | 0 | |
2325-7180 | Perspectives of new music (e-vir) | Published by Princeton University Press for the Fromm Music Foundation | 0 | |
1745-6916 | Perspectives on psychological science | Blackwell | 0 | ✔ |
1745-6924 | Perspectives on psychological science (e-vir) | Blackwell Publishers | 0 | ✔ |
1063-6145 | Perspectives on science | MIT Press | 0 | ✔ |
1530-9274 | Perspectives on science (e-vir) | MIT Press | 0 | ✔ |
0869-8198 | Peterburgskij teatralʹnyj žurnal.; Петербургский театральный журнал | Peterburgskij teatralʹnyj žurnal; Петербургский театральный журнал | 0 | |
1819-1983 | Phainomenon | Universidad Femenina del Sagrado Corazón | 0 | |
0342-8117 | Phänomenologische Forschungen | Alber | 0 | |
2567-5494 | Phänomenologische Forschungen (e-vir) | Felix Meiner Verlag | 0 | |
0091-3057 | Pharmacology, biochemistry and behavior | Pergamon Journals | 0 | ✔ |
1873-5177 | Pharmacology, biochemistry and behavior (e-vir) | Elsevier Inc. | 0 | ✔ |
1568-7759 | Phenomenology and the cognitive sciences | Kluwer Academic Publishers | 0 | ✔ |
1572-8676 | Phenomenology and the cognitive sciences (e-vir) | Kluwer | 0 | ✔ |
0031-7217 | Phi Delta Kappan | Phi Delta Kappa, inc. | 0 | ✔ |
1451-5342 | Philologia | Udruženje građana Philologia | 0 | |
1820-5682 | Philologia (e-vir) | Udruženje građana Philologia | 0 | |
0031-7977 | Philological quarterly | University of Iowa | 0 | |
2169-5342 | Philological quarterly (e-vir) | University of Iowa | 0 | |
0031-7985 | Philologus | Akademie-Verlag | 0 | ✔ |
2196-7008 | Philologus (e-vir) | de Gruyter | 0 | |
0048-3893 | Philosophia | Bar Ilan University | 0 | ✔ |
1574-9274 | Philosophia (e-vir) | Springer Netherlands | 0 | ✔ |
1529-1634 | Philosophia Christi | Evangelical Philosophical Society.; Biola University. | 0 | |
0031-8019 | Philosophia mathematica | Canadian Society for the History and Philosophy of Mathematics | 0 | ✔ |
1744-6406 | Philosophia Mathematica (e-vir) | Oxford University Press | 0 | ✔ |
0031-8027 | Philosophia naturalis | Klostermann | 0 | |
0031-8035 | Philosophia reformata | Vereeniging voor Calvinistische W%sbegeerte; Vereniging voor Calvinistische W%sbegeerte | 0 | |
2352-8230 | Philosophia reformata (e-vir) | Centrum voor Reformatorische Wijsbegeerte | 0 | |
1281-2463 | Philosophia scientiae | Laboratoire d'histoire des sciences et de philosophie-Archives Henri Poincaré (Nancy) | 0 | |
1775-4283 | Philosophia scientiæ (e-vir) | Laboratoire d'histoire des sciences et de philosophie - Archives Henri Poincaré | 0 | ✔ |
0379-8402 | Philosophica | [Universiteit] | 0 | |
0872-4784 | Philosophica | Colibri; Sodilivros [distrib.] | 0 | ✔ |
2183-0134 | Philosophica (e-vir) | Colibri | 0 | ✔ |
0031-8051 | Philosophical books | Wiley-Blackwell | 0 | |
1468-0149 | Philosophical books (e-vir) | Blackwell | 0 | |
1386-9795 | Philosophical explorations | Van Gorcum | 0 | ✔ |
1741-5918 | Philosophical explorations (e-vir) | Routledge | 0 | ✔ |
0190-0536 | Philosophical investigations | Basil Blackwell | 0 | ✔ |
1467-9205 | Philosophical investigations | Blackwell. | 0 | ✔ |
1533-6077 | Philosophical issues | Ridgeview Pub. Co. | 0 | ✔ |
1758-2237 | Philosophical issues (e-vir) | Ridgeview Pub. Co. | 0 | ✔ |
0556-8641 | Philosophical papers | Rhodes University.; Rhodes University.; University of the Witwatersrand. | 0 | ✔ |
1996-8523 | Philosophical papers | Dept. of Philosophy, Rhodes University | 0 | ✔ |
1520-8583 | Philosophical perspectives | Blackwell Publishing | 0 | ✔ |
1758-2245 | Philosophical perspectives (e-vir) | Ridgeview | 0 | ✔ |
0951-5089 | Philosophical psychology | Carfax Publishing | 0 | ✔ |
1465-394X | Philosophical psychology (e-vir) | Routledge | 0 | ✔ |
0031-8116 | Philosophical studies | Reidel | 0 | ✔ |
1573-0883 | Philosophical studies (e-vir) | Kluwer | 0 | ✔ |
0276-2080 | Philosophical topics | University of Arkansas, Fayetteville.; Southwestern Philosophical Society. | 0 | ✔ |
2154-154X | Philosophical topics (e-vir) | Philosophy Documentation Center | 0 | ✔ |
0294-1805 | Philosophie | Editions de Minuit | 0 | |
1634-4561 | Philosophie antique | Presses universitaires du Septentrion | 0 | |
1617-3473 | Philosophiegeschichte und logische Analyse | Mentis | 0 | |
0316-2923 | Philosophiques | Ed. Bellarmin. | 0 | |
0031-8159 | Philosophische Rundschau | Mohr | 0 | |
1868-7261 | Philosophische Rundschau (e-vir) | Mohr Siebeck | 0 | |
0031-8183 | Philosophisches Jahrbuch | K. Alber | 0 | |
0031-8191 | Philosophy | Cambridge University Press | 0 | ✔ |
1469-817X | Philosophy (e-vir) | Cambridge University Press | 0 | ✔ |
1071-6076 | Philosophy, psychiatry & psychology | Johns Hopkins University Press | 0 | ✔ |
1086-3303 | Philosophy, psychiatry & psychology | Johns Hopkins University Press | 0 | ✔ |
0048-3915 | Philosophy & public affairs | Princeton University Press | 0 | ✔ |
1088-4963 | Philosophy & public affairs (e-vir) | Princeton University Press | 0 | ✔ |
0031-8213 | Philosophy & rhetoric | Pennsylvania State University Press. | 0 | |
1527-2079 | Philosophy & rhetoric | Pennsylvania State University Press | 0 | |
0191-4537 | Philosophy & social criticism | s.n. | 0 | ✔ |
1461-734X | Philosophy & social criticism (e-vir) | Sage Publications | 0 | ✔ |
0190-0013 | Philosophy and literature | University of Michigan--Dearborn | 0 | ✔ |
1086-329X | Philosophy and literature | Johns Hopkins University Press | 0 | ✔ |
0031-8205 | Philosophy and phenomenological research | International Phenomenological Society | 0 | ✔ |
1933-1592 | Philosophy and phenomenological research (e-vir) | International Phenomenological Society; Blackwell | 0 | ✔ |
1063-5734 | Philosophy of music education review | Indiana University, School of Music | 0 | |
1543-3412 | Philosophy of music education review | School of Music, Indiana University; Indiana University Press | 0 | |
0031-8248 | Philosophy of science | Philosophy of Science Association | 0 | ✔ |
1539-767X | Philosophy of science (e-vir) | University of Chicago Press | 0 | ✔ |
0048-3931 | Philosophy of the social sciences | Sage Publications | 0 | ✔ |
1552-7441 | Philosophy of the social sciences (e-vir) | Sage Publications | 0 | ✔ |
1433-7177 | PhiN (e-vir) | P. Gévaudan c/o Romanisches Seminar, Eberhard-Karls-Universität [u.a.] | 0 | |
0031-8299 | Phoenix | University of Toronto Press | 0 | |
1929-4883 | Phoenix (e-vir) | University of Toronto Press | 0 | |
0031-8388 | Phonetica | Karger | 0 | ✔ |
1423-0321 | Phonetica (e-vir) | Karger | 0 | ✔ |
0952-6757 | Phonology | Cambridge University Press | 0 | ✔ |
1469-8188 | Phonology (e-vir) | Cambridge University Press | 0 | ✔ |
1751-4517 | Photography & culture | Berg,; Bloomsbury; Taylor & Francis | 0 | ✔ |
1751-4525 | Photography & culture (e-vir) | Berg | 0 | ✔ |
0031-8868 | Phronesis | Van Gorcum | 0 | ✔ |
1568-5284 | Phronesis | Brill | 0 | ✔ |
1740-8989 | Physical education and sport pedagogy | Taylor & Francis | 0 | ✔ |
1742-5786 | Physical education and sport pedagogy (e-vir) | Carfax Pub. | 0 | ✔ |
1422-6944 | Physics in perspective | Birkhäuser | 0 | ✔ |
1422-6960 | Physics in perspective (e-vir) | [Springer International Publishing AG] | 0 | ✔ |
0031-9384 | Physiology & behavior | Pergamon Press. | 0 | ✔ |
0031-9414 | Physis | Leo Olschki Editore | 0 | |
1971-9035 | Pirandelliana | Accademia Editoriale | 0 | ✔ |
1974-4463 | Pirandelliana | Fabrizio Serra Editore | 0 | ✔ |
0731-0455 | Places | Design History Foundation | 0 | |
0961-1371 | Plainsong and medieval music | Cambridge University Press | 0 | ✔ |
1474-0087 | Plainsong and medieval music (e-vir) | Cambridge University Press | 0 | ✔ |
0266-5433 | Planning perspectives | E. & F.N. Spon; Chapman | 0 | ✔ |
1466-4518 | Planning Perspectives (e-vir) | Taylor & Francis Group | 0 | ✔ |
1105-073X | Platōn - Etaireia Ellīnōn Filologōn | Etaireia Ellīnōn Filologōn | 0 | |
1570-0747 | Pneuma | Brill | 0 | ✔ |
0272-0965 | Pneuma; | Brill Academic Publishers | 0 | ✔ |
1543-1789 | Poe studies/dark romanticism | Washington State University Press | 0 | |
2377-7664 | Poe studies/dark romanticism (e-vir) | Washington State University Press | 0 | |
0303-4178 | Poetica | Brill | 0 | |
2589-0530 | Poetica (e-vir) | Fink | 0 | ✔ |
0304-422X | Poetics | Mouton | 0 | ✔ |
1872-7514 | Poetics (e-vir) | Elsevier | 0 | |
0333-5372 | Poetics today | Duke University Press | 0 | ✔ |
1527-5507 | Poetics today (e-vir) | Duke University Press | 0 | ✔ |
0032-2024 | Poétique | Seuil | 0 | |
1215-6582 | Polanyiana | Polányi Mihály Szabadelvű Filozófiai Társaság. | 0 | |
1653-4964 | Polhem | Svenska nationalkommittén för teknikhistoria. | 0 | |
0874-1085 | Polifonia | Grupo Universitário de Investigação em Línguas Vivas. | 0 | |
0142-257X | Polis | The Group | 0 | ✔ |
1130-0728 | Polis | Universidad de Alcalá de Henares; Universidad de Alcalá de Henares | 0 | |
2051-2996 | Polis | Imprint Academic | 0 | ✔ |
0860-5882 | Polish-Anglosaxon Studies | Uniwersytet im. Adama Mickiewicza w Poznaniu.; Uniwersytet im. Adama Mickiewicza, Poznań. | 0 | |
1897-1652 | Polish journal of philosophy | Institute of Philosophy of the Jagiellonian University | 0 | |
2154-3747 | Polish journal of philosophy | Philosophy Documentation Center | 0 | |
1521-6039 | Polish music journal (e-vir) | University of Southern California. | 0 | |
0079-2993 | Polish Psychological Bulletin | Państwowe Wydawnictwo Naukowe | 0 | |
1641-7844 | Polish Psychological Bulletin | Blackhorse. | 0 | |
0162-895X | Political psychology | Plenum | 0 | ✔ |
1467-9221 | Political psychology (e-vir) | Blackwell. | 0 | ✔ |
0090-5917 | Political theory | Sage Publications. | 0 | ✔ |
1552-7476 | Political theory (e-vir) | Sage Publications | 0 | ✔ |
1470-594X | Politics, philosophy & economics | Sage | 0 | ✔ |
1741-3060 | Politics, philosophy & economics (e-vir) | Sage Publications | 0 | ✔ |
1594-1663 | Polittico | Università degl Studi, Pisa. Dipartimento di storia delle arti. Scuola di Spercializzazione e del Dottorato di Ricerca delle Arti Visive e dello Spettacolo | 0 | |
1013-4247 | Pontica | Muzeul de istorie naţionala şi arheologie | 0 | |
0873-1861 | População e sociedade | Centro de Estudos da População e Família | 0 | |
2184-5263 | População e sociedade (e-vir) | CEPESE - Centro de Estudos da População Economia e Sociedade | 0 | |
0261-1430 | Popular music | Cambridge University Press | 0 | ✔ |
1474-0095 | Popular music (e-vir) | Cambridge University Press | 0 | ✔ |
1740-7133 | Popular music history | Equinox Publishing | 0 | ✔ |
1743-1646 | Popular music history (e-vir) | Equinox | 0 | ✔ |
1477-4747 | Population studies (e-vir) | Published on behalf of the Population Investigation Committee by the Cambridge University Press | 0 | ✔ |
0032-4728 | Population Studies | Population Investigation Committee, London School of Economics | 0 | ✔ |
0551-5343 | Poradnik Jęezykowy | Państwowe Wydawnictwo Naukowe | 0 | |
1234-1533 | Porta Aurea | Zakład Historii Sztuki Uniwersytetu Gdańskiego.; Uniwersytet Gdański. Zakład Historii Sztuki. | 0 | |
1521-804X | Portuguese literary & cultural studies | University of Massachusetts Dartmouth. | 0 | |
0267-5315 | Portuguese studies | Modern Humanities Research Association | 0 | ✔ |
2222-4270 | Portuguese studies | Modern Humanities Research Association | 0 | ✔ |
0048-4911 | Positif | Positif | 0 | |
0941-4711 | Positionen | Verl. Positionen. | 0 | |
1368-8790 | Postcolonial studies | Carfax | 0 | ✔ |
1466-1888 | Postcolonial studies (e-vir) | Carfax International Publishers | 0 | ✔ |
1705-9100 | Postcolonial text (e-vir) | [Canadian Association for Commonwealth Literature and Language Studies] | 0 | |
0079-4236 | Post-medieval archaeology | Society for Post-Medieval Archaeology. | 0 | ✔ |
1745-8137 | Post-medieval archaeology (e-vir) | Society for Post-Medieval Archaeology | 0 | ✔ |
0351-9767 | Povijesni prilozi | Hrvatski institut za povijest | 1 | |
1848-9087 | Povijesni prilozi (e-vir) | Hrvatski institut za povijest (Zagreb) | 0 | |
0303-8157 | Pozna%n studies in the philosophy of the sciences and the humanities | Rodopi; Grüner | 0 | ✔ |
1875-7243 | Poznan studies in the philosophy of the sciences and the humanities (e-vir) | Rodopi | 0 | |
0937-2032 | PPmP. Psychotherapie, Psychosomatik, medizinische Psychologie | Thieme | 0 | ✔ |
0138-0567 | Prace Filologiczne | Wydawnictwa Uniwersytetu Warszawskiego | 0 | |
1801-0040 | Práce z dějin techniky a přírodních věd | Společnost pro dějiny věd a techniky; Národní technické muzeum | 0 | |
1133-682X | Pragmalingüística | Universidad de Cádiz | 0 | ✔ |
2445-3064 | Pragmalingüística (e-vir) | Universidad de Cádiz | 0 | ✔ |
1018-2101 | Pragmatics | IPrA Research Center | 0 | ✔ |
2406-4238 | Pragmatics (e-vir) | IPrA Research Center | 0 | ✔ |
0929-0907 | Pragmatics & cognition | John Benjamins | 0 | ✔ |
1569-9943 | Pragmatics & cognition | John Benjamins | 0 | ✔ |
0032-6585 | Prague Bulletin of Mathematical Linguistics | Oddelení algebraický lingvistiky a strojovího prekladu, Katedra lingvistidy a fonetiky | 0 | |
1383-7583 | Prague Linguistic Circle papers | John Benjamins Publishing Company | 0 | |
0079-4872 | Prakseologia | Państwowe Wydawnictwo Naukowe. | 0 | |
1269-1763 | Pratiques psychologiques | L'Esprit du temps | 0 | ✔ |
0032-7034 | Praxis der Kinderpsychologie und Kinderpsychiatrie | Verlag für Med. Psychologie im Verl. Vandenhoeck u. Ruprecht | 0 | |
0555-0238 | Pražský sborník historický | Panorama; Koniasch Latin Press; Albis International; Scriptorium; Archiv hlavního města Prahy | 0 | |
1542-8109 | Precursors & aftermaths | Fort Hays State University. | 0 | |
0048-5195 | Présence francophone | Université de Sherbrooke. Centre d'étude des littératures d'expression française. | 0 | |
1389-4986 | Prevention science | Kluwer/Plenum | 0 | ✔ |
1573-6695 | Prevention science (e-vir) | Kluwer | 0 | ✔ |
0555-1145 | Prilozi povijesti umjetnosti u Dalmaciji | Regionalni zavod za zaštitu spomenika kulture | 0 | |
0933-5749 | Prima philosophia | Junghans | 0 | |
0032-8472 | Príncipe de Viana | Gobierno de Navarra, Departamento de Presidencia, Sección de Publicaciones | 0 | |
0867-5392 | Principia | Uniwersytet Jagielloński; Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Jagiellońskiego | 0 | ✔ |
1414-4247 | Principia | Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina, Núcleo de Epistemologia e Lógica | 0 | |
1808-1525 | Principia (e-vir) | Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina, Núcleo de Epistemologia e Lógica. | 0 | |
1808-1711 | Principia | Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina, Núcleo de Epistemologia e Lógica. | 0 | ✔ |
2084-3887 | Principia (e-vir) | Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Jagiellońskiego | 0 | ✔ |
0265-8305 | Print quarterly | Print Quarterly Limited | 0 | |
1127-2570 | Problemi di critica goldoniana | Longo | 0 | |
0921-4771 | Probus | Mouton de Gruyter. | 0 | ✔ |
1613-4079 | Probus | Mouton de Gruyter. | 0 | ✔ |
0066-7374 | Proceedings of the Aristotelian society | Aristotelian Society | 0 | ✔ |
1467-9264 | Proceedings of the Aristotelian Society for the Systematic Study of Philosophy (e-vir) | Williams and Norgate | 0 | ✔ |
1059-986X | Proceedings of the Boston Area Colloquium in Ancient Philosophy | Boston Area Colloquium in Ancient Philosophy. | 0 | ✔ |
2213-4417 | Proceedings of the Boston Area Colloquium of Ancient Philosophy | Brill. | 0 | ✔ |
0068-1202 | Proceedings of the British Academy | Oxford University Press | 0 | |
1108-149X | Proceedings of the Danish Institute at Athens | Danish Institute at Athens | 0 | |
0035-8991 | Proceedings of the Royal Irish Academy | Royal Irish Academy | 0 | ✔ |
2009-0048 | Proceedings of the Royal Irish Academy (e-vir) | Royal Irish Academy | 0 | ✔ |
0081-1564 | Proceedings of the Society of Antiquaries of Scotland | Society of Antiquaries of Scotland, Royal Museum of Scotland | 0 | ✔ |
2056-743X | Proceedings of the Society of Antiquaries of Scotland (e-vir) | 0 | ✔ | |
0968-2112 | Proceedings of the Virgil Society | Virgil Society. | 0 | |
0386-037X | Process : architecture | Process Architecture Publishing Co.. | 0 | |
0735-7028 | Professional psychology, research and practice | American Psychological Association | 0 | ✔ |
1939-1323 | Professional psychology, research and practice | American Psychological Association | 0 | ✔ |
1019-5610 | Projets féministes | Association européenne contre les violences faites aux femmes au travail | 0 | |
1566-7146 | Pro memorie | Verloren | 0 | ✔ |
2667-1611 | Pro memorie (e-vir) | Amsterdam University Press | 0 | ✔ |
0391-2698 | Prometheus | Nuova Scuola Editrice ;; Firenze University press, | 0 | ✔ |
2281-1044 | Prometheus | Firenze university press | 0 | ✔ |
0272-9601 | Prooftexts | Johns Hopkins University Press | 0 | |
1086-3311 | Prooftexts (e-vir) | Johns Hopkins University Press | 0 | |
1219-1639 | Pro philosophia füzetek | Pro Scientia Humana Vesprimiensi Alapítvány.; Veszprémi Egyetem. | 0 | |
0144-0357 | Prose studies | Frank Cass & Co. Ltd.. | 0 | ✔ |
1743-9426 | Prose studies (e-vir) | Routledge; Taylor & Francis | 0 | ✔ |
1358-6785 | Prospero | PER-Prospero. | 0 | |
0394-0802 | Prospettiva | Centro Piazza de'Mozzi Lr. | 0 | |
2239-7205 | Prospettiva (e-vir) | Centro Di | 0 | |
0300-3523 | Protée | Université du Québec à Chicoutimi.; Université du Québec à Chicoutimi. | 0 | |
1643-2045 | Przeglad filozoficzno-literacki | Uniwersytet Warszawski, Instytut Filozofii | 0 | |
1230-1493 | Przegląd Filozoficzny | Polska Akademia Nauk.; Polska Akademia Nauk.; Uniwersytet Warszawski. | 0 | |
2300-2573 | Przegląd Filozoficzny (e-vir) | Komitet Nauk Filozoficznych PAN; Instytut Filozofii UW | 0 | |
0033-2178 | Przegląd Historyczno-Oświatowy | Polskie Towarzystwo Pedagogiczne.; Związek Nauczycielstwa Polskiego. | 0 | |
0033-2186 | Przegląd historyczny | Państwowe Wydawnictwo Naukowe | 0 | |
0033-2283 | Przegląd Orientalistyczny | Państwowe Wydawnictwo Naukowe | 0 | |
0137-303X | Przegląd Polonijny | Zakład Narodowy im. Ossolińskich | 1 | |
0048-5675 | Przegląd Psychologiczny | Zakład Narodowy im. Ossolińskich | 0 | |
1230-4379 | Przegląd Religioznawczy | Polskie Towarzystwo Religioznawcze. | 0 | |
0137-298X | Przegląd Rusycystyczny | Państwowe Wydawnictwo Naukowe Oddział w Łodzi | 0 | |
0860-0015 | Przegląd Tomistyczny | Instytut Tomistyczny | 0 | |
1425-6851 | Przekładaniec | Uniwersytet Jagielloński (Kraków). Instytut Filologii Angielskiej.; Krakowskie Towarzystwo Popularyzowania Wiedzy o Komunikacji Jęezykowej "Tertium"; Uniwersytet Jagielloński (Kraków). Katedra UNESCO do Badań nad Przekładem i Komunikacjęa Mięedzykulturowęa. | 0 | ✔ |
1689-1864 | Przekładaniec (e-vir) | Koło Naukowe Anglistów. Instytut Filologii Angielskiej Uniwersytetu Jagiellońskiego | 0 | ✔ |
1644-6763 | Przestrzenie Teorii | Uniwersytet im. Adama Mickiewicza (Poznań); Uniwersytet Jagielloński (Kraków) | 0 | ✔ |
2450-5765 | Przestrzenie Teorii (e-vir) | Wydawnictwo Naukowe Uniwersytetu im. Adama Mickiewicza; Uniwersytet Jagielloński | 0 | ✔ |
2327-9486 | PSA (e-vir) | Philosophy of Science Association. | 0 | |
0270-8647 | PSA; (e-vir) | Philosophy of Science Association [etc.] | 0 | |
0214-9915 | Psicothema | Colegio Oficial de Psicólogos de Asturias; Facultad de Psicologías, Universidad de Oviedo | 0 | ✔ |
1886-144X | Psicothema | Colegio Oficial de Psicólogos de Asturias; Facultad de Psicologías, Universidad de Oviedo | 0 | ✔ |
0205-9592 | Psihologičeskij žurnal | Nauka | 0 | |
1332-0742 | Psihologijske teme | Filozofski fakultet Sveučilišta, Odsjek za psihologiju | 1 | ✔ |
1849-0395 | Psihologijske teme (e-vir) | Filozofski fakultet | 0 | ✔ |
0033-2623 | Psyche | 0 | ||
1048-1885 | Psychoanalytic dialogues | Analytic Press | 0 | ✔ |
1940-9222 | Psychoanalytic dialogues (e-vir) | Analytic Press | 0 | ✔ |
0735-1690 | Psychoanalytic inquiry | International Universities Press | 0 | ✔ |
1940-9133 | Psychoanalytic inquiry (e-vir) | International Universities Press | 0 | ✔ |
0736-9735 | Psychoanalytic psychology | Lawrence Erlbaum Associates | 0 | ✔ |
1939-1331 | Psychoanalytic psychology | Lawrence Erlbaum Associates | 0 | ✔ |
0033-2879 | Psychologica belgica | Société belge de psychologie | 0 | ✔ |
2054-670X | Psychologica belgica (e-vir) | Ubiquity Press | 0 | ✔ |
1040-3590 | Psychological assessment | American Psychological Association | 0 | ✔ |
1939-134X | Psychological assessment (e-vir) | American Psychological Association | 0 | ✔ |
0033-2909 | Psychological bulletin | American Psychological Association | 0 | ✔ |
1939-1455 | Psychological bulletin | American Psychological Association | 0 | ✔ |
1047-840X | Psychological inquiry | Lawrence Erlbaum Associates | 0 | ✔ |
1532-7965 | Psychological inquiry (e-vir) | Lawrence Erlbaum Associates | 0 | ✔ |
0033-2917 | Psychological medicine | Cambridge University Press | 0 | ✔ |
1469-8978 | Psychological medicine (e-vir) | Cambridge University Press | 0 | ✔ |
1082-989X | Psychological methods | American Psychological Association | 0 | ✔ |
1939-1463 | Psychological methods (e-vir) | American Psychological Association | 0 | ✔ |
0340-0727 | Psychological research | Springer | 0 | ✔ |
1430-2772 | Psychological research = | Springer. | 0 | ✔ |
0033-295X | Psychological review | American Psychological Association | 0 | ✔ |
0956-7976 | Psychological science | Sage | 0 | ✔ |
1467-9280 | Psychological science (e-vir) | Sage | 0 | ✔ |
1873-1791 | Psychologie & gezondheid | Bohn Stafleu en Van Loghum | 0 | |
1876-8741 | Psychologie & gezondheid | Bohn Stafleu Van Loghum | 0 | |
0033-2984 | Psychologie française | Dunod | 0 | ✔ |
1873-7277 | Psychologie française (e-vir) | Société Française de Psychologie | 0 | |
0342-183X | Psychologie in Erziehung und Unterricht | E. Reinhardt | 0 | |
1861-4183 | Psycho-logik | Alber. | 0 | |
1068-316X | Psychology, crime & law | Harwood Academic Publishers | 0 | ✔ |
1477-2744 | Psychology, crime & law (e-vir) | Gordon and Breach | 0 | ✔ |
1076-8971 | Psychology, public policy, and law | American Psychological Association | 0 | ✔ |
1939-1528 | Psychology, public policy, and law | American Psychological Association | 0 | ✔ |
0887-0446 | Psychology & health | Harwood Academic Publishers | 0 | ✔ |
1476-8321 | Psychology & health (e-vir) | Gordon and Breach; Brunner-Routledge. | 1 | ✔ |
0882-7974 | Psychology and aging | American Psychological Association | 0 | ✔ |
1939-1498 | Psychology and aging | American Psychological Association | 0 | ✔ |
1476-0835 | Psychology and psychotherapy | BPS | 0 | |
2044-8341 | Psychology and psychotherapy (e-vir) | Wiley | 0 | ✔ |
0033-3085 | Psychology in the schools | Wiley Subscription Services, Inc. | 0 | ✔ |
1520-6807 | Psychology in the schools (e-vir) | Clinical Psychology]; Wiley Periodicals | 0 | ✔ |
0893-164X | Psychology of addictive behaviors | The Society | 0 | ✔ |
1939-1501 | Psychology of addictive behaviors | American Psychological Society | 0 | ✔ |
0305-7356 | Psychology of music | Sage Publications | 0 | ✔ |
1741-3087 | Psychology of music (e-vir) | Sage Publications | 0 | ✔ |
1469-0292 | Psychology of sport and exercise | Elsevier | 0 | ✔ |
1878-5476 | Psychology of sport and exercise (e-vir) | Elsevier Ltd. | 0 | |
0361-6843 | Psychology of women quarterly | Cambridge University Press | 0 | ✔ |
1471-6402 | Psychology of women quarterly (e-vir) | Blackwell Publishers | 0 | ✔ |
0033-3123 | Psychometrika | Psychometric Society. | 0 | ✔ |
1860-0980 | Psychometrika | Springer | 0 | ✔ |
0275-3987 | Psychomusicology | The Office of Research in Arts Technology | 0 | |
2162-1535 | Psychomusicology | Stephen F. Austin State University | 0 | |
1069-9384 | Psychonomic bulletin & review | Springer | 0 | ✔ |
1531-5320 | Psychonomic bulletin & review (e-vir) | Springer | 0 | ✔ |
1057-9249 | Psycho-oncology | Wiley | 0 | ✔ |
1099-1611 | Psycho-oncology (e-vir) | Wiley | 1 | ✔ |
0033-3158 | Psychopharmacologia | Springer | 0 | ✔ |
1432-2072 | Psychopharmacology | Springer | 0 | ✔ |
0048-5772 | Psychophysiology | Society for Psychophysiological Research | 0 | ✔ |
1469-8986 | Psychophysiology (e-vir) | Blackwell Publishers | 0 | ✔ |
0033-3174 | Psychosomatic medicine | Elsevier | 0 | ✔ |
1534-7796 | Psychosomatic medicine (e-vir) | Lippincot | 0 | ✔ |
0033-3182 | Psychosomatics | Elsevier [etc.] | 0 | ✔ |
1545-7206 | Psychosomatics (e-vir) | Academy of Psychosomatic Medicine. | 0 | |
0935-6185 | Psychotherapeut | Springer-Verlag | 0 | |
1432-2080 | Psychotherapeut | Springer | 0 | |
0033-3204 | Psychotherapy | Psychologists interested in the advancement of psychotherapy | 0 | ✔ |
1939-1536 | Psychotherapy | American Psychological Association | 0 | ✔ |
1423-0348 | Psychotherapy and psychosomatics (e-vir) | S. Karger | 0 | ✔ |
0033-3190 | Psychotherapy and Psychosomatics | Karger | 0 | ✔ |
1050-3307 | Psychotherapy research | Guilford Publications | 0 | ✔ |
1468-4381 | Psychotherapy research (e-vir) | For the Society for Psychotherapy Research by Oxford University Press | 0 | ✔ |
1016-4286 | Publication du Centre européen d'études bourguignonnes | Centre européen d'études bourguignonnes. | 0 | |
0167-6652 | Publications de la Société Historique et Archéologique dans le Limbourg | Limburg's Geschied- en Oudheidkundig Genootschap; Société Historique et Archéologie dans le Limbourg; Koninklijk Limburgs Geschied- en Oudheidkundig Genootschap; Société Royale Historique et Archéologique dans le Limbourg | 0 | |
0959-3683 | Publications of the English Goethe Society | English Goethe Society. | 0 | ✔ |
1749-6284 | Publications of the English Goethe Society (e-vir) | Maney on behalf of the English Goethe Society | 0 | ✔ |
0030-8129 | Publications of the Modern Language Association of America | The Association | 0 | ✔ |
1938-1530 | Publications of the Modern Language Association of America (e-vir) | Modern Language Association of America | 0 | ✔ |
0033-362X | Public opinion quarterly | Oxford University Press | 0 | ✔ |
1537-5331 | Public opinion quarterly (e-vir) | Public Opinion Quarterly, Inc. | 0 | ✔ |
0963-6625 | Public understanding of science | Sage | 2 | ✔ |
1361-6609 | Public understanding of science (e-vir) | IOP Publishing | 0 | ✔ |
1458-3410 | Puhe ja kieli | Puheen ja kielen tutkimuksen yhdistys | 0 | ✔ |
2342-7213 | Puhe ja kieli (e-vir) | Puheen ja kielen tutkimuksen yhdistys. | 0 | |
0278-1891 | Pynchon notes | J.M. Kraft and K. Tololyan | 0 | |
0951-8398 | QSE | Taylor & Francis | 0 | ✔ |
0392-1840 | Quaderni Catanesi | Tringale | 0 | |
1720-0180 | Quaderni del '900 | Istituti Editoriali e Poligrafici Internazionali. | 0 | ✔ |
1724-1898 | Quaderni del '900 | Istituti Editoriali e Poligrafici Internazionali. | 0 | ✔ |
1124-8602 | Quaderni del Dipartimento di filologia linguistica e tradizione classica | Università degli studi, Torino. Dipartimento di filologia linguistica e tradizione classica | 0 | |
0393-1226 | Quaderni di semantica | Editrice CLUEB. ;; Il Mulino | 0 | |
0391-6936 | Quaderni di storia | Dedalo. | 0 | |
1722-5043 | Quaderni di storia | Comune di Ferentino, Assessorato alla cultura. | 0 | |
0033-4960 | Quaderni ibero-americani | ARCSAL | 0 | |
1120-2467 | Quaderni petrarcheschi | Le Lettere. | 0 | |
0301-6307 | Quaderni storici | Istituto di storia e sociologia dell'Universita Urbinate | 0 | ✔ |
2612-1972 | Quaderni storici (e-vir) | il Mulino | 0 | ✔ |
0033-4987 | Quaderni urbinati di cultura classica | Istituti editoriali e poligrafici internazionali | 0 | ✔ |
1724-1901 | Quaderni urbinati di cultura classica | Istituti Editoriali e Poligrafici Internazionali | 0 | ✔ |
1138-5790 | Quaderns | Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona, Servei de Publicacions | 0 | ✔ |
2014-9735 | Quaderns (e-vir) | UAB, Departament de Traducció i d'Interpretació | 0 | ✔ |
1133-8849 | Quaderns d'arquitectura i urbanisme | Col.legi d'Arquitectes de Catalunya | 0 | |
1135-934X | Quaderns d'història de l'enginyeria | Escola Tècnica Superior d'Enginyers Industrials de Barcelona | 0 | |
1885-4516 | Quaderns d'història de l'enginyeria | Escola Tècnica Superior d'Enginyers Industrials de Barcelona | 0 | |
1135-9730 | Quaderns d'Italià | Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona; Istituto italiano di cultura (Barcelona); Universitat de Barcelona; Universitat de Girona | 0 | ✔ |
2014-8828 | Quaderns d'Italià | Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona | 0 | ✔ |
0014-9527 | Quaerendo | Theatrum Orbis Terrarum | 0 | ✔ |
1570-0690 | Quærendo (e-vir) | Brill | 0 | ✔ |
1379-2547 | Quaestio | Brepols. | 0 | |
1427-4418 | Quaestiones Medii Aevi Novae | Instytut Historyczny Uniwersytetu Warszawskiego; Wydawnictwo DiG; Fundacja "Centrum Badań Historycznych"; "Societas Vistulana" | 0 | |
1077-8004 | Qualitative inquiry | Sage Periodicals Press | 0 | ✔ |
1552-7565 | Qualitative inquiry (e-vir) | Sage Publications | 0 | ✔ |
1478-0887 | Qualitative research in psychology | Arnold | 0 | ✔ |
1478-0895 | Qualitative research in psychology (e-vir) | Arnold | 0 | ✔ |
0033-5177 | Quality & quantity | Springer | 1 | ✔ |
1573-7845 | Quality and quantity (e-vir) | Kluwer | 0 | ✔ |
0968-4883 | Quality assurance in education | MCB University Press | 0 | ✔ |
1758-7662 | Quality assurance in education (e-vir) | MCB University Press | 0 | |
1353-8322 | Quality in higher education | Carfax | 0 | ✔ |
1470-1081 | Quality in higher education (e-vir) | Carfax International Publishers | 0 | ✔ |
1528-3518 | Quarterly review of distance education | Information Age Pub. | 0 | |
2169-1266 | Quarterly review of distance education (e-vir) | Information Age Pub. | 0 | |
0929-8592 | Queeste | Verloren | 0 | ✔ |
2667-1689 | Queeste (e-vir) | Verloren | 0 | ✔ |
0079-9068 | Quellen und Forschungen aus italienischen Archiven und Bibliotheken | M. Niemeyer [etc.] | 0 | |
1865-8865 | Quellen und Forschungen aus italienischen Archiven und Bibliotheken (e-vir) | de Gruyter Mouton | 0 | ✔ |
0774-5524 | Questions liturgiques | Abbaye du Mont-César | 0 | |
1783-1709 | Questions liturgiques (e-vir) | Peeters Publishers | 0 | |
1579-7414 | Quintana | Universidad de Santiago de Compostela | 0 | |
1041-8385 | Qui parle | University of California, Berkeley | 0 | ✔ |
1938-8020 | Qui parle (e-vir) | University of California | 0 | |
1918-4778 | RACAR (e-vir) | Société pour promouvoir la publication en histoire de l'art au Canada | 0 | |
0315-9906 | RACAR, revue d'art canadienne, Canadian art review | Société pour promouvoir la publication en histoire de l'art au Canada. | 0 | |
1361-3324 | Race, ethnicity and education | Carfax | 0 | ✔ |
1470-109X | Race, ethnicity and education (e-vir) | Carfax International Publishers | 0 | ✔ |
0163-6545 | Radical history review | MARHO | 0 | ✔ |
1534-1453 | Radical history review (e-vir) | Duke University Press | 0 | ✔ |
0300-211X | Radical philosophy | Radical Philosophy Group | 0 | ✔ |
0165-4322 | Radix | Gereformeerd Wetenschappelijk Genootschap. | 0 | |
0350-3437 | Radovi Instituta za povijest umjetnosti | Institut za povijesne znanosti Sveučilišta u Zagrebu. Odjel za povijest umjetnosti | 0 | |
1845-4534 | Radovi Instituta za povijest umjetnosti (e-vir) | Institut za povijest umjetnosti | 0 | |
1330-0474 | Radovi Zavoda za povijesne znanosti HAZU u Zadru | Zavod za povijesne znanosti HAZU | 0 | |
1848-8943 | Radovi Zavoda za povijesne znanosti HAZU u Zadru (e-vir) | Hrvatska akademija znanosti i umjetnosti (Zagreb). | 0 | |
Y500-3903 | Radovi Zavoda za povijesne znanosti HAZU u Zadru | Zavod za povijesne znanosti HAZU | 0 | |
1720-2396 | Ragion pratica | Compagnia dei librai | 0 | ✔ |
2612-1441 | Ragion pratica (e-vir) | Il Mulino | 0 | ✔ |
0048-671X | Ramus | Monash University. | 0 | ✔ |
2202-932X | Ramus | Aureal Publications | 0 | ✔ |
0909-8976 | Rask | Department of Language and Communication, University of Sourthern Denmark | 0 | |
1331-6745 | Rasprave Instituta za hrvatski jezik i jezikoslovlje | Institut za hrvatski jezik i jezikoslovlje | 2 | ✔ |
1849-0379 | Rasprave Instituta za hrvatski jezik i jezikoslovlje (e-vir) | Institut za hrvatski jezik i jezikoslovlje | 0 | ✔ |
0033-9571 | Rassegna di pedagogia | Instituto di pedagogia dell'università | 0 | ✔ |
1724-1871 | Rassegna di pedagogia = | Istituti Editoriali e Poligrafici Internazionali. | 0 | ✔ |
1122-5580 | Rassegna europea di letteratura italiana | F. Cesati | 0 | ✔ |
1824-6818 | Rassegna europea di letteratura italiana (e-vir) | F. Cesati | 0 | ✔ |
0033-9725 | Rassegna Italiana di Linguistica Applicata | Bulzoni Editore s.r.l. | 0 | |
0033-9873 | Rassegna storica del risorgimento | Istituto per la storia del risorgimento italiano | 0 | |
0034-0006 | Ratio | Basil Blackwell | 0 | ✔ |
1467-9329 | Ratio (e-vir) | Blackwell Publishers | 0 | ✔ |
0952-1917 | Ratio juris | Blackwell | 4 | ✔ |
1467-9337 | Ratio juris (e-vir) | Blackwell | 0 | ✔ |
0035-0818 | RBPH | Société pour le progrès des études philologiques et historiques | 0 | |
0922-4777 | Reading & writing | Kluwer Academic Publishers | 0 | ✔ |
1573-0905 | Reading & writing (e-vir) | Kluwer | 0 | ✔ |
1057-3569 | Reading & writing quarterly | Taylor & Francis | 0 | ✔ |
1521-0693 | Reading and writing quarterly (e-vir) | Taylor & Francis | 0 | ✔ |
0950-3129 | Reading medieval studies | University of Reading. | 0 | |
0886-0246 | Reading research and instruction | The Association | 0 | |
2331-3587 | Reading research and instruction (e-vir) | College Reading Association. | 0 | |
0034-0553 | Reading research quarterly | International Reading Association | 0 | ✔ |
1936-2722 | Reading research quarterly (e-vir) | International Reading Association | 0 | ✔ |
0486-0993 | Reales Sitios | Patrimonio Nacional (España) | 0 | |
0958-3440 | ReCALL | The Centre | 0 | ✔ |
1474-0109 | ReCALL (e-vir) | Cambridge University Press | 0 | ✔ |
1120-5741 | Recercare | Libreria Musicale Italiana Editrice | 0 | |
0210-380X | Recerques | Associació Recerques, Història, Economia, Cultura; Universidad de Valencia | 0 | |
0988-1824 | Recherche et formation | Institut national de recherche pédagogique (France) | 0 | |
0557-6989 | Recherches anglaises et américaines | Faculté des lettres | 0 | ✔ |
0484-0887 | Recherches augustiniennes | Études augustiniennes | 0 | |
0034-1258 | Recherches de science religieuse | aux bureaux de la revue | 0 | |
2104-3884 | Recherches de science religieuse (e-vir) | Centre Sèvres | 0 | |
1783-1717 | Recherches de théologie et de philosophie médiévales (e-vir) | Peeters Publishers | 0 | |
1370-7493 | Recherches de théologie et philosophie médiévales | Abbaye du Mont César | 0 | |
0246-9367 | Recherches en didactique des mathématiques | La Pensée sauvage; Ed. de la Maison des sciences de l'homme | 0 | |
0399-1989 | Recherches germaniques | Université Marc Bloch (Strasbourg) | 0 | |
2649-860X | Recherches germaniques (e-vir) | Presses universitaires de Strasbourg | 0 | |
2679-375X | Recherches germaniques | 0 | ||
1377-9613 | Recherches husserliennes | Centre de recherches phénoménologiques des facultés universitaires Saint-Louis. | 0 | |
0986-6124 | Recherches linguistiques de Vincennes | Université de Paris :VIII:+08+ | 0 | |
0769-0886 | Recherches sur Diderot et sur l'Encyclopédie | Société Diderot | 0 | |
0754-331X | Recherches sur la philosophie et le langage | Université des sciences sociales de Grenoble, Groupe de recherches sur la philosophie et le langage; Librairie philosophique | 0 | |
0224-0041 | Recherches sur le français parlé | Groupe aixois de recherches en syntaxe. | 0 | |
1619-4993 | Rechtsgeschichte | Klostermann | 0 | ✔ |
2195-9617 | Rechtsgeschichte (e-vir) | Max-Planck-Institut für Europäische Rechtsgeschichte | 0 | ✔ |
0165-0831 | Rechtsphilosophie en rechtstheorie | Vereeniging voor Wijsbegeerte des Rechts ;; Tjeenk Willink | 0 | |
0034-1398 | Rechtstheorie | Duncker und Humblot | 0 | ✔ |
1865-519X | Rechtstheorie (e-vir) | Duncker & Humblot | 0 | ✔ |
1462-3943 | Reflective practice | Carfax | 0 | ✔ |
1470-1103 | Reflective practice (e-vir) | Carfax International Publishers | 0 | ✔ |
0862-6901 | Reflexe | Institut pro středoevropskou kulturu a politiku | 0 | ✔ |
2533-7637 | Reflexe (e-vir) | OIKOYMENH | 0 | ✔ |
1462-2459 | Reformation & Renaissance review | Sheffield Academic Press | 0 | ✔ |
1743-1727 | Reformation & Renaissance review (e-vir) | Sheffield Academic Press | 0 | ✔ |
0090-5550 | Rehabilitation psychology | Springer Pub. Co. | 0 | ✔ |
1939-1544 | Rehabilitation psychology (e-vir) | Springer Pub. Co. | 0 | ✔ |
0925-4757 | Reinardus | Alfa; Benjamins | 0 | ✔ |
1569-9951 | Reinardus | Benjamins | 0 | ✔ |
0033-6882 | RELC journal | SEAMEO Regional Language Centre | 0 | ✔ |
1745-526X | RELC journal (e-vir) | SEAMEO Regional Language Centre | 0 | ✔ |
1783-6425 | Relicta | Vlaams Instituut voor Onroerend Erfgoed | 0 | |
1210-3640 | Religio | Česká společnost pro studium náboženství | 0 | |
2336-4475 | Religio (e-vir) | Česká společnost pro studium náboženství; Česká společnost pro religionistiku o.s. | 0 | |
1180-0135 | Religiologiques | Université du Québec à Montréal. Département des sciences religieuses. | 0 | |
0048-721X | Religion | Academic Press | 0 | ✔ |
1096-1151 | Religion | Academic Press | 0 | ✔ |
0963-7494 | Religion, state & society | Carfax Publishing | 0 | ✔ |
1465-3974 | Religion, state & society (e-vir) | Carfax International Publishers | 0 | ✔ |
0173-0339 | Religionspädagogische Beiträge | Arbeitsgemeinschaft Katholischer Katechetikdozenten | 0 | |
2750-3941 | Religionspädagogische Beiträge (e-vir) | University of Bamberg Press | 0 | |
0108-1993 | Religionsvidenskabeligt tidsskrift | Aarhus Universitet | 0 | ✔ |
1904-8181 | Religionsvidenskabeligt tidsskrift (e-vir) | Afdeling for Religionsvidenskab, Aarhus Universitet | 0 | ✔ |
0034-4087 | Religious education | Routledge | 0 | ✔ |
1547-3201 | Religious education | Religious Education Association | 0 | ✔ |
0034-4125 | Religious studies | Cambridge University Press. | 0 | ✔ |
1469-901X | Religious studies (e-vir) | Cambridge University Press | 0 | ✔ |
2072-8662 | Religiovedenie | Religiovedenie; Amurskij gosudarstvennyj universitet | 0 | |
0741-9325 | Remedial and special education | PRO-ED | 0 | ✔ |
1538-4756 | Remedial and special education (e-vir) | PRO-ED | 0 | ✔ |
0486-3720 | Renaissance and modern studies | University | 0 | |
0034-429X | Renaissance and Reformation | Toronto Renaissance and Reformation Colloquium and the Victoria University Centre for Renaissance and Reformation Studies. | 0 | ✔ |
2293-7374 | Renaissance and Reformation (e-vir) | 0 | ✔ | |
0486-3739 | Renaissance drama | Northwestern University Press | 0 | ✔ |
2164-3415 | Renaissance drama (e-vir) | [Northwestern University Press] | 0 | ✔ |
1362-1149 | Renaissance forum (e-vir) | University of Hull.; University of Hull. | 0 | |
0034-4338 | Renaissance quarterly | Renaissance Society of America. | 0 | ✔ |
1935-0236 | Renaissance quarterly (e-vir) | Renaissance Society of America | 0 | ✔ |
0269-1213 | Renaissance studies | Oxford University Press | 0 | ✔ |
1477-4658 | Renaissance studies (e-vir) | Published by Oxford University Press on behalf of Society of Renaissance Studies | 0 | ✔ |
0034-4346 | Renascence | Marquette University Press. | 0 | ✔ |
2329-8626 | Renascence (e-vir) | 0 | ✔ | |
1157-1330 | Repères | Institut national de recherche pédagogique (France) | 0 | |
0755-7817 | Repères pour la rénovation de l'enseignement du français | Institut national de recherche pédagogique (France) | 0 | |
0070-2374 | Report of the Department of Antiquities. Cyprus | Government Printing Office | 0 | |
0137-2904 | Reports on mathematical logic | Jagiellonian University Press | 0 | ✔ |
2084-2589 | Reports on Mathematical Logic (e-vir) | Jagiellonian University Press | 0 | ✔ |
0734-6018 | Representations | University of Calif. Press | 0 | ✔ |
1533-855X | Representations (e-vir) | University of California Press | 0 | ✔ |
0968-8080 | Reproductive health matters | Reproductive Health Matters | 0 | |
1460-9576 | Reproductive health matters (e-vir) | Reproductive Health Matters | 0 | |
0277-1322 | Res | Getty Center for the History of Art and the Humanities | 0 | |
2327-9621 | Res (e-vir) | Peabody Museum of Archaeology and Ethnology, Harvard University | 0 | |
1540-7969 | Research and practice for persons with severe disabilities | TASH | 0 | ✔ |
2169-2408 | Research and practice for persons with severe disabilities (e-vir) | TASH | 0 | ✔ |
1472-3808 | Research chronicle | Royal Musical Association | 0 | ✔ |
2167-4027 | Research chronicle (e-vir) | Royal Musical Association | 0 | ✔ |
0034-5210 | Research in African literatures | Indiana University Press | 0 | |
1527-2044 | Research in African literatures (e-vir) | African and Afro-American Research Institute, University of Texas at Austin | 0 | |
0891-4222 | Research in developmental disabilities | Pergamon Press | 0 | ✔ |
1873-3379 | Research in Developmental Disabilities (e-vir) | Pergamon | 0 | ✔ |
1356-9783 | Research in drama education | Carfax | 0 | ✔ |
1470-112X | Research in drama education (e-vir) | Carfax International Publishers | 0 | ✔ |
0363-3268 | Research in economic history | JAI Press; distributed by JAICON Press | 0 | |
2514-8087 | Research in economic history (e-vir) | Emerald Group Publishing Limited | 0 | |
0361-0365 | Research in higher education | Human Sciences Press | 0 | ✔ |
1573-188X | Research in higher education | Kluwer | 0 | ✔ |
1731-7533 | Research in Language | Uniwersytet Łódzki.; Uniwersytet Łódzki. | 0 | ✔ |
2083-4616 | Research in Language | "Versita" | 0 | ✔ |
0085-5553 | Research in phenomenology | Duquesne University Press | 0 | ✔ |
1569-1640 | Research in phenomenology | Brill :; Humanities Press | 0 | ✔ |
0161-7249 | Research in philosophy & technology | Society for Philosophy & Technology (U.S.) | 0 | |
1359-6748 | Research in post-compulsory education | Triangle Journals | 0 | ✔ |
1747-5112 | Research in post-compulsory education (e-vir) | Triangle Journals Ltd. | 0 | ✔ |
0263-5143 | Research in science & technological education | Carfax | 0 | ✔ |
1470-1138 | Research in science & technological education (e-vir) | Carfax International Publishers | 0 | ✔ |
0157-244X | Research in science education | Kluwer | 0 | ✔ |
1573-1898 | Research in science education (e-vir) | Kluwer | 0 | ✔ |
0034-527X | Research in the teaching of English | National Council of Teachers of English] | 0 | |
1943-2348 | Research in the teaching of English (e-vir) | National Council of Teachers of English | 0 | |
0164-0275 | Research on aging | Sage Publications | 0 | ✔ |
1552-7573 | Research on aging (e-vir) | Sage Publications | 0 | ✔ |
1570-7075 | Research on language and computation | Kluwer Academic Publishers | 0 | |
1572-8706 | Research on language and computation | Kluwer | 0 | |
0835-1813 | Research on language and social interaction | Boreal | 0 | ✔ |
1532-7973 | Research on language and social interaction | L. Erlbaum Associates | 0 | ✔ |
0098-647X | Research opportunities in Renaissance drama | Modern Language Association of America. | 0 | |
0267-1522 | Research papers in education | Routledge | 0 | ✔ |
1470-1146 | Research papers in education (e-vir) | Routledge | 0 | ✔ |
0270-1367 | Research quarterly for exercise and sport | American Alliance for Health, Physical Education, Recreation, and Dance. | 1 | ✔ |
2168-3824 | Research quarterly for exercise and sport (e-vir) | American Alliance for Health, Physical Education, Recreation, and Dance | 0 | ✔ |
1321-103X | Research studies in music education | USQ Press and the Faculty of Arts, University of Southern Queensland | 0 | ✔ |
1834-5530 | Research studies in music education (e-vir) | USQ Press and the Faculty of Arts, University of Southern Queensland | 0 | ✔ |
Y506-7367 | Research studies in music education (e-vir) | USQ Press and the Faculty of Arts, University of Southern Queensland | 0 | |
0048-7384 | Resources for American literary study | Dept. of English, University of Maryland | 0 | |
1529-1502 | Resources for American literary study (e-vir) | Dept. of English, University of Maryland | 0 | |
1356-4765 | Res publica | Springer | 0 | ✔ |
1572-8692 | Res publica (e-vir) | Kluwer | 0 | ✔ |
1576-4184 | Res publica | Universidad de Murcia; Universidad Complutense de Madrid | 0 | |
0162-9905 | Restoration | University of Tennessee, Knoxville. | 0 | |
1941-952X | Restoration (e-vir) | University of Tennessee | 0 | |
1364-2529 | Rethinking history | Routledge | 0 | ✔ |
1470-1154 | Rethinking history (e-vir) | Routledge | 0 | ✔ |
1743-0666 | Review (e-vir) | Americas Society | 0 | ✔ |
0890-5762 | Review | Americas Society | 0 | ✔ |
1303-5304 | Review of armenian studies | Terazi Yay%nc%l%k Bas%m Da#%t%m | 0 | |
0034-6543 | Review of educational research | American Educational Research Association | 0 | ✔ |
1935-1046 | Review of educational research (e-vir) | American Educational Research Association | 0 | ✔ |
1089-2680 | Review of general psychology | Educational Pub. Foundation | 0 | ✔ |
1939-1552 | Review of general psychology | Educational Pub. Foundation | 0 | ✔ |
0162-5748 | Review of higher education | The Association for the Study of Higher Education | 0 | ✔ |
0034-673X | Review of religious research | Religious Research Association | 0 | ✔ |
2211-4866 | Review of religious research (e-vir) | Religious Research Association; Springer Netherlands | 0 | ✔ |
0091-732X | Review of research in education | American Educational Research Association | 1 | ✔ |
1935-1038 | Review of research in education (e-vir) | F.E. Peacock Publishers, Inc. | 0 | ✔ |
0267-6834 | Review of Scottish culture | John Donald Publishers; National Museum of Antiquities of Scotland | 0 | |
0214-4808 | Revista alicantina de estudios ingleses | Universidad de Alicante | 0 | |
2171-861X | Revista alicantina de estudios ingleses (e-vir) | Universidad de Alicante, Departamento de Filología Inglesa | 0 | ✔ |
0103-6963 | Revista brasileira de literatura comparada | Associacao Brasileira de Literatura Comparada. | 0 | |
2596-304X | Revista Brasileira de Literatura Comparada (e-vir) | Universidade Federal Fluminense, Instituto de Letras | 0 | |
0384-8167 | Revista canadiense de estudios hispánicos | Asociación canadiense de hispanistas. | 0 | |
0211-5913 | Revista canaria de estudios ingleses | Universidad. Facultad de Filosofía y Letras. Departamento de Inglés | 0 | |
0210-5551 | Revista catalana de teologia | Facultad de Teología de Cataluña; Facultad de Teología de Barcelona | 0 | |
0048-7651 | Revista chilena de literatura | Departamento de Literatura, Universidad de Chile | 0 | |
0718-2295 | Revista chilena de literatura (e-vir) | Departamento de Literatura, Universidad de Chile | 0 | |
1130-2496 | Revista complutense de educación | Servicio de Publicaciones, Universidad Complutense | 0 | |
1988-2793 | Revista complutense de educación | Universidad Complutense, Servicio de Publicaciones | 0 | |
1132-8312 | Revista complutense de historia de América | Servicio de Publicaciones, Universidad Complutense. | 0 | |
1696-8328 | Revista complutense de historia de América (e-vir) | UCM. Facultad de Geografía e Historia. Departamento de Historia de América.; Universidad Complutense de Madrid. Departamento de Historia de América.; Universidad Complutense de Madrid. Departamento de Historia de América I. | 0 | |
1988-270X | Revista complutense de historia de América | Universidad Complutense, Servicio de Publicaciones | 0 | |
0871-164X | Revista da Faculdade de Letras | F.L.U.P. | 0 | |
0871-1682 | Revista da Faculdade de Letras | F.L.U.P. | 0 | |
2182-9683 | Revista da Faculdade de Letras (e-vir) | F.L.U.P. | 0 | |
2183-0460 | Revista da Faculdade de Letras (e-vir) | Faculdade de Letras da Universidade do Porto | 0 | |
0870-6336 | Revista da Faculdade de Letras. Universidade de Lisboa | Faculdade de Letras, Universidade de Lisboa. | 0 | |
0870-1547 | Revista da Universidade de Aveiro. | Universidade de Aveiro. | 0 | |
0210-9581 | Revista de ciencias de la educación | Instituto Calasanz de Ciencias de la Educación | 0 | |
1645-4936 | Revista de ciências e técnicas do património | F.L.U.P. | 0 | |
0871-2352 | Revista de ciências históricas | Universidade Portucalense Infante D. Henrique. Departamento de Ciências da Educação e do Património. | 0 | |
0252-8843 | Revista de crítica literaria latinoamericana | Latinoamericana editores. | 0 | |
1696-702X | Revista de demografía histórica | Asociación de Demografía Histórica | 0 | |
0034-7981 | Revista de dialectología y tradiciones populares | Instituto Antonio de Nebrija; Instituto "Miguel de Cervantes"; Instituto de Filología (Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas); Centro de Estudios de Etnología Peninsular; Instituto de la Lengua Española; Instituto de Lengua, Literatura y Antropología | 0 | |
1988-8457 | Revista de dialectología y tradiciones populares | Instituto de Lengua, Literatura y Antropología, CSIC | 0 | |
0871-3928 | Revista de educação | Departamento de Educação da Faculdade de Ciências da Universidade de Lisboa | 0 | |
0034-8082 | Revista de educación | España; España; España; España | 0 | |
1133-6978 | Revista de estudios de adquisición de la lengua española | Universidad de Alcalá de Henares, Servicio de Publicaciones | 0 | |
1578-7486 | Revista de estudios latinos | Sociedad de Estudios Latinos | 0 | ✔ |
2255-5056 | Revista de estudios latinos (e-vir) | Sociedad de Estudios Latinos | 0 | ✔ |
0871-682X | Revista de estudos anglo-portugueses | Instituto Nacional de Investigação Científica | 0 | |
1133-0406 | Revista de filología alemana | Editorial Complutense | 0 | |
1698-1057 | Revista de filología alemana (e-vir) | Universidad Complutense de Madrid | 0 | |
1988-2823 | Revista de filología alemana (e-vir) | Universidad Complutense de Madrid | 0 | |
0210-9174 | Revista de filología española | CSIC | 0 | ✔ |
1988-8538 | Revista de filología española | Instituto de Lengua, Literatura y Antropología, CSIC | 0 | ✔ |
0212-999X | Revista de filología románica | Editorial de la Universidad Complutense | 0 | |
1698-3262 | Revista de filología románica (e-vir) | Facultad de Filología. Departamento de Filología Románica.; Universidad Complutense de Madrid. Departamento de Filología Románica. | 0 | |
1988-2815 | Revista de filología románica | Universidad Complutense, Servicio de Publicaciones | 0 | |
1697-3305 | Revista de historia actual | Grupo de Historia Actual; Universidad de Cádiz | 0 | |
1413-0874 | Revista de História da Arte e Arqueologia | Universidade Estadual de Campinas - Unicamp, Instituto de Filosofia e Ciências Humanas, Centro de História da Arte e Arqueologia | 0 | |
0870-0958 | Revista de história das ideias | Faculdade de Letras da Universidade de Coimbra | 0 | ✔ |
2183-8925 | Revista de história das ideias (e-vir) | Imprensa da Universidade de Coimbra | 0 | ✔ |
1645-2259 | Revista de história da sociedade e da cultura | Centro de História da Sociedade e da Cultura | 0 | ✔ |
2183-8615 | Revista de história da sociedade e da cultura (e-vir) | Imprensa da Universidade de Coimbra | 0 | ✔ |
0211-0040 | Revista de historia de la psicología | Universidad de Valencia | 0 | |
0212-6109 | Revista de historia económica | Centro de Estudios Constitucionales (España); Fundación Empresa Pública; Universidad Carlos III de Madrid | 0 | ✔ |
2041-3335 | Revista de historia económica (e-vir) | Cambridge University Press | 0 | ✔ |
0870-6077 | Revista de história económica e social | Livraria Sá da Costa | 0 | |
1132-7200 | Revista de historia industrial | Universitat de Barcelona | 0 | |
0214-0993 | Revista de historia Jerónimo Zurita | Institución "Fernando el Católico" | 0 | |
0212-5862 | Revista de historia moderna | Universidad de Alicante | 0 | |
1989-9823 | Revista de historia moderna | Secretariado de Publicaciones, Universidad | 0 | ✔ |
0034-8341 | Revista de Indias | Instituto Gonzalo Fernández de Oviedo. Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas. | 0 | ✔ |
1988-3188 | Revista de Indias | Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas | 0 | ✔ |
1134-4539 | Revista de lexicografía | Departamento de Filoloxía Española e Latina, Facultade de Filoloxía, Universidade da Coruña | 0 | |
1886-2438 | Revista de lingüística y lenguas aplicadas | Departamento de Lingüística Aplicada, Universidad Politécnica de Valencia.; Universidad Politécnica de Valencia. Departamento de Lingüística Aplicada. | 0 | ✔ |
1886-6298 | Revista de lingüística y lenguas aplicadas (e-vir) | Editorial UPV | 0 | ✔ |
0034-849X | Revista de literatura | Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas. Instituto Miguel de Cervantes de Filologíia Hispánica | 0 | ✔ |
1988-4192 | Revista de literatura | CSIC, Departamento de Publicaciones | 0 | ✔ |
1130-3611 | Revista de literatura medieval | Universidad de Alcalá de Henares | 0 | ✔ |
2660-4574 | Revista de literatura medieval (e-vir) | Universidad de Alcalá de Henares | 0 | ✔ |
0212-5056 | Revista de llengua i dret | Escola d'Administració Pública de Catalunya | 0 | |
2013-1453 | Revista de llengua i dret | Escola d'Administració Pública de Catalunya | 0 | |
0163-0350 | Revista de música latinoamericana | University of Texas Press | 0 | ✔ |
1536-0199 | Revista de música latinoamericana = (e-vir) | University of Texas Press | 0 | ✔ |
0210-1459 | Revista de musicología | Sociedad Española de Musicología | 0 | |
0034-8635 | Revista de occidente | Fundación José Ortega y Gasset | 0 | |
1137-8905 | Revista de poética medieval | Universidad de Alcalá de Henares | 0 | ✔ |
2660-891X | Revista de poética medieval (e-vir) | Universidad de Alcalá, Servicio de Publicaciones | 0 | ✔ |
0213-4748 | Revista de psicologia social | Fundación Infancia y Aprendizaje | 0 | ✔ |
1579-3680 | Revista de psicología social (e-vir) | Fundación Infancia y Aprendizaje | 0 | ✔ |
1698-7454 | Revista electrónica complutense de investigación en educación musical | Departamento de Expresión Musical y Corporal, Universidad Complutense de Madrid | 0 | |
1134-4032 | Revista electrónica de investigación y evaluación educativa (e-vir) | Asociación Interuniversitaria de Investigación Pedagógía. | 0 | |
1137-8654 | Revista española de educación comparada | UNED, Servicio de Publicaciones | 0 | |
2174-5382 | Revista española de educación comparada (e-vir) | UNED | 0 | |
0210-1874 | Revista española de lingüística | Sociedad Española de Lingüística | 0 | |
2254-8769 | Revista española de lingüística (e-vir) | Gredos | 0 | |
0213-2028 | Revista española de lingüística aplicada | SGEL-Educación | 0 | |
2254-6774 | Revista española de lingüística aplicada (e-vir) | Asociación Española de Lingüística Aplicada | 0 | |
1139-7853 | Revista española de orientación y psicopedagogía | Asociación Española de Orientación y Psicopedagogía.; Federación Española de Orientación y Psicopedagogía. | 0 | |
1989-7448 | Revista española de orientación y psicopedagogía | Federación Española de Orientación y Pedagogía | 0 | |
0034-9461 | Revista española de pedagogía | Instituto "San José de Calasanz" de Pedagogía, Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas. | 0 | |
2174-0909 | Revista española de pedagogía (e-vir) | Instituto "San José de Calasanz" | 0 | |
0210-7112 | Revista española de teología | Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas. Instituto Francisco Suárez. | 0 | |
0104-026X | Revista estudos feministas | Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina, Centro de Filosofia e Ciências Humanas; Centro de Comunicação e Expressão | 0 | |
1806-9584 | Revista Estudos Feministas (e-vir) | Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina, Centro de Filosofia e Ciências Humanas | 0 | ✔ |
0924-0608 | Revista europea de estudios latinoamericanos y del caribe = | CEDLA; RILA | 0 | ✔ |
0034-9631 | Revista iberoamericana | Instituto internacional de literatura iberoamericana | 0 | ✔ |
2154-4794 | Revista Iberoamericana (e-vir) | Instituto Internacional de Literatura Iberoamericana | 0 | ✔ |
1132-9432 | Revista internacional de filosofía política | Universidad Nacional de Educación a Distancia (España); Universidad Autónoma Metropolitana | 0 | |
0872-2587 | Revista internacional de língua portuguesa | Associação das Universidades de Língua Portuguesa | 0 | |
1579-9425 | Revista internacional de lingüística iberoamericana | Iberoamericana Editorial Vervuert | 0 | |
2255-5218 | Revista internacional de lingüística iberoamericana (e-vir) | Iberoamericana Editorial Vervuert; VervuertVerlagsgesellschaft | 0 | |
1989-9106 | Revista investigación educativa | Editum | 0 | ✔ |
1018-0443 | Revista istorica | Editura Academiei Române | 0 | |
1665-2436 | Revista latinoamericana de investigación en matemática educativa | IPN, Centro de Investigación y de Estudios Avanzados, Comité Latinoamericano de Matemática Educativa | 0 | |
2007-6819 | Revista latinoamericana de investigación en matemática educativa(en línea) | Colegio Mexicano de Matemática Educativa, A.C. | 0 | |
0871-9187 | Revista portuguesa de educação | C.E.E.D.C. | 0 | ✔ |
2183-0452 | Revista portuguesa de educação (e-vir) | C.E.E.D.C. | 0 | ✔ |
0870-4139 | Revista portuguesa de filologia | Faculdade de Letras da Universidade de Coimbra, Instituto de Estudos Românicos [etc.] | 0 | |
0870-5283 | Revista portuguesa de filosofia | Faculdade de Filosofia da Universidade Católica Portuguesa | 0 | |
2183-461X | Revista portuguesa de filosofia (e-vir) | Aletheia - Associação Científica e Cultural | 0 | |
0870-4147 | Revista portuguesa de história | Universidade de Coimbra | 0 | ✔ |
2183-3796 | Revista portuguesa de história (e-vir) | Imprensa da Universidade de Coimbra | 0 | ✔ |
0874-1336 | Revista portuguesa de história do livro | Centro de Estudos de História do Livro e da Edição. | 0 | |
0871-9705 | Revista portuguesa de musicologia | Associação Portuguesa de Ciéncias Musicais | 0 | |
0870-418X | Revista portuguesa de pedagogia | Universidade de Coimbra. | 0 | ✔ |
1647-8614 | Revista portuguesa de pedagogia | I.U. | 0 | ✔ |
1016-2461 | Revue africaine de théologie | Faculté de théologie catholique de Kinshasa. | 0 | |
0035-0737 | Revue archéologique | Presses universitaires de France | 0 | ✔ |
2104-3868 | Revue archéologique (e-vir) | PUF | 0 | ✔ |
0035-077X | Revue belge d'archéologie et d'histoire de l'art | Académie royale d'archéologie de Belgique. | 0 | |
0035-0869 | Revue belge d'histoire contemporaine | Fondation Jan Dhondt | 0 | |
2034-1938 | Revue belge de musicologie (e-vir) | Société belge de musicologie | 0 | |
0771-6788 | Revue belge de musicologie = | Société belge de musicologie | 0 | |
0774-5885 | Revue belge de numismatique et de sigillographie | Société royale de numismatique de Belgique; Koninklijk Belgisch genootschap voor numismatiek | 0 | |
0035-0893 | Revue Bénédictine | Abbeye de Maredsous.; Brepols Publishers | 0 | |
0035-0907 | Revue biblique | Lecoffre | 0 | |
0373-6032 | Revue d'Assyriologie et d'Archeologie Orientale | Presses Universitaires de France | 0 | ✔ |
2104-3817 | Revue d'assyriologie et d'archéologie orientale (e-vir) | PUF | 0 | ✔ |
0035-2292 | Revue d'esthetique | Presses universitaires de France | 0 | |
1266-0078 | Revue d'éthique et de théologie morale | Cerf | 0 | |
1768-9260 | Revue d'études augustiniennes et patristiques | Institut des études augustiniennes (Paris) | 0 | |
1416-6399 | Revue d'études françaises | ELTE BTK Francia Tanszék | 0 | |
0048-7988 | Revue d'histoire de l'Église de france | Société d'histoire religieuse de la France | 0 | |
0035-2349 | Revue d'histoire de la pharmacie | Société d'histoire de la pharmacie (France) | 0 | |
1262-022X | Revue d'histoire des mathématiques | Société mathématique de France | 0 | ✔ |
1777-568X | Revue d'histoire des mathématiques (e-vir) | Société mathématique de France | 0 | ✔ |
0151-4105 | Revue d'histoire des sciences | Presses universitaires de France | 0 | |
1969-6582 | Revue d'histoire des sciences (e-vir) | [A. Colin] | 0 | |
0048-7996 | Revue d'histoire des sciences et de leurs applications | PUF | 0 | |
1622-468X | Revue d'histoire des sciences humaines | Presses universitaires du Septentrion,; Sciences humaines, | 0 | |
1963-1022 | Revue d'histoire des sciences humaines (e-vir) | [Sciences humaines] | 0 | ✔ |
0373-6075 | Revue d'histoire des textes | Institut de recherche et d'histoire des textes (France); Centre national de la recherche scientifique (France) | 0 | |
0035-2365 | Revue d'histoire diplomatique | Société d'histoire générale et d'histoire diplomatique (France) | 0 | |
1291-2530 | Revue d'histoire du théâtre | Société d'histoire du théâtre | 0 | |
1265-1354 | Revue d'histoire du XIXe siècle | Société d'histoire de la révolution de 1848 et des révolutions du XIXe siècle | 0 | |
0035-2381 | Revue d'histoire ecclésiastique | Université catholique de Louvain | 0 | ✔ |
2294-1088 | Revue d'histoire ecclésiastique (e-vir) | Université Catholique de Louvain | 0 | ✔ |
0035-2411 | Revue d'histoire littéraire de la France | Armand Colin | 0 | |
2105-2689 | Revue d'histoire littéraire de la France (e-vir) | PUF | 0 | |
0048-8003 | Revue d'histoire moderne et contemporaine | Société d'histoire moderne | 0 | ✔ |
1776-3045 | Revue d'histoire moderne et contemporaine (e-vir) | Belin | 0 | |
1778-9605 | Revue d'histoire nordique | Pôle européen Jean Monnet (Toulouse) | 0 | |
0556-7378 | Revue de droit canonique | Revue de droit canonique | 0 | |
0035-1326 | Revue de l'art | Flammarion | 0 | |
0035-1423 | Revue de l'histoire des religions | E. Leroux | 0 | ✔ |
2105-2573 | Revue de l'histoire des religions (e-vir) | [A. Colin] | 0 | ✔ |
0035-1458 | Revue de Linguistique Romane | G. Straka, Palais de l'université | 0 | |
0035-1466 | Revue de littérature comparée | Didier Érudition | 1 | |
0035-1571 | Revue de métaphysique et de morale | Hachette | 0 | ✔ |
2102-5177 | Revue de métaphysique et de morale (e-vir) | PUF | 0 | ✔ |
0035-1601 | Revue de musicologie | Librairie Fischbacher | 0 | |
1958-5632 | Revue de musicologie (e-vir) | Librairie Fischbacher | 0 | |
1155-4452 | Revue de neuropsychologie | Société de neuropsychologie de langue française | 0 | |
0035-1652 | Revue de philologie, de littérature et d'histoire anciennes | Librairie C. Klincksieck | 0 | |
0771-5420 | Revue de philosophie ancienne | Revue de philosophie ancienne | 0 | |
2953-0911 | Revue de philosophie ancienne (e-vir) | Revue de philosophie ancienne | 0 | |
0035-1725 | Revue de Qumrân | Gabalda | 0 | |
2506-7567 | Revue de Qumrân (e-vir) | Uitgeverij Peeters | 0 | |
1285-4093 | Revue de sémantique et pragmatique | Université d'Orléans | 0 | |
0035-2004 | REVUE des ètudes anciennes | L`Universitè de Bordeaux | 0 | |
1783-1741 | Revue des études arméniennes (e-vir) | Peeters Publishers | 0 | |
0035-2012 | Revue des études augustiniennes | [s.n.] | 0 | |
0766-5598 | Revue des études byzantines | Institut français d`études byzantines | 0 | |
0035-2039 | Revue des études grecques | Les belles lettres | 0 | |
2260-8079 | Revue des études grecques (e-vir) | [Association pour l'encouragement des études grecques en France] | 0 | |
0035-2047 | Revue des études italiennes | Droz; Didier | 0 | |
0484-8616 | Revue des études juives | Société des études juives (France) | 0 | |
0373-5737 | Revue des Etudes Latines | Belles Lettres | 0 | |
0080-2557 | Revue des études slaves | Institut d`études slaves; Institut d'étude et de recherche sur les nouvelles institutions et sociétés à l'Est | 1 | |
2117-718X | Revue des études slaves (e-vir) | [Institut national d'études slaves] | 0 | |
0223-3711 | Revue des langues romanes | Société pour l'étude des langues romanes | 0 | |
2391-114X | Revue des langues romanes (e-vir) | Bureau des publications de la Société pour l'étude des langues romanes; Librairie de A. Franck | 0 | |
1992-2116 | Revue des lettres et de traduction | Université Saint-Esprit de Kaslik, Faculté des lettres.; USEK, Faculté des lettres.; Faculté des lettres de l'USEK.; æGäamiatć al-räuîh al-qudus, Kulliyyatć al-äadäab. | 0 | |
2105-2271 | Revue des mondes musulmans et de la Méditerranée (e-vir) | Publications de l'Université de Provence | 0 | |
0751-5804 | Revue des sciences morales et politiques | Académie des sciences morales et politiques (France) | 0 | |
0035-2209 | Revue des sciences philosophiques et théologiques | Le Saulchoir | 0 | |
2118-4445 | Revue des sciences philosophiques et théologiques (e-vir) | Vrin | 0 | |
0035-2217 | Revue des sciences religieuses | Université de Strasbourg (1538-1970); Université Marc Bloch (Strasbourg) | 0 | |
0035-1776 | Revue de synthèse | Albin-Michel | 0 | ✔ |
1955-2343 | Revue de synthèse (e-vir) | Springer France | 0 | ✔ |
0035-1784 | Revue de théologie et de philosophie | Revue de théologie et de philosophie, | 0 | |
2297-1254 | Revue de théologie et de philosophie (e-vir) | Revue de théologie et de philosophie | 0 | |
0997-1327 | Revue du monde musulman et de la Méditerranée | Association pour l'étude des sciences humaines en Afrique du Nord et au Proche-Orient | 0 | |
0035-2624 | Revue du Nord | Tallandier; Leleu; Van Oest; Revue du Nord | 0 | |
1878-3457 | Revue européenne de psychologie appliquée (e-vir) | Elsevier Masson | 0 | ✔ |
0397-7870 | Revue française d'études américaines | Association française d'études américaines; Belin | 0 | ✔ |
1776-3061 | Revue française d'études américaines (e-vir) | Belin | 0 | |
0037-9212 | Revue française d'histoire du livre | Société Française d'Histoire du Livre; Société des Bibliophiles de Guyenne; Librairie Droz | 0 | |
1386-1204 | Revue française de linguistique appliquée | Association française de linguistique appliquée | 0 | |
0556-7807 | Revue française de pédagogie | Institut pédagogique national | 0 | |
2105-2913 | Revue française de pédagogie (e-vir) | [INRP, Service des publications] | 0 | |
0035-3264 | Revue historique | PUF | 0 | ✔ |
2104-3825 | Revue historique (e-vir) | PUF | 0 | ✔ |
0035-3280 | Revue historique de droit français et étranger | Librairie de la Société du Recueil Sirey | 0 | |
2496-8250 | Revue historique de droit français et étranger (e-vir) | Éditions Dalloz | 0 | |
1254-4590 | Revue internationale d'éducation Sèvres | Centre international d'etudes pedagogiques | 0 | |
0254-8186 | Revue internationale d'histoire militaire | Comité international des sciences historiques, Commission internationale d'histoire militaire | 0 | |
0048-8143 | Revue internationale de philosophie | Groeninghe; diffusion Presses universitaires de France | 0 | |
2033-0138 | Revue internationale de philosophie (e-vir) | Association R.I.P. | 0 | |
0772-9235 | Revue internationale des droits de l'antiquité | Office international de librairie | 0 | |
0035-3620 | Revue Mabillon | Abbaye Saint-Martin de Ligugé; Veuve Ch. Poussielgue; A. Picard et fils; Brepols; Société Mabillon | 0 | |
0035-3787 | Revue neurologique | Masson | 0 | ✔ |
0484-8942 | Revue Numismatique | Société française de numismatique; diffusion Société d'édition "Les Belles Lettres" | 0 | |
1373-1955 | Revue parole | Université de Mons-Hainaut. | 0 | |
0035-3833 | Revue philosophique de la France et de l'étranger | PUF | 0 | ✔ |
2104-385X | Revue philosophique de la France et de l'étranger (e-vir) | PUF | 0 | ✔ |
0035-3841 | Revue philosophique de Louvain | Institut supérieur de philosophie | 0 | |
1783-1768 | Revue philosophique de Louvain (e-vir) | Peeters Publishers | 0 | |
0035-3906 | Revue romane | Institut d'études romanes de l'Université de Copenhague | 0 | ✔ |
1600-0811 | Revue romane (e-vir) | Dept. of Romance Studies, University of Copenhagen | 0 | ✔ |
1454-3494 | Revue roumaine d'égyptologie | Kriterion | 0 | |
0556-8080 | Revue roumaine d'histoire de l'art | Editura Academiei Române | 0 | |
0035-3957 | Revue roumaine de linguistique | Academiei Republicii Socialiste Romania | 0 | |
2067-5127 | Revue Roumanie d'Histoire de l'Art (e-vir) | Editura Academiei Române | 0 | |
1965-0906 | Revue TAL (e-vir) | Association pour le traitement automatique des langues | 0 | ✔ |
0080-2654 | Revue théologique de Louvain | Collège Albert Descamps | 0 | |
1783-8401 | Revue théologique de Louvain (e-vir) | Uitgeverij Peeters | 0 | |
0035-4295 | Revue thomiste | P. Lethielleux | 0 | |
1122-4428 | RGG. Rivista di grammatica generativa | UNIPRESS | 0 | |
0035-449X | Rheinisches Museum für Philologie | Sauerländer | 0 | ✔ |
0035-4473 | Rheinische Vierteljahrsblätter | R. Habelt | 0 | |
0734-8584 | Rhetorica | University of California | 0 | |
1533-8541 | Rhetorica (e-vir) | University of California Press for the International Society for the History of Rhetoric | 0 | |
1397-0534 | Rhetorica Scandinavica | Retorikförlaget,; Rhetorica Scandinavica, | 0 | |
1312-3963 | Rhizai | Southeast-European Association for Ancient Philosophy | 0 | |
1771-1347 | RHR | Association Renaissance, humanisme, Réforme (Lyon) | 0 | |
1463-9505 | RIBA journal | Builder Group.; Royal Institute of British Architects. | 0 | |
1972-5620 | Ricerche di psicologia (e-vir) | Franco Angeli | 0 | ✔ |
0391-6081 | Ricerche di Psicologia | Instituto di Psicologia della Facolta di Medicina | 0 | ✔ |
0392-7202 | Ricerche di storia dell'arte | Nuova Italia scientifica; Carocci | 0 | |
1120-9526 | Ricerche di storia politica | Società Editrice il Mulino | 0 | ✔ |
2612-1069 | Ricerche di storia politica (e-vir) | il Mulino | 0 | ✔ |
0392-162X | Ricerche storiche | Associazione ricerche storiche e archeologia industriale. | 0 | |
0212-4068 | RIE | AIDIPE | 0 | ✔ |
0035-5267 | Rig | Föreningen för svensk kulturhistoria | 0 | |
1218-8182 | Riječ | Slovenika | 0 | |
1330-0377 | Riječki teološki časopis | Visoka bogoslovska škola | 0 | |
1849-0921 | Riječki teološki časopis (e-vir) | Katolički bogoslovni fakultet Sveučilišta u Zagrebu, Teologija u Rijeci | 0 | |
Y500-4063 | Riječki teološki časopis | Visoka bogoslovska škola | 0 | |
1330-6995 | Rijeka | Povijesno društvo | 0 | |
0213-2370 | RILCE | Servicio de Publicaciones de la Universidad de Navarra. | 0 | ✔ |
2174-0917 | RILCE | Servicio de Publicaciones de la Universidad de Navarra. | 0 | ✔ |
0080-3073 | Rinascimento | Leo S. Olschki | 0 | |
1128-0689 | Risorsa uomo | Perseo | 0 | |
1670-0139 | Ritið | Hugvísindastofnun Háskóla Íslands; Háskóli Íslands | 0 | |
0035-5798 | Rivista biblica | Dehoniane | 0 | |
0392-4866 | Rivista degli studi orientali | Università degli studi di Roma "La Sapienza", Dipartimento di studi orientali. | 0 | ✔ |
1724-1863 | Rivista degli studi orientali | Istituti Editoriali e Poligrafici Internazionali. | 0 | ✔ |
2037-6634 | Rivista dell'Istituto nazionale d'archeologia e storia dell'arte | Fabrizio Serra Editore | 0 | ✔ |
0392-5285 | Rivista dell'Istituto Nazionale d'Archeologia e Storia dell'Arte | Istituto Nazionale d'Archeologia e Storia dell'Arte | 0 | ✔ |
1724-238X | Rivista di analisi e teoria musicale | LIM Editrice | 0 | |
0035-6042 | Rivista di archeologia cristiana | Pontificio Istituto di archeologia cristiana | 0 | |
0035-6085 | Rivista di cultura classica e medioevale | Istituti Editoriali e Poligrafici Internazionali. | 0 | ✔ |
1724-062X | Rivista di cultura classica e medioevale | Istituti Editoriali e Poligrafici Internazionali. | 0 | ✔ |
0035-6212 | Rivista di estetica | Rosenberg & Sellier | 0 | |
2421-5864 | Rivista di estetica (e-vir) | Rosenberg & Sellier | 0 | |
0035-6220 | Rivista di filologia e d'istruzione classica | Loescher; Chiantore; Loescher | 0 | |
1591-2922 | Rivista di filologia e letterature ispaniche | ETS | 0 | |
0035-6239 | Rivista di filosofia | Einaudi | 0 | ✔ |
2612-1042 | Rivista di filosofia (e-vir) | Formiggini | 0 | ✔ |
0035-6247 | Rivista di filosofia neo-scolastica | Vita e pensiero | 0 | |
1827-7926 | Rivista di filosofia neo-scolastica (e-vir) | Vita e Pensiero | 0 | |
0392-825X | Rivista di letteratura italiana | Istituti Editoriali e Poligrafici Internazionali. | 0 | ✔ |
1724-0638 | Rivista di letteratura italiana | Istituti Editoriali e Poligrafici Internazionali. | 0 | ✔ |
0391-2108 | Rivista di letterature moderne e comparate | Sansoni | 0 | |
1120-2726 | Rivista di linguistica | Rosenberg & Sellier; Ospedaletto, PI | 1 | |
1592-1328 | Rivista di psicolinguistica applicata | Istituti Editoriali e Poligrafici Internazionali. | 0 | ✔ |
1724-0646 | Rivista di psicolinguistica applicata | Istituti Editoriali e Poligrafici Internazionali. | 0 | ✔ |
1827-7365 | Rivista di storia del cristianesimo | Editrice Morcelliana | 0 | |
0390-6744 | Rivista di storia del diritto italiano | Fondazione Sergio Mochi Onory per la storia del diritto italiano. | 0 | |
0035-6557 | Rivista di storia della chiesa in Italia | Herder Editrice e Libreria | 0 | |
1827-790X | Rivista di storia della chiesa in Italia (e-vir) | Vita e Pensiero | 0 | |
0393-2516 | Rivista di storia della filosofia | Franco Angeli | 0 | |
1972-5558 | Rivista di storia della filosofia (e-vir) | Franco Angeli | 0 | |
1126-4772 | Rivista di storia della miniatura | Centro Di della Edifimi; L’Erma di Bretschneider | 0 | |
0393-3415 | Rivista di storia economica | Società Editrice Il Mulino | 0 | ✔ |
2612-1026 | Rivista di storia economica (e-vir) | Il Mulino | 0 | ✔ |
0035-6573 | Rivista di storia e letteratura religiosa | Leo Olschki | 0 | |
0557-1367 | Rivista di studi bizantini e neoellenici | Università di Roma, Istituto di studi bizantini e neoellenici. | 0 | |
0035-6603 | Rivista di Studi liguri | Istituto Internazionale di studi liguri | 0 | |
1129-4205 | Rivista di studi portoghesi e brasiliani | Istituti editoriali e poligrafici internazionali | 0 | ✔ |
1724-1529 | Rivista di studi portoghesi e brasiliani | Istituti editoriali e poligrafici internazionali | 0 | ✔ |
1121-5275 | Rivista di topografia antica | M. Congedo | 0 | |
1122-6331 | Rivista italiana di dialettologia | CLUEB | 0 | |
1128-6369 | Rivista italiana di linguistica e di dialettologia | Istituti Editoriali e Poligrafici Internazionali | 0 | ✔ |
1724-1537 | Rivista italiana di linguistica e di dialettologia | Istituti Editoriali e Poligrafici Internazionali | 0 | ✔ |
0035-6867 | Rivista italiana di musicologia | Leo Olschki | 0 | |
2036-5586 | Rivista italiana di musicologia (e-vir) | Leo S. Olschki | 0 | |
1124-8890 | Rivista italiana di onomastica | Società Editrice Romana | 0 | |
1120-8856 | Rivista pascoliana | Patron | 0 | |
0300-340X | Rivista storica dell'antichità | Pàtron | 0 | |
2612-2316 | Rivista storica dell'antichità (e-vir) | Pàtron | 0 | |
0035-7073 | Rivista storica italiana | Edizioni scientifiche italiane | 0 | |
2532-8948 | Rivista storica italiana (e-vir) | Edizioni scientifiche italiane | 0 | |
0813-0426 | Rock art research | Australian Rock Art Research Association; International Federation of Rock Art Organisations | 0 | |
0080-3472 | Rocznik Historii Sztuki | Polska Akademia Nauk.; Polska Akademia Nauk. | 0 | |
0035-7707 | Roczniki Humanistyczne | Towarzystwo Naukowe Katolickiego Uniwersytetu Lubelskiego | 0 | |
0557-2231 | Roczniki Sztuki Ślęaskiej | Muzeum Narodowe we Wrocławiu. | 0 | |
0509-6936 | Rocznik Muzeum Narodowego w Warszawie | Muzeum Narodowe | 0 | |
0080-3588 | Rocznik slawistyczny | Ossolineum | 0 | |
Y510-145X | Rocznik Slawistyczny (e-vir) | Komitet Słowianoznawstwa PAN | 0 | |
0137-9658 | Rocznik Towarzystwa Literackiego im. Adama Mickiewicza | Państwowe Wydawnictwo Naukowe | 0 | |
0295-5024 | Roman 20-50 | Société d'étude du roman du 20ème siècle; Université de Lille 3, Unité d'enseignement et de recherche de lettres modernes, Centre roman 20-50 | 0 | |
0035-7995 | Romance notes | [Dept. of Romance Languages, University of North Carolina] | 0 | |
2165-7599 | Romance notes (e-vir) | [Department of Romance Languages, University of North Carolina] | 0 | |
0035-8002 | Romance philology | University of California Press. | 0 | ✔ |
2295-9017 | Romance philology (e-vir) | University of California Press | 0 | ✔ |
0883-1157 | Romance quarterly | University Press of Kentucky | 0 | ✔ |
1940-3216 | Romance quarterly (e-vir) | University Press of Kentucky] | 0 | ✔ |
0263-9904 | Romance studies | University of Wales | 0 | ✔ |
1745-8153 | Romance studies (e-vir) | University of Wales | 0 | ✔ |
0035-8029 | Romania | Librairie Franck | 0 | |
2391-1018 | Romania (e-vir) | Librairie Franck | 0 | |
0872-5675 | Românica | D.L.R.F.L.U.L. :; Edições Cosmos [distrib.], | 0 | |
2688-5220 | Romanic review (e-vir) | Dept. of French and Romance Philology of Columbia University | 0 | ✔ |
0035-8118 | Romanic Review | Department of French and Romance Philology of Columbia University | 0 | ✔ |
0035-8126 | Romanische Forschungen | Klostermann | 0 | ✔ |
1864-0737 | Romanische Forschungen | Klostermann | 0 | ✔ |
0080-3898 | Romanistisches Jahrbuch | de Gruyter. | 0 | ✔ |
1613-0413 | Romanistisches Jahrbuch | de Gruyter. | 0 | ✔ |
0343-379X | Romanistische Zeitschrift für Literaturgeschichte | Winter | 0 | |
1354-991X | Romanticism | Edinburgh University Press | 0 | ✔ |
1750-0192 | Romanticism (e-vir) | Edinburgh University Press | 0 | ✔ |
1467-1255 | Romanticism on the Net (e-vir) | Romanticism on the Net. | 0 | |
1748-0116 | Romantic textualities (e-vir) | CEIR | 0 | |
1957-7958 | Romantisme (e-vir) | [Société des études romantiques et dix-neuviémistes] | 0 | ✔ |
0080-3790 | Römische historische Mitteilungen | Verlag der Österreichischen Akademie der Wissenschaften | 0 | ✔ |
1815-5839 | Römische historische Mitteilungen | Österreichische Akademie der Wissenschaften | 0 | ✔ |
0035-7812 | Römische Quartalschrift für christliche Altertumskunde und Kirchengeschichte | Herder | 0 | |
0940-7855 | Römisches Jahrbuch der Bibliotheca Hertziana | E. Wasmuth | 0 | |
0342-2046 | Römisches Jahrbuch für Kunstgeschichte | E. Wasmuth | 0 | |
1862-829X | Rosenzweig-Jahrbuch | Internationale Rosenzweig-Gesellschaft. | 0 | |
1029-1717 | RS. Russian studies | Puškinskij Fond; Пушкинский Фонд. | 0 | |
0229-8651 | RSSI | Association canadienne de sémiotique = Canadian Semiotic Association | 0 | |
1923-9920 | RSSI (e-vir) | Association canadienne de sémiotique. | 0 | |
1125-520X | RSU. Rivista di studi ungheresi | Centro interuniversitario per gli studi ungheresi in Italia.; Università degli studi di Roma "La Sapienza" | 0 | |
0035-9602 | Ruch Literacki | Zakład Narodowy im. Osslińskich | 0 | |
2300-1968 | Ruch Literacki (e-vir) | Polska Akademia Nauk. (Oddział) | 0 | |
0483-4992 | Ruch Pedagogiczny | Wyższa Szkoła Pedagogiczna ZNP. | 0 | |
1124-5344 | Rudiae | Congedo Editore | 0 | |
0870-0672 | Runa | Faculdade de Letras de Lisboa.; Faculdade de Letras do Porto.; Faculdade de Letras de Coimbra.; Universidade Nova de Lisboa. | 0 | |
0956-7933 | Rural history | Cambridge University Press | 0 | ✔ |
1474-0656 | Rural history (e-vir) | Cambridge University Press | 0 | ✔ |
0036-0163 | Russell | Bertrand Russell Research Centre, Faculty of Humanities, McMaster University. | 0 | |
1913-8032 | Russell (e-vir) | Bertrand Russell Archives.; Bertrand Russell Research Centre. | 0 | |
1060-9393 | Russian education and society | M.E. Sharpe, Inc. | 0 | |
1558-0423 | Russian education and society (e-vir) | M.E. Sharpe, Inc. | 0 | |
1572-8714 | Russian linguistics (e-vir) | Kluwer | 0 | ✔ |
0304-3487 | Russian Linguistics | Reidel Publ. Co. | 0 | ✔ |
0304-3479 | Russian literature | Mouton | 0 | ✔ |
1878-3678 | Russian literature (e-vir) | Elsevier | 0 | ✔ |
1061-1975 | Russian studies in literature | M.E. Sharpe, Inc. | 0 | |
1944-7167 | Russian studies in literature (e-vir) | M.E. Sharpe | 0 | |
0131-6095 | Russkaja literatura | Nauka | 0 | |
1681-1062 | Russkij âzyk v naučnom osveśenii | Âzyki slavânskoj kulʹtury | 0 | |
0781-7452 | Ruumiin kulttuuri | Suomen dekkariseura. | 0 | |
0945-2842 | Sachsen und Anhalt | Historische Kommission für Sachsen-Anhalt. | 0 | |
0771-7776 | Sacris Erudiri | St-Pietersabdij Steenbrugge. | 0 | ✔ |
2295-9025 | Sacris Erudri (e-vir) | St-Pietersabdij Steenbrugge | 0 | ✔ |
0080-5319 | Saeculum | Alber | 0 | |
0256-8411 | Saga | Sögufélag | 0 | |
0305-9219 | Saga-book of the Viking Club | Viking Society for Northern Research. | 0 | |
2515-3501 | Saga-book of the Viking Club (e-vir) | Viking Club | 0 | |
0392-713X | Saggi e memorie di storia dell'arte | Fondazione Giorgio Cini, Istituto di storia dell'arte | 0 | |
0210-9980 | Saitabi | Universidad de Valencia, Facultad de Geografía e Historia. | 0 | |
0036-3529 | Salmagundi | Skidmore College | 0 | |
0036-3537 | Salmanticensis | Universidad Pontificia de Salamanca | 0 | |
0348-6133 | Samlaren (e-vir) | Svenska litteratursällskapet | 0 | |
0927-3131 | Samuel Beckett today/aujourd'hui | Rodopi | 0 | ✔ |
1875-7405 | Samuel Beckett today/aujourd'hui | Rodopi | 0 | ✔ |
1302-2938 | Sanat dergisi : Atatürk Üniversitesi Güzel Sanatlar Fakültesi | Atatürk Üniversitesi Güzel Sanatlar Fakültesi | 0 | |
0392-5099 | Sandalion | Università degli Studi di Sassari. | 0 | |
1077-5943 | Santa Barbara Portuguese studies | Jorge de Sena Center for Portuguese Studies. | 0 | |
0332-1169 | Saothar | Irish Labour History Society | 0 | |
1013-4255 | Sargeţia | Muzeul judeţean Hunedoara | 0 | |
1600-1974 | Sats | Philosophia Press | 0 | |
1869-7577 | Sats | de Gruyter | 0 | ✔ |
0036-5246 | Sborník archivních prací | Panorama | 0 | |
0036-5335 | Sborník Národního muzea v Praze | Národní muzeum | 0 | |
0231-7567 | Sborník prací filozofické fakulty brněnské univerzity | Masarykova univerzita | 0 | |
1211-4979 | Sborník prací Filozofické fakulty brněnské univerzity | Masarykova univerzita | 0 | |
1211-6335 | Sborník prací Filozofické fakulty brněnské univerzity | Masarykova univerzita | 0 | |
0231-7710 | Sborník prací filozofické fakulty brněnské univerzity. Řada historická | Univerzita J. E. Purkyně | 0 | |
0036-5483 | Scandia | 0 | ||
0358-5522 | Scandinavian economic history review | Scandinavian Society for Economic and Social History and Historical Geography. | 0 | ✔ |
1750-2837 | Scandinavian economic history review (e-vir) | Routledge | 0 | ✔ |
0906-3447 | Scandinavian journal of design history | Rhodos | 0 | |
0031-3831 | Scandinavian journal of educational research | Carfax Publishing Company | 0 | ✔ |
1470-1170 | Scandinavian journal of educational research (e-vir) | Routledge, Taylor & Francis | 0 | ✔ |
0346-8755 | Scandinavian journal of history | Taylor & Francis | 0 | ✔ |
1502-7716 | Scandinavian journal of history | Taylor and Francis Ltd. | 0 | ✔ |
0036-5564 | Scandinavian journal of psychology | Wiley | 1 | ✔ |
1467-9450 | Scandinavian journal of psychology (e-vir) | Wiley | 0 | ✔ |
1502-7244 | Scandinavian journal of the Old Testament (e-vir) | Taylor and Francis Ltd. | 0 | ✔ |
0355-3140 | Scandinavian journal of work, environment & health | Swedish Medical Society; Occupational Health Foundation; Work Research Institutes; Workers' Protection Fund | 0 | ✔ |
1795-990X | Scandinavian journal of work, environment & health (e-vir) | Institute of Occupational Health | 0 | ✔ |
0036-5637 | Scandinavian studies | The Society | 0 | ✔ |
2163-8195 | Scandinavian studies | Society for the Advancement of Scandinavian Study; Brigham Young University | 0 | ✔ |
0036-5653 | Scandinavica | Academic Press | 0 | |
2754-0804 | Scandinavica (e-vir) | Academic Press | 0 | ✔ |
1600-082X | Scando-slavica (e-vir) | Munksgaard | 0 | ✔ |
0080-6765 | Scando-Slavica | Munksgaard | 1 | ✔ |
0392-5404 | Schede medievali | Officina di Studi medievali | 0 | |
0586-7614 | Schizophrenia bulletin | U.S. Dept. of Health, Education and Welfare, Public Health Service, Alcohol, Drug Abuse and Mental Health Administration; [Supt. of Docs., U.S. G.P.O., distributor] | 2 | ✔ |
1745-1701 | Schizophrenia bulletin (e-vir) | Oxford University Press on behalf of the Maryland Psychiatric Research Center; U.S. Dept. of Health, Education and Welfare, Public Health Service, Alcohol, Drug Abuse and Mental Health Administration | 0 | ✔ |
0920-9964 | Schizophrenia research | Elsevier Science | 0 | ✔ |
1573-2509 | Schizophrenia research (e-vir) | Elsevier | 0 | |
1424-1854 | Scholion | Stiftung Bibliothek Werner Oechslin | 0 | |
0924-3453 | School effectiveness and school improvement | Swets & Zeitlinger | 0 | ✔ |
1744-5124 | School effectiveness and school improvement (e-vir) | Swets & Zeitlinger Pub. | 0 | ✔ |
1364-2626 | School leadership & management (e-vir) | Carfax International Publishers | 0 | ✔ |
1363-2434 | School leadership and management | Carfax | 0 | ✔ |
0143-0343 | School psychology international | Sage Publications | 0 | ✔ |
1461-7374 | School psychology international (e-vir) | School Psychology Publishing Co. | 0 | ✔ |
1045-3830 | School psychology quarterly | Guilford Press | 0 | |
1939-1560 | School psychology quarterly | Guilford Publications | 0 | |
0279-6015 | School psychology review | National Association of School Psychologists. | 0 | |
2372-966X | School psychology review (e-vir) | Taylor & Francis Group | 0 | ✔ |
0080-6935 | Schopenhauer-Jahrbuch | Königshausen und Neumann. | 0 | |
1617-6340 | Schubert : Perspektiven | 0 | ||
1661-4550 | Schweizer Beiträge zur Kulturgeschichte und Archäologie des Mittelalters | Schweizerischer Burgenverein | 0 | |
0035-4163 | Schweizerische numismatische Rundschau | Schweizerische numismatische Gesellschaft | 0 | |
1424-3946 | Schweizerische Zeitschrift für Bildungswissenschaften | Schweizerische Gesellschaft für Bildungsforschung | 0 | |
2624-8492 | Schweizerische Zeitschrift für Bildungswissenschaften (e-vir) | [Academic Press Fribourg] | 0 | ✔ |
0036-7834 | Schweizerische Zeitschrift fur Geschichte | Schwabe & Co AG | 0 | |
1661-3880 | Schweizerische Zeitschrift für Religions- und Kulturgeschichte | Vereinigung für Schweizerische Kirchengeschichte | 0 | |
2235-7475 | Schweizer Jahrbuch für Musikwissenschaft (e-vir) | P. Haupt | 0 | ✔ |
0259-3165 | Schweizer Jahrbuch für Musikwissenschaft = | P. Haupt; P. Lang | 0 | ✔ |
0016-5565 | Schweizer Münzblätter | Schweizerische Numismatische Gesellschaft; P. Haupt | 0 | |
1345-4617 | SCIAMVS | SCIAMVS | 0 | |
0036-8075 | Science | American Association for the Advancement of Science | 5 | ✔ |
1095-9203 | Science (e-vir) | American Association for the Advancement of Science | 2 | ✔ |
1552-8251 | Science, technology, & human values (e-vir) | Sage Publications | 0 | ✔ |
0162-2439 | Science, technology & human values | Sage Publications | 0 | ✔ |
0926-7220 | Science & education | Kluwer Academic Publishers | 0 | ✔ |
1573-1901 | Science & education (e-vir) | Kluwer | 0 | ✔ |
1121-9122 | Science and technology for cultural heritage | Consiglio nazionale delle ricerche. Comitato nazionale per la scienza e la tecnologia dei beni culturali | 0 | ✔ |
1724-1847 | Science and technology for cultural heritage (e-vir) | Istituti Editoriali e Poligrafici Internazionali | 0 | ✔ |
0950-5431 | Science as culture | Taylor & Francis | 0 | ✔ |
1470-1189 | Science as culture (e-vir) | Routledge | 0 | ✔ |
0036-8326 | Science education | W.G. Whitman | 0 | ✔ |
1098-237X | Science education | Wiley | 0 | ✔ |
0091-7729 | Science-fiction studies | SFS Publications | 0 | |
2327-6207 | Science-fiction studies (e-vir) | Dept. of English, Indiana State University | 0 | |
0269-8897 | Science in context | Cambridge University Press | 0 | ✔ |
1474-0664 | Science in context (e-vir) | Cambridge University Press | 0 | ✔ |
0294-0264 | Sciences et techniques en perspective | Institut de mathématiques (Nantes) | 0 | |
0786-3012 | Science studies | Suomen tieteentutkimuksen seura | 0 | |
1431-5041 | Scientia poetica | de Gruyter | 0 | ✔ |
1868-9418 | Scientia poetica (e-vir) | de Gruyter; e Gruyter | 0 | ✔ |
0036-8725 | Scientiarum Historia | Scientiarum Historia. | 0 | |
1088-8438 | Scientific studies of reading | Lawrence Erlbaum Associates | 0 | ✔ |
1532-799X | Scientific studies of reading (e-vir) | L. Erlbaum Associates. | 0 | ✔ |
1123-5713 | Scienze dell'antichità | Università degli studi di Roma "La Sapienza"; Edizioni Quasar | 0 | |
2284-3280 | Scienze dell'antichità (e-vir) | Quasar | 0 | |
1471-5767 | Scottish archaeological journal | Edinburgh University Press on behalf of the Glasgow Archaeological Society | 0 | ✔ |
1755-2028 | Scottish archaeological journal (e-vir) | Edinburgh University Press on behalf of the Glasgow Archaeological Society | 0 | ✔ |
1358-0264 | Scottish archives | Scottish Records Association. | 0 | |
0080-8024 | Scottish gaelic studies / | University of Aberdeen. | 0 | |
0036-9241 | Scottish historical review | Aberdeen University Press Ltd | 0 | ✔ |
0266-7428 | Scottish industrial history | Scottish Industrial Heritage Society.; Business Archives Council of Scotland. | 0 | |
0036-9306 | Scottish journal of theology | T. & T. Clark. | 0 | ✔ |
1475-3065 | Scottish journal of theology (e-vir) | Cambridge University Press | 0 | ✔ |
1472-6041 | Scottish labour history | Scottish Labour History Society. | 0 | |
1475-7737 | Scottish studies review | Association for Scottish Literary Studies. | 0 | |
1745-3186 | Scottish studies review (e-vir) | Association for Scottish Literary Studies. | 0 | |
0703-1580 | Scottish tradition | Scottish Studies Foundation. | 0 | |
0036-9543 | Screen | Society for Education in Film and Television | 1 | ✔ |
1460-2474 | Screen (e-vir) | Society for Education in Film and Television | 0 | ✔ |
1332-4853 | Scrinia Slavonica | Podružnica za povijest Slavonije, Srijema i Baranje Hrvatskog instituta za povijest | 0 | |
1971-9027 | Scripta | Accademia Editoriale | 0 | ✔ |
2035-2751 | Scripta | Fabrizio Serra Editore | 0 | ✔ |
1312-238X | Scripta & e-scripta | "Boyan Penev" Publishing Center | 1 | |
0334-4509 | Scripta classica Israelica | Israel Society for the Promotion of Classical Studies | 0 | |
0358-710X | Scripta historica | Oulun historiaseura.; Societas historica Ouluensis. | 0 | |
0582-3234 | Scripta Islandica | Swedish Science Press | 0 | ✔ |
2001-9416 | Scripta Islandica (e-vir) | Isländska sällskapet | 0 | |
0036-973X | Scripta mercaturae | Scripta-Mercaturae-Verlag. | 0 | |
0036-9764 | Scripta theologica | Ediciones Universidad de Navarra | 0 | ✔ |
2254-6227 | Scripta theologica (e-vir) | Universidad de Navarra | 0 | ✔ |
0036-9772 | Scriptorium | Centre d'Études des Manuscrits | 0 | |
0267-6583 | Second language research | Edward Arnold | 0 | ✔ |
1477-0326 | Second language research (e-vir) | Edward Arnold Pub. | 0 | ✔ |
1135-7789 | SEDERI. Sociedad Española de Estudios Renacentistas Ingleses | Spanish Society for English Renaissance Studies.; Sociedad Española de Estudios Renacentistas Ingleses. | 0 | |
1438-9495 | Sediment | Verl. für Moderne Kunst | 0 | |
0037-0894 | Sefarad | Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas. Instituto Arias Montano de Estudios Hebraicos, Sefardíes y de Oriente Próximo. | 0 | ✔ |
1988-320X | Sefarad | Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas | 0 | ✔ |
2037-0245 | Segno e testo | Università degli studi di Cassino, Centro Editoriale di Ateneo | 0 | |
1126-3393 | Seia | G. Bretschneider | 0 | |
1828-2148 | Seicento e settecento | Accademia Editoriale | 0 | ✔ |
1971-8330 | Seicento e settecento | Istituti Editoriali e Poligrafici Internazionali | 0 | ✔ |
1774-4466 | Seizième siècle | Société française d'étude du XVIe siècle | 0 | |
1775-3856 | Seizième siècle (e-vir) | Société française d'étude du XVIe siècle | 0 | |
1529-8868 | Self and identity | Psychology Press | 0 | ✔ |
1529-8876 | Self and identity (e-vir) | Psychology Press | 0 | ✔ |
1132-631X | SELIM | Sociedad Española de Lengua y Literatura Inglesa Medieval; Universidad de Oviedo | 0 | |
2792-3878 | SELIM (e-vir) | Servicio de Publicaciones, Universidad de Oviedo | 0 | |
0095-571X | Semeia | Scholars Press | 0 | |
1123-4075 | Semicerchio | Le Lettere | 0 | |
0093-9579 | Semiotexte | [publisher not identified]; [Autonomedia] | 0 | |
0037-1998 | Semiotica | Mouton de Gruyter | 0 | ✔ |
1613-3692 | Semiotica | Mouton de Gruyter. | 0 | ✔ |
0154-6902 | Sémiotique et Bible | Centre pour l'analyse du discours religieux | 0 | |
2031-5937 | Semitica et Classica | Brepols Publishers | 0 | ✔ |
2295-9041 | Semitica et Classica (e-vir) | Brepols Publishers | 0 | ✔ |
1130-5509 | Sendebar | Facultad de traduccíon e interpretación | 0 | |
2340-2415 | Sendebar | Servicio de Publicaciones de la Universidad | 0 | |
0582-673X | Senjski zbornik | Gradski muzej Senj; Senjsko muzejsko društvo | 0 | ✔ |
1849-0999 | Senjski zbornik (e-vir) | Gradski muzej Senj; Senjsko muzejsko društvo | 0 | ✔ |
0771-8934 | Septentrion | Stichting Ons Erfdeel | 0 | |
1695-5110 | Series Minor - Reial Acadèmia de Bones Lletres | Real Academia de Buenas Letras de Barcelona. | 0 | |
0265-1068 | Seventeenth-century French studies | Society for Seventeenth-Century French Studies. | 0 | |
1752-2692 | Seventeenth-century French studies (e-vir) | Society for Seventeenth-Century French Studies | 0 | |
1468-1811 | Sex education | Carfax Pub.; Taylor & Francis | 0 | ✔ |
1472-0825 | Sex education (e-vir) | Carfax International Publishers | 0 | ✔ |
0360-0025 | Sex roles | Plenum Pub. Corp. | 0 | ✔ |
1573-2762 | Sex roles (e-vir) | Kluwer | 0 | ✔ |
1079-0632 | Sexual abuse (e-vir) | Kluwer Online | 0 | ✔ |
1573-286X | Sexual abuse (e-vir) | Kluwer Academic/Plenum Publishers | 0 | ✔ |
1363-4607 | Sexualities | Sage | 0 | ✔ |
1461-7382 | Sexualities (e-vir) | Sage Publications | 0 | ✔ |
1479-2508 | Sexualities, evolution & gender | Brunner-Routledge | 0 | |
1479-2516 | Sexualities, evolution & gender (e-vir) | Routledge | 0 | |
1745-0918 | Shakespeare | Routledge | 0 | ✔ |
1745-0926 | Shakespeare (e-vir) | Taylor & Francis Group | 0 | ✔ |
0748-2558 | Shakespeare bulletin | New York Shakespeare Society | 0 | ✔ |
1931-1427 | Shakespeare bulletin (e-vir) | New York Shakespeare Society | 0 | ✔ |
0037-3222 | Shakespeare quarterly | Folger Shakespeare Library | 0 | ✔ |
1538-3555 | Shakespeare quarterly (e-vir) | Shakespeare Association of America | 0 | ✔ |
0582-9399 | Shakespeare studies | Fairleigh Dickinson University Press | 0 | |
0080-9152 | Shakespeare survey | Cambridge University Press | 0 | |
2056-3655 | Shakespeare survey (e-vir) | Cambridge University Press | 0 | |
1216-7827 | Shaman | Molnar & Kelemen Oriental Publishers | 0 | |
0037-3583 | Shenandoah | Shenandoah | 0 | |
1724-9112 | Sicilia antiqua | Accademia editoriale | 0 | ✔ |
1825-4780 | Sicilia antiqua | Istituti Editoriali e Poligrafici Internazionali | 0 | ✔ |
1480-0926 | Sidney journal | University of Guelph. Dept. of English. | 0 | |
0175-0046 | Siedlungsforschung | Arkum | 0 | |
0722-7833 | Siegener Periodicum zur internationalen empirischen Literaturwissenschaft | PL Academic Research | 0 | |
1387-9316 | Sign language & linguistics | John Benjamins Publishing Company; John Benjamins & HAG Publications | 0 | ✔ |
1569-996X | Sign language & linguistics | John Benjamins | 0 | ✔ |
0302-1475 | Sign language studies | Gallaudet University Press | 0 | ✔ |
1533-6263 | Sign language studies (e-vir) | Gallaudet University Press | 0 | ✔ |
0097-9740 | Signs | University of Chicago Press | 0 | ✔ |
1545-6943 | Signs (e-vir) | University of Chicago Press | 0 | ✔ |
1128-2118 | Sileno | Sileno; Agorà | 0 | |
0917-1614 | Silk Road art and archaeology | Shirukuräodo Bunka Kenkyäujo. | 0 | |
0037-5411 | Simiolus | Schwarz; Unieboek; Dutch Art-Historical Publications | 0 | |
1875-6379 | Simiolus | Nederlandse Universiteitspers | 0 | |
1063-2042 | Simone de Beauvoir studies | Simone de Beauvoir Society,; International Simone de Beauvoir Society, | 0 | |
2589-7616 | Simone de Beauvoir studies (e-vir) | Brill | 0 | |
0259-6415 | Simpliciana | Grimmelshausen-Gesellschaft; Peter Lang AG; Peter Lang Group AG | 0 | |
2235-7467 | Simpliciana | A. Francke; P. Lang | 0 | |
1127-2619 | Sincronie | Università di Roma, Dipartimento di studi filologici, linguistici e letterari. | 0 | |
0037-5756 | Sinn und Form | Rütten und Loening | 0 | |
1120-9550 | Sistemi intelligenti | Società Editrice il Mulino | 0 | ✔ |
1973-8226 | Sistemi intelligenti | Il Mulino | 0 | ✔ |
1477-2876 | Sites (e-vir) | Routledge | 0 | |
0901-8328 | SJOT, Scandinavian journal of the old testament | Taylor & Francis | 0 | ✔ |
0342-8427 | Skandinavistik | Augustin | 0 | |
1336-7811 | SKASE Journal of translation and interpretation (e-vir) | University Library of Prešov University; Slovak Association for the Study of English | 0 | |
1105-1582 | Skepsis | Diethnes Kentro Filosofias kai Diepistäemonikäes Ereunas | 0 | |
0256-8446 | Skírnir | Hið íslenzka bókmenntafélag | 0 | |
1796-279X | SKY Journal of Linguistics (e-vir) | Suomen kielitieteellinen yhdistys | 0 | |
1456-8438 | SKY Journal of Linguistics = | Suomen kielitieteellinen yhdistys | 0 | |
0037-6736 | Slavia | Slovanský ústav | 1 | |
0081-0002 | Slavia Occidentalis | Poznańskie Towarzystwo Przyjaciół Nauk | 0 | |
0037-6744 | Slavia Orientalis | Państwowe Wydawnictwo Naukowe | 0 | |
0583-5356 | Slavica | KLTE | 0 | |
2732-0146 | Slavica (e-vir) | Debrecen University Press | 0 | |
0771-1395 | Slavica Gandensia | Department of Slavonic Philology. State University | 0 | |
1212-1509 | Slavica litteraria | Masarykova univerzita | 7 | |
1025-3386 | Slavic almanach | University of South Africa. | 0 | |
0037-6752 | Slavic and East European journal | American Association of Teachers of Slavic and East European Languages | 0 | |
2325-7687 | Slavic and East European journal (e-vir) | American Association of Teachers of Slavic and East European Languages | 0 | |
0037-6787 | Slavica Slovaca | Matica Slovenska | 0 | |
1336-2364 | Slavica Slovaca (e-vir) | Slavistický ústav Jána Stanislava Slovenskej akadémie vied | 0 | |
1592-0291 | Slavica Tergestina | Università degli Studi di Trieste | 0 | |
2283-5482 | Slavica Tergestina (e-vir) | [s. n.] | 0 | |
Y501-5383 | Slavica Tergestina | Università degli Studi di Trieste | 0 | |
0037-6779 | Slavic review | American Association for the Advancement of Slavic Studies | 0 | ✔ |
2325-7784 | Slavic review (e-vir) | American Association for the Advancement of Slavic Studies | 0 | ✔ |
1361-7427 | Slavonica | Ryburn | 0 | ✔ |
1745-8145 | Slavonica (e-vir) | Ryburn | 0 | ✔ |
0037-7511 | Ślęaski Kwartalnik Historyczny Sobótka | Zakład Narodowy im. Ossolińskich | 0 | |
0161-8105 | Sleep | Raven Press | 0 | ✔ |
1550-9109 | Sleep (e-vir) | Associated Professional Sleep Societies | 0 | ✔ |
0037-6833 | Slezský sborník | Slezský ústav SZM | 0 | |
1335-0544 | Slovak Review | Slovak Academic Press | 0 | |
0081-007X | Slovanské historické studie | Historický ústav Akademie věd České republiky | 0 | |
0037-6922 | Slovanský přehled | PNS-UFD | 1 | |
0231-6722 | Slovenská archivistika | Ministerstvo vnútra SSR; Archívna správa | 0 | |
0037-6973 | Slovenská literatúra | Slovenská akademie vied | 0 | |
0037-6981 | Slovenská reč | Veda | 0 | |
1338-4279 | Slovenská reč (e-vir) | Slovenská akadémia vied. | 0 | |
0037-699X | Slovenské divadlo | Ústav divadelnej a filmovej vedy SAV | 0 | |
1336-8605 | Slovenské divadlo (e-vir) | Ústav divadelnej a filmovej vedy SAV | 0 | |
0583-6255 | Slovo | Staroslavenski zavod Hrvatskoga filološkoga instituta u Zagrebu | 0 | |
1849-1049 | Slovo (e-vir) | Staroslavenski institut | 0 | |
0037-7031 | Slovo a slovesnost | Ústav pro jazyk český | 0 | |
2571-0885 | Slovo a slovesnost (e-vir) | 0 | ||
1214-7915 | Slovo a smysl | Karolinum | 0 | |
2336-6680 | Slovo a smysl (e-vir) | Univerzita Karlova v Praze, Filozofická fakulta | 0 | |
1046-4964 | Small group research | Sage Periodicals Press | 0 | ✔ |
1552-8278 | Small group research (e-vir) | Sage | 0 | ✔ |
1590-1807 | Snippets | Led edizioni | 0 | ✔ |
0144-8722 | Sobornost | 1979- | 0 | |
0301-2212 | Social behavior and personality | Society for Personality Research | 0 | |
1179-6391 | Social behavior and personality (e-vir) | Society for Personality Research] | 0 | |
0278-016X | Social cognition | Guilford Press | 0 | |
0037-7686 | Social compass | Centre de recherches socio- religieuses | 0 | ✔ |
1461-7404 | Social compass (e-vir) | Sage Publications | 0 | ✔ |
0961-205X | Social development | Blackwell | 0 | ✔ |
1467-9507 | Social development (e-vir) | Blackwell | 0 | ✔ |
0037-7732 | Social forces | University of North Carolina Press | 0 | ✔ |
1534-7605 | Social forces (e-vir) | published for the University of North Carolina Press by the Williams & Wilkins Co. | 0 | ✔ |
0307-1022 | Social history | Routledge | 0 | ✔ |
1470-1200 | Social history (e-vir) | Routledge | 0 | ✔ |
0951-631X | Social history of medicine | Oxford University Press | 0 | ✔ |
1477-4666 | Social history of medicine (e-vir) | Oxford University Press. | 0 | ✔ |
0303-8300 | Social indicators research | Springer | 3 | ✔ |
1573-0921 | Social indicators research (e-vir) | Kluwer | 0 | ✔ |
1553-4510 | Social influence | Psychology Press, Taylor & Francis Group | 0 | ✔ |
1553-4529 | Social influence | Psychology Press | 0 | ✔ |
1747-0919 | Social neuroscience | Psychology Press | 0 | ✔ |
1747-0927 | Social neuroscience (e-vir) | Psychology Press | 0 | ✔ |
0265-0525 | Social philosophy & policy | Cambridge University Press | 0 | ✔ |
1471-6437 | Social philosophy and policy (e-vir) | Cambridge University Press | 0 | ✔ |
1072-4745 | Social politics | Oxford University Press | 0 | ✔ |
1468-2893 | Social politics (e-vir) | Oxford University Press | 0 | ✔ |
1381-2890 | Social psychology of education | Kluwer Academic Publishers | 0 | ✔ |
1573-1928 | Social psychology of education (e-vir) | Kluwer | 0 | ✔ |
0190-2725 | Social psychology quarterly | American Sociological Association | 0 | ✔ |
1939-8999 | Social psychology quarterly (e-vir) | American Sociological Association | 0 | ✔ |
0277-9536 | Social science & medicine | Pergamon | 0 | ✔ |
1873-5347 | Social science & medicine (e-vir) | Elsevier | 0 | ✔ |
0145-5532 | Social science history | Duke University Press | 0 | ✔ |
1527-8034 | Social science history (e-vir) | University Center for International Studies, University of Pittsburgh | 0 | ✔ |
0306-3127 | Social studies of science | Sage Publications | 0 | ✔ |
1460-3659 | Social studies of science (e-vir) | Sage | 0 | ✔ |
0037-802X | Social theory and practice | Dept. of Philosophy, Florida State University. | 0 | ✔ |
2154-123X | Social theory and practice (e-vir) | Philosophy Documentation Center | 0 | ✔ |
0391-6987 | Società e storia | Franco Angeli Editore | 0 | |
0985-5939 | Sociocriticism | Centre d'études et de recherches sociocritiques (Montpellier) | 0 | |
1750-8649 | Sociolinguistic studies | Equinox | 0 | ✔ |
1750-8657 | Sociolinguistic studies (e-vir) | Equinox | 0 | ✔ |
0038-0407 | Sociology of education | American Sociological Association | 0 | ✔ |
1939-8573 | Sociology of education (e-vir) | American Sociological Association | 0 | ✔ |
1069-4404 | Sociology of religion | Association for the Sociology of Religion | 0 | ✔ |
1759-8818 | Sociology of religion (e-vir) | Association for the Sociology of Religion | 0 | ✔ |
0208-6808 | Socjolingwistyka | Uniwersytet Ślaski | 0 | |
2545-0468 | Socjolingwistyka (e-vir) | Instytut Języka Polskiego PAN | 0 | |
1670-3723 | Són | Boðn (óðfræðifélag) | 0 | |
0342-7366 | Sonderpädagogik | Marhold. | 0 | |
0038-1527 | Sophia | Melbourne University, Department of Philosophy | 0 | ✔ |
1873-930X | Sophia (e-vir) | Springer Netherlands | 0 | ✔ |
0357-816X | Sotahistoriallinen aikakauskirja | Sotahistoriallinen seura.; Suomi.; Sotamuseo.; Suomen sotahistoriallinen seura. | 0 | |
1210-7050 | Soudobé dějiny | Ústav pro soudobé dějiny Akademie věd ČR | 0 | |
2695-0952 | Soudobé dějiny (e-vir) | 0 | ||
0737-4453 | Source | Ars Brevis | 0 | ✔ |
1712-9125 | Source | MAYA Communication, | 0 | |
2328-207X | Source | Ars Brevis | 0 | ✔ |
0258-2473 | South african historical journal | South African Historical Society | 0 | ✔ |
1726-1686 | South African Historical Journal (e-vir) | South African Historical Society; Taylor and Francis | 0 | ✔ |
0258-509X | South African journal of musicology | Musicological Society of South Africa | 0 | |
0142-4688 | Southern history | Dawson; Alan Sutton Publishing Limited | 0 | |
1660-2870 | Sozial.Geschichte | P. Lang, | 0 | |
1571-0718 | Spanish in context | John Benjamins Publishing Company | 0 | ✔ |
1571-0726 | Spanish in context | John Benjamins Publishing Company | 0 | ✔ |
1387-5868 | Spatial cognition and computation | Kluwer Academic Publishers | 0 | ✔ |
1573-9252 | Spatial cognition and computation (e-vir) | Kluwer | 0 | |
0169-1015 | Spatial vision | VNU Science Press | 0 | |
1568-5683 | Spatial vision | VSP | 0 | |
0954-0822 | Special educational needs abstracts | Carfax. | 0 | |
1467-5889 | Special educational needs abstracts (e-vir) | Carfax Pub. Co. | 0 | |
0038-7134 | Speculum | Mediaeval Academy of America. | 0 | ✔ |
2040-8072 | Speculum (e-vir) | Mediaeval Academy of America | 0 | ✔ |
0038-7142 | Speech and drama | Society of Teachers of Speech and Drama. | 0 | |
0167-6393 | Speech communication | North-Holland | 0 | ✔ |
1872-7182 | Speech communication (e-vir) | Elsevier Science | 0 | |
0195-9468 | Spenser studies | University of Pittsburgh Press | 0 | ✔ |
2167-8529 | Spenser studies (e-vir) | 0 | ✔ | |
0038-7479 | Spiegel der letteren | De Sikkel | 0 | |
2199-8078 | SPIEL (e-vir) | 0 | ||
1357-3322 | Sport, education and society | Carfax | 0 | ✔ |
1470-1243 | Sport, education and society (e-vir) | Routledge | 0 | ✔ |
1746-0263 | Sport in history | BSSH | 0 | ✔ |
1746-0271 | Sport in history (e-vir) | British Society of Sports History | 0 | ✔ |
1617-7606 | SportZeit | Verl. Die Werkstatt. | 0 | |
0038-8475 | Sprache im technischen Zeitalter | Kohlhammer | 0 | |
1438-1680 | Sprache und Literatur | W. Fink | 0 | |
2589-0859 | Sprache und Literatur (e-vir) | Brill | 0 | ✔ |
0038-8483 | Sprachkunst | Österreichische Akademie der Wissenschaften, Kommission für Literaturwissenschaft | 0 | ✔ |
1727-6993 | Sprachkunst (e-vir) | Verlag der Österreichischen Akademie der Wissenschaften | 0 | ✔ |
1218-5736 | Sprachtheorie und germanistische Linguistik / | KLTE,; Kossuth Egyetemi Kiadó ;; Nodus Publikationen; Nodus Publikationen | 0 | |
0942-2919 | Sprachtypologie und Universalienforschung | Akademie Verlag | 0 | |
0344-8169 | Sprachwissenschaft | Winter | 0 | |
1101-1165 | Språk och stil | Adolf Noreen-sällskapet för svensk språk- och stilforskning; Swedish Science Press [distributör] | 0 | ✔ |
2002-4010 | Språk och stil (e-vir) | Adolf Noreen-sällskapet för svensk språk- och stilforskning | 0 | ✔ |
0906-9976 | Spring | Spring, | 0 | |
1029-1830 | Springerin | Verein "Springerin" | 0 | |
1796-5551 | SQS (e-vir) | Suomen queer-tutkimuksen seura | 0 | ✔ |
0585-0118 | Städel-Jahrbuch | Prestel | 0 | |
0172-4029 | Stadion | Academia-Verl.. | 0 | ✔ |
1872-0676 | Stadsgeschiedenis | Universiteit van Antwerpen. Departement Geschiedenis. Centrum voor Stadsgeschiedenis | 0 | |
0204-868X | Starob''lgarska literatura | B''lgarska akademiâ na naukite | 0 | |
0204-4021 | Starobʺlgaristika | Bʺlgarska Akademija na naukite | 0 | |
0351-4536 | Starohrvatska prosvjeta | Hrvatsko starinsko družtvo; Muzej hrvatskih arheoloških spomenika | 1 | |
1849-1464 | Starohrvatska prosvjeta (e-vir) | Muzej hrvatskih arheoloških spomenika | 0 | |
1570-1824 | Statistics education research journal | International Association for Statistical Education | 0 | |
0924-7025 | Stem-, spraak- en taalpathologie | Swets & Zeitlinger; Nijmegen University Press | 2 | |
2666-674X | Stem-, spraak- en taalpathologie (e-vir) | University of Groningen Press (UGP) | 0 | |
1403-5715 | STM online (e-vir) | Svenska samfundet för musikforskning | 0 | |
0392-4513 | Storia dell' Arte | La Nuova Italia Editrice S.p.A. | 0 | |
0392-8926 | Storia della storiografia | Editoriale Jaca Book; Fabrizio Serra Editore | 0 | |
2281-1141 | Storia della storiografia (e-vir) | Fabrizio Serra Editore | 0 | |
1121-0303 | Storia e regione | StudienVerlag | 0 | |
1125-0194 | Storica | Viella | 0 | ✔ |
1973-2236 | Storica (e-vir) | Viella | 0 | ✔ |
1128-2339 | Storiografia | Istituti editoriali e poligrafici internazionali | 0 | ✔ |
1724-2177 | Storiografia | Istituti Editoriali e Poligrafici Internazionali | 0 | ✔ |
0351-0840 | Strani jezici | Hrvatsko filološko društvo, Odjel za strane jezike; Školska knjiga | 0 | ✔ |
2459-671X | Strani jezici (e-vir) | Hrvatsko filološko društvo | 0 | ✔ |
1025-3890 | Stress | Harwood Academic Publishers. | 0 | ✔ |
1607-8888 | Stress (e-vir) | Harwood Academic. | 0 | ✔ |
1532-2998 | Stress and health (e-vir) | John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.; John Wiley & Sons | 0 | ✔ |
1532-3005 | Stress and health | John Wiley & Sons | 0 | ✔ |
0039-2324 | Streven | J. Gerits. | 0 | |
1070-5511 | Structural equation modeling | Lawrence Erlbaum Associates | 0 | ✔ |
1532-8007 | Structural equation modeling | L. Erlbaum Associates. | 0 | ✔ |
0039-2618 | Strumenti critici | Einaudi | 0 | ✔ |
2612-0925 | Strumenti critici (e-vir) | Società Editrice il Mulino | 0 | ✔ |
0081-6272 | Studia Anglica Posnaniensia | Wydawnictwo Naukowe Uniwersytetu im. Adama Mickiewicza | 0 | ✔ |
2082-5102 | Studia Anglica Posnaniensia | University of Adam Mickiewicz | 0 | |
0280-8633 | Studia anthroponymica Scandinavica | Gustav Adolfs akademien | 0 | |
0081-6353 | Studia celtica | University of Wales Press | 0 | |
2058-5098 | Studia Celtica (e-vir) | University of Wales Press | 0 | |
1104-5515 | Studia Celtica Upsaliensia | Uppsala University, The Celtic Section; Almqvist & Wiksell International | 0 | |
0323-2220 | Studia Comeniana et historica | Muzeum Jana Amose Komenského | 0 | |
1233-6688 | Studia Edukacyjne | Wydawnictwo Naukowe Uniwersytetu im. Adama Mickiewicza. | 1 | |
1224-8789 | Studia et Acta Historiae Iudaeorum Romaniae | Hasefer,; Editura Universitaţii "Al.I. Cuza" din Iaşi, | 0 | |
1026-9169 | Studia et documenta historiae et iuris | Apollinaris | 0 | |
0081-6442 | Studia Germanica Gandensia | Rijksuniversiteit. Faculteit van letteren en wijsbegeerte | 0 | |
1417-4340 | Studia Germanica Universitatis Vesprimiensis | Praesens; Universitätsverlag | 0 | |
0081-6477 | Studia Hibernica | St. Patrick's College (Dublin, Ireland) | 0 | ✔ |
2397-4532 | Studia Hibernica (e-vir) | Liverpool University Press | 0 | ✔ |
0213-2052 | Studia historica | Ediciones Universidad de Salamanca | 0 | ✔ |
0213-2060 | Studia historica | Ediciones Universidad de Salamanca | 0 | ✔ |
0213-2079 | Studia historica | Ediciones Universidad de Salamanca | 0 | ✔ |
0213-2087 | Studia historica | Ediciones Universidad de Salamanca | 0 | ✔ |
2386-3889 | Studia historica (e-vir) | Ediciones Universidad de Salamanca | 0 | ✔ |
2444-7080 | Studia historica (e-vir) | Universidad de Salamanca | 0 | ✔ |
2530-4100 | Studia historica (e-vir) | Ediciones Universidad de Salamanca | 0 | ✔ |
1406-6203 | Studia humaniora Tartuensia (e-vir) | Tartu Ülikool. | 0 | |
0221-5004 | Studia iranica | Association pour l'avancement des études iraniennes (France) | 0 | |
0585-5292 | Studia islamica | Larose | 0 | ✔ |
1958-5705 | Studia islamica (e-vir) | Maisonneuve & Larose | 0 | ✔ |
0258-3828 | Studia Islandica | Háskóli Íslands.; Rannsóknastofnun í bókmenntafræði við Háskóla Íslands; Menningarsjóður.; Bókmenntafræðistofnun Háskóla Íslands; Háskólaútgáfan; Bókmennta- og listfræðastofnun Háskóla Íslands | 0 | |
1221-5163 | Studia Judaica | Efes. | 0 | |
0039-3185 | Studia Leibnitiana | 0 | ✔ | |
2366-228X | Studia Leibnitiana (e-vir) | Steiner | 0 | |
0039-3193 | Studia linguistica | Gleerup | 0 | ✔ |
1467-9582 | Studia linguistica (e-vir) | Blackwell Publishers | 0 | ✔ |
0562-2867 | Studia litteraria | KLTE | 0 | |
2063-1049 | Studia litteraria | [Debreceni Egyetemi Kiadó] | 0 | |
0039-3207 | Studia liturgica | Societas Liturgica. | 0 | ✔ |
2517-4797 | Studia liturgica (e-vir) | Wyt | 0 | ✔ |
1572-8730 | Studia logica (e-vir) | Kluwer | 0 | ✔ |
0039-3215 | Studia Logica | Zakład Narodowy im. Ossolińskich | 0 | ✔ |
0080-3987 | Studia missionalia | Universita Gregoriana Editrice | 0 | |
0039-3258 | Studia monastica | Abadía de Montserrat | 0 | |
1788-6244 | Studia musicologica | Akadémiai Kiadó | 0 | ✔ |
1789-2422 | Studia musicologica | Akadémiai Kiadó | 0 | ✔ |
0332-5024 | Studia musicologica Norvegica | Norsk musikkforskerlag | 0 | ✔ |
1504-2960 | Studia musicologica Norvegica (e-vir) | Universitetsforlaget | 0 | ✔ |
0137-5318 | Studia muzealne | Muzeum Narodowe | 0 | |
1214-8407 | Studia neoaristotelica | 0 | ✔ | |
1804-6843 | Studia Neoaristotelica (e-vir) | Ed. Scholasticae | 0 | ✔ |
0039-3274 | Studia neophilologica | Almqvist & Wiksell periodical co. | 0 | ✔ |
1651-2308 | Studia neophilologica | Taylor & Francis; Routledge | 0 | ✔ |
0860-0562 | Studia Norwidiana | Wydawnictwo Towarzystwa Naukowego Katlolickiego Universytetu Lubelskiego | 0 | |
1643-2762 | Studia Oecumenica | Uniwersytet Opolski. | 0 | |
0081-6795 | Studia Pedagogiczne | Polska Akademia Nauk.; Polska Akademia Nauk.; Uniwersytet Gdański.; Wyższa Szkoła Nauk Społecznych Pedagogium (Warszawa) | 0 | |
1582-5647 | Studia phaenomenologica | Humanitas | 0 | ✔ |
2069-0061 | Studia Phaenomenologica | Humanitas | 0 | ✔ |
0081-6825 | Studia philosophica | Verlag für Recht und Gesellschaft AG | 0 | |
2296-2883 | Studia philosophica (e-vir) | Schwabe | 0 | |
0039-3339 | Studia Romanica et Anglica Zagrabiensia | Filozofski fakultet | 0 | ✔ |
1849-1421 | Studia Romanica et Anglica Zagrabiensia (e-vir) | Facultas philosophica Universitatis studiorum Zagrabiensis | 0 | ✔ |
0137-2475 | Studia Romanica Posnaniensia | Wydawnictwo Naukowe Uniwersytetu im. Adama Mickiewicza | 1 | |
2084-4158 | Studia Romanica Posnaniensia (e-vir) | "Versita" | 0 | |
0081-6884 | Studia Rossica Posnaniensia | Wydawnictwo Naukowe Uniwersytetu im. Adama Mickiewicza | 0 | |
1213-5372 | Studia Rudolphina | Artefactum | 0 | |
0139-0287 | Studia Russica | ELTE BTK Or. Filol. Tansz. | 0 | |
0137-6608 | Studia Semiotyczne | Zakład Narodowy im. Ossolińskich | 0 | |
2544-073X | Studia Semiotyczne (e-vir) | Polskie Towarzystwo Semiotyczne | 0 | |
0039-3363 | Studia slavica | Akadémiai Kiadó | 0 | ✔ |
1588-290X | Studia Slavica Academiae Scientiarum Hungaricae | Akadémiai Kiadó | 0 | ✔ |
0781-3333 | Studia slavica Finlandensia | Neuvostoliittoinstituutti | 0 | |
1216-0016 | Studia Slavica Savariensia | Berzsenyi Dániel Tanárképzö Föiskola Szláv Filológiai Intézete | 0 | |
0179-3896 | Studia Spinozana | Königshausen u. Neumann | 0 | |
0039-338X | Studia theologica | Academic Press | 0 | ✔ |
1502-7791 | Studia theologica (e-vir) | Taylor & Francis AS | 0 | ✔ |
1220-0492 | Studia Universitatis Babeş-Bolyai | Universitatea "Babeş-Bolyai" | 0 | |
1224-8746 | Studia Universitatis Babeş-Bolyai | Universitatea "Babeş-Bolyai"; Presa Universitaræa Clujeanæa. | 0 | |
2065-9563 | Studia Universitatis Babeş-Bolyai (e-vir) | Presa Universitara Clujeana | 0 | |
2065-9598 | Studia Universitatis Babeş-Bolyai (e-vir) | Universitatea "Babeş-Bolyai" | 0 | |
1230-3275 | Studia Waweliana | Państwowe Zbiory Sztuki na Wawelu | 0 | |
1230-5057 | Studia z Dziejów Rosji i Europy Środkowo-Wschodniej | Polska Akademia Nauk.; Polska Akademia Nauk. | 0 | |
0081-7090 | Studia z filologii polskiej i słowiańskiej | Slawistyczny ośrodek wydawniczy | 0 | ✔ |
2392-2435 | Studia z Filologii Polskiej i Słowiańskiej (e-vir) | Institute of Slavic Studies of the Polish Academy of Sciences | 0 | ✔ |
0081-7147 | Studia ŹródŁoznawcze | Polska Akademia Nauk.; Polska Akademia Nauk. | 0 | |
1124-6286 | Studi buzzatiani | Centro studi Buzzati. | 0 | ✔ |
1724-1839 | Studi buzzatiani | Istituti Editoriali e Poligrafici Internazionali. | 0 | ✔ |
0081-6124 | Studi classici e orientali | Edizioni Plus, Pisa University Press | 0 | |
1724-1820 | Studi classici e orientali (e-vir) | Istituti Editoriali e Poligrafici Internazionali | 0 | |
0391-7835 | Studi danteschi | Sansoni; Le Lettere, | 0 | |
0392-5110 | Studi di filologia italiana | Le lettere | 0 | |
0391-4151 | Studi di grammatica italiana | Le Lettere | 0 | |
0392-5218 | Studi di lessicografia italiana | Le Lettere | 0 | |
0393-8417 | Studi e materiali di storia delle religioni | Japadre | 0 | |
0039-2936 | Studi emigrazione | Centro studi emigrazione | 0 | |
0303-4224 | Studien und Mitteilungen zur Geschichte des Benediktinerordens und seiner Zweige | Pustet | 0 | |
0049-2361 | Studi e problemi di critica testuale | Spongano R. Raffaele. | 0 | ✔ |
1826-722X | Studi e problemi di critica testuale | Spongano R. Raffaele. | 0 | ✔ |
0085-6827 | Studi e saggi linguistici | Università degli studi, Pisa. Istituto di glottologia. | 0 | |
1555-7839 | Studies in 20th & 21st century literature | Council of Editors of Learned Journals. | 0 | |
2334-4415 | Studies in 20th & 21st century literature (e-vir) | Studies in Twentieth and Twenty-First Century Literature, ©2004- | 0 | ✔ |
0039-3533 | Studies in African linguistics | University of California, Los Angeles.; University of California, Los Angeles.; Indiana University, Bloomington.; Indiana University.; Ohio State University.; Ohio State University. | 0 | ✔ |
2154-428X | Studies in African linguistics (e-vir) | Department of Linguistics and the African Studies Center, University of California | 0 | ✔ |
0091-8083 | Studies in American fiction | Dept. of English, Northeastern University. | 0 | ✔ |
0271-9274 | Studies in American Jewish literature | Society for Study of American Jewish Literature. | 0 | |
1948-5077 | Studies in American Jewish literature | State University of New York Press | 0 | |
0380-6995 | Studies in Canadian literature | Department of English, University of New Brunswick | 0 | |
0904-2431 | Studies in Central & East Asian religions | The Seminar for Buddhist Studies, Copenhagen | 0 | |
1570-0712 | Studies in Central and East Asian religions | Brill | 0 | |
0953-9468 | Studies in Christian ethics | T & T Clark | 0 | ✔ |
1745-5235 | Studies in Christian ethics (e-vir) | T & T Clark | 0 | ✔ |
0424-2084 | Studies in church history | Ecclesiastical History Society. | 0 | ✔ |
2059-0644 | Studies in church history (e-vir) | Published for The Ecclesiastical History Society by Cambridge University Press | 0 | ✔ |
0158-037X | Studies in continuing education | Carfax | 0 | ✔ |
1470-126X | Studies in continuing education (e-vir) | Carfax International Publishers | 0 | ✔ |
0925-9392 | Studies in East European thought | Kluwer Academic Publishers | 0 | ✔ |
1573-0948 | Studies in East European thought | Kluwer | 0 | ✔ |
0191-491X | Studies in educational evaluation | Elsevier Science Ltd | 0 | ✔ |
1879-2529 | Studies in educational evaluation (e-vir) | Elsevier Ltd. | 0 | ✔ |
0360-2370 | Studies in eighteenth-century culture | American Society for Eighteenth-Century Studies. | 0 | |
0039-3657 | Studies in English literature, 1500-1900 | Rice University | 0 | ✔ |
1522-9270 | Studies in English literature, 1500-1900 (e-vir) | Johns Hopkins University Press for Rice University | 0 | ✔ |
0307-5079 | Studies in higher education | Carfax Publishing Company | 1 | ✔ |
1470-174X | Studies in higher education (e-vir) | Carfax International Publishers | 2 | ✔ |
1369-8486 | Studies in history and philosophy of biological and biomedical sciences | Elsevier Sciences | 0 | |
1355-2198 | Studies in history and philosophy of modern physics | Elsevier science | 0 | |
0039-3681 | Studies in history and philosophy of science | Pergamon | 0 | ✔ |
1879-2510 | Studies in history and philosophy of science (e-vir) | Elsevier Ltd. | 0 | |
0148-1029 | Studies in iconography | Medieval Institute Publications, Western Michigan University | 0 | |
2693-8456 | Studies in iconography (e-vir) | Northern Kentucky University.; Northern Kentucky State College.; Western Michigan University. | 0 | |
0926-2326 | Studies in interreligious dialogue | Kok Pharos ;; Orbis Books ;; Peeters | 0 | |
0378-4177 | Studies in language | John Benjamins Publishing Company | 0 | ✔ |
1569-9978 | Studies in language | John Benjamins Publishing Company | 0 | ✔ |
0730-9139 | Studies in Latin American popular culture | s.n. | 0 | ✔ |
2157-2941 | Studies in Latin American popular culture (e-vir) | [publisher not identified] | 0 | ✔ |
2199-6059 | Studies in logic, grammar and rhetoric (e-vir) | de Gruyter | 0 | ✔ |
0860-150X | Studies in Logic, Grammar and Rhetoric | Dział Wydawnictw Filii Uniwersytetu Warszawskiego. | 0 | |
2450-6842 | Studies in Logic, Grammar and Rhetoric (e-vir) | Uniwersytet w Białymstoku. | 0 | |
0039-3738 | Studies in philology | University of North Carolina Press | 0 | |
1543-0383 | Studies in philology (e-vir) | University of North Carolina Press | 0 | |
0039-3746 | Studies in philosophy and education | Kluwer Academic Publishers | 0 | ✔ |
1573-191X | Studies in philosophy and education (e-vir) | Kluwer | 0 | ✔ |
2042-0587 | Studies in religion (e-vir) | Wilfrid Laurier University Press | 0 | ✔ |
0008-4298 | Studies in religion = | Published by University of Toronto Press for the Canadian Corp. for Studies in Religion | 0 | ✔ |
0039-3762 | Studies in romanticism | Graduate School, Boston University | 0 | |
2330-118X | Studies in romanticism (e-vir) | Graduate School, Boston University | 0 | |
0039-3770 | Studies in Scottish literature | University of South Carolina Press, etc.] | 0 | |
0272-2631 | Studies in second language acquisition (e-vir) | Indiana University Linguistics Club | 0 | ✔ |
1470-1545 | Studies in second language acquisition (e-vir) | Cambridge University Press | 0 | ✔ |
0039-3789 | Studies in short fiction | Newberry College. | 0 | |
0169-0124 | Studies in Slavic and general linguistics | Rodopi | 0 | ✔ |
1879-6303 | Studies in Slavic and general linguistics (e-vir) | Rodopi | 0 | |
0190-2407 | Studies in the age of Chaucer | New Chaucer Society. | 0 | |
1069-8825 | Studies in the decorative arts | Bard Graduate Center for Studies in the Decorative Arts | 0 | |
0266-0830 | Studies in the education of adults | National Institute of Adult Continuing Education = NIACE | 0 | ✔ |
1478-9833 | Studies in the education of adults (e-vir) | NIACE | 0 | ✔ |
0091-7338 | Studies in the history of art | National Gallery of Art | 0 | |
0039-3819 | Studies in the literary imagination | Dept. of English, Georgia State University, etc. | 0 | |
0039-3827 | Studies in the novel | North Texas State University | 0 | ✔ |
1934-1512 | Studies in the novel (e-vir) | North Texas State University | 0 | ✔ |
1364-5145 | Studies in travel writing | Nottingham Trent University | 0 | ✔ |
1755-7550 | Studies in travel writing (e-vir) | Nottingham Trent University | 0 | ✔ |
1354-9901 | Studies in world christianity | Edinburgh University Press | 0 | ✔ |
1750-0230 | Studies in world Christianity (e-vir) | Edinburgh University Press | 0 | ✔ |
0435-2866 | Studies on Voltaire and the eighteenth century | Voltaire Foundation. | 0 | |
0923-2842 | Studies over de sociaal-economische geschiedenis van Limburg | Sociaal Historisch Centrum voor Limburg | 0 | |
0391-7762 | Studi etruschi | G. Bretschneider | 0 | |
0039-2944 | Studi francesi | Rosemberg e Sellier | 0 | |
0081-8844 | Studii clasice | Editura Academiei Române | 0 | |
1453-7427 | Studii de istorie a Banatului | Editura Universitaţii de Vest, | 0 | |
0039-3991 | Studii şi cercetæari de istoria artei | Academia de ştiinţe sociale şi politice a Republicii socialiste România | 0 | |
2067-5119 | Studii şi cercetæari de istoria artei | Editura Academiei Române | 0 | |
0039-3983 | Studii şi cercetari de istoria artei | Editura Academiei Romane | 0 | |
1220-4781 | Studii şi cercetǎri de istorie veche şi arheologie | Editura Academiei Române | 0 | |
0081-8887 | Studii şi cercetari de numismatica | Editura Academiei Române | 0 | |
0039-405X | Studii şi cercetǎri lingvistice | Editura Academiei Române | 0 | |
0567-6312 | Studii şi materiale de istorie medie | Editura Academiei Române,; Editura Istros, | 0 | |
0567-6320 | Studii şi materiale de istorie modernǎ | Editura Academiei Române | 0 | |
0585-492X | Studi ispanici | Istituti Editoriali e Poligrafici Internazionali. | 0 | ✔ |
1724-1588 | Studi ispanici | Istituti Editoriali e Poligrafici Internazionali. | 0 | ✔ |
0039-2987 | Studi italiani di Filologia classica | Le Monnier | 0 | |
0390-6809 | Studi italiani di linguistica teorica ed applicata | Liviana Editrice | 0 | |
1011-8845 | Studii teologice | Editura Institutului Biblic şi de Misiune Ortodoxă, | 0 | |
1123-4938 | Studi Kantiani | Università degli studi di Pisa, Dipartimento di filosofia. | 0 | ✔ |
1724-1812 | Studi Kantiani | Istituti Editoriali e Poligrafici Internazionali | 0 | ✔ |
1720-5778 | Studi Leopardiani | Il Lavoro Editoriale | 0 | |
0394-3569 | Studi linguistici italiani | Salerno editrice | 0 | |
1125-0321 | Studi mariniani | Centro studi "Biagio Marin" | 0 | ✔ |
1826-9559 | Studi mariniani | Istituti Editoriali e Poligrafici Internazionali | 0 | ✔ |
0391-8467 | Studi medievali | Centro Italiano di Studi sull'Alto Medioevo | 0 | |
1126-6651 | Studi Micenei ed Egeo Anatolici | Quasar; CNR, Istituto per gli studi sul Mediterraneo Antico | 0 | |
2532-1757 | Studi Micenei ed Egeo Anatolici (e-vir) | Consiglio nazionale delle ricerche. Istituto di studi sul Mediterraneo antico | 0 | |
0391-7789 | Studi musicali | Leo Olschki; Accademia Nazionale di S. Cecilia Fondazione | 0 | |
2037-6413 | Studi musicali (e-vir) | Leo S. Olschki; Accademia nazionale di santa Cecilia. Fondazione | 0 | |
1128-0107 | Studi nordici | Istituti editoriali poligrafici internazionali | 0 | |
1824-9833 | Studi nordici | Istituti Editoriali e Poligrafici Internazionali | 0 | |
0303-4615 | Studi novecenteschi | Istituti Editoriali e Poligrafici Internazionali. | 0 | ✔ |
1724-1804 | Studi novecenteschi | Istituti Editoriali e Poligrafici Internazionali. | 0 | ✔ |
1972-473X | Studi Pasoliniani | Accademia Editoriale | 0 | ✔ |
1973-3232 | Studi Pasoliniani (e-vir) | Accademia Editoriale | 0 | ✔ |
1128-2045 | Studi petrarcheschi | Editrice Antenore | 1 | |
1827-8027 | Studi Petrarcheschi (e-vir) | Editrice Antenore | 0 | |
1724-6164 | Studi Rinascimentali | Istituti Editoriali e Poligrafici Internazionali | 0 | ✔ |
1824-1948 | Studi Rinascimentali | Istituti Editoriali e Poligrafici Internazionali | 0 | ✔ |
0039-2995 | Studi romani | Istituto nazionale di studi romani | 0 | |
0081-6248 | Studi Secenteschi | Leo S. Olschki | 0 | |
0392-7326 | Studi settecenteschi | Bibliopolis. | 0 | |
0039-3037 | Studi storici | Gramsci Istituto | 0 | |
1828-2156 | Studi sul settecento e l'ottocento. Rivista internazionale di italianistica | Accademia Editoriale | 0 | ✔ |
1970-2213 | Studi sul Settecento e l'Ottocento. Rivista internazionale di italianistica | Istituti editoriali e poligrafici internazionali | 0 | ✔ |
0081-6256 | Studi Tassiani | Centro di Studi Tassiani | 0 | |
1876-9055 | Studium | Gewina, Belgisch-Nederlands Genootschap voor Wetenschaps- en Universiteitsgeschiedenis/Société Belgo-Néerlandaise pour l'Histoire des Sciences et des Universités; Huygens Instituut; Huygens Instituut voor Nederlandse Geschiedenis | 0 | |
2212-7283 | Studium | Igitur publishing, Universiteitsbibliotheek Utrecht | 0 | |
0392-0437 | Studi veneziani | Leo S. Olschki | 0 | ✔ |
1724-1790 | Studi veneziani | Istituti Editoriali e Poligrafici Internazionali. | 0 | ✔ |
0393-2532 | Studi verdiani | Istituto di studi Verdiani | 0 | |
2445-3595 | Stvdia historica (e-vir) | Ediciones Universidad de Salamanca | 0 | ✔ |
0039-4238 | Style | University of Arkansas | 0 | ✔ |
2374-6629 | Style (e-vir) | Northern Illinois University | 0 | ✔ |
0169-7463 | Subseciva Groningana | Bouma's Boekhuis :; Groningsch Rechtshistorisch Fonds | 0 | |
0049-2426 | Substance | SubStance | 0 | ✔ |
1527-2095 | SubStance (e-vir) | University of Wisconsin Press | 0 | ✔ |
1082-6084 | Substance use & misuse | Marcel Dekker | 0 | ✔ |
1532-2491 | Substance use & misuse (e-vir) | Taylor & Francis | 0 | ✔ |
0039-4564 | Sudhoffs Archiv | Steiner-Verlag-Wiesbaden-GmbH | 0 | ✔ |
2366-2352 | Sudhoffs Archiv (e-vir) | Steiner | 0 | |
0081-9077 | Südost-Forschungen | Oldenbourg | 2 | ✔ |
2364-9321 | Südost-Forschungen (e-vir) | de GruyterOldenbourg | 0 | ✔ |
1576-9372 | Suhayl | Universitat de Barcelona; Universitat de Barcelona | 0 | |
0363-0234 | Suicide & life-threatening behavior | Human Sciences Press | 1 | |
1943-278X | Suicide and life-threatening behavior (e-vir) | Human Sciences Press | 0 | |
0355-0214 | Suomalais-ugrilaisen seuran aikakauskirja | Société finno-ougrienne.; Suomalais-ugrilainen seura. | 0 | |
0356-0767 | Suomen kirkkohistoriallisen seuran vuosikirja | Finska kyrkohistoriska samfundet.; Finnische Gesellschaft für Kirchengeschichte.; Societas historiae ecclesiasticae Fennica.; Suomen kirkkohistoriallinen seura. | 0 | |
0586-0296 | Suvremena lingvistika | Hrvatsko filološko društvo; Zavod za lingvistiku Filozofskog fakulteta | 0 | ✔ |
1847-117X | Suvremena lingvistika (e-vir) | Hrvatsko filološko društvo; Zavod za lingvistiku Filozofskog fakulteta | 0 | ✔ |
0106-5378 | Svantevit | Dansk Slavistforbund | 0 | |
0347-1837 | Svenska landsmål ock svenskt folkliv | Skånska landsmålsföreningen; Svenska landsmålsföreningen i Helsingfors; Gustav Adolfs akademien; Institutet för språk och folkminnen; Dialekt- och folkminnesarkivet i Uppsala | 0 | |
1402-9871 | Svensk medicinhistorisk tidskrift | Föreningen för utgivande av Svensk medicinhistorisk tidskrift; Medicinhistoriska museets vänförening | 0 | |
0283-0302 | Svensk religionshistorisk °arsskrift | Svenska samfundet för religionshistorisk forskning.; Svenska samfundet för religionshistorisk forskning. | 0 | |
0039-6761 | Svensk teologisk kvartalskrift (e-vir) | 0 | ||
0081-9816 | Svensk tidskrift för musikforskning | 0 | ✔ | |
2002-021X | Svensk tidskrift för musikforskning = (e-vir) | Svenska samfundet för musikforskning | 0 | ✔ |
0862-8440 | Svět literatury | Filozofická fakulta UK | 0 | |
2336-6729 | Svět literatury (e-vir) | Univerzita Karlova v Praze, Filozofická fakulta | 0 | |
1421-0185 | Swiss journal of psychology = | Schweizerische Gesellschaft für Psychologie | 0 | |
1662-0879 | Swiss journal of psychology = | H. Huber | 0 | |
0940-0478 | Swiss papers in English language and literature | Swiss Association of University Teachers of English | 0 | |
1362-7902 | Symbiosis | University College of Saint Mark & Saint John. | 0 | |
1972-6538 | Symbolae antiquariae | Fabrizio Serra | 0 | |
1974-4900 | Symbolae antiquariae | Fabrizio Serra Editore | 0 | |
0039-7679 | Symbolae Osloenses | Universitetsforlaget | 0 | ✔ |
1502-7805 | Symbolae Osloenses | In aedibus Some et Sociorum; A.W. Brøgger; Fabritius & Sønner; In aedibus Universitetsforlaget; Taylor & Francis | 0 | ✔ |
0082-0660 | Symbolon | Lang. | 0 | |
1812-7509 | Symposia melitensia | University of Malta Junior College | 0 | |
0039-7709 | Symposium | Syracuse Univerity Press | 0 | ✔ |
1931-0676 | Symposium | Heldref Publications | 0 | ✔ |
1368-0005 | Syntax | Blackwell | 0 | ✔ |
1467-9612 | Syntax (e-vir) | Blackwell | 0 | ✔ |
0039-7857 | Synthese | Reidel[etc.] | 0 | ✔ |
1573-0964 | Synthese (e-vir) | Kluwer | 0 | ✔ |
0256-7245 | Synthesis | Editura Academiei republicii socialiste România | 0 | |
0352-7875 | Synthesis philosophica | Hrvatsko filozofsko društvo; Savez filozofskih društava Jugoslavije | 2 | ✔ |
1848-2317 | Synthesis philosophica (e-vir) | Hrvatsko filozofsko društvo | 1 | ✔ |
0346-251X | System | Pergamon [for] the Pergamon Institute of English (Oxford) | 0 | ✔ |
1879-3282 | System (e-vir) | Elsevier Ltd. | 0 | |
0039-8098 | Századok | a Magyar Tudományos Akadémia ... [etc.] | 0 | |
0324-8232 | Sztuka | Stowarzyszenie Artystyczne "Sztuka" (Warszawa) | 0 | |
0082-5433 | T'oung pao | Brill | 0 | ✔ |
1568-5322 | T'oung pao | Brill | 0 | ✔ |
0039-8691 | Taal en tongval | Dialektcentrale; Amsterdam University Press | 0 | ✔ |
2215-1214 | Taal en tongval (e-vir) | Amsterdam University Press | 0 | ✔ |
1991-2498 | Taida tiyu xuebao | Taida tiyu shi | 0 | |
0355-1938 | Taidehistoriallisia tutkimuksia / | Taidehistorian seura. | 0 | |
1105-1663 | Ta Istorika | Ekdotikos Oikos Melissa | 0 | |
1248-9433 | TAL | ATALA; TAL | 0 | ✔ |
0165-2486 | Talanta | Dutch Archaeological and Historical Society. | 0 | |
1886-9440 | Talia dixit (e-vir) | Servicio de Publicaciones de la UEX | 0 | |
0924-1884 | Target | J. Benjamins | 0 | ✔ |
1569-9986 | Target (e-vir) | J. Benjamins | 0 | ✔ |
1015-1826 | Tarih araştırmaları dergisi | Ankara Üniversitesi | 0 | |
0257-4152 | Tarih incelemeleri dergisi | Ege Üniversitesi | 0 | |
1054-2043 | TDR | MIT Press | 4 | |
1531-4715 | TDR | MIT Press | 0 | |
1026-4361 | Teacher development | IATEFL. | 0 | |
2409-2592 | Teacher development (e-vir) | IATEFL | 0 | |
0737-5328 | Teacher education quarterly | California Council on the Education of Teachers | 0 | |
1470-1278 | Teachers and teaching (e-vir) | Carfax International Publishers; Routledge | 0 | ✔ |
1354-0602 | Teachers and Teaching | Carfax | 1 | ✔ |
0161-4681 | Teachers College record | The College | 0 | ✔ |
1467-9620 | Teachers College record (e-vir) | Blackwell | 0 | |
0887-9486 | Teaching & learning | University of North Dakota. | 0 | |
1040-1334 | Teaching and learning in medicine | Lawrence Erlbaum Associates | 0 | ✔ |
1532-8015 | Teaching and learning in medicine (e-vir) | L. Erlbaum Associates | 0 | ✔ |
0742-051X | Teaching and teacher education | Elsevier Sciece Inc. | 0 | ✔ |
1879-2480 | Teaching and teacher education (e-vir) | Elsevier | 0 | |
1047-6210 | Teaching education | Taylor & Francis | 0 | ✔ |
1470-1286 | Teaching education (e-vir) | Routledge | 0 | ✔ |
0040-0599 | Teaching exceptional children | Council for Exceptional Children | 0 | ✔ |
2163-5684 | Teaching exceptional children (e-vir) | Council for Exceptional Children | 0 | |
0040-0610 | Teaching history | Historical Association | 0 | |
2398-1571 | Teaching history (e-vir) | The Historical Association | 0 | |
1356-2517 | Teaching in higher education | Carfax | 1 | ✔ |
1470-1294 | Teaching in higher education (e-vir) | Routledge | 0 | ✔ |
0098-6283 | Teaching of psychology | LEA | 0 | ✔ |
1532-8023 | Teaching of psychology (e-vir) | University of Missouri-Columbia, Division Two of the American Psychological Association | 0 | ✔ |
0092-055X | Teaching sociology | Sage; American Sociological Association | 0 | ✔ |
1939-862X | Teaching sociology (e-vir) | American Sociological Association, [etc.] | 0 | ✔ |
0141-982X | Teaching statistics | Teaching Statistics Trust | 0 | ✔ |
1467-9639 | Teaching statistics (e-vir) | Blackwell Pub. on behalf of the Teaching Statistics Trust | 0 | ✔ |
0332-205X | Teanga | IRAAL | 0 | |
0497-056X | Technikatörténeti szemle / | Művelődésügyi Minisztérium.; Népművelési Propaganda Iroda; Múzsák; Magyar Műszaki és Közlekedési Múzeum; Országos Műszaki Múzeum | 0 | |
0040-117X | Technikgeschichte | Nomos | 0 | ✔ |
1475-939X | Technology, pedagogy and education | Triangle Journals | 0 | ✔ |
1747-5139 | Technology, pedagogy and education (e-vir) | Triangle Journals | 0 | ✔ |
0040-165X | Technology and culture | University of Chicago Press | 0 | ✔ |
1097-3729 | Technology and culture (e-vir) | Wayne State University Press | 0 | ✔ |
1791-7573 | Tekmiria (e-vir) | Institouto Ellinikis kai Romaikis Archaiotitas (KERA) | 0 | |
1106-661X | Tekmīria.; Τεκμηρια | Aristoteleio Panepistīmio Thessalonikīs. Spoudastīrion Klasikīs Filologias kai Archaias Istorias; Αριστοτελειο Πανεπιστημιο Θεσσαλονικης. Σπουδαστηριον Κλασικης Φιλολογιας και Αρχαιας Ιστοριας | 0 | |
0867-0633 | Teksty Drugie | Instytut Badań Literackich | 0 | |
0932-8408 | Tel Aviver Jahrbuch für deutsche Geschichte | Wallstein | 0 | |
0213-084X | Telos | FUNDESCO | 0 | |
2340-342X | Telos (e-vir) | Fundación Telefónica | 0 | |
1132-0877 | Telos :; Τέλος | Sociedad Iberoamericana de Estudios Utilitaristas; Universidad de Santiago de Compostela; Universidad de Santiago de Compostela | 0 | |
0497-1817 | Temenos | Suomen uskontotieteellinen seura | 0 | |
2342-7256 | Temenos (e-vir) | Finnish Society for the Study of Religion | 0 | ✔ |
0213-6023 | Temes de disseny | Elisava Escola superior de disseny | 0 | |
0040-2982 | Tempo | Boosey and Hawkes Music Publ. | 0 | ✔ |
1478-2286 | Tempo (e-vir) | Cambridge University Press | 0 | ✔ |
0214-7351 | Temps d'educació | Universidad de Barcelona; Universidad de Barcelona | 0 | |
2014-7627 | Temps d'educació | Universitat de Barcelona, ICE | 0 | |
1576-9216 | Tenzone | Asociación Complutense de Dantología | 0 | |
0040-3555 | Teologinen aikakauskirja = | Teologinen julkaisuseura | 0 | |
0210-1602 | Teorema | Ediciones KRK | 0 | |
1122-1259 | Teoria | ETS | 0 | |
1130-3743 | Teoría de la educación | Departamento de Teoría e Historia de la Educación, Universidad de Málaga | 0 | ✔ |
2386-5660 | Teoría de la educación (e-vir) | Departamento de Teoría e Historia de la Educación, Universidad de Málaga | 0 | ✔ |
1865-343X | Teoría y crítica de la cultura y literatura | Olms | 0 | |
1210-0250 | Teorie vědy | Kabinet pro studium vědy, techniky a společnosti při Filozofickém ústavu Akademie věd České republiky | 0 | ✔ |
1804-6347 | Teorie vědy (e-vir) | Kabinet pro studium vědy, techniky a společnosti při Filozofickém ústavu Akademie věd ČR | 0 | ✔ |
1505-8808 | Teraźniejszość, Człowiek, Edukacja | Towarzystwo Wiedzy Powszechnej.; Dolnośląska Szkoła Wyższa Edukacji (Wrocław); Dolnośląska Szkoła Wyższa (Wrocław) | 0 | |
0873-3384 | Terminologias | Associação de Terminologia Portuguesa. | 0 | |
0256-7873 | Terminologie et traduction | Office des publications officielles des Communautés européennes | 0 | |
0929-9971 | Terminology | J. Benjamins | 0 | ✔ |
1569-9994 | Terminology (e-vir) | J. Benjamins | 0 | ✔ |
1358-3883 | Tertiary education and management | University of Aberdeen; Jessica Kingsley Publishers | 0 | ✔ |
1573-1936 | Tertiary education and management (e-vir) | Kluwer | 0 | ✔ |
1072-4303 | TESL-EJ | TESL-EJ | 0 | |
0039-8322 | TESOL quarterly | TESOL | 0 | |
1545-7249 | TESOL quarterly (e-vir) | TESOL | 0 | ✔ |
1123-4660 | Testo | Bulzoni | 1 | ✔ |
1724-1782 | Testo (e-vir) | Istituti Editoriali e Poligrafici Internazionali | 0 | ✔ |
1128-238X | Testo a fronte | Marcos y Marcos | 0 | |
0040-4691 | Texas studies in literature and language | University of Texas Press | 0 | ✔ |
1534-7303 | Texas studies in literature and language (e-vir) | University of Texas Press | 0 | ✔ |
0165-4888 | Text | Mouton de Gruyter | 0 | |
1420-1496 | Text | 0 | ||
0105-7014 | Text & Kontext | Wilhelm Fink; Text & Kontext | 0 | |
0040-5329 | Text + Kritik | Edition Text u. Kritik | 0 | |
1046-2937 | Text and performance quarterly | Speech Communication Association | 0 | ✔ |
1479-5760 | Text and performance quarterly (e-vir) | Speech Communication Association | 0 | ✔ |
0715-8920 | Texte | Editions Trintexte. | 0 | |
0940-9459 | Texte zur Kunst | Texte-zur-Kunst-GmbH | 0 | |
1384-0398 | Textielhistorische bijdragen | Stichting Textielgeschiedenis | 0 | |
0040-4969 | Textile history | Maney Publishing | 0 | ✔ |
1743-2952 | Textile history (e-vir) | David & Charles | 0 | ✔ |
1133-9829 | Textos de didáctica de la lengua y la literatura | Graó Educación | 0 | |
1676-7446 | Textos e pretextos | Articulação Nacional de Educação, Conselho Indigenista Missionário. | 0 | |
1496-0958 | Text technology | McMaster University | 0 | |
0950-236X | Textual practice | Methuen | 0 | ✔ |
1470-1308 | Textual practice (e-vir) | Methuen | 0 | ✔ |
0776-0116 | Textyles | Le Cri édition | 0 | |
0706-5604 | Thalia | University of Ottawa. Dept. of English. | 0 | |
1948-0989 | The Academy of Management journal (e-vir) | Academy of Management | 0 | |
0363-7425 | The Academy of Management review | Academy of Management | 0 | ✔ |
1930-3807 | The Academy of Management review (e-vir) | Academy of Management | 0 | ✔ |
0002-8762 | The American historical review | American Historical Association | 0 | ✔ |
1937-5239 | The American historical review (e-vir) | Macmillan Co. | 0 | ✔ |
0892-3647 | The American journal of distance education | American Center for the Study of Distance Education; College of Education | 0 | ✔ |
1538-9286 | The American journal of distance education (e-vir) | L. Erlbaum | 0 | ✔ |
0095-2990 | The American journal of drug and alcohol abuse | Marcel Dekker | 0 | ✔ |
1557-0878 | The American journal of evaluation (e-vir) | JAI Press | 0 | ✔ |
0002-9319 | The American journal of legal history | Temple University School of Law | 0 | ✔ |
0002-953X | The American journal of psychiatry | American Psychiatric Association | 0 | ✔ |
1535-7228 | The American journal of psychiatry (e-vir) | American Psychiatric Association | 0 | ✔ |
0002-9556 | The American journal of psychology | University of Illinois Press | 0 | ✔ |
1939-8298 | The American journal of psychology (e-vir) | E.C. Sanford | 0 | ✔ |
0003-0155 | The American neptune | Peabody Museum of Salem.; Peabody & Essex Museum.; Peabody Essex Museum. | 0 | |
0003-066X | The American psychologist | American Psychological Association | 0 | ✔ |
1219-2589 | The anachronist | ELTE, 1995- | 0 | |
1700-3334 | The ancient history bulletin (e-vir) | Trent University. Dept. of Ancient History and Classics. | 0 | |
0835-3638 | The Ancient history bulletin | Dept. of Classics, University of Calgary | 0 | ✔ |
0068-2454 | The annual of the British School at Athens | British School at Athens | 0 | ✔ |
0003-5815 | The antiquaries journal | Society of Antiquaries | 0 | ✔ |
1758-5309 | The antiquaries journal (e-vir) | Humphrey Milford, Oxford University Press; Society of Antiquaries of London | 0 | ✔ |
0003-8466 | The Architects' journal | Architectural Press Ltd | 0 | |
0004-1610 | The Arizona quarterly | University of Arizona | 0 | ✔ |
1559-6478 | The art bulletin (e-vir) | College Art Association of America | 0 | |
0004-3079 | The Art bulletin | College Art Association of America. | 0 | ✔ |
0161-0775 | Theater | Yale School of Drama; Yale Repertory Theater | 17 | ✔ |
1527-196X | Theater (e-vir) | Duke University Press | 0 | ✔ |
1060-5320 | TheatreForum | Theatre Dept. at the University of California, San Diego | 0 | |
2169-1169 | TheatreForum (e-vir) | University of California, San Diego.; University of California, San Diego. | 0 | |
0192-2882 | Theatre journal | Published by the Johns Hopkins University Press for the University and College Theatre Association | 2 | ✔ |
1086-332X | Theatre journal (e-vir) | American Theatre Association | 0 | ✔ |
0040-5523 | Theatre notebook | Society for Theatre Research | 0 | |
1913-9101 | Theatre research in Canada (e-vir) | Graduate Centre for Study of Drama, University of Toronto | 0 | ✔ |
1196-1198 | Theatre research in Canada = | Graduate Centre for the Study of Drama | 0 | ✔ |
0307-8833 | Theatre research international | Oxford University Press | 0 | ✔ |
1474-0672 | Theatre research international (e-vir) | Cambridge University Press | 0 | ✔ |
0040-5574 | Theatre survey | American Society for Theatre Research | 0 | ✔ |
1475-4533 | Theatre survey (e-vir) | Cambridge University Press | 0 | ✔ |
1802-2502 | Theatrum historiae | Univerzita Pardubice, Fakulta filozofická | 0 | |
0004-9441 | The Australian journal of education | Australian Council for Educational Research] | 0 | ✔ |
1444-5409 | The Australian journal of Irish studies | Murdoch University. Centre for Irish Studies. | 0 | |
0313-5373 | The Australian journal of teacher education | Graylands Teachers College.; Claremont Teachers College (W.A.); Western Australian College of Advanced Education.; Edith Cowan University. | 0 | |
1835-517X | The Australian journal of teacher education | Edith Cowan University, School of Education | 0 | |
2196-8918 | The Behavior analyst (e-vir) | 0 | ||
0098-9444 | The Biblical archaeology review | Biblical Archaeology Society | 0 | |
1467-2006 | The British art journal | Art Journals Ltd | 0 | |
0141-867X | The British journal for eighteenth-century studies | British Society for Eighteenth Century Studies.; Voltaire Foundation. | 0 | |
1474-001X | The British journal for the history of science (e-vir) | British Society for the History of Science | 0 | ✔ |
0007-0882 | The British journal for the philosophy of science | Oxford University Press | 0 | ✔ |
1464-3537 | The British journal for the philosophy of science (e-vir) | Oxford University Press | 0 | ✔ |
0007-0904 | The British journal of aesthetics | Oxford University Press | 0 | ✔ |
1468-2842 | The British journal of aesthetics (e-vir) | Oxford University Press | 0 | ✔ |
0007-0955 | The British journal of criminology | Stevens | 1 | ✔ |
0969-7950 | The British journal of developmental disabilities | British Society for Developmental Disabilities | 0 | |
2058-0959 | The British journal of developmental disabilities (e-vir) | British Society for Developmental Disabilities. | 0 | |
0007-0998 | The British journal of educational psychology | Scottish Academic Press | 0 | ✔ |
2044-8317 | The British journal of mathematical & statistical psychology (e-vir) | J. Wright & Sons | 0 | ✔ |
2183-7414 | The bulletin of portuguese - japanese studies (e-vir) | Centro de História de Além-Mar [da] Faculdade de Ciências Sociais e Humanas [da] Universidade Nova de Lisboa | 0 | |
1943-5894 | The bulletin of symbolic logic (e-vir) | Association for Symbolic Logic | 0 | ✔ |
0003-1186 | The Bulletin of the American Society of Papyrologists | American Society of Papyrologists. | 0 | |
1938-6958 | The Bulletin of the American Society of Papyrologists (e-vir) | Scholarly Pub. Office, University of Michigan Library | 0 | |
0007-6287 | The Burlington magazine | Burlington Magazine Publications Ltd. | 17 | |
2044-9925 | The Burlington magazine (e-vir) | K. Trevelyan-Kee | 0 | |
2044-768X | The business history review (e-vir) | Harvard Graduate School of Business Administration | 0 | ✔ |
0301-7257 | The Byron journal | Byron Society. | 0 | ✔ |
1757-0263 | The Byron journal (e-vir) | [Byron Society] | 0 | ✔ |
1750-2705 | The Cambridge classical journal | Cambridge Philological Society. | 0 | ✔ |
2047-993X | The Cambridge classical journal (e-vir) | Cambridge University Press | 0 | ✔ |
1471-6836 | The Cambridge quarterly (e-vir) | Cambridge Quarterly Association | 0 | ✔ |
1710-1093 | The Canadian historical review (e-vir) | University of Toronto Press | 0 | ✔ |
1710-1115 | The Canadian journal of linguistics (e-vir) | University of Toronto Press | 0 | ✔ |
0008-4131 | The Canadian journal of linguistics = | University of Toronto Press | 0 | ✔ |
0008-4506 | The Canadian modern language review | Ontario Modern Language Teachers' Association | 0 | ✔ |
1710-1131 | The Canadian modern language review = | University of Toronto Press | 0 | ✔ |
0889-4019 | The Career development quarterly | National Career Development Association | 0 | ✔ |
0008-7912 | The Catholic Biblical quarterly | Catholic Biblical Association of America | 0 | |
2163-2529 | The Catholic Biblical quarterly (e-vir) | Catholic Biblical Association of America | 0 | |
0008-8080 | The Catholic historical review | Catholic University of America Press | 0 | |
1534-0708 | The Catholic historical review (e-vir) | Catholic University of America Press | 0 | |
0009-2002 | The Chaucer review | Pennsylvania State University Press. | 0 | ✔ |
1528-4204 | The Chaucer review (e-vir) | Pennsylvania State University Press | 0 | ✔ |
0317-0500 | The Chesterton review | G.K. Chesterton Society.; G.K. Chesterton Institute for Faith & Culture. | 0 | ✔ |
1930-1294 | The Chesterton review | G.K. Chesterton Society, 1974-; G.K. Chesterton Institute for Faith & Culture; G.K. Chesterton Institute for Faith & Culture | 0 | ✔ |
0009-8337 | The Classical bulletin | Bolchazy-Carducci Publishers | 0 | |
0009-8353 | The classical journal | Classical Association of the Middle West and South, etc.] | 0 | ✔ |
2327-5812 | The classical journal (e-vir) | University of Chicago Press | 0 | |
1471-6844 | The classical quarterly (e-vir) | Oxford University Press | 0 | ✔ |
0009-840X | The Classical review | Oxford University Press | 0 | ✔ |
1464-3561 | The Classical review (e-vir) | Oxford University Press | 0 | ✔ |
0009-8418 | The Classical world | Classical Association of the Atlantic States. | 0 | ✔ |
1558-9234 | The Classical world (e-vir) | Classical Association of the Atlantic States | 0 | ✔ |
0968-0551 | The Coleridge bulletin | Friends of Coleridge. | 0 | |
0011-0000 | The counseling psychologist | American Psychological Association. | 0 | ✔ |
1552-3861 | The counseling psychologist (e-vir) | Sage Publications | 0 | ✔ |
0958-5176 | The curriculum journal | Routledge | 0 | ✔ |
1460-6925 | The design journal | Routledge | 0 | ✔ |
1756-3062 | The design journal (e-vir) | [Gower House] | 0 | ✔ |
0012-2440 | The Dickensian | The Dickens Fellowship | 0 | |
0013-0796 | The ecumenical review | World Council of Churches | 0 | ✔ |
1758-6623 | The ecumenical review (e-vir) | Wiley-Blackwell | 0 | ✔ |
0193-5380 | The Eighteenth century | Texas Tech Press | 0 | ✔ |
1935-0201 | The Eighteenth century (e-vir) | Texas Tech Press | 0 | ✔ |
0013-5984 | The elementary school journal | University of Chicago Press | 0 | ✔ |
1554-8279 | The elementary school journal (e-vir) | University of Chicago Press | 0 | ✔ |
1059-6879 | The Emily Dickinson journal | University Press of Colorado | 0 | ✔ |
1096-858X | The Emily Dickinson journal | Johns Hopkins University Press | 0 | ✔ |
0013-8266 | The English historical review | Longman Group | 0 | ✔ |
1477-4534 | The English historical review (e-vir) | Longman Group | 0 | ✔ |
1040-9483 | The Eugene O'Neill review | Eugene O'Neill Society.; Suffolk University. | 0 | |
2161-4318 | The Eugene O'Neill review (e-vir) | Suffolk University in cooperation with the Eugene O'Neill Society | 0 | |
0954-1446 | The European journal of cognitive psychology | Lawrence Erlbaum Associates | 0 | |
1464-0635 | The European journal of cognitive psychology (e-vir) | Taylor & Francis | 0 | |
1740-5629 | The European journal of developmental psychology | Psychology Press | 1 | ✔ |
0953-816X | The European journal of neuroscience | Oxford University Press | 1 | ✔ |
0967-2567 | The European journal of the history of economic thought | Routledge | 0 | ✔ |
1469-5936 | The European journal of the history of economic thought (e-vir) | Routledge | 0 | ✔ |
1350-5068 | The European journal of women's studies | Sage Publications | 0 | ✔ |
1745-5308 | The expository times (e-vir) | T. & T. Clark | 0 | ✔ |
0884-2949 | The Faulkner journal | Ohio Northern University | 0 | |
2640-1703 | The Faulkner journal (e-vir) | Ohio Northern University | 0 | |
1054-8289 | The future of children | Center for the Future of Children | 0 | |
1550-1558 | The future of children (e-vir) | Center for the Future of Children | 0 | |
0951-7200 | The Gaskell Society journal | Gaskell Society. | 0 | |
2732-5806 | The Gaskell Society journal (e-vir) | Gaskell Society | 0 | |
2372-1898 | The George Eliot, George Henry Lewes newsletter (e-vir) | [West Midlands College, English Division] | 0 | |
0953-0754 | The George Eliot George Henry Lewes newsletter | [W. Baker] | 0 | |
0963-1070 | The Georgian Group journal | Georgian Group (London, England) | 0 | |
0016-8890 | The Germanic review | Heldref Publications | 0 | ✔ |
1930-6962 | The Germanic review (e-vir) | Heldref Publications | 0 | ✔ |
0016-8831 | The German quarterly | American Association of Teachers of German | 0 | ✔ |
1756-1183 | The German quarterly (e-vir) | American Association of Teachers of German | 0 | ✔ |
1934-9041 | The Gifted child quarterly (e-vir) | National Association for Gifted Children] | 0 | ✔ |
1934-8908 | The Hardy review | Thomas Hardy Society of North America.; Thomas Hardy Association. | 0 | |
1934-8916 | The Hardy review | THSNA Press | 0 | |
0017-8160 | The Harvard theological review | Harvard Divinity School | 0 | ✔ |
0093-0334 | The Hastings Center report | Institute of Society, Ethics and the Life Sciences | 0 | |
1552-146X | The Hastings Center report (e-vir) | Institute of Society, Ethics and the Life Sciences | 0 | ✔ |
0276-3362 | The Hemingway review | Ohio Northern University | 0 | |
1548-4815 | The Hemingway review (e-vir) | Ohio Northern University | 0 | |
0273-0340 | The Henry James review | Dept. of English, University of Louisville, etc.] | 0 | ✔ |
1080-6555 | The Henry James review | Johns Hopkins University Press | 0 | ✔ |
0018-1196 | The Heythrop journal | Wiley-Blackwell | 0 | ✔ |
1468-2265 | The Heythrop journal (e-vir) | Blackwell | 0 | ✔ |
0018-2168 | The Hispanic American historical review | Board of Editors of the Hispanic American Review | 0 | ✔ |
1527-1900 | The Hispanic American historical review (e-vir) | Duke University Press | 0 | ✔ |
1469-5103 | The historical journal (e-vir) | Cambridge University Press | 0 | ✔ |
1081-602X | The history of the family | Elsevier | 0 | ✔ |
1873-5398 | The history of the family | Elsevier Science | 0 | ✔ |
0729-154X | The History teacher | Queensland History Teachers' Association. | 0 | |
0094-9086 | The Hopkins quarterly | Language Studies Department, Mohawk College | 0 | |
0018-7895 | The Huntington Library quarterly | Henry E. Huntington Library and Art Gallery | 0 | ✔ |
1544-399X | The Huntington Library quarterly (e-vir) | Henry E. Huntington Library and Art Gallery | 0 | ✔ |
1745-5219 | The Innes review (e-vir) | J.S. Burns & Sons | 0 | ✔ |
1949-6540 | The international history review (e-vir) | [University of Toronto] | 0 | ✔ |
1532-7582 | The international journal for the psychology of religion (e-vir) | L. Erlbaum Associates | 0 | ✔ |
1050-8619 | The International journal for the psychology of religion | Lawrence Erlbaum Associates | 0 | ✔ |
2326-3016 | The international journal of African historical studies (e-vir) | Africana Pub. Co. | 0 | |
0361-7882 | The International journal of African historical studies | Africana Pub. Co. | 0 | |
0091-4150 | The international journal of aging & human development | Baywood Pub. Co. | 0 | ✔ |
1541-3535 | The international journal of aging and human development (e-vir) | Baywood Pub. Co. | 0 | ✔ |
1476-8070 | The international journal of art & design education (e-vir) | Blackwell Publishing. | 0 | ✔ |
1476-8062 | The International Journal of Art & Design Education | Blackwell | 3 | ✔ |
1050-8414 | The International journal of aviation psychology | Lawrence Erlbaum Associates | 0 | |
1532-7108 | The International journal of aviation psychology (e-vir) | L. Erlbaum Associates. | 0 | |
1367-0069 | The international journal of bilingualism | Kingston Press Services | 0 | ✔ |
1756-6878 | The international journal of bilingualism (e-vir) | Kingston Press | 0 | ✔ |
1364-436X | The international journal of children's spirituality | [s.n.] | 0 | ✔ |
0020-7144 | The International journal of clinical and experimental hypnosis | Society for Clinical and Experimental Hypnosis | 0 | ✔ |
1744-5183 | The International journal of clinical and experimental hypnosis (e-vir) | Sage Periodicals; ProQuest Information and Learning Co. | 0 | ✔ |
0276-3478 | The international journal of eating disorders | Van Nostrand Reinhold | 0 | ✔ |
0951-354X | The International journal of educational management | MCB University Press,; Emerald | 0 | ✔ |
1943-2836 | The International journal of group psychotherapy (e-vir) | International Universities Press, Inc. | 0 | |
1099-1751 | The international journal of health planning and management (e-vir) | John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. | 0 | ✔ |
0749-6753 | The International journal of health planning and management | Wiley | 0 | ✔ |
1466-4399 | The International journal of human resource management (e-vir) | Routledge | 0 | ✔ |
1461-1457 | The international journal of neuropsychopharmacology | Cambridge University Press | 0 | ✔ |
1469-5111 | The international journal of neuropsychopharmacology (e-vir) | Cambridge University Press | 0 | ✔ |
1745-8315 | The international journal of psychoanalysis (e-vir) | Institute of Psychoanalysis | 0 | ✔ |
0020-7578 | The International journal of psycho-analysis | Institute of Psycho-Analysis | 0 | ✔ |
1748-8885 | The international journal of speech language and the law | University of Birmingham Press; Equinox | 0 | ✔ |
1748-8893 | The international journal of speech language and the law (e-vir) | University of Birmingham Press | 0 | ✔ |
1743-9035 | The International journal of the history of sport (e-vir) | F. Cass | 0 | ✔ |
0952-3367 | The International Journal of the History of Sport | Frank Cass | 0 | ✔ |
1360-3736 | The international journal of training and development | Blackwell | 0 | ✔ |
0197-9183 | The international migration review | Center for Migration Studies | 0 | ✔ |
1747-7379 | The international migration review (e-vir) | Center for Migration Studies | 0 | ✔ |
1045-0920 | The International review of African American art | Museum of African American Art | 0 | |
1873-5525 | The internet and higher education (e-vir) | Elsevier Inc. | 0 | ✔ |
1096-7516 | The Internet and Higher Education | JAI Press | 0 | ✔ |
1750-399X | The interpreter and translator trainer | St. Jerome | 0 | ✔ |
1757-0417 | The interpreter and translator trainer (e-vir) | St. Jerome Publishing | 0 | ✔ |
1591-4127 | The interpreters' newsletter | Università degli Studi di Trieste | 0 | |
2421-714X | The Interpreters' newsletter (e-vir) | EUT Edizioni Università di Trieste | 0 | |
1649-1335 | The Irish journal of French studies | Association des Études Française et Francophones en Irlande | 0 | |
0790-7850 | The Irish review | Cork University Press | 0 | |
0021-1389 | The Irish sword | Military History Society of Ireland. | 0 | |
0021-1400 | The Irish theological quarterly | Faculty of Theology Maynooth College | 0 | ✔ |
0261-4340 | The Italianist | Department of Italian Studies, University of Reading | 0 | ✔ |
1748-619X | The Italianist (e-vir) | Maney Publishing | 0 | ✔ |
0021-6682 | The Jewish quarterly review | Dropsie College for Hebrew and Cognate Learning | 0 | ✔ |
1553-0604 | The Jewish quarterly review (e-vir) | D. Nutt | 0 | ✔ |
0096-851X | The Journal of abnormal and social psychology | Boyd Printing | 0 | |
1543-7809 | The journal of aesthetic education (e-vir) | University of Illinois Press | 0 | ✔ |
0021-8510 | The Journal of aesthetic education. | University of Illinois Press | 0 | ✔ |
0021-8529 | The journal of aesthetics and art criticism | Blackwell Publishing; American Society for Aesthetics | 0 | ✔ |
1540-6245 | The journal of aesthetics and art criticism (e-vir) | Blackwell | 0 | ✔ |
1389-224X | The journal of agricultural education and extension | Group Communication and Innovation Studies | 0 | ✔ |
1750-8622 | The journal of agricultural education and extension (e-vir) | Group Communication and Innovation Studies | 0 | ✔ |
1044-937X | The Journal of American drama and theatre | Center for Advanced Study in Theatre Arts.; Martin E. Segal Theatre Center. | 0 | |
0021-8723 | The journal of American history | Organization of American Historians | 0 | ✔ |
1945-2314 | The journal of American history (e-vir) | Mississippi Valley Historical Association | 0 | ✔ |
1468-5922 | The journal of analytical psychology (e-vir) | Blackwell. | 0 | ✔ |
0021-8774 | The Journal of analytical psychology | Routledge | 0 | ✔ |
1360-2365 | The journal of architecture | E & FN Spon | 0 | ✔ |
1466-4410 | The journal of architecture (e-vir) | E & FN Spon | 0 | ✔ |
1076-9757 | The journal of artificial intelligence research | Morgan Kaufmann Publishers | 0 | ✔ |
1930-7799 | The journal of arts management, law, and society (e-vir) | Heldref Publications | 0 | ✔ |
1063-2921 | The Journal of arts management, law, and society | Heldref Publications | 0 | ✔ |
1361-7672 | The Journal of beliefs and values | NATFHE, Religous Studies Section | 0 | ✔ |
1545-6986 | The journal of British studies (e-vir) | Conference on British Studies at Trinity College | 0 | ✔ |
0021-9371 | The Journal of British studies | University of Chicago Press | 0 | ✔ |
0749-4025 | The journal of classroom interaction | School of Education, American University | 0 | |
2376-6670 | The Journal of classroom interaction (e-vir) | School of Education, American University | 0 | |
1555-2101 | The journal of clinical psychiatry | Physicians Postgraduate Press | 0 | ✔ |
0160-6689 | The Journal of clinical psychiatry | Physicians Postgraduate Press | 0 | ✔ |
1741-6442 | The Journal of Commonwealth literature (e-vir) | Bowker | 0 | ✔ |
1572-8552 | The Journal of comparative Germanic linguistics (e-vir) | Kluwer | 0 | ✔ |
0093-4127 | The Journal of comparative psychology | Williams & Wilkins | 0 | |
1537-5277 | The Journal of consumer research (e-vir) | University of Chicago Press | 0 | ✔ |
1554-558X | The journal of continuing education in the health professions (e-vir) | [Taylor & Francis]; Alliance for Continuing Medical Education; Society for Academic Continuing Medical Education; Council on CME, Association for Hospital Medical Education | 0 | ✔ |
0894-1912 | The Journal of continuing education in the health professions | Taylor & Francis | 0 | ✔ |
1948-4801 | The journal of continuing higher education (e-vir) | Association for Continuing Higher Education | 0 | ✔ |
0737-7363 | The Journal of continuing higher education | Association for Continuing Higher Education | 0 | ✔ |
2162-6057 | The journal of creative behavior (e-vir) | Creative Education Foundation; John Wiley & Sons | 0 | ✔ |
0022-0175 | The Journal of creative behavior | Creative Education Foundation. | 0 | |
1552-5449 | The Journal of early adolescence (e-vir) | Sage Publications | 0 | ✔ |
0272-4316 | The Journal of Early Adolescence | Sage periodical press | 1 | ✔ |
1783-1555 | The Journal of Eastern Christian Studies | Peeters Publisher; Brill | 0 | |
0022-0469 | The journal of ecclesiastical history | Cambridge University Press | 0 | ✔ |
1469-7637 | The Journal of ecclesiastical history (e-vir) | Cambridge University Press | 0 | ✔ |
0022-0485 | The Journal of economic education | Helen Dwight Reid Educational Foundation | 0 | ✔ |
2152-4068 | The Journal of economic education (e-vir) | Joint Council on Economic Education | 0 | ✔ |
1471-6372 | The journal of economic history (e-vir) | New York University Press | 0 | ✔ |
0022-0507 | The Journal of economic history | Economic History Association at the University of Pennsylvania | 0 | ✔ |
1469-9427 | The journal of economic methodology (e-vir) | Routledge Journals | 0 | ✔ |
1095-0680 | The journal of ECT | Lippincott-Raven Publishers | 0 | ✔ |
0022-0671 | The journal of educational research | Public School Publishing Co. | 0 | ✔ |
1940-0675 | The journal of educational research (e-vir) | Published for the University of Illinois, Bureau of Educational Research by the Public School Publ. Co. | 0 | ✔ |
1940-1892 | The journal of environmental education (e-vir) | Taylor & Francis | 0 | ✔ |
0095-8964 | The Journal of environmental education | Heldref Publications | 0 | ✔ |
1382-4554 | The journal of ethics | Kluwer Academic Publishers | 0 | ✔ |
1572-8609 | The Journal of ethics | Kluwer Academic Publishers | 0 | ✔ |
1940-0683 | The journal of experimental education (e-vir) | Edwards Brothers, Inc. | 0 | ✔ |
0022-0973 | The Journal of experimental education | HELDREF Publications | 0 | ✔ |
1087-7142 | The journal of film music | International Film Music Society. | 0 | ✔ |
1758-860X | The journal of film music (e-vir) | International Film Music Society | 0 | ✔ |
1478-9949 | The journal of forensic psychiatry & psychology | BrunnerRoutledge | 0 | ✔ |
1478-9957 | The journal of forensic psychiatry & psychology (e-vir) | Brunner-Routledge | 0 | ✔ |
0022-1309 | The Journal of general psychology | Journal Press | 0 | ✔ |
1940-0888 | The Journal of general psychology (e-vir) | Journal Press | 0 | ✔ |
1538-4640 | The journal of higher education (e-vir) | Ohio State University Press | 0 | ✔ |
0022-1546 | The Journal of higher education | Ohio State University Press. | 0 | ✔ |
0952-1909 | The Journal of historical sociology | New York; Basil Blackwell | 0 | ✔ |
0308-6534 | The journal of imperial and Commonwealth history | F. Cass | 0 | ✔ |
1743-9329 | The Journal of imperial and Commonwealth history (e-vir) | F. Cass | 0 | ✔ |
0092-2323 | The Journal of Indo-European studies | Journal of Indo-European Studies | 0 | |
1530-9169 | The journal of interdisciplinary history (e-vir) | M.I.T. Press | 0 | ✔ |
0022-1953 | The Journal of interdisciplinary history | M.I.T. Press | 0 | ✔ |
1549-4721 | The journal of Japanese studies (e-vir) | Society for Japanese Studies | 0 | |
0095-6848 | The Journal of Japanese Studies | Society for Japanese Studies | 0 | |
1053-699X | The Journal of Jewish thought & philosophy | Harwood Academic Publishers | 0 | ✔ |
0075-4277 | The Journal of Juristic Papyrology | Warsaw Society of Sciences and Letters. Department II of Philosophy, History and Sociology.; University of Warsaw. Institute of Archaeology. Department of Papyrology.; Warsaw University. Faculty of Law and Administration. Chair of Roman and Antique Law.; Raphael Taubenschlag Foundation.; Towarzystwo Naukowe Warszawskie. Wydział II Nauk Historycznych, Filozoficznych i Społecznych.; Uniwersytet Warszawski. Instytut Archeologii.; Uniwersytet Warszawski. Wydział Prawa i Administracji.; Fundacja im. Rafała Taubenschlaga. | 0 | |
1549-9502 | The journal of Latino-Latin American studies | Office of Latino-Latin American Studies of the Great Plains, College of Arts and Sciences, University of Nebraska at Omaha | 0 | |
0144-0365 | The journal of legal history | Cass | 0 | ✔ |
1744-0564 | The Journal of legal history (e-vir) | Frank Cass | 0 | ✔ |
1873-8028 | The journal of mathematical behavior (e-vir) | Elsevier Inc. | 0 | ✔ |
0732-3123 | The Journal of mathematical behavior | Study Group for Mathematical Behavior | 0 | ✔ |
1744-5019 | The journal of medicine and philosophy (e-vir) | Swets & Zeitlinger Pub.; Taylor & Francis | 0 | ✔ |
0360-5310 | The Journal of medicine and philosophy | Center for Medical Ethics and Health Policy | 0 | ✔ |
1527-8263 | The journal of medieval and early modern studies (e-vir) | Duke University Press | 0 | ✔ |
0778-9750 | The journal of medieval latin | Brepols | 0 | ✔ |
2034-645X | The journal of medieval latin (e-vir) | Brepols | 0 | ✔ |
1543-7795 | The journal of military history (e-vir) | Published by the Virginia Military Institute and the George C. Marshall Foundation for the American Military Institute | 0 | |
0899-3718 | The Journal of military history | Virginia Military Institute; George C. Marshall Foundation | 0 | |
0271-0137 | The Journal of mind and behavior | Journal of Mind and Behavior, Inc. | 0 | |
1537-5358 | The journal of modern history (e-vir) | University of Chicago Press | 0 | ✔ |
0022-2801 | The Journal of modern history | University of Chicago Press | 0 | ✔ |
0305-7240 | The Journal of moral education | Pemberton Publ. Co.; Taylor and Francis | 0 | ✔ |
1603-7170 | The journal of music and meaning (e-vir) | [s.n.] | 0 | |
1547-7304 | The journal of musicological research (e-vir) | Taylor & Francis | 0 | ✔ |
0141-1896 | The Journal of musicological research | Gordon and Breach | 0 | ✔ |
0277-9269 | The journal of musicology | University of California Press | 0 | ✔ |
1533-8347 | The journal of musicology (e-vir) | Imperial Print. Co. | 0 | ✔ |
0022-2917 | The journal of music therapy | National Association for Music Therapy | 0 | ✔ |
1065-5840 | The journal of neoplatonic studies | International Society for Neoplatonic Studies,; State University of New York at Binghamton. | 0 | |
1529-2401 | The journal of neuroscience (e-vir) | Society for Neuroscience | 0 | ✔ |
0270-6474 | The Journal of neuroscience | The Society | 3 | ✔ |
1469-9605 | The journal of Pacific history (e-vir) | Oxford University Press | 0 | ✔ |
1542-3050 | The journal of pastoral care & counseling | Journal of Pastoral Care Publications | 0 | ✔ |
2167-776X | The journal of pastoral care & counseling (e-vir) | Journal of Pastoral Care Publications | 0 | ✔ |
0306-6150 | The Journal of peasant studies | F. Cass & Co. | 0 | ✔ |
1743-9361 | The Journal of peasant studies (e-vir) | F. Cass & Co. | 0 | ✔ |
1939-8549 | The journal of philosophy (e-vir) | F.J.E. Woodbridge; W.T. Bush | 0 | ✔ |
0022-362X | The Journal of philosophy | F.J.E. Woodbridge; The Journal of philosophy | 0 | ✔ |
0963-8016 | The journal of political philosophy | Blackwell | 0 | ✔ |
1467-9760 | The journal of political philosophy (e-vir) | Blackwell. | 0 | ✔ |
1538-4772 | The journal of positive behavior interventions (e-vir) | PRO-ED | 0 | ✔ |
1060-149X | The journal of pre-Raphaelite studies | Arizona State University ;; Kutztown University of Pennsylvania,; Stong College, York University | 0 | |
0022-3980 | The Journal of psychology | Journal Press | 0 | ✔ |
1940-1019 | The Journal of psychology (e-vir) | Heldref Publications | 0 | ✔ |
1549-6538 | The journal of religion (e-vir) | University of Chicago Press | 0 | ✔ |
0022-4189 | The Journal of religion | University of Chicago Press | 0 | ✔ |
1092-1311 | The journal of religion and film | University of Nebraska at Omaha, Dept. of Philosophy and Religion | 0 | |
0022-4227 | The Journal of religious history | Association for the Journal of Religious History | 0 | ✔ |
1467-9809 | The Journal of religious history (e-vir) | Blackwell | 0 | ✔ |
0075-4358 | The journal of Roman studies | Society for the Promotion of Roman Studies | 0 | ✔ |
0022-4391 | The Journal of school health | American School Health Association, etc. | 0 | ✔ |
1746-1561 | The Journal of school health (e-vir) | American School Health Association | 0 | ✔ |
1479-6651 | The journal of Scottish philosophy | Edinburgh University Press on behalf of the University of Aberdeen and the Scots Philosophical Club | 0 | ✔ |
1559-8519 | The journal of sex research (e-vir) | Taylor & Francis | 0 | ✔ |
0022-4499 | The Journal of sex research | Taylor & Francis | 0 | ✔ |
0022-4545 | The Journal of social psychology | Helen Reid Educational Foundation, etc. | 0 | ✔ |
1940-1183 | The Journal of social psychology (e-vir) | Heldref Publications | 0 | ✔ |
1538-4764 | The journal of special education (e-vir) | Sage | 0 | ✔ |
0022-4669 | The Journal of special education | Sage | 0 | ✔ |
1740-357X | The journal of specialised translation (e-vir) | London Metropolitan University, Department of Humanities, Arts and Languages. | 0 | |
0140-2390 | The Journal of strategic studies | Frank Cass | 0 | ✔ |
1743-937X | The Journal of strategic studies (e-vir) | F. Cass | 0 | ✔ |
1943-5886 | The journal of symbolic logic (e-vir) | Association for Symbolic Logic | 0 | ✔ |
0022-4812 | The Journal of symbolic logic | Association for Symbolic Logic | 0 | ✔ |
1520-9024 | The journal of the Acoustical Society of America (e-vir) | Acoustical Society of America through the American Institute of Physics | 0 | |
0001-4966 | The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America | American Institute of Physics for the Acoustical Society of America | 5 | ✔ |
1520-8524 | The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America (e-vir) | Acoustical Society of America | 0 | |
0193-600X | The Journal of the International Association of Buddhist Studies | International Association of Buddhist Studies. | 0 | |
1532-7809 | The journal of the learning sciences (e-vir) | Lawrence Erlbaum Associates | 0 | ✔ |
1050-8406 | The Journal of the learning sciences | Lawrence Erlbaum Associates | 0 | ✔ |
0022-5185 | The journal of theological studies | Oxford University Press | 0 | ✔ |
1477-4607 | The journal of theological studies (e-vir) | Oxford University Press. | 0 | ✔ |
0084-0254 | The journal of the William Morris Society | William Morris Society. | 0 | |
1759-3999 | The journal of transport history (e-vir) | Manchester University Press | 0 | ✔ |
0022-5363 | The journal of value inquiry | Springer | 0 | ✔ |
1573-0492 | The journal of value inquiry (e-vir) | Kluwer | 0 | ✔ |
1758-7859 | The journal of workplace learning (e-vir) | MCB University Press | 0 | |
1079-5006 | The journals of gerontology | Gerontological Society of America | 0 | ✔ |
1079-5014 | The journals of gerontology | Gerontological Society of America | 0 | ✔ |
1758-535X | The journals of gerontology (e-vir) | Gerontological Society of America | 0 | ✔ |
1758-5368 | The journals of gerontology (e-vir) | Gerontological Society of America | 0 | ✔ |
0140-6736 | The Lancet | J. Onwhyn; Elsevier | 2 | ✔ |
1474-547X | The Lancet (e-vir) | Elsevier; Lancet Publishing Group | 0 | ✔ |
1753-2167 | The Language learning journal (e-vir) | Association for Language Learning | 0 | ✔ |
1557-2021 | The Latin Americanist | Southeastern Council of Latin American Studies | 0 | |
1557-203X | The Latin Americanist (e-vir) | Southeastern Council of Latin American Studies | 0 | |
1048-9843 | The leadership quarterly | JAI Press Inc. | 1 | ✔ |
1873-3409 | The leadership quarterly | Elsevier Science | 0 | |
1524-1556 | The Leibniz review | Leibnitz Society of North America | 0 | ✔ |
2153-9162 | The Leibniz review | Philosophy Documentation Center | 0 | ✔ |
0024-2160 | The Library | Oxford University Press | 0 | ✔ |
1744-8581 | The Library (e-vir) | Oxford University Press | 0 | ✔ |
0167-6318 | The Linguistic review | Mounton de Gruyter | 0 | ✔ |
1613-3676 | The Linguistic review (e-vir) | Mouton de Gruyter | 0 | ✔ |
0144-932X | The Liverpool law review | Deborah Charles; Kluwer Academic Publishers | 0 | ✔ |
1572-8625 | The Liverpool law review (e-vir) | Kluwer | 0 | ✔ |
0024-5585 | The local historian | Standing Conference for Local History.; British Association for Local History. | 0 | |
0305-8034 | The London journal | Maney Publishing; Taylor & Francis | 0 | ✔ |
1749-6322 | The London journal (e-vir) | Maney Publishing | 0 | ✔ |
0779-5815 | The Low Countries | Stichting Ons Erfdeel | 0 | |
0024-7499 | The Lutheran quarterly | Lutheran Quarterly, Inc. | 0 | |
0025-3359 | The Mariner's mirror | Society for Nautical Research (London, England) | 0 | ✔ |
2049-680X | The Mariner's mirror | Society for Nautical Research; Taylor & Francis | 0 | ✔ |
0212-8365 | Thémata | Universidad de Sevilla; Universidad de Málaga | 0 | |
2253-900X | Thémata | SPUS | 0 | |
1871-1340 | The mental lexicon | J. Benjamins Publishing Company | 0 | ✔ |
1871-1375 | The mental lexicon | John Benjamins Publishing Company | 0 | ✔ |
Y505-4559 | The mental lexicon | J. Benjamins Publishing Company | 0 | |
0026-7902 | The modern language journal | National Federation of Modern Language Teachers Associations | 0 | ✔ |
1540-4781 | The modern language journal (e-vir) | National Federation of Modern Language Teachers Associations | 0 | ✔ |
2222-4319 | The modern language review | Modern Humanities Research Association | 0 | ✔ |
0026-8402 | The Modern schoolman | St. Louis University.; St. Louis University. | 0 | |
2164-0726 | The Modern schoolman (e-vir) | Saint Louis University | 0 | |
0026-9662 | The monist | The Hegeler Institute | 0 | ✔ |
2153-3601 | The monist (e-vir) | [Open Court for the Hegeler Institute] | 0 | ✔ |
0027-4631 | The Musical quarterly | Oxford University Press | 0 | ✔ |
1741-8399 | The Musical quarterly (e-vir) | Oxford University Press | 0 | ✔ |
2397-5318 | The musical times (e-vir) | Novello & Co. | 0 | |
0027-4666 | The Musical times | Orpheus Publications Ltd | 0 | |
0027-4909 | The Muslim world | Hartford Seminary Foundation | 0 | ✔ |
1478-1913 | The Muslim world (e-vir) | Hartford Seminary Foundation | 0 | ✔ |
0028-4793 | The New England journal of medicine | Massachusetts Medical Society | 6 | ✔ |
1533-4406 | The New England journal of medicine (e-vir) | Massachusetts Medical Society, NEJM Group | 0 | ✔ |
1533-7472 | The new yearbook for phenomenology and phenomenological philosophy | Noesis Press,; Routledge | 0 | |
2157-0752 | The new yearbook for phenomenology and phenomenological philosophy | Philosophy Documentation Center | 0 | |
0028-8322 | The New Zealand journal of history | University of Auckland. | 0 | |
0029-2397 | The North American review | O. Everett | 0 | |
2329-1907 | The North American review (e-vir) | Oliver Everett | 0 | |
1183-112X | The Northern mariner = | Canadian Nautical Research Society. | 0 | |
2054-9202 | The numismatic chronicle (e-vir) | Royal Numismatic Society | 0 | |
0938-5320 | Theologia practica | Kaiser :; Gütersloher Verl.-Haus Mohn. | 0 | |
0040-5612 | Theologia reformata | Oosterbaan & Le Cointre : :; Zuijderduijn | 0 | |
0872-234X | Theologica | Seminário Conciliar | 0 | |
0040-5639 | Theological studies | Theological Studies, inc., etc. | 0 | ✔ |
2169-1304 | Theological studies (e-vir) | Theological Studies | 0 | ✔ |
0040-5655 | Theologie und Philosophie | Herder | 0 | |
2626-5346 | Theologie und Philosophie (e-vir) | 0 | ||
1572-5057 | Theologisch debat | Kok | 0 | |
0342-2372 | Theologische Beiträge | SCM R. Brockhaus | 0 | |
0040-5671 | Theologische Literaturzeitung | Evangelische Verlagsanstalt | 0 | |
0342-1430 | Theologische Quartalschrift | Schwabenverlag | 0 | |
0040-568X | Theologische Revue | Aschendorff | 0 | |
0040-5698 | Theologische Rundschau | Mohr | 0 | |
1868-727X | Theologische Rundschau (e-vir) | Mohr Siebeck | 0 | |
0040-5701 | Theologische Zeitschrift | Universität Basel; Verlag Friedrich Reinhardt | 0 | |
0040-5663 | Theologisch-praktische Quartalschrift | F. Pustet | 0 | |
1474-6700 | Theology and science | Routledge Journals | 1 | ✔ |
1474-6719 | Theology and science (e-vir) | Routledge | 0 | ✔ |
0040-5736 | Theology today | Science Press | 0 | ✔ |
2044-2556 | Theology today (e-vir) | Westminster Press | 0 | ✔ |
0736-0053 | The opera quarterly | University Press | 0 | ✔ |
1476-2870 | The opera quarterly (e-vir) | Oxford University Press | 0 | ✔ |
1533-8592 | The oral history review (e-vir) | Oral History Association | 0 | ✔ |
0094-0798 | The Oral history review | Oral History Association. | 0 | ✔ |
0301-4428 | Theoretical linguistics | Mouton de Gruyter. | 0 | ✔ |
1613-4060 | Theoretical linguistics | Mouton de Gruyter. | 0 | ✔ |
1386-7415 | Theoretical medicine and bioethics (e-vir) | Kluwer Online | 0 | ✔ |
0920-3192 | The organ yearbook | Knuf. ;; Laaber-Verlag. | 0 | |
0040-5825 | Theoria | Filosofoska institutionen, Kungshuset Lundag°ard. | 0 | ✔ |
0495-4548 | Theoria | Centro de Análisis, Lógica e Informática Jurídica | 0 | ✔ |
1554-1312 | Theoria | North Texas State University.; University of North Texas.; University of North Texas Press. | 0 | |
1755-2567 | Theoria (e-vir) | C.W.K. Gleerup | 0 | ✔ |
2171-679X | Theoria | Universidad del País Vasco; CALIJ | 0 | ✔ |
0867-4159 | Theoria et Historia Scientiarum | Uniwersytet Mikołaja Kopernika. | 0 | ✔ |
2392-1196 | Theoria et Historia Scientiarum (e-vir) | Nicolaus Copernicue University | 0 | ✔ |
1866-9514 | Theorie und Praxis des Theaters | Olms | 0 | |
0959-3543 | Theory & psychology | Sage | 0 | ✔ |
1461-7447 | Theory & psychology (e-vir) | Sage Publications | 0 | ✔ |
0040-5833 | Theory and decision | Reidel | 0 | ✔ |
1573-7187 | Theory and decision (e-vir) | Kluwer | 0 | ✔ |
0741-6156 | Theory and practice | Music Theory Society of New York State | 0 | |
2328-2665 | Theory and practice (e-vir) | Music Theory Society of New York State | 0 | |
0093-3104 | Theory and research in social education | [Michigan State University Press] | 0 | ✔ |
2163-1654 | Theory and research in social education (e-vir) | [Michigan State University Press] | 0 | ✔ |
0304-2421 | Theory and society | Springer | 0 | ✔ |
1573-7853 | Theory and society (e-vir) | Kluwer | 0 | ✔ |
1757-1634 | The Oxford literary review (e-vir) | Edinburgh University Press | 0 | ✔ |
0006-128X | The papers of the Bibliographical Society of America | The Bibliographical Society of America | 0 | ✔ |
2377-6528 | The papers of the Bibliographical Society of America (e-vir) | [University of Chicago Press] | 0 | ✔ |
1940-6487 | The Phi Delta Kappan (e-vir) | Phi Delta Kappa | 0 | ✔ |
1467-9191 | The philosophical forum (e-vir) | Wiley-Blackwell | 0 | ✔ |
0031-806X | The Philosophical forum | Dept. of Philosophy, Boston University | 0 | ✔ |
0031-8094 | The philosophical quarterly | Blackwell | 0 | ✔ |
1467-9213 | The philosophical quarterly (e-vir) | Blackwell | 0 | ✔ |
1558-1470 | The philosophical review (e-vir) | Ginn and Co. | 0 | ✔ |
0031-8108 | The Philosophical review | Sage School of Cornell University | 0 | ✔ |
0031-921X | The physics teacher | American Association of Physics Teachers] | 2 | ✔ |
1943-4928 | The physics teacher (e-vir) | American Association of Physics Teachers | 0 | ✔ |
0032-2970 | The Polish review | Polish Institute of Arts and Sciences in America. | 0 | ✔ |
2330-0841 | The Polish review (e-vir) | Polish Institute of Arts and Sciences in America | 0 | ✔ |
1804-0462 | The Prague Bulletin of Mathematical Linguistics (e-vir) | Univerzita Karlova v Praze | 0 | |
0033-2828 | The Psychoanalytic quarterly | Psychoanalytic Quarterly Press. | 0 | ✔ |
2167-4086 | The Psychoanalytic quarterly | Psychoanalytic Quarterly Press | 0 | ✔ |
0033-2933 | The Psychological record | Denison University | 0 | ✔ |
2163-3452 | The Psychological record | Denison University | 0 | ✔ |
1939-1471 | The psychological review | American Psychological Association | 0 | ✔ |
0952-8229 | The Psychologist | British Psychological Society | 1 | |
0079-7421 | The psychology of learning and motivation | Academic Press | 0 | |
1533-8576 | The public historian (e-vir) | Graduate Program in Public Historical Studies, Dept. of History, University of California | 0 | ✔ |
0272-3433 | The Public historian | Graduate Program in Public Historical Studies, Dept. of History, University of California | 0 | ✔ |
1747-0218 | The quarterly journal of experimental psychology | Psychology Press | 0 | ✔ |
1747-0226 | The quarterly journal of experimental psychology (e-vir) | Psychology Press | 0 | ✔ |
0033-5630 | The quarterly journal of speech | Speech Communication Association | 0 | ✔ |
1479-5779 | The quarterly journal of speech (e-vir) | Routledge | 0 | ✔ |
1936-2714 | The reading teacher (e-vir) | International Reading Association | 0 | ✔ |
0034-0561 | The Reading teacher | International Reading Association | 0 | ✔ |
1757-0522 | The reasoner (e-vir) | Progicnet (Network) | 0 | |
1071-4413 | The Review of education, pedagogy, cultural studies | Gordon and Breach | 0 | ✔ |
1556-3022 | The review of education, pedagogy & cultural studies (e-vir) | Taylor & Francis | 0 | ✔ |
0034-6551 | the Review of English studies | Clarendon Press | 0 | ✔ |
1471-6968 | The review of English studies (e-vir) | Oxford University Press | 0 | ✔ |
1090-7009 | The review of higher education | Johns Hopkins University Press | 0 | ✔ |
2154-1302 | The review of metaphysics (e-vir) | Philosophy Education Society | 0 | |
0034-6632 | The Review of metaphysics | Philosophy Education Society | 0 | |
1568-4857 | The review of Rabbinic Judaism | Brill | 0 | ✔ |
1570-0704 | The Review of Rabbinic Judaism (e-vir) | Brill | 0 | ✔ |
0036-0341 | The Russian review | Ohio State University Press. | 0 | ✔ |
1467-9434 | The Russian review | Blackwell. | 0 | ✔ |
0082-4097 | Thesaurismata | Istituto ellenico di studi bizantini e postbizantini.; Elläeniko Institouto Buzantinäon kai Metabuzantinäon Spoudäon. | 0 | |
0040-604X | Thesaurus | [S.n.] | 0 | |
0036-8555 | The science teacher | American Science Teachers Association | 0 | ✔ |
1943-4871 | The science teacher (e-vir) | [American Science Teachers Association] | 0 | ✔ |
1750-0222 | The Scottish historical review (e-vir) | James Maclehose and Sons | 0 | ✔ |
0190-731X | The Scriblerian and the Kit-Cats | Goldsmiths' College.; Temple University.; Northeastern University (Boston, Mass.). | 0 | |
1366-2724 | The sculpture journal | Public Monuments and Sculpture Association | 0 | ✔ |
1756-9923 | The sculpture journal (e-vir) | Liverpool University Press | 0 | ✔ |
1745-8927 | The senses & society | Berg | 0 | ✔ |
1745-8935 | The senses and society (e-vir) | Berg | 0 | ✔ |
2050-4616 | The seventeenth century (e-vir) | Centre for Seventeenth-Century Studies | 0 | ✔ |
0268-117X | The Seventeenth century | [s.n.] | 0 | ✔ |
0037-3052 | The Sewanee review | University of the South | 0 | ✔ |
1934-421X | The Sewanee review (e-vir) | T. Hodgson | 0 | ✔ |
1465-5098 | The Shakespearean international yearbook | Ashgate | 0 | |
0956-3083 | The Shandean | Laurence Sterne Trust; International Laurence Sterne Foundation | 0 | |
0037-3346 | The Shavian | Shaw Society (London, England) | 0 | |
1750-3981 | The sign language translator and interpreter | St Jerome | 0 | |
1757-0425 | The sign language translator and interpreter | St. Jerome Publishing | 0 | |
2326-0726 | The sixteenth century journal (e-vir) | Foundation for Reformation Research and the Sixteenth Century Studies Conference | 0 | ✔ |
0361-0160 | The Sixteenth century journal | Sixteenth Century Press | 0 | ✔ |
2222-4327 | The Slavonic & East European review (e-vir) | Modern Humanities Research Association; Maney Publishing | 0 | |
0037-6795 | The Slavonic and East European review | Maney | 0 | ✔ |
0038-4283 | The Southern journal of philosophy | Department of Philosophy, University | 0 | ✔ |
2041-6962 | The Southern journal of philosophy (e-vir) | [Dept. of Philosophy, Memphis State University] | 0 | ✔ |
0038-4291 | The Southern literary journal | Dept. of English, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. | 0 | |
1534-1461 | The Southern literary journal (e-vir) | Dept. of English, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill | 0 | |
1138-7416 | The Spanish journal of psychology | Faculty of Psychology, Complutense University of Madrid. | 0 | ✔ |
1988-2904 | The Spanish journal of psychology (e-vir) | Universidad Complutense, Servicio de Publicaciones | 0 | ✔ |
0888-4781 | The sport psychologist | Human Kinetics Publishers | 0 | ✔ |
1543-2793 | The sport psychologist (e-vir) | Human Kinetics Publishers | 0 | ✔ |
1546-007X | The Steinbeck review | Scarecrow Press | 0 | |
1754-6087 | The Steinbeck review (e-vir) | Scarecrow Press | 0 | |
1052-4533 | The Studia Philonica annual | Brown University. | 0 | |
0951-7626 | The teacher trainer | Pilgrims English Language Courses | 0 | |
0268-5418 | The Thomas Hardy journal | Thomas Hardy Society. | 0 | |
2634-8039 | The Thomas Hardy journal (e-vir) | Thomas Hardy Society | 0 | |
0276-5683 | The Thomas Wolfe review (e-vir) | Dept. of English, University of Akron | 0 | |
2169-1452 | The Thomas Wolfe review (e-vir) | Buchtel College of Arts and Sciences.; Thomas Wolfe Society. | 0 | |
0040-6325 | The Thomist | Dominicans. | 0 | |
0959-3632 | The transactions of the Honourable Society of Cymmrodorion | Honourable Society of Cymmrodorion (London, England) | 0 | |
1355-6509 | The translator | St. Jerome Publishing | 0 | ✔ |
1757-0409 | The translator (e-vir) | St. Jerome | 0 | ✔ |
0732-393X | The Victorian | Victorian Society in America. | 0 | |
0042-8639 | The Volta review | The Volta Bureau | 0 | |
2162-5158 | The Volta review (e-vir) | Volta Bureau | 0 | |
0141-0016 | The volume of the Walpole Society | Printed for the Walpole Society by R. Maclehose | 0 | |
0148-7132 | The Wallace Stevens journal | Wallace Stevens Society. | 0 | |
2160-0570 | The Wallace Stevens journal (e-vir) | Wallace Stevens Society | 0 | |
0263-1776 | The Wellsian | H.G. Wells Society. | 0 | |
0083-792X | The Welsh history review (e-vir) | University of Wales Press | 0 | ✔ |
0043-2431 | The Welsh history review = | University of Wales Press | 0 | ✔ |
1357-4949 | The Wildean | Oscar Wilde Society. | 0 | |
2634-8020 | The Wildean (e-vir) | Oscar Wilde Society | 0 | |
0043-5597 | The William and Mary quarterly | Institute of Early American History and Culture. | 0 | ✔ |
1933-7698 | The William and Mary quarterly (e-vir) | College of William and Mary | 0 | |
0043-8006 | The Wordsworth circle | [Dept. of English, Temple University] | 0 | |
2640-7310 | The Wordsworth circle (e-vir) | Dept. of English, Temple University | 0 | |
0893-5378 | The Yale journal of criticism | Yale University Press | 0 | |
0044-0175 | The Yale University library gazette | Yale University Library | 0 | |
0890-2917 | The Yearbook of Langland studies | Colleagues Press,; Brepols Pub. | 0 | ✔ |
1388-3720 | The Yearbook of the Research Centre for German and Austrian Exile Studies | Rodopi | 0 | ✔ |
1875-8118 | The Yearbook of the Research Centre for German and Austrian Exile Studies (e-vir) | Research Centre for German and Austrian Exile Studies | 0 | |
0084-4276 | The Yorkshire archaeological journal | Yorkshire Archaeological Society. | 0 | ✔ |
1356-921X | Things | Things, V&A/RCA Course in the History of Design | 0 | |
1354-6783 | Thinking & reasoning | Lawrence Erlbaum | 0 | ✔ |
1464-0708 | Thinking & reasoning (e-vir) | Psychology Press | 0 | ✔ |
1871-1871 | Thinking skills and creativity | Elsevier | 0 | ✔ |
1878-0423 | Thinking skills and creativity (e-vir) | Elsevier B.V. | 0 | ✔ |
0952-8822 | Third text | Taylor & Francis | 0 | ✔ |
1475-5297 | Third text (e-vir) | Taylor & Francis | 0 | ✔ |
1787-1417 | THL2 | Balassi Bálint Magyar Kulturális Intézet | 0 | |
2498-8995 | THL₂ (e-vir) | BBMKI; OSZK; Balassi Intézet; OSZK | 0 | |
1654-5443 | Tidskrift för genusvetenskap | Studentcentrum, Malmö högskola | 0 | |
2001-1377 | Tidskrift för genusvetenskap (e-vir) | Malmö högskola.; Ämnesföreningen för genusvetenskap | 0 | |
1104-0556 | Tidskrift för litteraturvetenskap (e-vir) | Föreningen för utgivande av Tidskrift för litteraturvetenskap | 0 | |
2001-094X | Tidskrift för litteraturvetenskap (e-vir) | Föreningen för utgivandet av Tidskrift för litteraturvetenskap | 0 | ✔ |
0809-6341 | Tidsskrift for kjønnsforskning | KILDEN | 0 | ✔ |
1891-1781 | Tidsskrift for kjønnsforskning | Universitetsforlaget | 0 | ✔ |
1902-8504 | Tidsskrift for sprogforskning | Statsbiblioteket | 0 | |
1603-5925 | Tidsskrift for Sprogforskning | Statsbiblioteket | 0 | |
0040-7194 | Tidsskrift for teologi og kirke | Universitetsforlaget, | 0 | ✔ |
1504-2952 | Tidsskrift for teologi og kirke (e-vir) | Universitetsforlaget | 0 | ✔ |
0775-9770 | Tiecelijn | Tiecelijn. | 0 | |
0356-3677 | Tiede & edistys | Tutkijaliitto | 0 | ✔ |
1699-7778 | Tiempos modernos | [Asociación Mundos Modernos] | 0 | |
1383-7079 | Tijdschrift van de Koninklijke Vereniging voor Nederlandse Muziekgeschiedenis | Koninklijke Vereniging voor Nederlandse Muziekgeschiedenis | 0 | |
1875-6409 | Tijdschrift van de Koninklijke Vereniging voor Nederlandse Muziekgeschiedenis | Koninklijke Vereniging voor Nederlandse Muziekgeschiedenis | 0 | |
0042-3874 | Tijdschrift van de Vereniging voor Nederlandse Muziekgeschiedenis | Vereniging voor Nederlandse Muziekgeschiedenis | 0 | |
2212-1838 | Tijdschrift van de Vereniging voor Nederlandse Muziekgeschiedenis | Vereniging voor Nederlandse Muziekgeschiedenis | 0 | |
1384-6930 | Tijdschrift voor communicatiewetenschap | Kluwer; Bohn Stafleu Van Loghum | 0 | |
1875-7286 | Tijdschrift voor communicatiewetenschap (e-vir) | Uitgeverij Boom; Amsterdam University Press | 0 | |
1388-3186 | Tijdschrift voor genderstudies | Kok Tijdschriften | 0 | ✔ |
2352-2437 | Tijdschrift voor genderstudies (e-vir) | Amsterdam University Press | 0 | ✔ |
0040-7518 | Tijdschrift voor geschiedenis | Wolters-Noordhoff :; Noordhoff :; Van Gorcum | 0 | ✔ |
2352-1163 | Tijdschrift voor geschiedenis (e-vir) | AUP | 0 | ✔ |
0771-2111 | Tijdschrift voor geschiedenis van techniek en industriële cultuur | Vereniging voor Industriële Archeologie en Textiel. | 0 | |
1572-0179 | Tijdschrift voor gezondheidszorg en ethiek | Stichting Geneeskunde en Ethiek. | 0 | |
2468-9483 | Tijdschrift voor hoger onderwijs (e-vir) | Lemma | 0 | |
0168-1095 | Tijdschrift voor Hoger Onderwijs | Van Loghum Slaterus/Bohn, Scheltema & Holkema | 0 | |
1387-649X | Tijdschrift voor mediageschiedenis | Vereniging Geschiedenis Beeld en Geluid. | 0 | |
2213-7653 | Tijdschrift voor mediageschiedenis | Nederlands Instituut voor Beeld en Geluid | 0 | |
1385-3066 | Tijdschrift voor muziektheorie | Donemus | 0 | |
0040-7550 | Tijdschrift voor Nederlandsche taal- en letterkunde | Brill | 0 | ✔ |
2212-0521 | Tijdschrift voor Nederlandse taal- en letterkunde (e-vir) | Uitgeverij Verloren | 0 | ✔ |
0165-0947 | Tijdschrift voor orthopedagogiek | Vereniging van Orthopedagogen en Anderen Wier Arbeid Orthopedagogisch Gericht Is; Vereniging ter Bevordering van Ortho-agogische Aktiviteiten | 0 | |
0771-9825 | Tijdschrift voor orthopedagogiek, kinderpsychiatrie en klinische kinderpsychologie | ACCO. | 0 | |
0040-750X | Tijdschrift voor Philosophie | Hoger Instituut voor Wijsbegeerte | 0 | |
0040-7585 | Tijdschrift voor rechtsgeschiedenis | Universitaire pers Leiden; Kluwer; Kluwer | 0 | ✔ |
1571-8190 | Tijdschrift voor rechtsgeschiedenis (e-vir) | Kluwer Academic Publishers | 0 | ✔ |
0168-2148 | Tijdschrift voor Skandinavistiek | Tijdschrift voor Skandinavistiek | 0 | |
1875-9505 | Tijdschrift voor Skandinavistiek (e-vir) | Tijdschrift voor Skandinavistiek | 0 | |
1572-1701 | Tijdschrift voor sociale en economische geschiedenis | Aksant | 0 | ✔ |
2468-9068 | Tijdschrift voor sociale en economische geschiedenis (e-vir) | Aksant | 0 | ✔ |
1573-9775 | Tijdschrift voor taalbeheersing | Van Gorcum; Amsterdam University Press | 0 | |
2352-1236 | Tijdschrift voor taalbeheersing (e-vir) | Van Gorcum | 0 | |
0168-9959 | Tijdschrift voor theologie | s.n.] | 0 | |
0927-3336 | Tijdschrift voor waterstaatsgeschiedenis | Vereniging voor Waterstaatsgeschiedenis. | 0 | |
0167-9988 | Tijdschrift voor zeegeschiedenis | Nederlandse Vereniging voor Zeegeschiedenis. | 0 | |
1670-4916 | Tímarit Máls og menningar | Mál og menning - Heimskringla ehf; Forlagið | 0 | |
1670-5548 | Tímarit um menntarannsóknir | Félag um menntarannsóknir; Háskólaútgáfan | 0 | |
1670-7524 | Tímarit um menntarannsóknir (e-vir) | Félag um menntarannsóknir | 0 | |
0133-1167 | Tiszatáj | Csongrád M. Lapk. | 0 | |
1577-6921 | Tonos digital (e-vir) | Universidad de Murcia. Servicio de Publicaciones. | 0 | |
0271-1214 | Topics in early childhood special education | Aspen Systems Corp. | 0 | ✔ |
1538-4845 | Topics in early childhood special education (e-vir) | PRO-ED | 0 | ✔ |
0271-8294 | Topics in language disorders | Aspen Systems Corp. | 0 | ✔ |
1550-3259 | Topics in language disorders (e-vir) | Lippincott Williams & Wilkins | 0 | ✔ |
0167-7411 | Topoi | Reidel; Kluwer Academic Publishers | 0 | ✔ |
1572-8749 | Topoi | Kluwer; Springer | 0 | ✔ |
1161-9473 | Topoi Orient Occident | Association des amis de la Bibliothèque Salomon Reinach (Lyon); Institut d'archéologie classique (Lyon) | 0 | |
0942-752X | Topos | Callwey | 0 | |
0040-9634 | Történelmi szemle | Akadémiai K. | 0 | |
0362-1529 | Traditio | Fordham University Press | 0 | ✔ |
2166-5508 | Traditio (e-vir) | Cosmpolitan Science & Art Service Co. | 0 | ✔ |
1050-2092 | Traditional dwellings and settlements review | The Association | 0 | |
1618-1522 | Traditional South Asian medicine | 0 | ||
1708-2188 | Traduction, terminologie, rédaction (e-vir) | Association Canadienne de Traductologie | 0 | |
0778-8304 | Trajecta | Redactie Trajecta | 0 | ✔ |
2665-9484 | Trajecta (e-vir) | Trajecta | 0 | ✔ |
0496-0661 | Trakl-Studien | Mueller | 0 | |
1137-2311 | Trans | Servicio de Publicaciones de la Universidad de Málaga | 1 | |
1560-182X | Trans (e-vir) | Institut zur Erforschung und Förderung österreichischer und internationaler Literaturprozesse | 0 | |
1697-0101 | Trans (e-vir) | Sociedad de Etnomusicología. | 0 | |
2603-6967 | Trans (e-vir) | Servicio de Publicaciones de la Universidad de Málaga | 0 | |
0360-5949 | Transactions of the American Philological Association | Scholars Press | 0 | |
1533-0699 | Transactions of the American Philological Association (e-vir) | For the Association by the Press of Case Western Reserve University | 0 | |
0951-001X | Transactions of the Ancient Monuments Society | Ancient Monuments Society. | 0 | |
0068-6611 | Transactions of the Cambridge Bibliographical Society | Cambridge University Library | 0 | |
0306-0926 | Transactions of the Oriental Ceramic Society | Oriental Ceramic Society. | 0 | |
0079-1636 | Transactions of the Philological Society | Basil Blackwell | 0 | ✔ |
1467-968X | Transactions of the Philological Society (e-vir) | Blackwell Publishers | 0 | ✔ |
0080-4401 | Transactions of the Royal Historical Society | Royal Historical Society | 0 | ✔ |
1474-0648 | Transactions of the Royal Historical Society (e-vir) | Cambridge University Press | 0 | ✔ |
1027-8087 | Translatio | Fédération internationale des traducteurs | 0 | |
0968-1361 | Translation and literature | Edinburgh University Press | 0 | ✔ |
1750-0214 | Translation and literature (e-vir) | Edinburgh University Press | 0 | ✔ |
0737-4836 | Translation review | University of Texas at Dallas | 0 | ✔ |
2164-0564 | Translation review (e-vir) | University of Texas at Dallas] | 0 | |
1369-8478 | Transportation research | Elsevier | 0 | ✔ |
1873-5517 | Transportation research (e-vir) | Elsevier | 0 | ✔ |
1286-9449 | Transversalités | Institut catholique | 0 | |
1221-1249 | Transylvanian review | Center for Transylvanian Studies; Romanian Cultural Institute | 0 | |
1584-9422 | Transylvanian review (e-vir) | Centrul de Studii Transilvane | 0 | |
1294-6303 | Travail, genre et sociétés | Marché du travail et genre en Europe (Paris) | 0 | |
0775-3373 | Travaux de l'Institut pour l'étude de la Renaissance et de l'humanisme | Presses universitaires de Bruxelles. ;; Presses universitaires de France. | 0 | |
0082-6049 | Travaux de linguistique | Douclot | 0 | |
0995-6794 | Travaux de littérature | Klincksieck; ADIREL | 0 | |
0577-1471 | Travaux et mémoires | Centre de recherche d'histoire et civilisation de Byzance (Paris) | 0 | |
1621-0360 | Travaux interdisciplinaires du Laboratoire Parole et langage d'Aix-en-Provence | Laboratoire Parole et langage (Aix-en-Provence, Bouches-du-Rhône) | 0 | |
1420-4355 | Traverse | Chronos-Verlag, | 0 | |
0334-3650 | Trbyąs | Magnes Press | 0 | |
1866-7473 | Trends in classics | de Gruyter | 0 | ✔ |
1866-7481 | Trends in classics (e-vir) | de Gruyter | 0 | ✔ |
1364-6613 | Trends in cognitive sciences | Elsevier Science | 0 | ✔ |
1879-307X | Trends in Cognitive Sciences (e-vir) | Elsevier Current Trends Journals | 0 | ✔ |
1878-108X | Trends in neurosciences (e-vir) | Elsevier | 0 | ✔ |
0166-2236 | Trends in Neurosciences | Elsevier/North-Holland | 0 | ✔ |
0041-2945 | Trierer theologische zeitschrift | Paulinus-Verlag. | 0 | |
0041-2953 | Trierer Zeitschrift für Geschichte und Kunst des Trierer Landes und seiner Nachbargebiete | Rheinisches Landesmuseum | 0 | |
0041-3097 | TriQuarterly | Northwestern University | 0 | |
0214-4212 | Trocadero | Áreas de Historia Moderna y Contemporánea de la Facultad de Filosofía y Letras, Universidad de Cádiz | 0 | |
2445-267X | Trocadero (e-vir) | Universidad de Cádiz | 0 | |
2507-0495 | Troianalexandria (e-vir) | Brepols | 0 | ✔ |
1577-5003 | Troianalexandrina | Facultade de Filoloxia | 0 | ✔ |
1132-2373 | Tropelías | Departamento de Lingüística General e Hispánica, Universidad de Zaragoza, con la colaboración del Vicerrectorado de Investigación y el Banco Zaragozano | 0 | |
0130-464X | Trudy otdela drevnerusskoj literatury | Rossijskaja Akademija Nauk | 0 | |
2214-8965 | Ts.> | Universiteit Utrecht, Vakgroep Literatuurwetenschap | 0 | |
1386-5870 | Ts. Tijdschrift voor tijdschriftstudies | Universiteit Utrecht, Vakgroep Literatuurwetenschap | 0 | |
0835-8443 | TTR | Université du Québec à Trois-Rivières, Dép. des langues modernes. | 0 | |
1384-5721 | Tuinkunst | Architectura & Natura | 0 | |
0732-7730 | Tulsa studies in women's literature | University of Tulsa | 0 | ✔ |
1936-1645 | Tulsa studies in women's literature (e-vir) | University of Tulsa | 0 | |
1406-4030 | Tuna | Rahvusarhiiv; Tallinna Linnaarhiiv; Eesti Arhivaaride Uhing | 0 | |
1302-6011 | Türkbilig | Hacettepe Üniversitesi | 0 | |
0564-5050 | Türk dili araştirmalari yilliği | Türk Tarih Kurumu Basim Evi | 0 | |
1431-4983 | Turkic languages | Harrassowitz | 0 | |
1300-3372 | Türk kültürü | Türk Kültürünü Araşt%rma Enstitüsü | 0 | |
0255-2981 | Türkoloji dergisi | Ankara Üniversitesi Dil ve Tarih-Coægrafya Fakültesi Türk Dili ve Edebiyatű Araştűrma Enstitüsü. | 0 | |
1300-4433 | Türk psikoloji dergisi = | Türk Psikologlar Derneægi | 0 | |
1216-7258 | Turul | Magy. Heraldikai Genealogiai Társ.,; Magyar Történelmi Társulat | 0 | |
0085-7440 | Turun historiallinen arkisto | Turun historiallinen yhdistys. | 0 | |
1383-7567 | TvL | Amsterdam University Press | 0 | |
1353-1964 | Twentieth century architecture | Twentieth Century Society (London, England) | 0 | |
2054-3263 | Twentieth century architecture (e-vir) | Twentieth Century Society | 0 | |
1477-4674 | Twentieth century British history (e-vir) | Oxford University Press | 0 | |
0041-462X | Twentieth century literature | Hofstra University Press, etc. | 0 | ✔ |
2325-8101 | Twentieth century literature (e-vir) | Swallow Press. | 0 | ✔ |
1832-4274 | Twin research and human genetics | Published for the ISTS by Australian Academic Press | 0 | ✔ |
1839-2628 | Twin research and human genetics (e-vir) | Australian Academic Press | 0 | ✔ |
1010-9161 | Tyche | Adolf Holzhausens Nfg. | 1 | |
2409-5540 | Tyche (e-vir) | Verlag Holzhausen | 0 | |
0041-4751 | Tydskrif vir geesteswetenskappe | Suid-Afrikaanse Akademie vir Wetenskap en Kuns | 0 | |
2224-7912 | Tydskrif vir geesteswetenskappe (e-vir) | Suid-Afrikaanse Akademie vir Wetenskap en Kuns | 0 | |
0041-476X | Tydskrif vir letterkunde | Afrikaanse Skrywerskring | 0 | |
2309-9070 | Tydskrif vir letterkunde (e-vir) | Tydskrif vir Letterkunde Association, Department of Afrikaans, University of Pretoria | 0 | |
1022-6966 | Tydskrif vir nederlands en afrikaans | Departement van Afrikaans en Nederlands, Universiteit van Stellenbosch.; Suid-Afrikaanse Vereniging vir Neerlandistiek.; SAVN. | 0 | |
0900-226X | Uddannelseshistorie | Selskabet for Skole- og Uddannelseshistorie | 0 | |
2246-7971 | Uddannelseshistorie (e-vir) | Selskabet for Skole- og Uddannelseshistorie | 0 | |
0133-5332 | Új Forrás | Komárom-Esztergom Megyei Önkormányzat | 0 | |
1215-1807 | Uj pedagogiai szemle | Orszagos Kozoktatasi Intezet | 0 | |
0503-0935 | Új Symposion | Forum | 0 | |
0130-5247 | Ukraïns'kij istoričnij žurnal | Naukova Dumka | 0 | |
0049-5123 | Umění | Ústav dějin umění Akademie věd České republiky | 0 | |
0503-1583 | Umjetnost riječi | Hrvatsko filološko društvo | 0 | ✔ |
1849-1693 | Umjetnost riječi (e-vir) | Hrvatsko filološko društvo | 0 | ✔ |
0340-4099 | Unterrichtswissenschaft | Juventa | 0 | ✔ |
2520-873X | Unterrichtswissenschaft (e-vir) | 0 | ✔ | |
1022-4629 | Uppeldi og menntun | Kennaraháskóli Íslands; Háskóli Íslands; Háskólinn á Akureyri | 0 | |
0143-9154 | Urban education | Centre for Information and Advice on Educational Disadvantage. | 0 | |
0963-9268 | Urban history | Cambridge University Press | 0 | ✔ |
1469-8706 | Urban history (e-vir) | Cambridge University Press | 0 | ✔ |
1406-6564 | Usuteaduslik Ajakiri | Akadeemiline Teoloogia Selts. | 0 | |
0042-1235 | Us wurk | Ryksuniversiteit Grins. Frysk Ynstitút | 0 | |
1102-6472 | Utbildning och demokrati | Centrum för didaktik, Uppsala universitet | 0 | |
2001-7316 | Utbildning och demokrati (e-vir) | Pedagogikämnet, Örebro Universitet | 0 | |
0953-8208 | Utilitas | Oxford University Press | 0 | ✔ |
1741-6183 | Utilitas (e-vir) | Cambridge University Press | 0 | ✔ |
1045-991X | Utopian studies | University Press of America | 0 | ✔ |
2154-9648 | Utopian studies (e-vir) | University Press of America | 0 | ✔ |
0169-5886 | Utrechtse historische cahiers | Rijksuniversiteit te Utrecht. Instituut voor Geschiedenis.; Rijksuniversiteit te Utrecht. Vakgroep Geschiedenis.; Universiteit Utrecht. Vakgroep Geschiedenis.; Universiteit Utrecht. Instituut Geschiedenis. | 0 | |
1573-3084 | Variants | Brepols; Rodopi; Rodopi | 0 | ✔ |
1879-6095 | Variants (e-vir) | Rodopi | 0 | ✔ |
0782-033X | Vartija | Vartija-aikakauslehden kannatusyhdistys. | 0 | |
1136-6834 | Vasconia | Sociedad de Estudios Vascos | 0 | |
0213-2095 | Veleia | Instituto de Ciencias de la Antigüedad | 0 | ✔ |
2444-3565 | Veleia (e-vir) | Universidad del País Vasco | 0 | |
0925-9384 | VELON | Vereniging voor Lerarenopleiders Nederland. | 0 | |
1125-1735 | Venezia cinquecento | Università di Roma La Sapienza, Facoltà di lettere, Istituto di storia dell'arte. | 0 | |
0210-377X | Verba | Universidad de Santiago de Compostela | 0 | |
1585-079X | Verbum | Akadémiai Kiadó | 0 | |
1588-4309 | Verbum (e-vir) | Akadémiai Kiadó | 0 | |
1013-1973 | Verhaltensmodifikation und Verhaltensmedizin | Mackinger-Verlag | 0 | |
1016-6262 | Verhaltenstherapie | S. Karger | 0 | ✔ |
1423-0402 | Verhaltenstherapie | S. Karger | 0 | ✔ |
0779-8482 | Verhandelingen der Maatschappij voor Geschiedenis en Oudheidkunde te Gent | Maatschappij voor Geschiedenis en Oudheidkunde. | 0 | |
0305-5477 | Vernacular architecture | Vernacular Architecture Group. | 0 | ✔ |
1749-6292 | Vernacular architecture (e-vir) | Vernacular Architecture Group | 0 | ✔ |
0435-818X | Veröffentlichungen der Gesellschaft für Fränkische Geschichte. 8. Reihe, Quellen und Darstellungen zur fränkischen Geschichte | Gesellschaft für Fränkische Geschichte. | 0 | |
0256-9604 | Versants | <<L'>>Âge d'homme; Éditions Slatkine; Éditions La Baconnière | 0 | |
2504-2750 | Versants (e-vir) | L'Age d'homme | 0 | ✔ |
0770-786X | Verslagen en mededelingen van de Koninklijke academie voor Nederlandse taal-en letterkunde | Koninklijke Academie voor Nederlandse taal-en letterkunde | 0 | |
0042-4447 | Vértice | Sociedade Editora Vértice | 0 | |
0321-0391 | Vestnik drevnej istorii | Nauka | 0 | |
1121-9696 | Vetera christianorum | Edipuglia | 0 | |
0042-4935 | Vetus Testamentum | Brill | 1 | ✔ |
1568-5330 | Vetus Testamentum (e-vir) | Brill | 0 | ✔ |
0083-5897 | Viator | University of California Press. | 0 | ✔ |
2031-0234 | Viator (e-vir) | Brepols Publishers | 0 | ✔ |
0042-5079 | Vichiana | Loffredo Luigi | 0 | |
1060-1503 | Victorian literature and culture | AMS Press | 0 | ✔ |
1470-1553 | Victorian literature and culture (e-vir) | Cambridge University Press | 0 | ✔ |
0709-4698 | Victorian periodicals review | Research Society for Victorian Periodicals | 0 | ✔ |
1712-526X | Victorian periodicals review (e-vir) | University of Toronto Press | 0 | ✔ |
0042-5206 | Victorian poetry | West Virginia University. | 0 | |
1530-7190 | Victorian poetry (e-vir) | West Virginia University | 0 | |
0848-1512 | Victorian review | Victorian Studies Association of Western Canada | 0 | ✔ |
1923-3280 | Victorian review (e-vir) | Victorian Studies Association of Western Canada | 0 | ✔ |
0886-3865 | Victorians Institute journal | Victorians Institute.; Old Dominion University.; East Carolina University. | 0 | |
0042-5222 | Victorian studies | Indiana University. | 0 | |
1527-2052 | Victorian studies (e-vir) | Indiana University | 0 | |
0929-6328 | Vienna Circle Institute yearbook | Kluwer Academic Publishers; Springer | 0 | |
2365-2136 | Vierteljahrschrift für Sozial- und Wirtschaftsgeschichte (e-vir) | Steiner | 0 | |
0042-5702 | Vierteljahrshefte für Zeitgeschichte | Oldenbourg | 0 | ✔ |
2196-7121 | Vierteljahrshefte für Zeitgeschichte (e-vir) | De Gruyter | 0 | ✔ |
0507-7230 | Vierteljahrsschrift für wissenschaftliche Pädagogik | Kamp. | 0 | |
2589-0581 | Vierteljahrsschrift für wissenschaftliche Pädagogik (e-vir) | Brill | 0 | ✔ |
0042-6032 | Vigiliae christianae | Brill | 0 | ✔ |
1570-0720 | Vigiliae Christianae (e-vir) | Brill | 0 | ✔ |
1697-0381 | Vigo international journal of applied linguistics | Universidad de Vigo | 0 | |
1782-7183 | Viking and Medieval Scandinavia | Brepols Publishers | 0 | ✔ |
2030-9902 | Viking and Medieval Scandinavia (e-vir) | Brepols Publishers | 0 | ✔ |
0294-1759 | Vingtième siècle | Presses de la Fondation nationale des sciences politiques | 0 | |
1950-6678 | Vingtième siècle (e-vir) | Presses de Sciences po | 0 | |
1077-8012 | Violence against women | Sage Periodicals Press | 0 | ✔ |
1552-8448 | Violence against women (e-vir) | Sage Publications | 0 | ✔ |
0042-6806 | Virittäjä | Kotikielen seura. | 0 | ✔ |
2242-8828 | Virittäjä (e-vir) | Kotikielen seura | 0 | ✔ |
1026-8340 | Visio | Association internationale de sémiotique visuelle.; International Association for Visual Semiotics.; Centre d'études interdisciplinaires sur les langages, les arts et les traditions.; CELAT.; Faculté des lettres de l'Université Laval.; Faculté des lettres of Laval University. | 0 | |
0042-6989 | Vision Research | Pergamon Press. | 0 | ✔ |
1878-5646 | Vision Research (e-vir) | Pergamon | 0 | ✔ |
0894-9468 | Visual anthropology | Harwood Academic Publishers | 0 | ✔ |
1545-5920 | Visual anthropology (e-vir) | Taylor & Francis | 0 | ✔ |
1058-7187 | Visual anthropology review | Center for Visual Anthropology, University of Southern California | 0 | ✔ |
1548-7458 | Visual anthropology review (e-vir) | American Anthropological Association | 0 | ✔ |
1350-6285 | Visual cognition | Erlbaum | 0 | ✔ |
1464-0716 | Visual cognition (e-vir) | Taylor & Francis; Psychology Press. | 0 | ✔ |
1470-3572 | Visual communication | Sage | 1 | ✔ |
1741-3214 | Visual communication (e-vir) | Sage Publications | 0 | ✔ |
1471-4787 | Visual culture in Britain | Ashgate Publishing,; Manchester University Press; Taylor & Francis | 0 | ✔ |
1941-8361 | Visual culture in Britain (e-vir) | Ashgate Pub. Co. | 0 | ✔ |
0952-5238 | Visual neuroscience | Cambridge University Press. | 0 | ✔ |
1469-8714 | Visual neuroscience (e-vir) | Cambridge University Press | 0 | ✔ |
0197-3762 | Visual resources | Gordon and Breach | 0 | ✔ |
1477-2809 | Visual resources (e-vir) | Gordon and Breach | 0 | ✔ |
0042-7543 | Vivarium | Brill | 0 | ✔ |
1568-5349 | Vivarium | Brill | 0 | ✔ |
1845-7789 | Vjesnik za arheologiju i povijest dalmatinsku | Arheološki muzej | 0 | |
0378-5068 | Vocational training | Office for official publications of the European Communities | 0 | |
0318-9201 | Voix et images | Université du Québec à Montréal. | 0 | ✔ |
1705-933X | Voix et images (e-vir) | Département d'études littéraires, Université du Québec à Montréal | 0 | ✔ |
0775-3128 | Volkskunde | Centrum voor Studie en Documentatie | 0 | |
0922-7865 | Voortgang | Vrije Universiteit. Faculteit der Letteren. Subfaculteit Nederlands | 0 | |
0921-3961 | Vooys | Instituut De Vooys voor Nederlandse Taal- en Letterkunde. | 0 | |
0042-8779 | Voprosy istorii | Nauka | 0 | |
0373-658X | Voprosy jazykoznanija | Rossijskaja akademija nauk; Nauka | 0 | |
0042-8795 | Voprosy literatury | Hudožestvennaâ literatura | 0 | |
0042-8841 | Voprosy psihologii | Pedagogika | 0 | |
0860-9411 | Vox Patrum | Wydawnictwo KUL. | 1 | ✔ |
2719-3586 | Vox Patrum (e-vir) | Instytut Historii Kościoła i Patrologii. Wydział Teologii KUL | 0 | ✔ |
0042-899X | Vox romanica | Francke Verlag | 0 | ✔ |
0340-8728 | VSWG | F. Steiner | 0 | ✔ |
1213-1733 | Východočeský sborník historický | Východočeské muzeum v Pardubicích | 0 | |
1012-0513 | Vyzantiaka | Ellīnikī Istorikī Etaireia | 0 | |
0042-9945 | Waffen- und Kostümkunde | W. Hofmann KG | 0 | |
1545-6196 | Wagadu (e-vir) | State University of New York at Cortland | 0 | |
2150-2226 | Wagadu | State University College at Cortland. | 0 | |
0083-7105 | Wallraf-Richartz-Jahrbuch | DuMont. | 0 | |
2510-7178 | Wallraf-Richartz-Jahrbuch (e-vir) | Dumont | 0 | |
2042-4345 | War & society (e-vir) | Department of History, University of New South Wales | 0 | ✔ |
0729-2473 | War and society | University of New South Wales, Dept. of History | 0 | ✔ |
0968-3445 | War in history | Edward Arnold | 0 | ✔ |
1477-0385 | War in history (e-vir) | Arnold | 0 | ✔ |
0269-0055 | Wasafiri | Taylor & Francis | 1 | ✔ |
1747-1508 | Wasafiri (e-vir) | Routledge | 0 | ✔ |
0043-2199 | Weimarer Beiträge | Aufbau-Verlag | 0 | |
1431-2379 | Welt und Umwelt der Bibel | Kath. Bibelwerk. | 0 | |
0257-9332 | Werk, Bauen + Wohnen | Verlegergemeinschaft Werk, Bauen u. Wohnen; Verlag Bauen u. Wohnen | 1 | |
2701-1992 | WerkstattGeschichte (e-vir) | Transcript | 0 | |
0942-704X | Werkstatt Geschichte | Verein für Kritische Geschichtsschreibung | 0 | |
1896-3307 | Werkwinkel | Department of Dutch and Afrikaans Language, Literature and Culture of the School of English at Adam Mickiewicz University. | 0 | |
2719-2938 | Werkwinkel (e-vir) | De Gruyter Poland | 0 | |
0043-3462 | Western American literature | Western Literature Association | 0 | |
1948-7142 | Western American literature (e-vir) | Western Literature Association | 0 | |
0043-4337 | Westfalen | Aschendorff | 0 | |
0083-9027 | Westfälische Forschungen | Aschendorff | 0 | |
0083-9043 | Westfälische Zeitschrift | Verlag Bonifacius-Druckerei. | 0 | |
0140-6728 | Westminster studies in education | Carfax Publishing | 0 | |
0774-532X | Wetenschappelijke tijdingen op het gebied van de geschiedenis van de vlaamse beweging | Vereniging voor Wetenschap. | 0 | |
0043-3845 | WHR | University of Utah | 0 | |
1466-6529 | Widening participation and lifelong learning | Staffordshire University.; European Access Network.; Open University. | 0 | ✔ |
2045-2713 | Widening participation and lifelong learning (e-vir) | Staffordshire University Press | 0 | ✔ |
2720-2062 | Wiek Oswiecenia (e-vir) | Wydawnictwa Uniwersytetu Warszawskiego | 0 | |
0137-6942 | Wiek Oświecenia | Wydawnictwa Uniwersytetu Warszawskiego | 0 | |
0083-9981 | Wiener Jahrbuch für Kunstgeschichte | Hermann Böhlaus | 0 | |
0258-6819 | Wiener slawistischer Almanach | Gesellschaft zur Förderung slawistischer Studien | 0 | |
0084-005X | Wiener Studien | C. Geroldʼs Sohn | 0 | ✔ |
1813-3924 | Wiener Studien | Verlag der Österreichischen Akademie der Wissenschaften | 0 | ✔ |
0084-0076 | Wiener Zeitschrift für die Kunde des Morgenlandes | Orientalisches Institut der Universität Wien | 1 | |
1681-701X | Wiener Zeitschrift zur Geschichte der Neuzeit | StudienVerlag | 0 | |
0084-0416 | Winterthur portfolio | University of Chicago Press | 0 | ✔ |
1545-6927 | Winterthur portfolio (e-vir) | Henry Francis du Pont Winterthur Museum | 0 | ✔ |
0935-879X | Wirkendes Wort | Bouvier | 0 | |
0340-6318 | Wolfenbütteler Barock-Nachrichten | Herzog August Bibliothek | 0 | |
0342-4340 | Wolfenbütteler Renaissance Mitteilungen | Dr. Ernst Hauswedell & Co. | 0 | |
0270-7993 | Woman's art journal | [Woman's Art] | 0 | ✔ |
2158-8457 | Woman's art journal (e-vir) | Woman's Art Inc. | 0 | ✔ |
0957-4042 | Women | Oxford University Press | 0 | ✔ |
1470-1367 | Women (e-vir) | Taylor & Francis | 0 | ✔ |
0961-2025 | Women's history review | Triangle Journals | 0 | ✔ |
1747-583X | Women's history review (e-vir) | Routledge | 0 | ✔ |
1369-4324 | Women's philosophy review | Women's Philosophy Review | 0 | |
0085-8269 | Women's rights law reporter | Women's Rights Law Reporter] | 0 | |
1942-6755 | Women's rights law reporter (e-vir) | Rutgers Law School (Newark, N.J.) | 0 | |
0049-7878 | Women's studies | Gordon and Breach Science Publishers | 0 | ✔ |
1547-7045 | Women's studies (e-vir) | Taylor & Francis | 0 | ✔ |
0277-5395 | Women's studies international forum | Pergamon | 0 | ✔ |
1879-243X | Women's studies international forum (e-vir) | Elsevier | 0 | |
0732-1562 | Women's studies quarterly | Feminist Press | 0 | |
1934-1520 | Women's studies quarterly (e-vir) | Feminist Press | 0 | |
0969-9082 | Women's writing | Triangle Journals | 0 | ✔ |
1747-5848 | Women's writing (e-vir) | Triangle Journals Ltd | 0 | ✔ |
0363-0242 | Women & health | Haworth Medical Press | 0 | ✔ |
1541-0331 | Women & health | Haworth Press | 0 | ✔ |
1090-7505 | Women & music | International Alliance for Women in Music | 0 | |
1553-0612 | Women & music (e-vir) | International Alliance for Women in Music. | 0 | |
0740-770X | Women & performance | Tisch School of the Arts. | 0 | ✔ |
1748-5819 | Women & performance (e-vir) | Routledge | 0 | ✔ |
0270-3149 | Women & therapy | The Haworth Press | 0 | ✔ |
1541-0315 | Women & therapy (e-vir) | Haworth Press | 0 | ✔ |
8755-4550 | Women and language | s.n. | 0 | |
1077-825X | Women in French studies | Women in French | 0 | |
2166-5486 | Women in French studies (e-vir) | Women in French (Organization); Modern Language Association of America. | 0 | |
1080-9317 | Woolf studies annual | Pace University Press | 0 | |
0043-7956 | Word | Linguistic Circle of New York.; International Linguistic Association. | 0 | ✔ |
2373-5112 | Word (e-vir) | S.F. Vanni | 0 | ✔ |
0266-6286 | Word & image | Taylor & Francis | 0 | ✔ |
1943-2178 | Word & image (e-vir) | Routledge | 0 | ✔ |
1469-8722 | Work, employment & society (e-vir) | Sage Publications | 0 | ✔ |
0950-0170 | Work, employment and society | Sage Publications | 0 | ✔ |
0730-8884 | Work and occupations | Sage Publications | 0 | ✔ |
1552-8464 | Work and occupations (e-vir) | Sage Publications | 0 | ✔ |
0267-8373 | Work and stress | Taylor & Francis | 0 | ✔ |
1464-5335 | Work and stress (e-vir) | Taylor & Francis | 0 | ✔ |
1789-3607 | Working papers in language pedagogy | Language Pedagogy PhD Programme, Eötvös Loránd University | 0 | |
0883-2919 | World Englishes | Pergamon Press | 0 | ✔ |
1467-971X | World Englishes (e-vir) | Blackwell Publishers | 0 | ✔ |
0196-3570 | World literature today | University of Oklahoma Press | 0 | |
1945-8134 | World literature today (e-vir) | University of Oklahoma Press | 0 | |
0043-8774 | World of music | Heinrichshofen | 0 | |
1441-340X | World studies in education | James Nicholas | 0 | |
0043-941X | Worship | St. John's Abbey (Collegeville, Minn.) | 0 | |
1756-5839 | Writing & pedagogy | Equinox Publishing | 0 | ✔ |
1756-5847 | Writing & pedagogy (e-vir) | Equinox | 0 | ✔ |
1570-6001 | Written language & literacy | John Benjamins | 0 | ✔ |
1387-6732 | Written language and literacy | John Benjamins Publishing Company | 0 | ✔ |
0342-5932 | Würzburger Jahrbücher für die Altertumswissenschaft | F. Schöningh | 0 | |
0394-4859 | Xenia | De Luca Editore. | 0 | |
0012-4273 | XVIIe siècle | Société d'étude du XVIIe siècle | 0 | ✔ |
0291-3798 | XVII-XVIII | Société d'études anglo-américaines des XVIIe et XVIIIe siècles (France) | 0 | |
2117-590X | XVII-XVIII (e-vir) | [Société d'études anglo-américaines des XVIIe et XVIIIe siècles] | 0 | |
0084-330X | Yale classical studies | Cambridge University Press. | 0 | |
0044-0078 | Yale French studies | Yale French studies | 0 | |
1043-9366 | Yale journal of law and feminism | [publisher not identified] | 0 | |
1538-6619 | YC young children | National Association for the Education of Young Children | 0 | |
0740-1558 | Yearbook for traditional music | International Council for Traditional Music | 48 | |
2304-3857 | Yearbook for Traditional Music (e-vir) | International Council for Traditional Music | 0 | |
2031-0242 | Yearbook of Langland Studies | Brepols Publishers | 0 | ✔ |
0278-7687 | Yeats annual | Humanities Press | 0 | |
1683-3082 | Yishu | Art & Collection Group Ltd. | 0 | |
2045-0664 | Yorkshire archaeological journal (e-vir) | Maney Publishing | 0 | ✔ |
0892-9092 | Youth theatre journal | American Association of Theatre for Youth. | 0 | ✔ |
1948-4798 | Youth theatre journal | American Association of Theatre for Youth | 0 | ✔ |
1300-5391 | Yüzüncü Yıl Üniversitesi Eğitim Fakültesi dergisi. Sosyal bilimler | Yüzüncü Yıl Üniversitesi | 0 | |
0044-1619 | Zagadnienia Naukoznawstwa | Zakład Narodowy im. Ossolińskich | 0 | |
0084-4446 | Zagadnienia rodzajów literackich | Łódzkie Towarzystwo Naukowe | 0 | ✔ |
2451-0335 | Zagadnienia Rodzajów Literackich (e-vir) | Łódzkie Towarzystwo Naukowe | 0 | ✔ |
0352-5724 | Zbornik Matice srpske za filologiju i lingvistiku | Matica srpska | 0 | |
1330-7134 | Zbornik Odsjeka za povijesne znanosti Zavoda za povijesne i društene znanosti Hrvatske akademije znanosti i umjetnosti | Hrvatska akademija znanosti i umjetnosti | 0 | |
1848-896X | Zbornik Odsjeka za povijesne znanosti Zavoda za povijesne i društvene znanosti Hrvatske akademije znanosti i umjetnosti (e-vir) | Hrvatska akademija znanosti i umjetnosti. | 0 | |
1334-5982 | Zbornik radova | Sveučilište u Zadru; Stručni odjel za izborazbu učitelja i odgovitelja predškolske djece | 0 | |
0584-9888 | Zbornik radova Vizantološkog instituta | Vizantološki institut Srpske akademije nauka i umetnosti = Institut d'études byzantines de l'Académie serbe des sciences et des arts | 0 | ✔ |
2406-0917 | Zbornik radova Vizantološkog instituta (e-vir) | Vizantološki institut SANU | 0 | ✔ |
0139-9810 | Z dějin hutnictví | Národní technické muzeum | 0 | |
1863-9690 | ZDM | Springer | 0 | ✔ |
1863-9704 | ZDM (e-vir) | Springer | 0 | ✔ |
1133-844X | Zehar | Diputación Foral de Guipúzcoa, Departamento de Cultura | 0 | |
0256-5250 | Zeitgeschichte | Studienverlag | 0 | |
1612-6033 | Zeithistorische Forschungen | Vandenhoeck u. Ruprecht. | 0 | |
1612-6041 | Zeithistorische Forschungen = | Vandenhoeck u. Ruprecht. | 0 | |
0341-0137 | Zeitschrift der Deutschen Morgenländischen Gesellschaft | Deutsche Morgenländische Gesellschaft | 0 | |
2747-4402 | Zeitschrift der Deutschen Morgenländischen Gesellschaft (e-vir) | Harrassowitz Verlag | 0 | |
0323-4045 | Zeitschrift der Savigny-Stiftung für Rechtsgeschichte | H. Böhlaus | 0 | ✔ |
0323-4096 | Zeitschrift der Savigny-Stiftung für Rechtsgeschichte | H. Böhlaus | 0 | ✔ |
2304-4861 | Zeitschrift der Savigny-Stiftung für Rechtsgeschichte (e-vir) | Böhlau | 0 | ✔ |
2304-4934 | Zeitschrift der Savigny-Stiftung für Rechtsgeschichte (e-vir) | Böhlau | 0 | ✔ |
0012-1169 | Zeitschrift des Deutschen Palästina-Vereins | Harrassowitz | 0 | |
0044-2135 | Zeitschrift des Deutschen Vereins für Kunstwissenschaft | Deutscher Verlag für Kunstwissenschaft | 0 | |
0437-5890 | Zeitschrift des Historischen Vereines für Steiermark | Selbstverlag des Historischen Vereines für Steiermark | 0 | |
0342-3131 | Zeitschrift des Historischen Vereins für Schwaben | Wißner | 0 | |
0083-5587 | Zeitschrift des Vereins für Hamburgische Geschichte | Verein für Hamburgische Geschichte. | 0 | |
0044-2194 | Zeitschrift für Agrargeschichte und Agrarsoziologie | DLG-Verlag | 0 | |
0044-216X | Zeitschrift für ägyptische Sprache und Altertumskunde | Akad.-Verl. | 0 | ✔ |
2196-713X | Zeitschrift für ägyptische Sprache und Altertumskunde (e-vir) | de Gruyter | 0 | |
0044-2216 | Zeitschrift für Allgemeine Wissenschaftstheorie | Kluwer Academic Publishers | 0 | |
0932-4461 | Zeitschrift für Althebraistik | W. Kohlhammer | 0 | |
0948-0587 | Zeitschrift für altorientalische und biblische Rechtsgeschichte | Harrassowitz | 0 | |
0044-2305 | Zeitschrift für Anglistik und Amerikanistik | Verl. Enzyklopädie | 0 | ✔ |
2196-4726 | Zeitschrift für Anglistik und Amerikanistik (e-vir) | de Gruyter Mouton | 0 | ✔ |
0949-9571 | Zeitschrift für antikes Christentum | W. de Gruyter | 0 | ✔ |
1612-961X | Zeitschrift für antikes Christentum = | de Gruyter | 0 | ✔ |
0932-4089 | Zeitschrift für Arbeits- und Organisationspsychologie | Hogrefe, Verlag für Angewandte Psychologie; Verlag TÜV Rheinland | 0 | ✔ |
2190-6270 | Zeitschrift für Arbeits- und Organisationspsychologie | Hogrefe | 0 | ✔ |
0340-0824 | Zeitschrift für Archäologie des Mittelalters | Rheinland-Verlag; Habelt in Komm | 0 | |
0084-5299 | Zeitschrift für Assyriologie und vorderasiatische Archäologie | De Gruyter | 0 | ✔ |
1613-1150 | Zeitschrift für Assyriologie und vorderasiatische Archäologie | de Gruyter | 0 | ✔ |
0044-2186 | Zeitschrift für Ästhetik und allgemeine Kunstwissenschaft | Bouvier | 0 | |
0044-2356 | Zeitschrift für Balkanologie | Harrassowitz | 0 | |
0044-2364 | Zeitschrift für bayerische Landesgeschichte | Beck. | 0 | |
0174-0830 | Zeitschrift für Berufs- und Wirtschaftspädagogik. Beihefte | 0 | ||
0084-5302 | Zeitschrift für celtische Philologie | 0 | ✔ | |
1865-889X | Zeitschrift für celtische Philologie (e-vir) | 0 | ✔ | |
0044-2496 | Zeitschrift für deutsche Philologie | Erich Schmidt Verlag | 0 | ✔ |
1868-7806 | Zeitschrift für deutsche Philologie (e-vir) | E. Schmidt | 0 | ✔ |
1865-2018 | Zeitschrift für deutsche Philologie digital (e-vir) | E. Schmidt | 0 | |
0044-2518 | Zeitschrift für deutsches Altertum und deutsche Literatur | Steiner-Verl.-Wiesbaden-GmbH | 0 | |
Y509-979X | Zeitschrift für deutsches Altertum und deutsche Literatur (e-vir) | [200-]- | 0 | |
0044-1449 | Zeitschrift für dialektologie und linguistik | Steiner | 0 | ✔ |
2366-2395 | Zeitschrift für Dialektologie und Linguistik (e-vir) | Steiner | 0 | |
1619-6686 | Zeitschrift für Didaktik der Philosophie und Ethik | Siebert | 0 | |
0044-2526 | Zeitschrift für die alttestamentliche Wissenschaft | W. de Gruyter | 0 | ✔ |
1613-0103 | Zeitschrift für die alttestamentliche Wissenschaft (e-vir) | W. de Gruyter | 0 | ✔ |
0044-2607 | Zeitschrift für die Geschichte des Oberrheins | Kohlhammer | 1 | |
0044-2615 | Zeitschrift für die neutestamentliche Wissenschaft und die Kunde der älteren Kirche | W. de Gruyter | 0 | ✔ |
1613-009X | Zeitschrift für die neutestamentliche Wissenschaft und die Kunde der älteren Kirche (e-vir) | W. de Gruyter | 0 | ✔ |
0049-8637 | Zeitschrift für Entwicklungspsychologie und pädagogische Psychologie | Verlag für Psychologie Hogrefe | 0 | ✔ |
2190-6262 | Zeitschrift für Entwicklungspsychologie und pädagogische Psychologie | Hogrefe | 0 | ✔ |
1434-663X | Zeitschrift für Erziehungswissenschaft | Springer VS, Springer Fachmedien Wiesbaden | 0 | ✔ |
1862-5215 | Zeitschrift für Erziehungswissenschaft (e-vir) | Verl. für Sozialwiss. | 0 | ✔ |
1619-5515 | Zeitschrift für Evaluation | Verl. für Sozialwiss./GWV-Fachverl.. | 0 | |
0044-2674 | Zeitschrift für evangelische Ethik | Gütersloher Verl.-Haus | 0 | ✔ |
2197-912X | Zeitschrift für evangelische Ethik (e-vir) | Gütersloher Verl.-Haus | 0 | ✔ |
0044-2747 | Zeitschrift für französische Sprache und Literatur | Steiner | 0 | ✔ |
2366-2425 | Zeitschrift für französische Sprache und Literatur (e-vir) | Steiner | 0 | |
0946-5596 | Zeitschrift für Frauenforschung | Forschungsinstitut Frau und Gesellschaft.; Institut Frau und Gesellschaft.; Ifg. | 0 | |
0323-7982 | Zeitschrift für Germanistik | Verlag Bibliographisches Institut/Enzyklopädie | 0 | |
2235-1272 | Zeitschrift für Germanistik (e-vir) | P. Lang | 0 | |
1613-0626 | Zeitschrift für germanistische Linguistik (e-vir) | de Gruyter | 0 | ✔ |
0044-2828 | Zeitschrift für Geschichtswissenschaft | Metropol | 0 | |
0943-8149 | Zeitschrift für Gesundheitspsychologie | 0 | ||
2190-6289 | Zeitschrift für Gesundheitspsychologie | Hogrefe | 0 | |
0722-8856 | Zeitschrift für Gottesdienst und Predigt | Gütersloher Verl.-Haus | 0 | |
0513-9066 | Zeitschrift für Heilpädagogik | Klinkhardt. | 0 | |
0340-0174 | Zeitschrift für historische Forschung | Duncker und Humblot | 0 | ✔ |
1865-5599 | Zeitschrift für historische Forschung (e-vir) | Duncker & Humblot | 0 | ✔ |
0930-9381 | Zeitschrift für internationale erziehungs- und sozialwissenschaftliche Forschung | Böhlau | 0 | |
0932-2221 | Zeitschrift für Katalanistik | Deutsch-Katalanische Gesellschaft | 0 | |
0044-2895 | Zeitschrift für katholische Theologie | Echter | 0 | |
0301-6811 | Zeitschrift für Kinder- und Jugendpsychiatrie | Deutsche Gesellschaft für Kinder- und Jugendpsychiatrie. | 0 | |
0044-2925 | Zeitschrift für Kirchengeschichte | W. Kohlhammer | 0 | |
1431-8172 | Zeitschrift für klinische Psychologie, Psychiatrie und Psychotherapie | Görres-Gesellschaft. | 0 | |
1616-3443 | Zeitschrift für klinische Psychologie und Psychotherapie | Hogrefe | 0 | ✔ |
2190-6297 | Zeitschrift für klinische Psychologie und Psychotherapie | Hogrefe | 0 | ✔ |
0945-7313 | Zeitschrift für kritische Theorie | zu Klampen. | 0 | |
0044-2992 | Zeitschrift für Kunstgeschichte | Deutscher Kunstverlag | 0 | ✔ |
2569-1619 | Zeitschrift für Kunstgeschichte (e-vir) | de Gruyter | 0 | ✔ |
2365-953X | Zeitschrift für Literaturwissenschaft und Linguistik (e-vir) | 0 | ✔ | |
0940-5569 | Zeitschrift für medizinische Psychologie | 0 | ||
1875-9246 | Zeitschrift für medizinische Psychologie (e-vir) | IOS Press | 0 | |
0044-3123 | Zeitschrift für Missionswissenschaft und Religionswissenschaft | EOS | 0 | |
0250-6459 | Zeitschrift für Neuere Rechtsgeschichte | Manz | 0 | |
0943-7592 | Zeitschrift für neuere Theologiegeschichte = | de Gruyter | 0 | ✔ |
1612-9776 | Zeitschrift für neuere Theologiegeschichte = | de Gruyter | 0 | ✔ |
1016-264X | Zeitschrift für Neuropsychologie | Gesellschaft für Neuropsychologie. | 0 | ✔ |
1664-2902 | Zeitschrift für Neuropsychologie = | H. Huber | 0 | ✔ |
0044-3239 | Zeitschrift für Ostforschung | J.-G.-Herder-Institut | 0 | |
0948-8294 | Zeitschrift für Ostmitteleuropa-Forschung | Herder-Instut | 0 | |
2701-0449 | Zeitschrift für Ostmitteleuropa-Forschung (e-vir) | 0 | ||
0044-3247 | Zeitschrift für Pädagogik | Beltz | 0 | |
1437-7160 | Zeitschrift für Pädagogik und Theologie | Diesterweg. | 0 | ✔ |
1424-845X | Zeitschrift für pädagogische Historiographie | Pestalozzianum | 0 | |
1010-0652 | Zeitschrift für pädagogische Psychologie | H. Huber | 0 | ✔ |
1664-2910 | Zeitschrift für pädagogische Psychologie = | H. Huber | 0 | ✔ |
0084-5388 | Zeitschrift für Papyrologie und Epigraphik | Habelt | 0 | |
1617-6391 | Zeitschrift für Personalpsychologie | Hogrefe | 0 | ✔ |
0044-3301 | Zeitschrift für philosophische Forschung | Klostermann | 0 | ✔ |
1439-2615 | Zeitschrift für philosophische Forschung (e-vir) | Klostermann | 0 | ✔ |
0044-3409 | Zeitschrift für Psychologie mit Zeitschrift für angewandte Psychologie | Hogrefe | 0 | |
1438-9789 | Zeitschrift für Psychologie mit Zeitschrift für angewandte Psychologie (e-vir) | Hogrefe | 0 | |
1438-3608 | Zeitschrift für psychosomatische Medizin und Psychotherapie | Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht | 0 | |
2196-8349 | Zeitschrift für psychosomatische Medizin und Psychotherapie (e-vir) | Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht | 0 | |
1570-0739 | Zeitschrift für Religions- und Geistesgeschichte (e-vir) | Brill | 0 | ✔ |
0044-3441 | Zeitschrift für Religions- und Geistesgeschichte = | Brill; Brill | 0 | ✔ |
2194-508X | Zeitschrift für Religionswissenschaft (e-vir) | de Gruyter | 0 | ✔ |
0049-8661 | Zeitschrift für romanische Philologie | Max Niemeyer Verlag | 0 | ✔ |
1865-9063 | Zeitschrift für romanische Philologie | de Gruyter | 0 | ✔ |
0044-3476 | Zeitschrift für schweizerische Archäologie und Kunstgeschichte | K. Schwegler | 0 | |
2296-5971 | Zeitschrift für schweizerische Archäologie und Kunstgeschichte = (e-vir) | Birkhäuser | 0 | ✔ |
0170-6241 | Zeitschrift für Semiotik | Stauffenburg | 0 | |
0932-8114 | Zeitschrift für Sexualforschung | Enke | 0 | ✔ |
1438-9460 | Zeitschrift für Sexualforschung | Thieme | 0 | ✔ |
0044-3492 | Zeitschrift für slavische Philologie | Winter | 0 | |
0044-3506 | Zeitschrift für Slawistik | Akademie Verlag | 2 | ✔ |
2196-7016 | Zeitschrift für Slawistik (e-vir) | de Gruyter | 0 | |
0044-3514 | Zeitschrift für Sozialpsychologie | H. Huber | 0 | |
1436-1957 | Zeitschrift für Soziologie der Erziehung und Sozialisation = | Juventa-Verl.. | 0 | |
0721-9067 | Zeitschrift für Sprachwissenschaft | Mouton de Gruyter | 0 | ✔ |
1613-3706 | Zeitschrift für Sprachwissenschaft | Mouton de Gruyter | 0 | ✔ |
0044-3549 | Zeitschrift für Theologie und Kirche | Mohr Siebeck | 0 | |
1868-7377 | Zeitschrift für Theologie und Kirche (e-vir) | Mohr Siebeck | 0 | |
0342-2852 | Zeitschrift für Unternehmensgeschichte | Franz Steiner Verlag Gmbh | 0 | |
2367-2293 | Zeitschrift für Unternehmensgeschichte (e-vir) | 0 | ✔ | |
1615-2581 | Zeitschrift für Weltgeschichte | 0 | ||
0044-3786 | Zeitschrift für württembergische Landesgeschichte | Kohlhammer. | 0 | |
0139-0732 | Zenetudományi dolgozatok | MTA Zenetud. Int. | 0 | |
0176-7887 | Zettelkasten | 0 | ||
0939-7299 | ZFF | Deutsche Gesellschaft für Fremdsprachenforschung. | 0 | |
0943-8610 | ZfR. Zeitschrift für Religionswissenschaft | Diagonal-Verl.. | 0 | ✔ |
0301-3294 | ZGL | Walter de Gruyter | 0 | ✔ |
0578-1949 | Zhongguo yuwen | Zhongguo Shehui Kexue Chubanshe | 0 | |
0009-4595 | Zhongguo yu wen jiao shi xue hui xue bao = | Chinese Language Teachers Association. | 0 | |
0341-5864 | Zielsprache Deutsch | Hueber | 1 | |
0514-7727 | Živa antika | Sojuz na društvata za antički studii na Makedonija | 2 | ✔ |
2671-3985 | Živa Antika (e-vir) | Faculty of Philosophy | 0 | ✔ |
1377-5294 | ZL | Stichting Zacht Lawijd; Amsterdam University Press | 0 | |
1210-5538 | Zprávy památkové péče | Národní památkový ústav; Sprinter; Jalna | 0 | |
0254-4407 | Zwingliana | Theologischer Verlag | 0 | |
0591-2385 | Zygon | Joint Publication Board of the Institute on Religion in an Age of Science and Meadville Theological Seminary of Lombard College | 0 | ✔ |
1467-9744 | Zygon (e-vir) | Wiley-Blackwell | 0 | ✔ |
0004-0393 | 0 | |||
0017-3885 | 0 | |||
0033-2573 | 0 | |||
0034-8344 | 0 | |||
0070-0822 | 0 | |||
0070-3104 | 0 | |||
0083-9965 | 0 | |||
0165-5411 | 0 | |||
0167-5357 | 0 | |||
0183-997X | 0 | |||
0204-8708 | 0 | |||
0246-217X | 0 | |||
0269-1212 | 0 | |||
0571-6735 | 0 | |||
0578-5251 | 0 | |||
0645-6432 | 0 | |||
0774-4919 | 0 | |||
0790-7181 | 0 | |||
0800-3898 | 0 | |||
0855-191X | 0 | |||
1454-7668 | 0 | |||
1718-2298 | 0 | |||
1892-8244 | 0 | |||
2194-9018 | 0 | |||
2509-7482 | 0 | |||
Seznami revij, ki so vključene v mednarodne bibliografske baze podatkov, so praviloma prevzeti s spletnih strani proizvajalcev baz podatkov in vsi niso popolni. Vključene niso tiste revije, pri katerih v seznamih proizvajalcev baz podatkov manjkajo številke ISSN ali pa seznamov revij ni bilo možno pridobiti v celoti. Nekateri proizvajalci tudi dokaj neredno ažurirajo sezname. Če ugotovite, da pri kakšni bazi podatkov manjka revija, ki jo navedena baza podatkov zanesljivo indeksira, to sporočite pristojnemu OSIC-u. Na podlagi ustreznih dokazil bo seznam dopolnjen. Seznami se od leta 2014 naprej vsako leto vzpostavljajo na novo. To pomeni, da OSIC-i vsako leto na novo prevzamejo sezname s spletnih strani proizvajalcev; ti seznami potem veljajo za tekoče leto oz. do prejema novih seznamov. Od leta 2014 naprej se torej članki v revijah v določenem letu vrednotijo v skladu z uvrstitvijo na sezname v tem letu. Članki v tekočem letu se do prejema novih seznamov vrednotijo v skladu z zadnjo prejeto verzijo seznamov. Za članke do vključno leta 2013 pa veljajo še stari kumulativni seznami, pri katerih so se revije na sezname samo dodajale, ne pa tudi iz njih odstranjevale, četudi je revija iz baze izpadla. V stolpcu Odprti dostop so s kljukico označene revije, za katere so v informacijskem servisu SHERPA/RoMEO objavljeni podatki o licenčnih pogojih založb in politiki arhiviranja posameznih revij. S klikom na kljukico se prestavimo na zapis revije z informacijami o politiki odprtega dostopa. |
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